— ——. THE COQÜILLB PAGE TWO Two Gsme Violators Fined VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 182«. Former Coquille Woman Dead Big Black Bear Killed A mammoth black bear weighing 200 pounds wsb brought into North ! Bend Thursday by Oswald Kjelland and Gunder Gunderson, who shot the i animal Wednesday near the headwa ters of Kentuck Slough. The two lads had been stalking the animal for the I past two days, guided by reports of its activities in the apple orchards of that section. Shortly before night fall they perceived Mr. Bruin on his haunches reaching for some luscious apples in a tree on .Coonert's ranch, Kjelland fired a shot which found lodging close to the bear’s heart. The animal staggered to the creek near by where the youths came upon him and ended his life by drowning. Frank and Bill’s meat market purchased the bear and will offer bear meat for the next few days. Kjelland and Gunder son returned to Kentuck Slough where they say another bear is at large.— Marshfield News. Mrs. Belle Keller, wife of W. F. Deputy Game Warden C. A. Hearing brought two game violators before Keller, died at her home in Bucoda, Justice Stanley during the past week. Wednesday afternoon, says the Buco Victor Lindberg, from the Elk creek da, Wash., Press. The deceased was Telling About People and ' country above Gravel Ford, was fish 69 years of age and had been a resi ing on the lower river Sunday when dent of Bucoda for the past 15 years, Events in the City and 'accosted by Hearing. He said his before that having lived in Coquille, County name was Olsen and that his license, Ore. She is survived by her husband, issued to him by a store at Myrtle two brothers, Adam West, of Seat Luy a ticket for the Corn Show Point, was at home. But when the tle; and John West, of Onalaska; dance whether you dance or not deputy came to check up he found no two sisters, Mrs. J. P. Bright, of On alaska, and Mrs. A. J. Barger, of Inure will be a reduction on hats license had been issued and that the Doty; three sons, Harry Keller, of owner of the car was named Lind at The Marguerette Shoppe Saturday. berg. The latter failed to bring his Yakima; William Keller, of Coquille, A free admission Art Exhibit will license in so Hearing arested him and Caspar Keller, of Myrtle Point; be held in Myrtle Point next Tuesday and took him before the judge Wed and three daughters, Mrs. Lulu Iver afternoon. nesday. The judge made his fine $35 son, of Galvin; Mrs. Ethel Iverson, of Dressmaking and remodelling. rather than $25, because Lindberg had Littell, and Miss Amanda Keller, of Bucoda. Funeral service was held Mrs. Della Fish. 350 S. Coulter. tried to mislead the deputy. The other conviction was of W. JSunday. Phone 401-R. Rogers, of Bandon, for selling catfish Fosition wanted as housekeeper by This story is of the variety known caught with a hook and line. Rogers Mrs. Mary Bracken. Call of evenings claimed to be a deputy game warden, around newspaper offices as Human at phone 5135. appointed in 1917, and although he Interest stories, and the climax is go Kenneth • Donaldson was fined $10 had been out of the state for eight ing to be given right here—and some by Justice Sanley for speeding on the years, he claimed his commission was climax it is, you will agree. You all Emery Sells One Plane prominent highway Saturday. still in force. He claimed, too, ignor know Ernest Clausen, V» B. D. tuiury, who has put Myrtle ,dairyman nqar Broadbent. Well Mr. Point on toe map at various times by Mayor E. E. Johnson left Wednes ance of the law regarding .the sale of Clausen some time back received a the tact that the city has been the game fish. He is now serving 25 day evening on a several days' busi days in the county jail as settlement letter from an old friend of his in home port of a fleet of airplahes, ness trip to Portland and Seattle. \ Montana, inclosing a check for $6,- this week disposed of one of his ma of his $50 fine. . Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McNelly return -----------1—;-------- 000, and stating this was for services chines to J. R. Kimberly, a mechanic ed Sunday evening from a visit to the B. & P. W. Club Meeting . of years ago, and that he would be in the Emery garage. Mr. Kimberly state fair at Salem and to Portland. named as a beneficiary in the will of traded a Buick roadster for the plane. At a special meeting of the Busi For Sale on Marshfield-Coquille ness A Professional Women’s Club, the Montana man on his death; and Lne new plane owner is a stranger Highway, acreage tracts. Inquire of last Monday night, g was voted to the Montana man passed away last to the operation of the air craft, but T. B. Currie. Phone 28-J. 37t2 give a dance in Graham’s Hall, on week. The Myrtle Point American, is anxious to discover all the secret fsasn which we clip this story says arts of the profession and will start Come to the Corn Show dance in ■Oct. 12th, for the benefit ,of the Corn that Mr. Clausen owns one of the Graham’s Hall Tuesday night, Oct. Show. This affair wiH mark the best dairy ranches in that section of his lession at once under the tutelage of Aviator Smith, who is also em 12th. Special features, B. A P. W. 'Club’s fir* anniversary and several Oregon. ployed in the Emery garage. The features wrll be added to make the club. two men expect to creat^an air jit evening one to be remembered. No. 145 was the lucky number and Missed Her by Two Days ney service with Myrtle Point as the ... Tfae club also voted to sponsor a was held by J. J. Murray, of Leneve, dance each year preceding the An \ A warrant was issed on Sept. 20, home port.—American. for the fancy bedspread given by the nual Corn Show, the proceeds of for Vera Allen, alias Miss Stewart, ladies of the Altar society. Which would be given over to the \alias Lois Alvery, for passing two Horse Trader Sued for $100 Hear yef Hear ye! Corn Show Carnival committee. or three worthless checks on Marsh Recovery of $100, alleged to be due dance at Graham’s Hall next Tues- They totslled $67.50. as the purchase price of a span of Tickets for the dance will be sold field stores. day night. Buy a ticket and help the by the members of the various or- This morning Deputy Sheriff Male horses, is sought in a suit filed in the Corn Show. ♦ ganizations of the city and all net horn noted an item in a Roseburg pa Marshfield justice court Thursday by A. N. and Harold Gould returned proceeds will be used to help defray per that Mrs. M. Media had been re Walter Condron against Vern Ingle. leased there after returning the The horses, according to the . com Wednesday evening from the Eugene the expenses of the Corn Show. The next regular meeting of the goods she purchased on $67.45 worth plaint, were sold and delivered April section where they spent most of the summer surveying for R. Stanley club will be held in Guild Hall next of bogus checks. She is a drug addict 5, 1926, under an agreement wl^reby Monday night, at which time final and Mr. Malehorn is convinced she Dollar. & pay.the pur dance arrangements wtH be made end ts th »he .. L.vfig livu Mr. Eiislun, the only .mau tr-tr hoped-thwfwtt inemLen witt be ■1» gone ' from'~tte"DdggnarToui1ty chase price of-XlOO. TI im annual, a*. not been paid and the plaintiff seeks with grit enough to tackle the Fair present at this meeting. seat now. * a judgment^for $100 and interest gamblers. They short change child from April 5.—Times. ren. No dirtier bunch could be found. Hit and Run Driver Wet Slogan Goes on Ballot —Mrs. Coos.' •_* Ernest Tucker, of Bandon, paid a Judge McMahan Thursday handed Four Divorce *>Cases Heard Geo. T. Moulton returned yesterday fine of $15 in Justice Stanley’s court down an order requiring Sam A. Judge KeudaU granted throe divoro from hri -rwp—wwt^fhthmg'trtp'tltr Aluminum Ware We carry a very complete stock Come in and look around Oerding Hardware . Owned by tha,Seven Oerding Brothers 1—Ralph Edward Rowley and Laura Loneza Steele, both of Marsh- field, They were married on Sat- urday by Rev. Yard V. Gray at the B»y. Oct 2—Frederick Wigle and Mary Wk-khoff, both of Marshfield. Oct. 4—Samuel M. Findley and S. M. Reavis, both of Winchester Bay. A typewriter having 1,160 keys cov They were married the same day by ering forty alphabets has been de Judge R. H. Mast at the court house vised. here. Oct. 5—Frank Powell and Vira Ross, both of Marshfield. They were also maried by Judge Mast here on Tuesday. A. F. & A. M. Oct. 6—Geo. W. Haines, of Marsh Stated Communication field, and Esther