■ - “■ ■ _ £ ¿ £ 7 '»TT. a te » Ç & * a J * * - -*aKS V :■ ' . 1 ’ i .?■ - • 9 i:*C- see Only 8 days more of Bargains. v Everything to Furnish Your Home at Lowest Prices * ° Beautiful Bedroom Sets in Walnut, Silvertone or Ivory. Ranges and Heaters at Low- Bit Prices. Dinner Sets in Walnut or Oak. Dishes of Patterns that will Please the ■ IM r Eye and Prices that Please the Purse ''I K llM B Time will soon be over Like Firework* A municipal fire works display Voters of the nine districts near Bandon proposed for conaolidatioa in­ to' a union high school district w!H decide th* question a t aa election to be called for October 16th, according to word received from County Su­ perintendent C. E. Mulkey, who in chairman of tha boundary board. ’At the hearing held at Coquills Tuesday remonstrance* were present­ ed from five districts but wily four were considered legal as on* hag 1 sufficient names. The districts rep­ resented were No. 11. (Parkersburg), Np. 21 (Randolph), No. 46 (Naw Lake,. No. 64 (Bandon) and No. 88 (Upper Four Nile). The latter was not considered legal. The total nan amounted to 6T. A t th e Chamber of Commerce meeting Tuesday .night Chairman A. H. Rosa of Hie lofeal school distri stated that the high school now has an enrollBMat of 146 and that it fa badly congested. Unless a uni high school i r built the Bandon dis­ trict must provide additional build­ ing spare next year as R will be im­ possible under proportionate increase to take ear* of all the local students together with those from adjoining districts.—Band on World. . Petition for Pardon Below, somewhere, among these roil Ing hills, was the pretty house which Morrow, his Mead, had Insisted upon turning over to his undisturbed occu­ pancy. The hook wan coming aloof nicely In the healthful solitude, and regular- ly Landon** other writings went to the syndicate. He had thought that A petition is being circulated a t •** mountain path perhaps lost In P o rt Orford by Mr. and Mrs. W B. etady he had passed from the fam iliar; H urst ..k in » Rnvnmnr p t.r r r J .« . s t any rate there was no sign of hah- 25U&2£rs2r.«& »..■*?»,« «*• * * “ sent to the penitentiary fo r s year, L an y , the dog, who was 'his only To Have Morse Operator Charles Hall 1* quoted aa saying that tils Band on Exchange may have a Morse code operator to handle tele­ grams In the near futnre. Telegrams and long distance msmagss have in­ creased to such aa sxtent that addi­ tional wire service must be provided. However, say* tha World, the line between Ban doe and Coquille a t pres­ ent extends over a private right-of- way that during tha winter months is only noses*Me on fo o t Aa soon as th* new highway la completed the line wily be relocated and rebuilt and first class sarvic* can be assured, la * Children Ptnying Race* Spider m te a In the warm part» of Hpsln and Italy there Is a bmwn spider the slse of a chestnut, called the tarantula. A some­ what similar spider In Mexico get the same name ftom th# early Spanish ex­ plorers. There is an .pld story of the danger of Its bite anti that tarantula* coming North on a bench at bananas h are killed people In the United Stntes One story that It produced epilepsy and ■ kind of datwipg madness cer­ tainly prevailed la the Middle apex This, It was claimed, could he cured by f e c ia l music. Many experiment* have been made as to the effect of those spider Mtea One distinguished enter gwtaflat actually allowed rurlous spe­ cies of spiders to bite his hand. Some Of these drew blood, giving a senmtlon like that at a sharp needle prick. The wounds smarted and swelled somewhat and Itched when rubbed, producing very much the sensation of mosquitc bites, but no permanent 111-effects fol Schoyl children all over England are playing the races, deserting their books for bookies. Testimony given by a woman school tea char at tha government's inquiry into betting re­ vealed that out of a ciase of forty- two beys, averaging eleven years old, nineteen admitted they, basked hones, She also suspected others in th* class of playing U m ponies with their pen­ nies. She said they talk about form, the sise of the hones and the abili­ ties of the jockies. The youth of th* land hardly get off their rocking Lydia thrived most ftora Tlfl B. G. hones before beginning to back th* to Mfl B. G (w b rt Creeoua was over­ real thing. Speaking of “Th* Europe o f To­ morrow” in an article in the current issue o f the Outlook, Jules Saoevern says: “I can state positively, with­ out any fear at exaggeration, th at 1* July, 1819, Germany was pr turn over a t once, in cash, %r 000,000,000 to 8,000,000,000 i an gold marks. . . . It must be In all truthfulness th at the biHty for the failure to take advant­ age ef that favorable opportunity thrown by Cyrus, the Persian.) The Lydlsas were the most advanced of all peoples In those days, as they were also the richest. While they were sf fentínate, they were also the most cul­ tured of luxaty-levfag traders The Lydian* loved the good things M life, exquisite garments. b e s n t’ful gems, costly carpets and rugs, scented ells and music. It Is rect.nlcd. They 'discovered the art of dyeing wool, of coining money and were the first to use grid, which they procured in com psratlve abundance