There’s a rich beauty to a painted floor that appeals to alh Then it is a remarkably easy floor to clean and keep clean. Acme Quality Floor Paint (Granite) seals the wood against moisture and dirt It protects it against wear. And it is so easy to* put on. Dries quickly, too. The Acme Quality label tells you that it is the best paint for the pur pose. Ask us for color cards, prices, etc. ACME QUALITY FLOOR PAINT Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. Have Your House Wired for Electric Lights and pgy on the installment plan- A small sum down and monthly payments Thor Washing Machines Check Seal Vacuum Cleaners Vacuum Cleaners for Rent E. G. OPPERMAN Electric Wiring and Supplies______ 420 South Taylor RANCHERS Why Take a Chance? N. C. KELLEY Representing only DEPENDABLE COMPANIES Blow Out Those Old Stumps We have a Complete Line of Blasting Caps, Fuse and Powder Coquille Hardware Co ■■■■■■■■I