The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 20, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. and M r». G
Hdran returned
ia g from their m ei
t w in
m ir a c l e s —
at Ute Tillamook brack**
bW to a w ell-organised railw ay system
I f radio ia im portant to the flier
over land, its value to the man at sea
In the air can be readily appreciated.
A naval pilot, fo r Instance, out o f
sigh t o f land, flyin g ever a gra y ocean
perhaps immersed in a fo g also, de­
sires to Ax his position w ith more
certainty than he feels his inatrnmeata
can give him, under the c o n d itio *.
W ith his radio he flashes the signal
“ Q. T . K .T " m eaning roughly, “ W here
am I T " Alm ost at once he gets sig ­
nals from so-called radio compass sta­
tions ashore, which enable him to fix
his position w ith absolute accuracy.
Or the p ilot can cut in on the radio
talk which is constantly around him.
W ith the aid e f his radio compass—
another adaptation, by the way, o f
radio's lim itless possibilities— the pi­
lo t can ascertain the direction from
which one line is com ing, say N orfolk,
V irgin ia; then, gettin g the direction
o f another line, fo r example» Philadel­
phia, he looks at his map, traces the
directions o f his tw o lines and their
intersection where he caught them,
and he has his “ fix ," as he calls i t
The feats already attributed to the
radio compasa are w ell known, espec­
ially to radio enthusiasts. F irst es­
tablished %y the N avy during the war,
radio compass stations w ere a valua­
ble aid in running doom enemy subma­
rines, finding them w ith uncanny ac­
curacy. And, like many another w ar­
tim e device, these stations have been
doubly valuable in peace. N ot alone
dc the pilots o f seaplanes rely on
them; even m ore so do fog-bound navi­
gators in a crowded harbor entrance
depend on them a t tim es. These sta­
tions have a creditable record o f ships
saved which m ight now kw barnacle-
covered relics on shoal and re e f oth er­
wise. V irtu ally all naval ships are
equipped w ith radio compasses, by
means o f which they are enabled to
aaeertain the direction o f various
shore point*, pick up the bearings o f
other ships, and perform numerous
other feats valuable in peace and war.
A teat carried out la this line la in­
teresting at this tim e. U sing the ob­
solete battleship Ohio, specially equip-
(Thaddeua Nelson Sand if er m
The O utlook)
C. R. Barrow to ft last
H istory has it that when Noah
hie son. W ill, fo r a vtott in San Fran­
cises. T h * youngor M r. Barrow had grounded the A rk in the ahoel waters
about A ra ra t’s peak he sent fo rth a
mad* a short visit at home
raven to surrey the situation outside.
M r. and M rs. L H. Hanard went
The raven neglected to return, so
out to Braweter V alley Monday a f­
Noah sent out a dove which eventually
I am to the
ternoon fa r a few day* o f camp life .
ham Bark.
They »ten d ed to com * in today at
From that ancient day down to the
J. h. Chiles, o f Craeceat C ity, was a th* same tim e the A . J. Sherwood scene and day o f a modern naval bat­
U t o l at th* Sentinel office this m om and L. A . Liljoqvtot fam ilies return. tle, w ith a present-day naval com
H, VoweU, o f GoquOto, waa fined mender a t his post o f duty, oven as
Noah walked the deck o f the Ark,
Mrs. J. W . Richardson to ft Monday 810 and costs by Justice Joehnk
m orning fo r a visit o f indeflnite the charge o f operating an auto with there la a considerable gep e f tim e;
defective brakes. V ow ell claims the and between the relative situations o f
length in Portland.
garage man was too busy to repair the tw o sea-dogs the only point of
M r. sod M rs. C. E. Mulkey are re­
the defects end ho had to am the sim ilarity ia the respective degrees o f
joicin g ever the birth e f • baby boy
anxiety with which they awaited
car.L-Tim e*
last Saturday morning.
The report current t o the street« news. For, like Noah, the naval com
Broken Lenses Duplicated. G lass«
that Mrs. R. A . W em ich had sok mender had sent forth his 'aerial
Fitted. V. B. Witoon, “ Optom etrist.
their homo on the highway to iacor scouts, and much depends on their re­
Coquille, Oreg. Quick Service.
rect. A deal was made fo r th * place ports.
Unlike Noah's m essengers, however,
Mrs. James W atson waa over hen last Saturday, but it has fallen
from thoir Coos C ity ranch Monday through end the place to s till fo r sale the naval scouts do not have to re­
aa advertised in our classified column. turn to deliver their message. As
to have some dental work don*.
the naval leader Waits there ia brought
M r. and Mrs. W . C. Bose aad his
M. D. Shermrd, o f the Gardner Ga­ to him their reports, picked out of
fathsr, Wat. Boo*, w ere in from their rage, was today handed a cheek fo r
the smoke-clouded air, but aa reliable
Brewster valley ranch yesterday.
