The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 19, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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Aunt Annie Barklow continue» very
I ill as we go co press, she is sinking
gradually and is in a dazed condition
I .Aucn of the time. Her children asl
I .vim her and aouig everything umu
mving hltads can do but tn'ey realise
die end is near.—«Myrtle rtnnt Amur-
I lean.
Road Bids Varied
In bidding for the Fishtrap to Lam­
ps market roads here last Monday
som^ of the bidders asked a higher
price for concrete culverts than for
those built of cedar, while others bid
the same for both and still others
Eventa in the City and
asked the most for cedar culverts.
I oome men grap a to 1 wj on Ute
There seems to us -td be no question
I .uuunauonai uiuuia WUxD&Ute-ui ■ xim SOW WILL REQUIRE
that the concrete, if well built, pught
to last the longest. Bidders who of­
Leland Minard was hero from Dora I wiviaaelves wuut others peisuade
fered to do cement culverts cheaper
I ms ' lneiKW to take a enapec. 'r he
I rauui is -a wonuertui uitng lor '
The care the sow receives at far­ must-have expected to get by by'us­
’ MaydV E. E. Johnson left Tuesday
I .mg early returns on sporting events. rowing time has a great deal to do ing cheaper material. We noted this
for San Francisco on business.
| xx you uun a weiieve it, aaa «um ixiru with the number of pigs raised, the because tn getting figures for concrete
Lyman Carrier made a business lor Urvrn uant.
experience of numerous swine raisers work for the new Sentinel building
trip over to Granta Pass this week.
This care consists of for which ground waa broken this
Liaraoeile Mintonye, of Coqadle, has shown.
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Mast were in I sqpnomore in vocational euucauim, cleanliness and proper feeding ad­ week, it made some difference wheth­
visee W. C. Skelley, assistant pro
■ from their Lee ranch Wednesday.
I vui taxe part ui tbe annual Lduca- fessor of animal husbandry at the er Belgian cement or Oregon cement
was used in its construction.
Singer eewing machine, nearly new, I uonai ejopumuen program in the wo- New Jersey State College of Agricul­
- \
$36.00. Svendsgaard.
4t2 I men a gymnasium tnu week end. I ne ture, New Brunswick.
Political Announcements
I girls in gymnasium classes will pre-
A good plan to follow is to scrub
Miss Mary Wataon left yesterday I »ent several unusual dances to enter- thoroughly with boiling water and lye
morning for Portland ta visit over I .am hign senoo^ guests. ’•>?'
the pen or colony house tn which the
I wish to announce myself as a
’ the week-end.
’ I
sow is to farrow. This simple pfe-
What could be more appropriate for Washington’s Birthday
I A P. I elaheim, of the Bandon
candidate for the nomination for
Ben Wood, of Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, I ivorld, Edgar McDaniel, of the JvorUi caution is an effective way t<j make Sheriff of Coos County, at the Re­
a box of chocolates covered Maxine Gherriés?
the place clean and .sanitary.
returned Tuesday from a two days I ueuu xxaxvor, ana L. D. Gordon, ox
Superior Whole Cherries in delicious cream, covered with a
A few days before the sow is due publican pr.friaries, May 21, 1926.
trip to Portland and Corvallis.
I ,ne Marshfield News, met here yes- to farrow remove her from the herd
P. W. Culver. '
wonderful quality chocolate. They just melt- in your mouth.
, A. J. Sherwood returned Monday I terday noon ana leit in the 1 ormer s and wa^b her udder with soap and
evening from a business trip to Port­ I .-ar ror Eugene, where they are at- warm water. This precaution helps
land. He left home Saturday mom-1 I .ending the conference of ^the state to check Intestinal worms In the small
"•«S. After the sow has been cleaned
I .-tutors today and tomorrow.
place her In the farrowing quarters.
Opportunity for some exercise
'.J. E. Norton intends leaving Sun­
The pictures ot Mr*-L. A. Lil je-
day morning in hia .new Nash coupe I -ivist and Marina Gälte, daughter and should be given the sow; otherwise
for a week’s business trip to Port-1 grand daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. she will have a tendency to become
onerwood, appeared in tfle Oregonian constipated, and It will also be diffi­
tne past week. Mrs. Luje- cult to keep her pen in a dry sanitary
, Evangelist O. A. Burgess, of Wood-1
burn, preached at ths Church of God I Sv»t was patrofieM at a social iunc-
The sow’s feed Just before farrow­
Thursday night and will preach again I uon while little Martha appeared on ing should be made more laxative
kne Valentine page of Sunday's issue. and the quantity reduced. A good
Sunday night.
rule to follow is to cut her grain
- The W. C. T. U. will meet at the! Deputy Sheriff S. A. Malehorn and ration In half and add a small amount
home of Mrs. Houck on Friday, Feb- I Traffic Officer Williams returned last of wheat bran or linseed oil meal.
