OREGON t * «♦< P P t, Most Remarkable Sale Event in the History of Coquille I * 9 ■ , Enamel, Aluminum and Glass Ware, Dishes, Tea Sets and China Ware SALE TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR GREAT STOCKS OF HOLIDAY GOODS t 9 DAY, OCT. 9,- 9 a. m EVERYTHING ON SALE WITHOUT RESERVE th Prices Cut and Slashed Unsparingly All Our Newest » • ‘ ' ire community i to the most Winter Merchandise You will tell us upon your visit here Saturday, October 9th, or any of the following days of this Sale that we are doing more to stretch your dollars in­ to greater buying power than any event you have ever attended in this territory ening Day « GOES AT Sensational Price Reductions A Sale That Is A REAL SALE CREAM & SUGAR SETS >2.50 Cream Sugar seta sparingly ALE • RUBBER HEELS :tober 9th, Opening Day o Sale, we will sell 500 Surprise Packages a vast assortment of men tandise for home and personal use. ages actually worth up ti $2.50. You can’t get less than 25 cents scores of articles are worti $1.00 to $2.50. • You’ll be..surprised ed at what these Surprisi Packages contain. conta Come, join the t are coming and take ya r choice while these packages 7 ~~ >3.98 Serving Trays with glass bottoms now on sale - ___ ___ 1.98 All Art Goods Greatly Reduced FREE FREE be one dull moment, st Surprise will follow = and racks just heap­ ins. As fast as each is are gobbled up they with other bargains i. Come if but to see. nts. 25c Neat egg», 8 for You can fool the hens with theee but you are not fooling yourself when you buy 8 for 25c. Beautiful $18.75 LADIES’ VESTS MAMMA DOLL AND A “BUDDY L” AUTO TOY FOR THE BOYS TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE DURING THIS GREAT SALE. THESE WON­ DERFUL TOYS ARE ON DISPLAY IN THE STORE. SEE THEM, THEY MAY BE YOURS. Ladies 25c knit Vests. « Hundreds of dollars worth of new Fall and Winter merchandise has just ar­ rived. As fast as it is opened the price is slashed and it all goes on sale. Come now. Come every day to this great aale. Buy them now, put them on youraelf. Tkt^rrrjint A xa 11 LAt ■■■tä ogllL wflTta w URI Hr» it fWHP* WAI of the town. Come if but to see Vai. to 50c. last >7.50 luster quick have While theyQp Pair genuine glass Vases for a diaposal, we marked them - 1 SC iaa b va av SALE Winter Merchandise IRON HANDLES 9C 25c Iron Handles 15c Paring Knives • OV The hardware dept, to be closed out completely, nothing held back. Large assortment of Ladies Scarfs, beauti­ ful shades and colors. Many are marked asl tow as IM. each A»<>aF QQ ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS 9 ûfi >4.25 Electric Perco- dators they come complete ready for use. ENVELOPES ‘ *•’* Envelopes that aold 3 packages for 25c now be sold 6 packages Egg beater and grad­ uating mixing bowls. Reg. 39c. Now 1 Up FRUIT BOWLS n*»v' 12.98 Hand painted fruit bowls to close out in double quick time, we have alash- the price to Hand etched Goblets, Saucers, Champagnes, Tumblers, Jugs, etc., to be closed out at H price. O New Octagon Shape, Flower trimmed, ivory finish. Reg. >10.60. Out they go O.az f Q Q7 willOQp O àz V KITCHENWARE of all kinds CONDIMENT SETS CHILDREN’S HOSE Childrena’ M Hose in all new shades. Vai. to 75c now the go VASES >5.00 Hand decorat- ed Vases . . Zr They are simply beautiful. You must see them to appreciate their value 34-PIECE DINNER SET - «i «1 CANDLE STICKS 5.75 >10.00 Famous Chieksramache " Tea Sets in 28 pieces. New fancy design to close out they go at the low price a sei MIXING MAYONNAISE SETS INCLUDING OUR NEW LADIES COTTON HOSE Ain FRED A. WIMER I lx Proprietor uille, Oregon 25c Milk Pana 19c VASES New Merchandise Arriving 1 Ci/' A UV Men’s A Ladies’ Rub- ber Heels per pair A STORE WIDE NEST EGGS ICE! LADIES SCARFS MILK PANS SERVING TRAYS t tunity to save real dol- ht at your very door, es, (¡lass Ware, Tea e, etc. to be completely prices here were picked i walked down the aisles i. Come feast your eyes bargains the city of Co- n. in new fancy designs O Op at*A«_JV >2.49 Condiment Sets for a quick cloae out they go at "1 QQ AeizO >4.50 Italian Art Hand Carved Candle Sticks, the set We have a limited supply and adviae you to come early. Q QQ Wei/O QQn OÖC On thia big table you will find famous Wagner ware east iron skillets, fireproof jugs, grey and blue enamel dish pans, cof­ fee pots, teakettlea, food chop­ pers, etc. Vai. to 12.50 now 88c « Reg. 80c a dosen J Drinking Glaasea, -4«/C Folks, now is the time to buy every article on sale at a great saving. I 4-PIECE CONSOLE SET FLOWER BOWLS 12.00 4-piece Con­ sole seta, aale price They come in three colors. Come and buy now while the price is so low. >1.75 Beautiful flow­ er bowls go on sale at 1 A • PALMOLIVE CREME OIL Stock up now and AND SOAP aave J