PAGE SIX THE COQUILLE > VALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1926. Ü55!—--------- SOCIAL NOTES tt The party tendered by Chadwick Lodge A. F. di A., and Beulah Chapter 0. E. S., of Coquille, to Blanco Lodge and Dorie Chapter of Marshfield, Wed­ nesday evening, was the largest and By MARTHA M. WILLIAMS most enjoyable ever given tn the Ma­ sonic Temple. ' (Copyright.) There were upward* of 150 Masons »«XT D’know as I can spare and their ladies present from the Bay, 1 " her today’—-had ray megs all the total number being nearly 250. set for soap mukin'," Sister Crandall The seven o’clock dinner served by said through pursed lips, with a sour the ladies of th* Eastern Star, left glance at her step-daughter Nancy. "Oh yea, you can,” said Mltty nothing to be desired and the service W liars a day more or rendered by the ladies who Waited on Qwines. table was efficient to the highest de­ leas? To you and soap I mean. The qulltlu’s different. Unless I thins my gree. guess, It means a wedding long about A. J. Sherwood acted as toastmaster June—you shortly don’t want your for a short session of talks after the own girls to lack quilts when they go banquet. The responses were witty to housekeepin'. Remember, you've and humorpus and kept those present got five." “You mean four," Sister Crandall in a gale of merriment. Those called upon were Dr. W. V. Glaisyer, wor­ protested. “Nuney’a got some few of shipful blaster of Chadwick Lodge, her uta’s things left, ajtd she’s so handy, I Judge 8110 can make plenty Mrs. A. T, Haines, Mrs. J.‘ T. Stad­ more; don’t seem there's any hurry den, Andy Davis, Chas. Hall, Dan about sett in' out.” Keating, A. L. Martin and C. F. Mc- Nancy, tull? spare, high-colored Knight. . ' .with .thick dark hair strained back A most enjoyable evening of cards from her high forehead, said luzlly, and dancing followed. Ten tables'of “I’d rather' have no stick at all than Cards were continuously occupied in a crooked one. I could fling half the the lodge ropm while the banquet sprlngulds that eat your Sunday din .tiers over my shoulder if I liked, and room downstairs was quit? comforta­ dance 'all the' rest till their tongues bly filled with those who enjoyed the and their slilrt-tall* hung out.” dance. “Shut up I Don’t you ever da’ar Mrs. J. H. Stadden won high score talk thut way again in my house," among the lady players, while A. T. Sister Crandall cried. Nancy laughed provoklngly, asking: “Now, where Haines won the gentlemen’s prize. J. L. Stevens and O. Pollary, who does your house happen to stand? This assisted in preparing the dinner, are . happens to he mine when papa dies, receiving the sincere thanks of the otherwise it would a-been spent like all the rest, long, long ago.” Chadwick members for the splendid “Yeti'll stay at home for that miss— manner in which they responded to speakin’ sacrilege of your only par­ the ladies’ request for assistance. ent," Sister Craudall exploded. “Now you see what I have, to put Miss Marian Young was hostess to up with, Cora,” Sister Crandall the Junior Bridge club and additional sniveled to the Quarles girl, who was guests Monday afternoon. Club mem­ Inviting quilters for the morrow. A bers present were the Mesdames J. S. leggy sixteen, she stood giggling and A Barton, T. B. Currie, H. S. Norton, H. gaping. “I hope Nance comas,” she managed at last. W. Pierce, Jas. Watson, A. O. Walker Byck Beverly, who shortly rode by, Slid special guests were the Mesdames tall, slim, handsome, eke a dare-devil, F. G. Bunch, J. F. Cramer, E. H. had a way with him few feminine Hamden, Henry Hess, Paul Van Scoy, souls could withstand, Nance Cran- Nels Osmundson, F. L. Greenough, J. dull had withstood him. A. A. Lamb, H. A. Young, C. C..Ev- She was Invisible as he rode past land, Bert Folsom, Ed. Walker, W. V. the house—yet he‘chuckled faintly, Glaisyer and Lans Leneve. Mrs. Cur­ a hundred yards aheud, at u flash of rie received club prize and Mrs. Bunch her bright red through the screen of a thicket In the woodslot—next min­ guest prize. ute he popped his horge cleverly over 1fn fence, hitched "him far enough ln- Tho Coquille Women’»'Club reeep~ ;sto? -to be invWWr.'fflTrt Wfrrr flung tion for the teachers and newcomers Ing down the over^trowu Jdam-Ui xha. -> -j BJfJFIHi.'1 They much trodden fl , evening. Mr». T. B. Cimfrr fwwUe before wells .and windmills had cotue of the club, greeted- the guests at the to pas*. Now only Nancy came to SaneTax Thinking an Oregon Need Not Ready to Ride 'Double THE LEADER When the painter applies paint on your house I I I ---- 1 it is to your best interests to know what that paint is—its spreading capacity —its appearance—its durability. You are the man-who-pays-the-bill and who loses if the paint goes wrong. Make sure of good results—the most satis­ factory and economical job—by hiv­ ing your painter use S herwin -W iluass P aint PREPARtD~~ Iti» battler, than, any paint on the market, or “leaa and oil”. The Sherwin-Williams Co. . ■ o! manufacture I hey make all their“ linseed oil; own and operate large zinc and lead mines and smelters, and make their dry colors in the largest and best equipped dry. color plant in the United States. The resuits are in the goods. Protect your interests and in fl) your property with S. W. P. ~~. ...... ...rr---- ee E. W. Gregg, Builders’ Supplies 321 Front Street THE NEW WINTER TOGO/ STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Owl» Ended Mice Plague» Great Britain throughout the cen­ turies tins suffered from many peri­ odic plagues of mice. In l!W0 and at In- ten nls during the next three centuries hordes of these small rodents ap­ i peared In one or another part of Eng land, says rias Logic. These multi­ tudes of mice were Invariably fol­ lowed by great flights of owls, which entirely destroyed them. - —- - . « Not What Name Implie» Almond oil In the Middle ages was prepared from bitter almonds by dis­ tillation in water. Nowadays It is obtained almost entirely from apricot kernels. Needle»» Advice New Prison Doctor (absent mlnded- ly)—And whatever yon do, don’t at­ tempt to go out In this bad weather. the teacher’s name and home address. Games’and contests were enjoyed. Ia the guessing contest Miss Geraldine Windes and Mrs. Keith Leslie were high and each received a prize. The fololwing program was given: Instrumental solo Mrs. C. R. Richards Reading ... Mrs. Fred Lorenz Music - - Jenny Lind Sextette Singing .... Audience Music by Stewart Norton, saxa- phone; Kenneth Staninger, banjo; and Muriel Simpson, piano, was enjoyed during the evening. The reception was in charge of the educational committee of the club which is composed of the following members: Mesdames Geo, H. Chaney, Ed McKeown, J. A. Gillis,, J. E. Paul­ son, and Lyman Carrier. Doughnuts and coffee were served at the close of the program. Gather Seaweed» \ nrlous kinds of seaweeds are gath­ ered and mounted by a New York woman, who has found that the wa­ ters of some of the ocean beaches are little-known wonderlands filled with ninny Interesting and beautiful forms of plant life. She has an extensive collection of the weeds.—Popular Me­ chanics Magazine. The Community Friendship Club met last Friday at the home of Mrs. John Martin. After the business see- sion that remainder of the afternoon was spent in fancy work and social chat. Several bouquets of dahlias added