A// Tastes Provided For
Short Period of Glory
ruary 26, at 2:30 p. m. A good at-1 baturday evening from Ashland whore This will keep her bowels loose and
The Beiuchistan rugs are woven
For many centuries Greek was the
-hey attended the organization ot a she will recover from farrowing more
with the Sebna knot, and have a fine classic language tn literature until It
tendance is 'desired-
' .»race officers association such as the promptly by having her digestive sys­
storms silky appearance. The chief colors was supplanted by Latin. The classic
Mrs. Ralph Nosier and daughter, I officers in Coos county have had for tem well cleaned. After farrowing,
1, the are dark blbe, brown, rich dark. red, period of Latin literature lasted barely
Frances, have been seriously ill the I ¿he past two or three years. The the sow is in a feverish state for sev­
of the black, and white, and the designs are 100 years. Between the year 100 B. C.
past week with attacks of diphtheria, I association is composed of officers eral days, and should be offered no
usually geometrical, though some fol­ and the beginning of the Christian era.
low the simpler floral patterns of Per­ Cicero, Lucretius, Caesar, Horace, Vir­
but both are beginning to improve I from Klamath, Jackson and Josephine food for practically twenty-four hours.
sia. They wear well.—From a furni­ gil, Ovid and Livy all lived and wrote
She should be given plenty of fresh
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Walker return-1 counties.
ture ad in the Pittsburgh Press.
and passed away.
Rewards of Friendship
water. 8pecial care should be exer­
ed Monday evening from Portland I A -party from New York, who had
This communicating of a man's self
cised in feeding the sow the first a Hupmobilc sedan, which he I oeen visiting the C. L. Willey home week in order to insure a proper to his friends works two Contrary eti
President’s Cabinet
Ancient Oxford Cuttom
will use for demonstration purposes. I for a week, left Tuesday morning for milk flow. The same kind* of laxa­ fects, for It redoubletb joys and cut-
Qualifications for cabinet members ■" The annual stipend attached to the
The Missionary Society of the Pi-1 ^orvallis, Portland and other points tive ration should be used after far­ teth grief in halves; for there is ho are not prescribed by law. The cab­ office of chancellor of the University
inet is barely alluded to. in the Consti­ of Oxford is £5, and one of the func­
oneer M. E. Church will have a Cook-1 along the coast.
They were Fred rowing as has just been recoftimended man that Imparteth his Joys to his tution. U is presumed that any per­
ed Food Sale Saturday Fob. 20th at I Remer and mother, of Watkins Glen, for giving Immediately before farrow­ friend, but he enjoyeth the more; and son appointed to a cabinet position by tions of the holder of it is to hear
and determine chargee of treason and
ing. Starting on the second day. give no man that Imparteth his griefs to
Norier's Cash Store beginning st 101 4- /-JS? R^lrtReinejr andjvjfe^r #
CM r^gUant. 4Ad preCecrotk agalnM asemtoeseMr
fo^qtv. They naif been Lrav- .
r aal il aa n a
■ ..■i...........
iu ,.««.
—Pathfinder Magazine.
Herbert Fetter, of Remote, a fee­
ble-minded man who has caused the
Greenland in Europe
probate court more or less worry for
understood to include Greenlsnd. Al­
’QwPSttwnf NtilfTOffl IT“
though located close to . the North
Big Factor in Breeding
American continent,
Greenland Is
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc
Mr sisarir a g s » jfi —
believe that the question of nutrition
plays much more of a part with the
breeding ability of animals than is
generally thought.
Cattle that nre
fitted for show and which are usually
Kuitnen Appeals His Case
The Bandon typing team won over
the Coos River typing team, in the
contests held at Coos River Wednesday
Thp winning team wrote an average
oP 46 words per minute, whilsfiCooe
River’s average was 40 words.
Otto Kuitnen, found guilty last
week in Justice Stanley’s court of
¡possession of intoxicating liquor, has
appealed, through his attorney, G.
Russell Morgan, to the Circuit court
for a reversal of the lower court’s
findings. Transcript in the case was
tiled with the county cleric yesterday.
