Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1928)
» ■ w * - * I s s r* “t- ■0«. The Sentinel® J THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER KROM HOME •-------- ■ y VOL. XKiy. NO. 43. ,== T COQUIULE, COOS COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1928. . J------------ THF Ï0IE HEfj[ Pre,ident'elect tterb<rt Hoover Vice Preiident-elect Chas. Curtis Stores Will Close Monday , Armistice day falling this year on j Sunday, this national holiday will be observed on Monday, November 12. All business houses will close through Coquille and Vicinity Lines Up out the day. Inasmuch as this is the For Any Town Is a Contented with County, State and tenth anniversary of the signing of Citizenship --- Visitors * the armistice it is expected that a Nation Soon Learn It large number will attend the cele w __ < bration .at either North Bend or Ban Coquille voted Tuesday as did the don. The Coquille post is co-operat- Passing near the stage office_ the rest of Coos county, the state of Ore- inwith Bandon in th& cvlnbration other day. the writer observed two gon, and the United States—republi there this year, with the expectation gentlemen who obviously were, vksi- . can. But one democrat was elected to that both posts will celebrate in Co tors in Coquille. Coming a little clos office. Wm. E. Coleman, for district quille in 1929. • er to them.'tke couldn't help overhear ■ attorney, had the largest majority of ing one of them remark : any candidate off the ballot who had “This looks like a good town. Bus Coquill? School Census, 747 opposition. iness seems to be thriving. Fine The census, for School District No. 8 Following is the complete vote for byild.ngs. Good stores. And every was completed yesterday by Miss the three CoquiBe precincts and the body who passes us or of whom we in- - Ferp Houdyahe^l and shows a total of • Fat Elk and Cunningham precincts -f quire for . infurmatton—.-eem,« to by' 4 747 children in the district, 61 less adjoining the city: • •* so wonderfully contented. Wonder 'than last year. Of the total, 357 are Coq. Coq. Coq. Fat Cun. why it is?” ‘ • boys and 390 are girls. The new SW Elk That statement set us thinking. record, required for the fl rut time 41 34 33 Coming from a stranger within our this year, shows that jthe fathers of. For President midst, it impressed us all the more. of the children and the mothers of 128 137 311 80 74 Hoover Evidently, those two strangers had were foreign born. 81 95 132 36 51 Smith fortunately , encountered people who 0 - 1 8 5 1 Thomas were truly proud of our fair town and t 0 1 0 Reynold« 0 glad for the opportunity of letting 0 2 •A 1 1 Foster others know i$. And^et, we know For Congreaa there are amongst us those who—for 146 141 336 87 91 Hawley no particular reason at all—gpimbh 58 72 18 20 . Starkweather 34 about opportunity here, abJut our en 15 1 0 Upton 6 9 Next week Coquille and “Outside” vironment and boast about what ox-. will celebrate «he Tenth Annual Book cellent chances there are for us else For Sec. State à 4 8 Dodds 10 15 k. Boys and Girls Book Week; where. 146 136 313 89 85 Children’s Book Week; Gift Book _ Hoss Is that fair to Coquille? If, for n 55 76 12 23 35 Piper tVeek and Chrietmaa Bwit^WeaklAll moment, you truthfully thought Ga----- this and more is Book Week and for juille was retarding instead of but For State Trcaa. was very close. 18 4 5 Hoglund 13 11 Coquille rt is our first book week cele tering your conditions—would you The officials re-elected were Rob bration as well. 127 166 364 84 87 hesitate to paek up and seek other Kay ert R. Watson, as county clerk; J. P. 6 16 2 4 Swetland 9 Starting next Tuesday there will ports? You would not. So why not Juatices 8. C. -X----------------- • | Beyers as assessor; and E. H. Kern be special display of the newest and —for your own peace of mind—be as surveyor. T. M. Dimmick and 34 39 88 19 15 Graham moat beautiful of the season’s Christ content with the opportunities Co 28 34 51 11 12 Largest Electoral Vote as WeU Mrs. Martha E. Mulkey were re “Totals on More Important Con mas toikz, new children’s books ant’ quille H giving you. Hamaker elected treasurer and school superin 16 2 4 Hosmer 11 17 special features of interest every day Speak a good word for-it. Keep as Popular Vote Ever tests in Coos Co.—Hoover tendent without opposition. 