N. Imhoff, of North Saturday, Oct. 16 Bend. Chadwick Lodge No. 68 . Look Your Best Visit our Parcel & Hairbobbing 'Vr.JJinicr eJIfiJc'rea bSck Uns evening. JoKn his hls oWn ,ged to — ____ „1 T______ own. . The The man man hit bit man managed to U. ter the name of George Putnam, Sa- 4«y • hunt before »»turning. hi6 turned jtrouftd at Delmar Jem newspaper publisher, and demo- Bruce Dennis, of LaGrande, state where the accident took place, and cratic candidate for state senator senator, has purchased the Klamath overtook Tucker near the railroad from Marion county, says a Salem Falls Herald. He had been scheduled viaduct, where the latter had gone in press dispatch. to address the North Bend chamber to the ditch. He got out and the vic Don W. Miller, of Ophir, who was of commerce Wednesday but was call tim had to chase him to Coquille ed to Portland by the newspaper deal. where Tucker was turned over to in town yesterday, is convinced that Traffic Officer Williams. even trying to advertise pays. Yes Lost at the Myrtle Point fair an old terday afternoon, about four o’clock, watch valued aa a kwpaake. Findar One Cent Sale Next Week - please return to the Sentinel office The annual One-Cent Sale at Fuhr called up the Sentinel about eight to and receive reward. Mrs. W. R. Mil ler. The watch was in a handbag man’s Pharmacy begins next Thursday advertise for it, was informed he from which it was taken, the handbag morning and those who have been could recover It at this office. He is a being left. A reward of $2.50 will be waiting to buy two articles for the brother of Mrs. Pullen, of this city. paid for it» return. price of one, plus one cent, will have Quick to Quit Business Buy a ticket for the Corn Show the opportunity at that time. These one-cent Rexall sales have become J. E. Quick is advertising a “Quit dance whether you dance or not. an institution all over the country. ting Business Sale” in this issue of Robert A. Ross returned Monday Many of the items included in the sale the Sentinel. The sale opens tomor from a nine weeks’ trip during which are mentioned in the advertisement on row morning and will continue tHl he he covered the greater portion of the the last page of this issue. closes out his stock. Mr. Quick has Pacific Northwest and played two not been in good health lately and he band engagements at state fairs, one Driving While Intoxicated is going to take it easy for a time. at Boise, Idaho, and last week at Sa Chas. R. Shore was given 60 days lem.» Revival at Pioneer Church in jail and fined $100 by Justice Stan-, Come to the Corn Show dance in ley Tuesday for driving while intoxi The board of Stewards of the Pion Graham’s Hall Tuesday night, Oct. cated. His driver’s license thereby eer Methodist Church has invited Rev. 12th. Special features. B. A P. W. became void. He ran into the car of I. W. Hughes, of Portland, to hold a club. Delmo Shinn on the bridge at what two weeks’ revival meeting, beginning Miss Trader, of Roseburg, secured is known at the Charley Watson place the first of November. He has ac- to succeed Mrs. Bessie Moore as last Saturday night. The arrest was cepted the invitation. teacher in the Lincoln building, came made by Deputy Sheriff Bohrer. in Sunday evening and entered upon For Sale—Building tracts on Co- I. N. Wilson Writes her duties Monday. Mrs. Moore was quille-Marshfield highway, Inquire compelled to resign on account of her 37t2* Writing from Los Angeles to renew of T. B. Currie. Phone 28-J. health. his subscription for the Sentinel, I. L. A. Parr, auperintendent of N. Wilson says: “We’ve had a long, schools here, has been appointed dis hot, dry summer, following a rather trict director of debate for the Coos wet spring. But few days in the past Bay district by the committee of the five months when the mercury has Oregon High School Debate league. not soared above 80 degress, and on Mr. Parr will have charge of debate one or two occasions reached the 100 programs and activities for the com- degree marie. ing year. There will be a reduction on hats at The Marguerette Shoppe Saturday. Rummage Sale Saturday, Oct. 9, 9 o’clock, next door to Goulds’ Fumirture Store. Men’s, Women’s and Children’s clothes, shoes and hats in good condi tion. Garments for