V i » ’ ’¡■•.hi ■ ,) TSR COQUILLE TALLET T. SOCIAL NOTES Sept 9 to Sept 15 re In te t Always far Your Delight SUNDAY AND MONDAY Two Full Fo "DOLLAR DEVILS" With su all-star cart including J< Eva Ne­ _ ■ vak and ts Wanted: A man, « c h i l d r e n , be laugh with Joseph DowHng in "Dollar Devila.” Billie Dove in a u “ YOUTH TO YOUTH” A beautiful misa in n barnstorming story depicting in­ timately “ back stags” life of the theatre. Showing the óf*Üm°S«ratlend0r N*W T0rk *** W«tet simplicity Admission 16c and 36« r$ÉÊ& .‘ * i* '/< ■ TUE8DAY AND WEDNESDAY , Rex Ingram’s Production _ , “TRIFLING WOMEN" With Barham LaMarr, Ramon Nov arre and Lewis Stone fat the cert Paris, the boulevards, and Zareda, the beautiful crystal gaser are the backgrounds around which Rex Ingram haa built a picture with all the magnitude of hi« famous “ Four Horsetnen” and "The Prisoner o t Zends.” You wUl aoo a gorgeous and glittering exhibition and a superb motion picture. TNTBRNATIONAL NEWS’ TOPICS OF THB DAT* A coop’s Fables— T H E SHIRK" I dsslmdau 16c .and 36« T h u rsd ay 1 * "THE LURE OF EGYPT* With an ali-etar cart indnding Robert McKIm, Claire Dowling, Carl Gantvoort and Frank Hayoa. manee and adventure in exotic E gypt A brilliant sotting«. In ths^land of "b i* 3 »rd*sand^ many lUngs have been buried with thair diamonds and gold. This story is basad on the finding of King Akhnaton’s tomb which is thirty-throe centuries old. And Jack Holt in , _ "MAKING A MAN" i By Peter B. Kyne, famous author of California stories. This story Is built around s young California Millionaire and is s character study carrying romance, humor and heart interest • ' m it r u i 15c________________ FRIDAY wlU he repeated end "DON FUL- 'teros will appear la vaude- ■ yee ero It perform like e Mr. and Mia. JL’ H. Hamden gave n delightful picnic dinner last svsaiag to s numbePof their friends in ho o f Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Branstetter. Upon arriving pt 6:30 ths gas found the table spread in a nearby orchard. Mro. H. E. Haas essie Mrs. ftarpden. Those present were Mr. and M L. F. Branstetter, Mr. and Mrs. A. J Sherwood and Miss Delis Sherwood, Mr. and Mro. F. # . Jennings and son, Sherwood, of Eugene, Mr. sad Mro. H. E. Hess sad two children, Marion and Junior, Mieses Edna Hariockar, Catherine Wernich and Marian Young m d the host and bests«« «rith their daughter, Betty Evriya. Later la the evening the party re­ turned to the Haraden home when cantaloupe a la- mode eras served. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson enter­ tained a number of their friends at a picnic dinner last Thursday night. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Leslie, Dr. and Mrs. F. O. Bunch, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johnson, Mr. and Mrs Ed. W alter, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leslie, Misses MarveT Steel», Catharine Horsey, Helen Sherwood, Maxine McGihrory, Delia Sherwqod, Dorothy Lorens and Messrs. Ken­ neth Kistner, Delbert Oberteuffer, Julius Robles and Raymond Burns. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. G reenough were hosts Monday evening complimenting Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Branstetter. Three tablee o f bridge were in play. Those enjoying the evening «rere H. A. Young, Mesdames R. A.*Wernieh, Bert Folsom, J. L. Smith, H. W. Pierce, J. A. Lamb, H. N. Butler, the honor guests and hosts. For the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Branstetter, Mrs. R. A. Wernich was hostess at bridge Wedneaddp ev- ening. Those invited to play «rare «vare Messrs, and Mesdames H*W. Pierce, H. A. Young, F. 8. Giecnough, F. C. McNeBy, J. A. Lamb and d à honor SATURDAY * "THE PRISONER" From the story of "Castle Crsnecrow.” A smashing story - A n i^ N TH b I d ATS OF DANIEL BOONE” Chap. 4. A great chapter play filmed right from the ^LTy.