2 9 8 15 4 at the Library. The school children smiling a sincere, friendly smile and Porrine Given Any Candidate ' . Has 1904 Majority Rand 100 117 251 52 72 rs co-operating to make this a suc- always be ready to extend a cheery Rossman 92 102 268 54 68 .sas and will attend the festival. welcome to the stranger within our Berg and Leslie Elected By the greatest popular vote, as Atty. General The canvassing board,* o’ There will be posters and essays gates. Best of all, extend a helpful J. Arthur Berg was elected mayor 22 5 2 well as by the largest electoral vote of Coquille at Tuesday’s election; | Mrs. T. B. Currie, Mrs. Ida K. Owen, made by the children on display hand to your neighbor. You’ll make Beehler 11 • % 94 18 28 in the history of the country, Herbert Henry P. Belloni, R. A. Jeub and R. Miss Mary K. Wateon and Miss Mar .uggMtions and literature will be him eontunt with his surroundings 39 63 Levels Van Winkle .104 114 273 69 67 Hoover was elected preeident over L. Medley as eouncilmen; and F. G. vin Hawkins, began yesterday morn landed out to anyone seeking advice and his contentment means happiness Dairy * Food Com Alfred.Smith lut Leslie as recorder, all by good ma ing on the official count for Coos r idea i for gift books and holiday for you. - And both of you will soon -A> Mickle V -417 128 304 Í3 77 Tuesday. -The latter was<Wé worst jorities. A large number of new Iw Coquille boosters. ’ Mr. Barg received a ma county. They completed 36 precincts 29 44 13 have been--pur- Sanderson 9 defeated democratic candidate ever to jority -of 169 and« Mr.* Leslie, 84. f, yesterday and will probably finish I I ookv for . children The^-bu’ine»« an<VProfessional tji-, * > • • a r ♦. r Soderback « .9 VÏ 0 nui- 1er tfef office, and the only ro- , chased by the Library and will be on erest« of Coquille drive home this The following was" the precinct today. 2 at^liitn candidate to have received a - Streiff~7 . ♦ ■EXS1XT» lesson forcibly in the broadside of ■as ” wm. h " ' ' Mir «SMktiiWlWiiwW TKU W "*ta - Judges 3d D>t. more Hrallots mg" UaTlots as some people . - think, but rlfcutanàn. For Mayor Brand 153 17«' .870 M 104 Taft, with whom Roosevelt divided the simply examines the tally sheet rec- Everybody is invited to attend. Th No. 38 No. 40 No: 41 Total Hamilton 181 •159 ■329 79 72 republican -vote' in 4912, permitting Bef» 144 * ~246 — ST? ords dcrtrmttted'by "thè election boards. -parente.of-the school children are-ea- •T27 Skipworth 124 156 323 65 69 Woodrow Wilson’s election with 435 Farr The Official returns for president pecially invited as are the. members 84 91 .186 — 358 electoral votes. Taft received but 8 State Senator Coquille Teajn Stood Tenth and the county officers shows the fol of the clubs and organisations whose For Councilmen 140 153 325 8tT 85 that year. Hall Belloni 169 t73 324 — 666 lowing to have won the decision at the generous support bas made the Co O. K. Beals. C. W. Hill, Roy Belloni, Hoover received 444 electoral votes Jeub Rep. 5th Diet. 14« 129 288 — 565 hands of the voters—Hoover, Nortop, quille Publie . Library ‘the very im Keith Holverstott, Osborn Nulf, Neil Carrier 115 124 226 58 52 and Smith 87. The former carried all Medley {' 170 I 175 319 — 664 Coleman, Thompson, Hagge, Beyers, portant reality it is. McGilvery, David Smith, Harold 65 83 190 52 62 but eight of the United States-r-Mass- VonPegert 106 By observing Book Week, people of Norton 123 228 — 457 Watson and Kern. The total vote for Glertn and-Belmont Ireland return jd achusetts, Rhode Island, South Caro Coquille, or by failing to do so, you ; Rep. 6th Diat. ’ach stood as follows: For Recorder Sunday evening from Portland where 86 19 18 lina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Leslie 48 .49 are encouraging or ignoring your Bennett For President 94 119 250 — 463 they attended the livestock show last Knapp 95 127 279 68 73 Mississippi and Arkansas. - - - 4924 own creation. The Library is yours. week. The Coquille team won tenth 3winney 104 109 166 — 379 Hoover Besides winning Gov. Smith’s own District Attorney Smith - - . . 