The Coquille VOL. XXIV. NO. 44. S^atinel COQUILLE. COO8 COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1428. <1.44 THE YEAH *• | L O. O. F. Grand Master Here | Fred 8. Meindl, of Salem, grand | master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for Oregon, was a Co­ quille visitor yesterday and last even­ To Complete Adoption of Gram ing met^with a gathering of all lodges Jury Report—Would In­ in southwest Oregon at the lodge rooms here. There were about 80 jure the County present, some of the visitors coming from as fir away as Gold Beach. Elsewhere ia reproduced in full the Mr. Meindl is « very eloquent grand jury report submitted to speaker and his talk on Odd Fellow­ Judge Brand last Saturday. It con­ ship was listened to with great in­ tains much that is praiseworthy and terest and heartily enjoyed. much that it not. It’s recommenda­ A cafeteria banquet followed the tion that the per capita for school lodge session. children be restored to. K* former ■*—--------- figure of 810 leads one to wonder K.'P. County Meet Last Night just what influence« have been at work. It has taken more than ten Quite a delegation of Knights of years of effort by school men and of­ Pythias from Coquille as well as ficials to get this per capita raised from other towns in the county, was from $10 to $20, and it was only dur­ present 'for the monthly K. P. meet­ ing Judge Mast’s term of office that ing held 4n Myrtle Point last even­ the higher figure was reached, after ing. Besides the banquet there was a year of $16 per capita. There ia no an entertainment feature of boxing more reason for the county funds not and wrestling by Myrtle Point boy« assisting in the education of the ;hat was hugely enjoyed by the children of th« county than there :rowd. would be in saying that the state should not help in their education. To insist that some districts, with hun­ dreds of children, shall tax them- ’selves 20, 30 and 40 mills for school purposes, while other districts, rich i in valuation, but scantily supplied The Schoolmasters Club last Sat­ with children, get off with a single mill levy, is an unequal taxation pro­ urday admitted Roseburg to full posal. It ia to eliminate such in- membership in all athletic events, and oqualitic« that the 820 per capita has »repared a basketball schedule, or 'ather two schedules. Bandon, Co- been in force the past few years. Martin E. Hagerman Sought c. of C. Hear Good Talks by J. E. Montgomery and Ben S. Fisher nual Red Croas Membership Drive, Nov. 11-28, Start« Here Today Marshal John Hickam is in receipt ! of a letter from Mrs. O. G. Palmer, of PiclfiC Beach, Calif., who ia very anxious to learn of the whereabouts of her father, E. Martin' Hagerman. She write« here because her father and mother were divorced in Circuit court in Coquille, 27 years ago, when she was an infant. The records at the court house show that there was an infant child, Dorothy, given into the .custody of the mother at that time, and that is Mrs. Palmer’s given name. Mr«. Painter, has had requests for information broadcasted from south­ ern California, describing her father as five feet, six inches in height, with brown hair and blue ejfes. He had a brother named Jim Hagerman. Anyone knowing anything about the Hagerman* will confer a favor on Mrs. Palmer by " notifying Mr., Hickam, who is in communication with her. Complete Report of Grand Jury’s Findings ¡Submitted Last Saturday The entire session of the Chamber Mrs. Ida K. Owen, Coquille Red We, the undersigned grand jury, of Commerce at the hotel Wednesday L , Crone chairman, was distributing _ empanelled and sworn, in and for the evening was devoted to taxes, the I posters this week advertising the Red above named county and state, do Coos Taxpayers Association and what Cross Roll Call, Nov. 11-29, and eX- hereby ip«ke further report to the may be done to keep them from soar- pseted to start this, morning nroll- court conceraiirg^JurYnvestigation of ing higher. ' ■ u - ing members. She will, as usual, expenditure of county funds by the , Commissioner Jhs. T. Jenkins told make «take public the result of the drive in county court for the* period f?jm Jan- * the rePre*ent*tiv«s of the associa- IJoquille, although such practice ia uary 1st, 1925, to August 31st, 1928, t followed at the headquarters on tion, Jas. E. Montgomery and Ben 8. together With Our recommendations, » ®ay- . . Fisher, that as one member of the a* follows: ’ ‘ * Ladies of the American Legion county court he would welcome the We find that a greai number of co-operation of a taxpayers organi­ Auxiliary will aasiat Mrs. Owen in claims again it Coat County, aa ah3wn zation of 500, either In refusing the the Roil Call campaign. They began by the