•7 ' / ’ r . .... H i;4 ¿h- '. Jh. .v*r T ley S ■ -vM Or VOL. XXL NO. M. Dance’ Tommorow Night ; . -J • COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OR»GON. FRIDA T, AUGUST 14, 1MB. * | ... -x ! The Coquille Rod «nd Gun club dance here tomorrow (Saturday) night promises to be the latest ever held in Graham's Hall. Over four hundred tickets have been sold, and although many of those will not be presented, there are hundreds of others who will come here for dances will be very few tomorrow night. The Bandon Rdd A Gun Club was successful in forestalling any dance down there; Myrtle Point dancers are coming here by the score and fifty tickets have already been sold HORSESHOE CLUB STARTED DOES COQUILLE WANT HOSPITAL amo'unt—the difference between the 6% rate on warrants and the 4 8-4% which the bonds bear. * The work of Clerk O. C. Sanford in connection with the bond issue is es pecially praiseworthy, for the bond dealers and their attorneys passed on and approved all the proceedings without even asking a question. There are technicalities in issuing bonds, which sometimes involve the district or municipality issuing them, in diffi culty, and this school district is es pecially fortunate in having a man like O. G Sanford to handle the «to talis in so successful a manner. He saved the district an attorney fee in preparing for the election, too. Praises Coos Market Roads J. H. Scott, state market road en gineer, accompanied by his father- in-law, Mr. Lewis, of Portland, was in Coquille on Tuesday and Wednes day of this week- With Judge Mast and Roadmaster Gilbert he inspected' the market roads of Coos county and expressed satisfaction with the loca tion of the roads and work done this year. He said that thia county was getting down to business and putting market roada where they should be. * . ■ - ■- » V - Governor at M. W. A. Picnic Gpv. Walter Pierce, who is to be in Coos county for the fanners’ picnic on Aug. 22. will be present at the Modern Woodmen and Royal Neigh bors basket picnic in the Norway grove on Sunday, Aug. 28. He is state torturer for the M. W. A. An Modern Woodmen and Royal Neigh bon are invited to attend and bring basketa. p. ■