from the g arabot and Pactóla* river* and the mines, as a medium of exchange. companion peered to be as confused of direction as himself. Twice Richard had hope­ fully given Larry the lead, with a curt command: “Homs, boy, home.” After fatUe running about Larry returned each time to rest on the ground before bis master. . “It wouldn't be *o bad.” Richard was meditating, “to sleep on these warm pine needles for • night. If go­ ing back la out of the question." Then bn looked up to see the light of a far campfire. Promptly he started In that direction. Directly before tbs Illuminating fire, the white covering of n tout for background, ant n girl, like n figure from a fanciful painting. The young woman was wrapped In a crimson bathrobe, Richard spoke to the girl In reas­ surance. “I have lost my way In this lonely hill. When I s a d your fire I came to ask direction. I am stopping at Pine Orest lodge, the summer home of Mr Morrow.” The girl stood up In the firelight, and hs sew she was small and slender. T h at," she said, “la quite far down —near the village. Perhaps you will rest a while by the fire, then I will find my little electric torch for you and try to explain the way. I have heard of you. My. Richard Landon—and that you are writing here.” Richard accepted the invitation to rest. Larry had already made loving acquaintance, his great head brushing the girl’s arm. “How I wish,” she ■aid Impulsively, “th at I might koep auch a pet op h e re 'fo r company and protection.” “Protection r r» Richard sharply sskod th e. question—"surely you do not Uve alone In solitude r "I do Uve bore, alone,” the young woman answered, briefly. ”1 will got the torch for you, Mr. Landon.” He watched as she opened the fiap of the tent and passed Inside. A lan­ tern in Its center showed a cot bed, a hot-plate, sod a table strewn with papers and magazines. Beside him on the grass lay a tin of malted milk LANG RANGE HK LANG BTOVS Is a result of y e a n of export- mental work mid study of fuel cooditioos and heat- ing problems. It*s construction enables It to cut fuel costs to a n d n f a m Manufactured of tha finest material obtainable, its lasting qualities and dbrritUhy are second’ to non*. The HO T AIR DRAPT and tha HOT B L A fT SMOKE BURN­ ING principle are original LANS features and . J N j n b m U e i in every LAJfO Range ------- T QUICK'S STORE. lA W cB p Phone 110L sro m murro-ort To Consolidate Grass is growing luxuriantly on the tope of thousands of freight cars lying idle in the railroad yards of the Rohr Valley. Most of them are filled with merchandise and have not turn­ ed a wheel since the Belgians and French marched into the industrial ar«a last January. -■ .. Richard Landon. It was humili­ ating to realise that he was actually tost In the mountain. Yet each new path that he bad triad perplexed him V v Grams Growing on Freight Care U TTLE RECLUSE S* The recent disaster in Japan has caused a change in the leading pro­ gram, and it is pUnnod to tie the vessel to the dock for about five days to load tha.lumber and ties, and take thd logs from the water. Besides the Wm. Crewe company, two other oompaniea arc operating haps, and approximately three times aa m uch snipping win be dene a* In previous years. About 86 trucks, are hauling logs and lumber to the deck. The port commission has built an office building on the dock far the warAnger and watchman, installed a telephone and last weak completed the construction of two 6000 gallon watar tanks on the hill above the doek which provides w ster for boats as wall as adequate preasuro for use In cake of fire. The commission expect» to realise nearly 610,000 in wharf age charges this ssaaoa. staged Wednesday night for the es­ pecial benefiit of Marshfield people, a display which required ne more ef­ fort than the dropping "of s match or cigarette in the old slashing be­ hind the hills to the west. And in spite of the small amount of effort used in potting it out it was as gor­ geons as any Fourth of July cele­ bration, says the Times. The whole sky to the west was slight with s red glow that was si ire with clouds of red sparks. Psopla on the streets looked at it and for­ got the danger of tt in enjoying the spectacle. Deputy Fire Warden Walsh still . The last type set by Warren G. Harding has keen plated in gold and sent to Washington to be kept with other relics of the late President Hs set thè type in the'eosspoeing room of the Fairbanks News-Miner. At th a t time he eras presented with a gold nxake-np by the printers of in­ terior Alaska. I cargo of eedar to be taken direct to Japan from this port, is due to arrive here Saturday to load Port Orfsrd eedar logs, ties' and lumber for Japan. The veasel is now at Astoria being fumigated and loading squares to be stowed between logs loaded here. The Crowe cemspny’s allotment of storage space on the local dock con­ tains some 800,000 feet of lumber, and approximately 2,000,000 feet of ex port logs have boon piled on the beach near ihe wharf. A Iff 1-2 ton donkey has been purchased and a crew of mas a re ’ fattening It an the bank above the road, and stretching n cable from the bank to s rock in the harbor which will be Used to high line the tegs to the water from where they Last Type Harding Set WM