»— . ■ I Ram Is Three Times Champion HIS is the record made by the Hampshire which se- cured theaWAni of Grand Chamjrioi Ram at the 1926 Pacific International Livestock Expositto Grand Championships were won at the American Royal, and Chicago International Shows. This achievement is typical of the attainments of the animals exhibited at the Pacific International. 1 NOTICE WE MOVE Professional Cards Anything Farr& Elwood Inc Phone 16 GRANT CORBY Atteraay st Law SEPTIC TANKS way to dispose of Your voice, traveling over |he highways of the telephone system, gains immediate au­ dience in the most remote sections of the na­ tion. •;.* Coos and Corry Telephone Co. DR. C. A. RIETMAN DENTIST X-Bay Esa lf ae r