vouchers thereof filed in the expenditure of money that would this morning and hope to finish to­ clerk’s office, have been paid without morrow. raise taxes, or in putting over some showing upon said claims f>r what' It would seem, in view of the, re­ matter vital to the county. . said expenditures were made. We Mr. Fisher, secretary of the asso- ■ sponse« made in Coquille to both Roll do not know whether the county elation, said that there were now 200 . Call and special emergency . drives, Judge J. T. Brand on Wednesday judge and commissioners knew at the members enrolled, and that 500 was that this city should be, entitled to excused the jury until Wednesday of time of the passing of raid claim» the objective. The reasons for the ' an independent chapter and not be next week, Nov. 22. Motion day next and the ordering of payment thereon organization Ul of DUVU such «sis an association- subject to dictation from a chapter UlgBill&atlUU r week will be held on Monday, Nov. what tiaid claims were for. There Is are to oppose unnecessary expendi- im °os “y- 19th, instead of on Tuesday, as usual. nothing to show that proper investi­ tunes which would increase tax««, and* ar« J “* • gations were made by the court or it', to know where every cent spent’ by, Cr°" activity for the past officers as to whether the claims were 1 year: eounty -or muneipality goes. reasonable. it also appears to us In Porto Rico the American Red from our investigation that on many He stated that the tax increase in I Cross has a half million homeless and practically all municipalities has been of these irregular claims which have ’ destitute persons under its care, and been paid that no effort was, made 60 per cent since 1920, 4 in Florida there are 50,000 persons by the court to determine the legality He cited an instance where taxes Ned C. Kelley, of Coquille, was looking to it for assistance as a result of payment thereon. ---------- —™—— were not increased although the in- at the tropical hurrieane which swept We recommend that a set of rulen Douglas-Coos' Bay Scout Council, held ! out of the Caribbean Sea in Septem­ oe made by the eourt for the guidance North Bend and Roesburg will be referring to the school fight in Marsh ­ tary expenditure for road construc­ ber and cut a path of destruction over in Roseburg last evening, by election tion and “maintenance” be immedi­ known as the Class A teams, and field where the people last summer a fifteen hundred mile counte. A re­ as honorary president of the council. of the judge, commissions and other , 'fficers handling ' claim« against the ately discontinued is one that no Arago, Coos River, Lakeside, Bridge’, oted down a 8114,000 budget, which lief fund of about 86,500,000 has been He was also presented with a 15-year county and that these rules be rigidly court could, nor Should, comply with. ’ewers and Riverton aa th* Class B was a 14 per cent increase over the , raised with which the organization is iswel by the. national organization for enforced, particularly, at’to the form teams. Each class will have its own year before. When Lynn A. Parr was To give up the maintenance of our preventing intense suffering and in active participation in Boy Scout of the claims so that each claim will county roads, at a time when so much schedule and the only contests be­ elected superintendent over there it many instances actual starvation. work, and by the I>o«glas-Cooa Coun­ show the correct item so^that when has been spent in bringing them to a tween teams of different classes will was found, that the budget could be In communities throughout the cil with an engraved Shaeffer life- iame are audited that the claims be exhibition games, which will not cut $17,000 and when this was done high standard of excellence is absurd. United States.and in our Insular and im? fountan pen. Mr. Kelley gave henkoelves will be evidence of the it was approved by the voters. The people will not stand for the count in the standing. '’’oreign possessions, ita 745 Public a brief talk on early day scouting in The ison will open January 8 Mr. Fisher stated that the member­ Health nuroes have been fighting di- Coos county when he carried on urpose of the expenditure and so roads of twelve and fifteen years ago hat the items-thereof will show that and failure to maintain what we have and will close the first of March, ship fee of the Taxpayers Associa­ •eaae and suffering and improving the without help from any source. the money so expended thereon was Coquillb ’ a schedule calls for the fol- tion ia $1.00, and that the county secured would in a short time mean Jno. H.