^^d^'rtS? #0r “ ** ,rom 8i|rht *• And Paul Parrott In “JAILED A lh ) BAILED" PATHS NEWS Reed & Morton Roofing Contractors White w« art Roofing the Coquille Hotel we will Ite pleased to figure oa Residence Reroofing and Repairs. • A g - 30—W n. Gordon Woodring and Tessie E. Demos, both of Marsh­ field. Sept. 1—Dudley Monroe Hill and Maude Flora McRae, both of Marsh­ field. Sept 1—Sanford Lackatrom and LQy HelSn Matheson, both o f North Bond. They % efe quanted on Sun­ day by Rev. Thos. W. Radford at the hams o f L. I t Wlor § North » * d L _ Sept. I Belaud L. Wainer and Mhrgaret Gibbs, both o f Broadbent Sept. 6—Joeeph Lopes sad Agnes Jordan, both of Marshfield. Don’t Punish the Children With S3 of the 176 moraban of the local chapter praaoat at roll call, for a parean taco of ovar 47, Boolah waa • par coat ahead o f Cooa chapter at North Bond, which muatered about 66 praaoat; and 1» par ooat ahead of Elgin Chapter at Myrtle Point. Oc­ cidental at Bandon did not compete and under the law o f the aaooeiation, Doric chapter fit M arabfield, the hoat- em, waa not eligible to contest The winner« for the paat IS peora hare been: Cooa Chapter in 1013. Beulah Chapter in ISIS. Doric Chapter in 1014. Cooa Chapter in 1016 and 1016. £ l«ia Chapter in 1017. Cooa Chapter in 101«, Doric Chapter in 1010. Occidental Chapter in 1000. Beulah Chapter in 1001, 1022, 1023. The, attendance at the aeealona of the association laat Friday taxed the ability of the Marshfield chapter to the limit, there being about 260 pres­ ent for, the dinner and afternoon ses­ sion and over 600 for the evening ses­ sion. Mrs. Stall« Drake, worthy grand matron, and W n. Robinson Boons, worthy grand patron for Oregon, be­ sides four secretaries o f Portland chapters, were present pad interested spectators of the day's events. The drills and initiation work put on during the evening session were both interesting and instructive. One of the noteworthy incidents of the evening session was the eall for charter members of the Coes county chapters, Beulah chapter had one such present—Prank Robison, of FUhtrap—who is the only surviving member of those who organised it forty-five years ago. Myrtle Point, Bandon, North Bead and Marshfield Orders can be nddreeoed to ui at North Bend or MarehfioM or left at The 8eatiael, Coquille. Black Cat Methods and Paint are nM and applied only by no in this county. * i Genera] Hauling and Delivery to all parts of the dty Meet all Train* and Boats johnson T Outshiniag Morte Sten A Menticene, Indiane dispatch i tod yee today says that Fani Brant, SHINGLES for SALE Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. Phone 101J or 94M B ootleg g er Caught Dewey Jeehsen, s bootlegger, who escaped from the road gang p year ago laat April, «ras caught In Gold Beech last week and btvugkt up hors Friday to finish serving his sentence of 30 days in jafl and fine of 6166. Tuesday of this «vmk «rith an enroll­ ment of 401, in the gradas and 106 in the high school It «ros found that a second overflow assembly room is necessary in the high school and that the class rooms are inadequate. Ev­ ery conceivable method of rearrange­ ment is being employed to got maxi­ mum results. Ths enrollment in the high school is not yet complete. PACIFIC FARM JERSEYS S u H WOOD L NORDSTROM Q a am A n a la Sold There is considerable conjecture over the possibility of a resort fsn- NOSLER’S CASH STORE 8AVE MONEY BY PAYING CASH hmkdh ^ hhi Want Ads First M. B. Church Sunday School at 10 a. m. lass Chase, Superintendent. Publie Worship U a. m. Evening services at 6 p. an. Closing services of this conference WOOD FOR SALE*—Old growth fir. year. Sermon by the Pastor. Sub­ Phone 6021. ' 1 ject, “ Retrospect.” - - F. L. Young, Pastor. FOR SALE—Seven room house and 000, 10t. Prigs $1260. Boo Goo. Gilman. 34U* HAVE YOUR Flam and Chimneys . Cleaned. 