rag rugs and quilts. Prices very low. A Ford truck driven by Dr. Hamil ton and a Pontiac roadster, owned by Calley Ellis, of Marshfield, driven by a lady, with Mr. Ellis a passenger, collided Sunday afternoon at Seventh and Maple streets, with disastrous Ten Day Sale at The Fair results to both cars and slight injury A sale, with reduced prices on ev- to Dr. Hamilton. — Myrtle Point American. srything in the store, is being adver tised by Fred A. Wimer for The Fair. Miss Maymie DeLong entertained Starting tomorrow morning the sale the Hiking club Monday evening at will continue for ten days and furnish the M. O. Hawkins home. Conversa an opportunity to aarly Christmas tion and sewing were enjoyed early in shoppers. the evening and later a hot tamale lunch was served. Those present be Auto Park Repair Shop Open sides the hostess were Misses Bess Maury, Ella Horn, Marian Young, The Coquille Autc. Park Repair Mabel Eisaman, Agnes Whetstone, Shop is now ready for business and Eva Lenox, Myrtle DeLong, Edna Asp equipped to handle aN kinds of Auto lund, Mesdames Bertha Smith, Anna and Truck repairing, Including black Rooney, Ruth Beyers, M JQ. Hawkins smithing. Located on Marshfield high and little daughter, Anne. way. W. H. Wimer A Son. 3814 SCHOOL CHILDREN are often handicapped with defective, or weak eyes. Ralph. L. Walker vs. Gertrude Walker. Mary C. Middleton vs. Chas. O. Middleton. Myntle Bennett vs. George Bennett. After hearing the evidence in the case of Orin B. Haverly vs. Ida E. Haverly, he took the case under ad visement. They have children who will be affected by the divorce. -7 i.-.- iy.~t niiiamrnm. riris-i All Beauty work expertly done and reason ably priced. Wants School in Church Phone 121-L Mrs. C. E. Mulkey, county school superintendent, spent the day in Marshfield yesterday. Mrs. Mulkey is trying to secure the Baptist church of Sumner as another school house in that district, as one is now too crowd ed. Miss Ida Maki is teaching 40 pu pils. An extra teacher must be se cured for this district. Mrs. Mulkey was conferring with Dr. Leslie.— Times. Then phone 103M and ask to see BAKER the paint and paper man We furnish everything and complete the job before asking for pay. Expert, on old or new floors Blanchette Beauty Salon Open evenings by appointmen Money to Loan A constable at North Bend phoned to the sheriff’s office this morning that a man nanped Lawrence, living on^Kentuck Slough, had left a note for his wife, stating that he was go ing into the woods and destroy him self. He took his rifle with him, Whether he carried out his suicidal idea has not been reported. on improved city property. N. C. KELLEY Dependable Insurance 1 11« 1 To Remodel School at Camp 8 A. Hayes and L. L. Strong of Camp 8 are in Myrtle Point getting prices on materials for the remodel ing the school house at that place, made necessary on account of the in creased enrollment. There are 94 pupils in the school at the present time, there being 54 in one room.— American. Blank Warranty Deeds for sale at this office. Local & Long Distance RADIOS The NEW Stewart-Warner» are Here Complete with tubes, batteries and loud speaker $90.00 Also the New Winchester Super Heavy Duty “B” Battery $3.85 , See BIRCH and See Better Optometrist, Msrshfield Phone 322 paper hanging; to be done Threatened Self Destruction So often a little eye atten tion will better grades. sugar indualty-wu..¡Pü¿_- duced into this country in 1880. To day eighty factories representing an investment of $100,000,000 produce an nually about 700,000 tons of white sugar. I f yo u haw o awypai n tiwg l!U*"|flIHIlllffSl"l!!1 HILF Gabriel Fetch traded 20 acres of strawberries on the North Fork to F. Kula for 20 acres of alfalfa land near Orland, California. Mr. Kula then (faded the land on the North Fork for property in Eugene.—Amer ican. SLOW Marriage Licenses A great gread-granddaughter of Sacajawea—the Shoshone Indian squaw who guided the Lewis and Clark expedition to the Pacific Coast more than a hundred years ago—is teaching the white children, descendants of the frontier pioneers. She is Miss Irtense Large, and - the school is 50 miles north of Green River, Wyoming. HAULING BONDED CARRIER . 1. 0. FLITCROFT Phone 52-R Coquille THE WfíCHtSfík STORR