-Pipffi, of Spokane, region­ health standards of the nation. They court and other tax levying bodies have made more than a million visits al executive officer, in his talk told for the use and benefit of Coos Coun­ complete reconstruction—and more lowing home games: have all approved the idea and would to homes during the year to care for what it meant to be one of 176,000 ty. Jan. 18—North Bend. indebtedness—to bring them up to We recommend further in connecc Jan. 2»—Marshfield. welcome the support of such an asso­ the sick and protect the well. 874,000 men in the United States who serve where they are now. tion with presentation and payment Feb. 6—Bandon. ciation. Then there is the matter of indi­ school children have been inspected as volunteers in Scout work, as Scout­ of claims that the county court take Feb. 22—Roseburg. J. E. Montgomery, president of the ind^iven assistance in having their masters, councilmen and officials. gent«. It is the most serious prob­ more time in investigating claims be­ association, rpoke at considerable phymcal. defects corrected. Feb. 26—Myrtle Point lem confronting the-«ounty today. Th? officers for the council re- fore payment i* m uie an^| that It ’ s road games are: length, declari ng t hat 90 per oent of Monthly the call for aid is enormous. XT w"ima«ii’ awA require and.'oBfrdte dVg3*ad7ice upjft -JIT-nHW Tre •V have been taught, in the orgsrtrza-’ 'h'in.'Eioisbiirif, 'jUren'ident; W. F. Har- such claims before payment thereon the- county—and that those - nearest tlqjx’u Home Hygien* and Care of the ui. .treasurer; A. F. Lagerstaom $$—At Rowburg. the public? His not tfce duty of -pri- Jfcx- Feb. A-At North Bend. heme arwthe one« we think least ’Hck classes, how to give homo care commissioner. The executive com­ m ordered. «Ms individuals; it io the state's, or In connection with the legal ad­ tbayebll?«. ~~ Feb. 16—At Marshfield. about The county and each city is to th« sick in their homes and how to mittee consists, of 0. H. Johnson, N. vice ’ to be required under the forego­ The dependent mother’s law is • Mar. 1—At Bandon. living beyond ita means, buying on prevent sickness by the proper carq. C. Kelley, A. T. Lagerstrom and H ing recommendation we recommend mandatory. Under ita operations for the installment plan, and unless the of the home and the family. G. Kern. further that Coou County employ a the last two or three years a mother Bishop Sumner Confirms Six practice ia stopped the county will be In their fight against malnutrition, Coos county chairman are Glenn deputy district attorney to be present ia allowed up to $60, depending on Rev. W. T. Sumner, of Portland broke the same ar an individual who he cause of many physical defects in Tabor, of Marshfield; IL G. Kern, at each sitting of the county court to the number of children. The court bishop for the Episcopal diocese of pursues such tactics eventually be- children and adults, the organization North Bend; Chas. Harlocker, Myrtle «dvise the judge and commissioners has kept this figure at $40 for the Oregon, was in Coquille last Subday com««. has given nutrition instruction to Point; N. C. Kelley, Coquille. upon the legality of all claims pre­ maximum. Aa one of the luxuries of education, 128,000 persons of whom 122,000 were The budget for 1929 was set at the sented to said court for payment. and recalled that it was the eleventh And more than all this, delegations following figuree: Roseburg, 82600; hour of the eleventh day of the elev­ Mr. Montgomery said that every child children. We find from our investigation that of taxpayers, from all sections of the With 90,000 persons a year dying Marshfield, 81200; North Bend, 8400; numerous obligations have been in­ enth month that the armistice was in Marshfield couM have free saxa- county have constantly and continu­ as a result of accidents, the Ameri­ Coquille and Myrtle Point each 8200. curred by individual members of the signed ton years ago. But another phone lessons if desired. ally demanded expenditures for im­ Streets improvements, where the can Red Cress is waging a nation­ I HI II —— ■statement he made was one that al) eounty court without first having the provements for which no budget ap­ ire pot familiar with. In the elventh property will not support the assess­ wide campaign to reduce this annual same authorised by any resolution or Former Resident Passes propriation had been made. “It is verse of the eleventh chapter of the ment, ware another source of higher loss of life. other order or legislation by said our money you are spending,” the Mrs. J. R. Thomson, mother of The American Red Cross make« no eleventh book of the Bible, regarding taxation Mr. Montgomery rightfully eourt while in session and that the eourt ia told, “and we want these first and scond Samuel as one book, declared, and he favors a law which appeals