The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 05, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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each lot
each lot
.Alder Park
'Sunset Park
Woodland Add to Bandon
Schaefer’s Deep Water Front
Seaport Plat ‘‘A”................... .
South Harbor
Crawford Point Additon
leaf out and blossom.
The county court did a good job
when James Benham was re-appoint-
id road patrol for the upper part of
the mad dIstrfct.~~TK~wouid not take
the job for the whole length of the
district. There is one thing about
Mr. Benham, he won’t give a man a
job just to give bhn a job. It was
fifty years last fall since -he came
to Coos county and that which he has
; s in this cou,nty and the most of it in
this road district.
Elmer Wilson and Walter Laird
were around with a petition to the
post office department for a daily mail
ervice to ^itkum.
The -people of
Myrtle Point are talcing a hand to
help get it through.
The commercial chA of Coquille is
to be congratulated on the stand tak­
en by its members in apposing the
gambling fakers at the Myrtle Point
fair. The Coos county court is not
compelled to give that crowd money
under the guise of a Coos County fair
with Curry county as an annex. All
the court has to do is to say: “If you
allow gamblers and fakers—no fair
money from the county;” and pay
over no money until after the fair.
And the sheriff should take in the
gambling fakers and their aiders and
abettors, the fair directors, the
same as any other gambling outfit.
* It was a great sermon we heard
Sunday night from the Church of the
Open Door, Bible Institute, Mr. Mc-
Kennon pastor, Los Angeles. On the
historical fact of the life,, death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, his text
was Paul’s appearance before King
Agrippa and Paul’s declaration:
“These things were not done in a
Longer Wear
More Traction
Less Tire Trouble
Best Economy
Those U. 6. senators who thought
they could blow back the tide with the
wind of words found that they were
.swamped by the high tides of pub.
lie opinion and the votes of honors'.le
men in the senate when that vote au­
thorised the United States of Ameri­
ca to become a member of the Inter­
national Court of Justice.
The articles in the World’s Work
on.“The Rising Tide of Crime” by
Lawrence Veiller, chairman of the
criminal committee of the Charity
Organisation Society of Ne* York,
should be read by every man who has
any regard for individual responsi­
bility and the duties of citizenship.
Let these figures Soak in : “In 1923
there were 10,000 murders in Ameri­
ca <11,000 in 1924) as compared to
1,51 homicides in England and Wales.
More men ate rfata tritti the
New York City in one year than art
murdered in all of England and Wales
in the same period and Chicago and
others of our cities beat whole nations
at murders. Robbing is 36 times as
prevalent in New. York as London
and in Chicago it is 100 tiipes as pre­
- R. A, Easton.
*° ■’•’•c'ibe for a fort-
l*nd dhilyz the dubbing combination
we offer with the Sentinel trill save
vou money.