This announcement For the Rearranging and Marking of Goods the Store will be Closed All Day Monday* March 16 Sale Begins Tuesday, March 17,9 a. m< AM natiaw for 11 days, «Joaiat at 9 b . UvUlJlz 0 MINE!—-GOODS M 30!—t- EVERY ¿ARTICLE SACRIFICED! ( as PRICES never . be IN COOS COUNTY STOP! READ and THINK! Before you buy a doll ar’s worth of Hardware, Furniture, Rugs, Lino leum, Mattresses, Stoves, Dishes, Kitchen UtensHb, Paints, Wall Paper, Roofing—in fact anything used in making and furnishing a home, Watch | d Wait for this Great Money Saving Event, GOULD & GOULD have decided to unload and in rder to do so have decided to place their entire stock on Public Sale for 11 days at prices that hav never been heard of in Coos County before. THIS IS NOT a sale of old or shop worn goods bu •¿very article new and high grade merchandise, We are not offering just a few leaders but every a xicle in the store is reduced from 10 to 50 oer cent. except a few items which are contract goods. The Greatest Bargain Event $20,000 worth of FURNITURE, RUGS, LINOLEUM, STOVES, Silverware, Aluminum, Tin and Graryteware.Wood Beds, Steel Be< Paper, Roofing, Refrigerators, Cabinets, Etc Every article f S, WALL PAPER,i PAINT, CHINAWARE, GLASSWARE, sses, Pillows, Blankets, Trunks, Club Bags, Suit Cases, Building marked in plain figures, with both Regular and Sale Price. The Colonial Jr. Range Come Early ■ Bicycle SALE Sale for CASH ONLY Bow back Chairt« rem WWW WWwfi wnwis wy W W Ml 1 H best baker in the world, oheap al MU on Sato al $52.89