for funds during the year ex­ Mrs. John McCue, of this city, passed eourt has paid said dbligation* so things."' away at the home of another daugh ­ will be found the reason the Kaiser will not exempt such property bought cept following great national disas­ incurred by said individual members Is it any wonder that the county’s lost in his ambitious plans for world in by the cities, from, taxation. It ters in which cases <11 fund« contri­ ter, Mrs. Ralph Berry, in Portland of the eourt. funds show a defiicitT Got out of ¡onquest will raise a furore, was his comment, buted are spent for relief work in the last Monday evening, at the age of 73 We urgently recommfend that the The funeral and interment debt we must, as. a county, but don’t but he believed there must soon be a disaster for which the appeal is made. yeare. The bishop confirmed a class o* eounty court shall consider no claim ruin the schools, scrap the roads, let six at St. James Episcopal church law abolishing exemption for all This entire program of service is fi­ were in Portland. against Coos County except and un­ Mns. Thomson was quite well nanced from membership dues ch­ the indigent« dis of neglect, and the here Sunday evening and delivered kinds of real property. ion it shall have been'authorizedahy whole eounty go to pot by trying to the evening’s talk. * Others who spoke at the meeting ained during the Roll Call. In addi­ known "on Coos Bay and on the lower the court prior to the obligation being Coquille river, and was the daughter tion to this the membership funds do it all in a minute. • Bishop Sumner also visited the were Lyman Carrier, Jas. Watson, J. incurred and that when >uch expendi­ 'ol- ­ of th? late Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nor­ ture is so authorised by the court in If the taxpayers will cease their churches at Marshfield, Bandon and E. Norton, A. T. Morrison and G. finance many relief operations fol ton, being the last member of that lowing relatively small disasters in Rnisell Morgan. monthly demand for more roads, Gardiner 'while in this section. session a proper order or resolution family. In 1872 she was married to mors improvements and more thia Mr. Morrison opposed the idea of which no special appeal 1* made. of said court be passed and signed by Humphrey Hamby and in 1885 they and that, it will be an easy matter to reducing the school per capita tax the members thereof and placed or Five to Vkdt came to Marshfield, living there and live within the county’s income and from $20 to $10; and Mr. Norton Masons to Meet at Bay Nov. 24 record before said obligation shall be at Bandon until after Mr. Hamby The Coos co delegation pay off the outstanding warrants. spoke in defense of Chambers' of incurred or paid. The next stated communication of died. For the past 25 years she has is to visit California schools next Commerce which had been mentioned We find that large sumZof money week, ducator* from other as the cause of tax increase. It wa* Chadwick Lodge, A. F. 4 A. M., Nov. been living in Washington, and In. have been expendsd each year by-Coos North Bend Pay« $6,308 parts Oregon, consists of Mrs. the Chambers of Commerce that got »mber 24. will be held in the Blue 1919 she was married to Mr. Thom­ County for charitable purposes for Mulkey, Coo« county school Coo* county out of the mud; and Mouse Theatre at Marshfield. The son and they have made their home Like every other city in the county Mart hospitalization «f persons claiming to i which attempts to improve its streets. superintendent; W. V. Ferguson, Co­ which in every way are endeavoring place is that selected in conformity in Washington. He survive« her. be indigent and that a large number Of the thirteen children born to North Bend has a greet many on quille superintendent; Jno. F. Cramer, to attract new settlers and investors with the request of Grand Master Rex of claims for such hospitalization, of W. Davis, who w'shes to visit all the Mr. and Mrs. Hamby, three survive which the former owner refused to Bandon superintendent; Miss Lelah to this section, be said. poor people have been allowed by the lodges of southwest Oregon at one — Mrs. McCue, of Coquille; Mrs. Per- ( pay the improvement assessments. Parks, of Sitkum; and Miss Rosabel court and paid by Coos County upon time, and it happens to be the regular ry, of Portland; and Mrs. Leanna De At the same time he usually refuse« Shone, of McKinley. They will spend the recommendation or claims of the Truck Kills Four Calves meeting date of Chadwick lodge. All Weese, of Everett, Wash. to pey the county taxer and his pro­ a week visiting the demonstration hospital or physician handling the Mrs. MeCde returned last evening Four caives, belonging to