8tove draws and bates better. Stop\ smoking- Prevente fires. Phono 56. . members present, but Beulah chapter is the oldest of any in the county. A s newly organised Mystic Chap­ FOR SALE in thy fields— Tomatoes, ter of Powers was granted admission 2c per pound. AU kinds o f Pears to the association, making the sixth. and Apples, 60c per bushel. Peter Mrs. Hugo Quist, president, ap­ Axe, Phon« 470, Bridge, Ore. 64t2 pointed a committee to devise a plan for future contests and to suggest a prise, now that the twenty-inch sihrer loving cup has cosse to a permanent Prayer steeting Thursday evening resting place in the Masonic Temple st 7:46 » m. at Coquille. You a n Invited. Come .and moot Friday was a day wUeh will lea« H. B. Wilson, Pastor. be remembered by all members o f the Eastern Star in Coos county, and es­ f o e SALE— 11 grade Guernsey h eif-. pecially for the royal entertainment •n, J. L. Smith. provided by the Indios of Doric Chap­ ter. TEAM FOR SALE—About 1160, also hack sad light harness. Grid­ R evival S till in Progrens ing 6 jrca., suua 13, milking colt Take good eew pert payment, bal­ The Revival meetings at the ance terms. East First street. Church of God are still going on and Frank A. Shaw. 3St2* tviU continue all next weak. There «rill be a baptismal service Sunday, YOUNG MAN’S soit for salo, sia# 07, Sept 0, in the afternoon, to ho hold nearly new. Cost $60.00. WU1 sell at the river, near the aaw bridge. for $20.00 Address Box 662. Co­ The evangelist, W. W. C rist is still quills. _ New C u n a in C ircu it C e w t Ang. I l — Robert McCann ve. L. F. Falkehstoin. Ang. SI—Ben 8. Fisher vs. W. A. Collver, J. T. Coll ver and Max Moore. Sept {—Aaaa Huff vs. Wm. D. Huff. Suit for divorce. Sept 4—Fred Larson vs. May F. Larson. Suit for divarea. Sept. 4—Pétition for Guardina ir. thè metter of thè estete and guard- friands and listen to his spirit-flllsd ianship of Naomi B. Weddle. Re Sept. 4— In thè metter o f thè re messages. AU aro «roteóme. leaee of dower of Sophie Hill, sa in 7:46. . H. B. Wilson, sane psrson. Auguste M. BodslLwss last Satur­ day appointed exocamtx o f the «rill of the late Jacob BodeU, who" left an •state of $600 in personal property. W. E. Butler, John Ferguson and Al Johnson worn appointed appraisers. J. J. Stanley has bean* appointed administrator of the estete of Effe Mynatt, who died March 27, 1021, leaving $260 in real property. Gee. O. Leach, Eva M. Lennox end Alta Stanley «vere appointed appraisers. Give them more Raisins, Prunes, Applet, Figs and other good things that make for good healthy and some of your troubles will disappear. We carry a splendid line'of dried Fruits. All fine quality. They make dandy sauce and pies. We get these fruits in frequent shipments. They come to you fresh, clean and inviting. Prices very reasonable. They help to cut down the cost of living. , , ,, v- , J . [ J * ' ’h»r ’ * Phone us your orders. 4 FOR RENT—T«vo rooms, constating of bedroom and living r o o » Bath in connection. Inquire at this ef- FOR SALE—Farm on ths Applegate 14 milts 'from Grants Pam. and 20 miles from Medford. WÜ1 take Co anille property for part payment Address Box 06, Coquille. 22a MANY LEGENDS Of HIAWATHA arid to Have Mads His Heme ae Mackinac Island—'Why He Cam- net Retur^ to Id tk . Home legends cred! haring made his boate at laiaad, and from that print as a cen­ ter, to beva made a new earth areaad Mm. According to the story the fight «rith his father began oa the apper Mlmtasippt. sad the bowlders foe ad along tta banks wars their mlasOea. The south eh ore of Lake Superior was dm SMBS of his conflict «rith the ser- psnta Ho busted the gwdt beaver dews his dam at Sealt Sts. Maria A depression la a rock «• ths southern edge of Mlehlplcotea bay la where bo alighted after a jump across the laka la a larger depression, near Tbander bay. Lake Superior, he sat when smoking his lari ptpa The Mg rocks oa the east side ef Grand Traverse bay. near Antrim, a n the heart ef a atone meneter that be Slow. Some legends say that Hiawatha Is butted under a mountain three miles long, on the east rids e f Than-' dor bay, «rhleh. from the «rater, IW eemblee a man lying oa Ms hark. Others say that Hiawatha .ass Nvw at the top tee earth, aarid tea Ha. sad directs the sea. He hae te ttve IB a cold country because. If ha «rare to retain, ha would sat the earth oa m-. _ -----«-»a V __« - » ____— nr# with nui a_ iuoiNTrpt,