• * >**f’^r*'*s •'•'X a ?* / ’’ ' Careful Buying “MAKES A HEAVY PURSE” " *' THE 20TH CENTURY STORES serve over 12,00(1 careful buyers every day. The success of these up-to-the-minute Stores is built upon the keen judgment of Consumers who practice economy. It’s the Saving ~ on every article in a i ‘^>th Century .Store that counts. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar lCftm.Ua IN »s.................... Campbell'« Beans " w The “Big" Tin ................................... 5.99 ............. 9c 48c 49c A REAL TREAT—Marmalade, “Chivers OM« Eaglieh.” Imported, 1 ft Jar ................................................ ... Nuraya Tea 1-1 ft pkge. ..................................... 33c 25c Pompeian Olive OU, th. lowest price in years. Freak shipment, pint can Libby’s Pineapple, Sliced Largo Cana, 2 for Minced Clams, Sew Pack 1 "7 1 O Halves, Can .........................................Ai A“X Wax Paper, “5c sise" 1 Both ................................... Post Toasties Pkga. ............. .................................... Tropiko Grapefruit, Luscious CRH ••••*«••«••♦•»••••••«•••»»•• Ripe Olive«, Bulk 13c j Qimrt 29c 9c 20c 10c Bulk Cocoa, pure ' 2 fts. ................................ 15c 15c Shrimp, Latest pack No. 1 Tins ................... 1 'I* 11 Flour, Kerr’s Beet Patent, 4» ft Sack »2.27. Crown er Sperry’s »241. Fisher’s Blend ................................... Old Dutch Cleanser fOC X 3 lbs. ......................... ...................... . jyc 1 ...................... • • . a e<.e «•«••••• • •• •••eeopdb ' Pees, “Royal City" very small sine, (No. 2 Sieve) Special, per can .... Delida Sandwich 2 COBS • • • e eeaae,««. , . 1 ■. „ • 2.53 15c. ] 19c ^7. •••••••»•••■•« Coquille Marshfield North Bend Cow Testing Reports For July p. a. J. p. a. j. •Jt-;- tl CL A p. a Ji p. «. X G.X CITY MEAT MARKET LF. Want Ads 1F. JLR Olson, of mterson, of One Coat a Wort Each Insertion 4S.7 1 4BL6 >447 » FOB SALE—6 1-2 acres bottom land, just south of Coquille on the Myrtle Point road. Soo £• A. Fol som. 27t3 ft fat 744 71 ja M7 AU kinds of dressmaking done rea sonably. Old clothes remodeled. Phone U3M; 225 N. Hall St. Mrs. J. G. Page. 26U* Straw Hats Half Price 1 A. ELROD MEN’S WEAR T* 1