the boya the lodges of Coos and Curry coun­ perty is bid in by the county. To schools of northern California, ar­ I ease and that a considerable number protect itself the city must pay the riving at San Francisco next Satur­ of the Smith-Hughes vocational tie« are expected to attend and to from Portland where she attended of such claims have been paid upon training class here, were killed, or so bring aprons for their own members. the funeral. taxes and secure title from the day and returning Sunday. such requests or hospitals and doctor« Lodge will be convened at 8:30 p. badly injured that they had to be county before it can sell the lote and for case« where the court had no $300,000 Taxes Delinquent get its improvement taxes. This Rural Mail Toward Marshfield killed, by-one of Mueeon’a trucks yes­ m., according to word received by R. knowledge whatsoever so far as the terday morning. The boys were H. Mast from 'District Deputy Grand week the county court ordered that ' records show that any claim would Beginning yesterday, Nov. 16, Geo. Tax collections at the sheriff ’ s of ­ moving the calves from a lowland Master, Arthur Blanchard. 92 lots in North Bend, on which taxes thereof until after the obli- Stewart who has the contract for car­ fice for the month of October and up be made . pasture to one higher up and were were delinquent, be deeded over to to Nov. 6, for both current and back was incurred. rying the mail from Coquille to Len- driving the herd of 16 on the highway that city on payment of 66,308.44. Chevrolets to Be Sixes -axes, interest .nd penalties, amount- Certain of these case, where medi- •ve, makes delivery to all who have near the Ole Paulson barn. The This figure did not include interest bills paid !d to 1568,595.63. While it will not cal and hoepital h, "‘ have - been --------- mail boxes up, from the city limits Announcement in Portland this truck came around the comer at the or penalty. by the county have carte to our know­ here to the China Camp bridge. And be definitely known until the lodger John Martin place, and the brakes morning is that the Chevrolet is to ledge and we find that some of the anyone on the North Bank road, from enter the aix-eylind?r field with the is written up how much delinquent Reported on Trip to Portland Beaver Hill Junction to Leneve, who did not hold sufficiently to prevent placing on the market of its new tax there is for this year, the guess peraons ro assisted with county fund* striking the calves. They were all owned property within the county of models and will discontinue the man­ is that it .will run over 8300,000. Keith Holvaratott, member of the desires the daily service can secure, about nine months old. value sufficient to pay the claim and it by making application and install ­ ufacture of fours. The Southwestern Coquille high school stock-judging that in other« of said hospital caoqs ing a box. Reception for Grand Ruth Motor Co. here expects to have dis­ team which won tenth place at the Pa­ large hospital bills have been paid Mrs. Compton Improving The Marshfield mail route carrier play models here next month, but cific-International, was the guest of The regular session of Beulah for persons who have reltives residing Lafe Compton returned home Tues­ does not figure on delivery of the new Chapter No. 6, O. E. 8., next Thurs­ in Coos County who are by law as honor at the Lions Club dinner yes­ comes this way as far as the China day morning from Portland where models before the first of the year. day evening, Nov. 22, is to be follow­ well as by moral obligation bound to terday. The other members of the Camp bridge. Mns. Compton underwent a goiter team, Neil McGilvery and Osburn ed by a reception for Grand Ruth of pay the bills which have been paid After the grand jury made ito re­ operation at the hospital last Friday. Nulf, were invited but were unable to The County Camp of the Modem the Grand Chapter of the State, Mr*. by Coos County.' be present Keith made a quite thor­ port on the condition of Coos county’s Word since he came home is that she Woodmen will be held at Myrtle W, V. Glaisjrer, and all member» of We recommend that all such bills ' ough report of the team’s activities affaira last Saturday morning, it was is entirely out of danger now, but Point next Tuesday, Nov. 20. Initia- the order are invited to attend. for hospital care bo submitted to the while on the trip and showed that his excused by Judge Brand, subject to she will not be home for a few weeks tion and banquet will be the big fea­ • yet ayes and ears ware open all the tma. call. Calling card., 100 for $140. tures of the meeting. 'j ' (Continuad on ninth page) i TWO BASKET­ BALL LEAGUES S BOY SCOUT COUNCIL MEETS / _____ ■ V 4 *