3020 It belongs to Coquille and is a com place out of fifty contesting teams in 123 152 278 61 85 state df New York by a majority close mentary on her citizens. If for no Coleman ■ r For Representative stock judg'ng. The Sentinel stated Election Crowd at Hotel 67 Morgan 6« 144 47 34 to 100,000 Hoover took all the border Carrier 3031 other reason, it must go on for the last week that Coquille ranked ninth The HoteT Coquille was headquar- .dates and captured four of the solid Surely the County Judge Norton - 3384 sake of our children. last year, but it t.hould have been Mast 64 91 202 24 37 south which have not gone anything Ura for election returns in Coqui* reading habit brings greater riches to For District Attorney nineteenth, so this year’s record but democratic for 100 years — Vir- Tuesday nifcht and a large crowd was 143 132 243 86 88 Thompson Colemari 4778 a child than any other gift that par moved them up nine places. •h •. and present until after midnight. The na- Morgan ginia, South Carolina, Florida u™ Commissioner ■» ’ - 2224 ent' or community can bestow. The boys- feel that they were more ’ tional rccurns were received over a 82 98 147 35 39 Texas. Book Week then, Nov. 13 to 17. Gustafson - For County Judge benefit ted by- what they saw aqd •s.» It was a stupendous rebuke to Tam Fada radio superintended by Fred Mad 100 103 255 70 69 Hagge - 3223 Open afternoons and evenings. learned at the International than Wimer, of Fred ’ s Radio Shop, By it many, and caused Smith to say on County Clerk Thompson 4539 •hey would have been from several 88 95 171 41 43 Wednesday that hq would never run the audience was kept constantly in Newbury For Commissioner 7 Pounds Artichokes to the Hill davg’ -chool work. . formed of Hoover's progress as he 115 127 262 68 79 for office ¿gain. Watson Gustafson - 2792 Myrtle Point placed 21st as a stock p. C. Krantz is convinced that the quickly overcame the fin«t early Figures are not available as to County Treasurer Hagge 3834 raising of artichokes in Coos county Judging team thia year and third as 168 193 392 97 109 the size of the popular vote polled by Smith majorities and built up one of * Dimmick For Assessor •an be made a very profitable crop a judging team of dairy cattle. Thoy his own, unprecedented in the na- the two candidates, but Hoover’s is County Assessor Beyers - . - . , 4267 for the farmers. After the publicity also had one man who tied for first 113 121 243 63 69 well over 18,000,DOO while Smith’s io tion. Beyers Hawkins ... 2825 given the subject in the pressrecent- place in judging dairy cattle with four By midnight Mr. Compton had se- __ Hawkins 81 97 189 50 51 ir the neighborhood of 13 million. For County Clerk ly by County Agenti Hale, Mr. Krantz other boys. Five classes of livestock Hoover’s lead in Oregon is 93,974, cured enough county returns tp indi- Newbury Co. School Supt. . . . 2694 brbught to the Sentinel office for dis were judged: dairy, beef, swine, cate how every candidate on the bal 198 96 103 he having 200,208, Xo Smith ’ s 106.234, 182 373 Mulkey Watson . . . . 4624 play the artichokes from one hill horses, sheep. lot had fared in Coos. a little less than a 2 to 1 defeat of Coroner For Surveyor The boys on the Coquille judging which he raised on bench land near Oerding’s Hardware store was also Kerr 174 186 355 96 100 Smith, with only, a- few precincts Keizer 3943 his home here. team were Neil McGilvery, Osburn attended'} ’ a large crowd till late in The seven pounds missing. Surveyor Vinton 3004 from one hill would mean 32 tons Nulf and Keith Holverstott. The All the republican state officials the evening who heard national re 123 183 274 57 63 Kern others were awarded the trip by the to the acre, which at a cent a pound turns over the Majestic radio. 83 151 53 5Q ware elected, Judges Rand and Ross Vinton 75 Put Dynamite Cap in Hot Lead to the grower would mean a »ross Coquille Chamber of Commerce, man for the supreme court, having Port Commissioners Clayton, ten year old son of C. V. return of $640. Not many agricul- which paid the expenses. Bridge>«Bonds Carry Big 115 143 275 53 73 large majorities. Drare Curtis, lost the ends of his thumb • tural crops can show such a return. The eight measures on the ballot 1 The bridge bonds, by which the city Yoakam 113 128 290 84 75 McNelly 15th in the State an«* the finst two fingers of his right were all defeated. The income tax ______ , . ___ _ __ ________ Constable council proposed to pay the balance hand last Saturday out in the north — J o 190() Warrants Fred C. McNelly, of thia city, rank 126 126 298 78 59 bill was beaten by 12,000, the pro- jue on Peart Henry street bridge, were end where Water Superintendent Ep- ( ed fifteenth among Oregon trapahoot- Five Cent Gas Tax nosed curb on the legislature by a approved overwhelmingly by the peo- Bookkeeper Jno. W. Leneve says 56 127 33 36 smaller adverse vote, and both the ple Tuesday. This $5,000 measure person and crew had been laying pipe. that it will require 1800 or 1900 war ers this year, according to records Yos es 110 139 266 «7 70 auto license fee reduction bill and the received a majority of 810 in 710 The boy had found a dynamite cap, rants to pay bills allowed by the coun just released by the Amateur Trap No .. Auto License Fee Reduction five cent gas tax bill were snowed votes cast, the vote being 510 for probably when street work was in ty this month. Election .expenses will shooting Association at Vandalia, progress, and while the crew’s backs J Ohio. His record showed 1294 hits Yes 81 61. 