Herbert E. Mead, of North Bend,
is the first candidate to file for the
May primaries. He paid the $20 fee
yesterday, requesting his name to
appear as a candidate for the demo­
cratic nomination for »sheriff.
asks to have as his slogan on the bal­
lot, “An unwavering fig’..; against the
high cost of conducting public office.’’
Sunday dinner at the Coquille Hotel
means a day of rest for the house­
Take Three to the Pen
wife; no worry, no drudgery. Ser­
Sheriff Gage and Deputy Frank Os­
vice is unexcelled.
mund left yesterday morning for Sa­
The directors of the Marshfie! lem taking to the pen Frank Curtis,
Elmer Scrimger and Elmer Standifer,
Chamber of Commerce have decidi
not to approve any Fourth of July sentenced by Judge Kendall Tuesday.
They will also go up to Payette,
celebration there this year as th-
state canvention of the American Le Idaho, and bring back Willis and
Roberta, the men who drove mort­
gion is to be held there the follow»
gaged cattle off from the Z. C. Strang
ranch at Fairview last April and
Karl August Rolund, a logger
shipped them to Idaho. •
whose home is in Coquille, filed his
declaration of iiflention to apply for
Ground Broken Tuesday
citizenship with the county clerk
Dirt throwing began Tuesday morn-
last Saturday. He io 46 years df
age, a native of Sweden, and came to ng on the site of the new Sentinel
the United States in 1906.
building without any formalities. The
We will loan in Coquille all monies very stormy weather of the previous
few days delayed the start.
It is,
saved with us by people of Coquille.
Let us explain the finest plan to cre­ we believe, the first business building
to be erected in Coquille since the
ate an educational fund for your
See our display at Fuhr­ paper project was abandoned.
ly shy breeders and in many cases are
sterile. This can be accounted for
from the fact that these animals con­
sume too large amounts of carbon­
hydrates and fata and not enough
protein ; In this manner their repro­
ductive organs become weakened and
are no longer able to function In a
normal manner. Men who have shown
cattle for a number of years have ex­
perienced this difficulty very often ;
this is one of the drawbacks tn the
showing business. If it la possible to
bring these animals to high condi­
tion and In so-doing feed them greater
quantities of protein feeds and min­
eral matter. It would, prevent much
of the breeding trouble In thia
of live stock.
oil. Including crude, heavy whale oil,
waa employed, and later lard oil waa
substituted In certain of three lamps.
The lamp-burning petroleum and kero­
sene came In considerably later.
No more cranxing your car when
you have your battery repaired at Co­
quille Service Station.
AH work
about any kind of insurance.
I will write it for you.
Dependable Insurance
Sensible Shelves
If shelves are necessary In your
kitchen, have them placed low enough
to be within easy reach. Then useless
things will not be placed there and
allowed to remain.
We have been appointed distributors for the Stewart-Warner Radio.
The Stewart-Warner Radio is the same to the Radio world as the Ford is to
the motor world. This Radio is priced, which enables the public to enjoy a
high grade Radio, for a very reasonable price.
Stewart-Warner set No* 300 with-5 tubes, Batteries and Stewart-Warner loud
speaker price
We also have the 6 tube Freed Eiseman Neutrodyne Radio
tubes, Batteries and Rola speaker for
man's Pharmacy this week—North ­
ern Savings A Loan Aes’n.
Mrs. E. C. Smith, of the Title Guar­
antee A Abstract Co., left Ta-, .day
evening for Yankton, 8. D., in re­
sponse to a telegram that hsr'sister
Miss Nellie Lynch, was very serious!--
ill. The latter is assistant supervisor
of state hospitals in South Dakota.
Camera and Savings bank will be
given free to every person starting
their savings account with the. North­
ern Savings A Loan Ase’n thia week.
Let us explain to you the finest plan
for your children’s educational fund.
See our display at Fuhrman’s Pharm-
Winchester Super 45-Volt B-
Batteries $3.25
Winchester C-Batteries
... 50c
Eveready Heavy-duty B-Batteries $3.85
Cunningham Tubes
Rola Speakers
- - $25.00
Stewart-Warner tubes
• -
See BIRCH and
See Better
Optometrist, Marshfield
Phone 322
100 ft. Copper-tined Aerial
150 ft Copper-tined Aerial
Aerial Insulators
Heavy Window Stripe
B-Batteries Testers
Antena Kits
Stewart-Warner Speaker
Coquille Hardware Co