THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAY. AVGUST », WM SOCIAL NOTES SALE PRICES Miss Delia Sherwood entertained with a Bridge tea Monday afternoon at hdr home, honoring her sister, Mr». Harry Slack, who hat been visiting for a fortnight with her parents, Mr. and Mr». A. J. Sherwood. Bouquets of larkspur and marigold were beau tiful in the rooms. Those who enjoy ed the pdeasant hours were Mesdames Harry Slack, Delbert Oberteuffer, Hale B. Eubanks, J. Arthur B.*rg, O. C. Sanford, A. J. Sherwood, Miases Adrienne Hazard, Marvin Jane Haw kins, Pauline Chaae, Harriett Gould, Cynthia Liljeqvist, of Portland, Kath erine Nickelson, Doris Sengstackpn, Mrs. John Lawler, of Marshfield; Mrs. Chas. Ridenour, of North Bend, and Mrs. Muri Pettit, of Albany. Along the North Trail ■y CLARISSA MACKIE Mrs. J. G. Denton, of Fresno, Cal ifornia, was the guest of honor at a Bridge luncheon given for her pleas- I ure by her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. A. | Walker, last Friday afternoon at 1:80 o’clock at her home in East Sec- | ond street. Centering each small luncheon table was a pretty bouquet | of sweet peas. About the rooms were alto bouquets of gladioli and snap dragons. Covers were placed for I Mesdames J. G. Denton, Harvey 8. Hale, Roy Watson, E. L. Vinton, A. I W. Chapin Jr., Otto Davis, W. H Mansell, Donald Estea, C. C. Williams A. B. Collier, R. A. Jeub, Edwin L. ¡Kay, Wm. Zosel, A. O. Walker, G. I Earl Lo>w, J. Arthur Berg, George Johnson, L. H. Griffith and Mrs. Del- 1 bert Oberteuffer, of Eugene, --- --------------- *---- , Mrs. H. R. Lukens, of Marshfield, and Miss Ellen Warren, of Seattle. The high I score .prise went to Mrs. Low and Mrs. Denton was ffiso presented with a lovely gift. Marx Made (slothes Miss Ethel Mae Squire was united H in marirage to Albert Owen Weekly. I of Roseburg. Oregon, Saturday even- I ing at seven-thirty at the Adventist I church, their pastor, H. A. Nieigaith officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Squire, who live only a short distance out on the | Myrtle Point road, having resided here about two years. The church having been prettily decorated for I the occasion with greens and pir.k and white dahlias made a pretty set ting for the bridal party. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She was lovely in a sleeveless gown of white crepe, her tulle veil daintily gathered about her face and held in I place by a wreath of orange plossoms. I She also carried a bouquet of pink I rosebuds and white sweet peas. Her I little sister, Velma, dressed in white! was flower girl. Anither sister, Ber-1 nice Squire, was the bridesmaid of I honor and she wore a green georgette dress of pastel shades,, also carrying an arm bouquet. Floyd, Squire, a I brother, acted as best man to the groom. Mrs. Sam Johnson played the I wedding march. Preceding the service I Mi ss Bernice sang moat sweetly, "I I Love You.” On leaving the church the happy I couple was greeted with a shower of] rice. About thirty-flv» guests were entertained at the Squire home fol-1 lowing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. I Weekly left immediately on a short I' honeymoon trip and will live on Mr. |1 Weekly’s farm near Roseburg until ' fall when both entend to enter the Adventist college at Walla Walla, j Washington. < I, Mrs. Melvin Kern gave a lovely birthdag party for her oldest daugh ter, Mary Kern, Thursday, of last week in observance of her tenth year. Out on the lawn a large table had been arranged and decorated with dahlias and sweet peas, where the children were served iee cream and cake. Mrs. W. A. Gilbert and Mrs. Josh Ruble assisted the hostess. Those present besides the honored guest were Lucille Flitcroft, Nellie i Lane, Leona Belle Coy, Lois Guider Laura Carter, Betty and Lucille Kern. Evelyn and Erma Porter, Delores Bel- loni, Dorothy Osmond, Verda Zosel, Kleanore and Winifred Newbury, Bobby Gilbert and Robert Arnold. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co Coquille PHONE 100 Mrs. George Lorenx is entertaining with a seven o’clock dinner this eV- ening at her home, complimenting her rister-in-law, Mrs. -B. 8. Norton, of Redding, Calif., who expects to return to her home some time the latter part >f next week. Larkspur and mari golds centered the table where place« were provided for Mesdames 8. 8. Norton, M. J. Hartaon, Caroline Lor- jm . A. J. Sherwood, J. A. Lamb, Muri Pettit, Edw. Lorens, Misses Delia Sherwood, Avis Hartaon and the hostess, Mrs. Lorens. Sentenced and Paroled roads «of the county were by the county court this First M. E. Church There will be a union service of the churches and young peoples’ so Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. Belle cieties at the Church of Christ Sun Elwood, superintendent Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sub day evening. Gua A. Garboden, Pastor. ject: “Christian Fellowship.” Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m Pure Fresh Milk at 10c a Meeting of Ladies Aid at Mrs. Belle Elwood’s hom^Thureday after Delivered by Coquille Dairy. 171-R. noon. Mrs. Sadie /ayes president. Meeting of the Epworth I eague Friday night 8 p. ns. Miss Cleta Call Farr A Elwood for transfer Johnson, president. and fuel. retfj', David.’