124 31 39 under. The four river bills suffered I and 200 against. necessitate 700 warrants; the Circuit were toward him he plunged the cap ! out of 1400 targets, for a percentage 90 65 „142 278 75 an even wo^se defeat. No The vote by precincts was: court, witnesses, jurors, etc., 300 more into the hot lead which they had been of .9242. No other Coos county man Against the gas bill the majority Income Tax No. 38, North: For'162, against 17. using to joint pipes. The lead had be and the road and other usual expens was included in the list of 21 pub 81 75 160 39 47 was 111,056 and against the Dunne Yes No. 40, Southwest; For 121, es another thousand. gun to cool but was hot enough in lished. Frank M. Troeh, of Portland, 92 195 45 45 license reduction bill the majority against 65. No M - "'2* the center to explode the cap. 'itood first with a .9788 percentage. Limiting Legislative Power was 64,279. - No. 41, Southeast; For 227, against Beaver Hill First Precinct In 64 57 129 29 29 Yes W. C. Hawley was re-elected con 118. Beaver Hill precinct was the first Coleman Deputy District Atty. 66 103 191 43 52 gressman over Harvey G. Stark No Forum Meeting Nov. 14 to deliver its election returns to the Deschutes River weather, three to one; ex-Gov. Pierce Wna E. Coleman, district attorney Next Wednesday, Nov. 14, is the O. E. S. Party Next Friday 91 19 21 was defeated by R. R Butler in the 38 47 Yes date for the regular forum meeting of court house, the judge from there elect, was’ yesterday apopinted d 'puty Beulah Chapter No. 6, 0. E. 8., has 71 122 217 57 46 -econd congressional district by 6,- No the Coquille Chamber of Commerce, finding J. W. Leneve at the hotel at district attorney by J. B. Bedinqfield. plans made for the annual children ’ s Rogue River * 665; -and Koren, republican, was win and taxes will be the subject of the midnight of election day. Chas. Hol The appointment was confirmed by 56 42 107 25 24 ner over Culbertaon, democrat, by party to which the children of all evening’s discussion. Speakers from verstott, bringing the Fairview re the county court and his salary fixed Y«r 76 129 238 49 63 44,397 iu the Multnomah third dis members of Masonic lodge« .and East Marshfield, Ben S. Fisher and Jas. E. turns, was the first Wednesday morn at $150 a month for the balance of No ern Star Chapters are invited. It Umpqua River 1928. The district attorney is so busy trict. Montgomery, will be present to out ing. will be held next Friday evening, 37 101 22 20 51 Yes with the grand jury and other mat line what the Coos Tax Association There were no -Surprises ih the Nov. ’16, with -7:30 as the hour. 81 127 238 49 62 No proposes, and the intention is to let Coquille Plays Bandon Monday ters that a deputy was necessary. Coos county election except as to the ... JX- -■— McKenzie River them conduct the meeting as they see " v-...... .------ size of the majorities in some in Coquille’s football squad will trek 37 96 21 21 47 Yes stances. William E. Coleman had it Wann Reports to Grand Jury fit. to Bandon Monday—Armistice Day— Bishop Sumner Coming Sunday 126 231 9 54 79 No all his own way for district attorney; County Auditor. W. H. Wann was to meet the Tigers there. Next Sat Bishop W. T. Sumner df the Epis Judge R. H. Mast was defeated for called upon yesterday to submit his Work was started this week on the urday—the 17th—is an open date fob copal Dioacese of Oregon, will be in The old custom of cutting notches re-election; J. E. Norton emerged vic audit of county affairs to the grand new lervice station Stanley Fitzger Coach Leslie has an inportant game Coquille 8undty evening and conduct in gunstocks has been applied to torious with a -majority of 353 for' jury and it is probable that body will ald will conduct at the corner of Front at Corvallis to watch that day, and the servioes at St. James church. steering wheels now.—Carnegie Pup- representative, after the newspaper make the result of its findings pub- street and the highway to Myrtle Coquille will not meet Myrtle Point, reports had indicated that the vote lie soon. Point. X pot. up there, until Nov. 24. Calila» carda, 100 for <1*0. BOOK WEEK AT THÈ LIBRARY HOOVER GETS 444 COUNTY RESULTS ! r f > 1 -e-