I THE COQUILLE PAGE TWO VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 30, 19J6. MYRTLE POINT ITEMS \ Dry Pastures Demand Dairy Feeds We note in increasing demand for grain mixed feeds for dairy cows and have juat received two carloads this week to meet your needs. Ship by Truck feeds or freight. Farr & Elwood Co FEED MERCHANTS Storage and Transfer Phone 16 Are all cut from Prime Steer Beef hung in the refrigerator the proper length of time. We also have a good variety of BEEF, PORK, VEAL, LAMB, FRYERS AND HENS PEOPLES MARKET J. L. Stevens 'Your Ideal Meeting Place** NOTICE! We will pay 5c each for first 100 copies of page 2, photoplay section, Sunday Oregon­ ian of July 25. :» motion picture star, leading lady for Buster Keatpn, holding the Myrtlewood frame that is to be , by’ the1 guvei iii)lll,.W"l!ll!",CTffW!l"*ffltf' the President of the United States. This •C y«.- wBwF^rTWTHJFTOCTTBirSTofrTorTneoenent of the unfortunates in the motion picture world. Bring all copies to the Oerding Hardware Owned by the Seven Oerding Brothers Homer Holverstott, of Coquille, was a business vikitor in this city on Tues­ day. * Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Birch and child­ ren, Wanda and Frederick, of Marsh­ field, Were guests of the E. C. Barker family at their summer home “The Goojus Nest” on Sunday. * Mrs.' O. V. Powell, of this city, Is in the Keizer hospital in North Bend, where she underwent a major opera­ tion Tuesday. Dr. Hazel Parmerter Hutton, of Grants Saw, funner Myrtle Point doctor, was in town the first of the week. On Tuesday she and Miss Myrtle Pelker, of this city, were vis­ itors . in Marshfield. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. W. Perkin« have returned from their vacation trip into the eastern part of the United States, where they visited places they had not seen for years. •There Are ■ several more caseB of diphtheria in town and all precau­ tions are being taken to keep the di­ sease from spreading. R. C. Dement and daughter, Mrs. F.- M. White returned Tuesday from Salem where they have been visiting foT some tiine. Mrs. Myrtle Clinton, of Corvallis, is in town visiting her son, Harl Clinton. Another son, Harry Clinton, is with her but is leaving this week for Cohvallis. Jim Benham was in from Brews­ ter Valley on Monday. T. I). Guerin and mother, Mrs. Priscilla Guerin, left Tuesday for Portland, where Harry Guerin will undergo a serious operation Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Williqm H. Fearnley and daughter,. Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Kring spent Sunday at Cape Blanco. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hamilton and daughters, Velma and Kathryn, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Schneider and daughters, Caroline and Ernestine, motored to Lakeside to spend the day Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Hansen spent the week end visiting in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson- and daughter, of Visalia, California, were in town Wednesday. Mr. Johnson is a former Coos county man, leaving Merc tbdtit ■ in the prune growing business near Frye, 3 Visalia and is here to visit his broth­ Fortier, c er, Clarence Johnson, of Gravel Ford, Roper, 1