$«8 from the Massachusetts Bonding and aa detailed as though the* modern
and Insurance Co., in paym ent fe e an aaoat peace-tim e flyin g cra ft have a
Fa* bans, clean grain and butter­
m ilk fed, at 80 cents per pound, dress­ injury sustained while w orking as a talking. The m iracle? Radio.
la the. man at th* Gardner shops. The
F or w ing and w ing, radio and avia­
ed. Phone 107-B. M. H. Heresy
claim was paid by 8. J. Cotton, the tion, tw in m iracles o f the air, have
A ll persons knowing themselves in Company’s a gen t
swept into the affairs o f today, and
dobtod to Battoy A Richardson w ill
the ultim ate results o f th eir sweep no
Mrs. J. B. Horsey and little
pierae call and settle a t once. 27-tf.
Lawrence Edward, returned to P o rt­ man w ill venture to predict now.
The ladies o f the Church o f Christ land the first o f the week, having
Few , perhaps, realise the definite
er&l hold a cooked food sale Satur spent the past month in Coos county relation that exists between the two,
day, July 88, at Gould A Goulds. 27-8 visitin g, dividing thoir tone between and the value that radio communica­
N o more cranking you* ear whan Mrs. Hom ey’s parents, M r. and Mrs. tion has been to aviation in the past,
w ith its potential value in the future.
you have your battery repaired a t Co- Gus Laksonen, at Lakeside,
In a ll aviation activities in war and
quills Service Station. A ll w ork guar- Heresy home her*.
moat peace-tim e flyin g aircra ft have a
Mr. and M rs. Calvin Mace arrived
definite mission to perform with rot-
C. C. F arr, o f th* C ollier Warehouse, h en last F riday afternoon in their
erence to individuals or organisations
le ft Wednesday evening on a busl Ford coupe, from Pasadena, C alif.,
on the ground. The part radio and
nee# trip to Portlaad, intending to
aviation share in w ar is fa irly ob
Mrs. J. B. S w eet and other relatives.
return Sunday.
vioua. I f airplanes are the eyes o f the
They expect also to g o to Portland
arm y and navy, then radio ia the op­
Mr. and M rs. M. S. Lester, e f San
fo r a vis it and w ill not return south
tic nerve that conveys the message
Francisco, came in by auto ycoterday
until the la tter part o f August.
o f sight to the brain centers o f those
fo r a two weck3’ visit with his .no llici
J. T . Cnlogue was hare from Lene­ forces.
Mrs. Tboe. Is
ve Tuesday evening w ith his tan year
In wnr all airplanes are equipped
M r. and Mrs. E. H. Hamden aw
old daughter, who had received se­ with radio apparatus, aither telegraph
en joying a v is it from his sister aad
vere cuts and injuries when she fe ll or telephone, fo r intercommunication
her husband, M r. and Mrs. John H i»,
from a ladder at her home. Dr. G. w ith the ground or other planes in
from Central Iowa.
E arl Low being outon a call, Mr. the air. A viators o f all services, and
Mrs. H. W . Pierce and M rs. F . C. Conlognt took bar over to the Bay navy a ir pilots particularly, are re­
M eN eliy and their children era vacs
quired to have an operating knowl­
to have her injuries attended to.
tioning at Band on, having ranted-the
J. L Chapman, a brother-in-law o f edge o f radio. Tables o f organisa­
cdbin Seagull fo r a couple o f weeks
County Treasurer T . M. Dimmish, and tion fo r A rm y A ir Service unha rc
Mrs. M. J. Harteon aad Mrs. Roy hia son, Floyd, and daughter, Mrs. quire one officer and a number o f en­
Naul and thoir children wont down to Ruth Sands, and M rs. D. P . M cKay, a listed men ao trained fo r each unit,
Bandon yesterday morning to join the sister o f M r. Dimimck’s, came in Wed and all airplanes are to be equipped
Ptorce-M eN elly camping party on the nesday afternoon from W ilbur, Ore­ with radio installation.
Aa aviation develops radio activi­
gon, fo r a short visit w ith him. T h ey
assume an increasing importance,
Mrs. F lora Dunn and Mrs. M ary spent the day at M arshfield yesterday.
and with the expansion o f commer­
H arvey are expected home tomorrow
Th * W . H. Lyons fa m ily oWMarsh cial flyin g radio w ill find one o f its
from thoir five weeks’ vis it at Baker field, w ere accompanied home from
moat im portant applications to air­
Oregon, according to thoir brother, J. their month’s vis it in southern C ali­ craft. In virtu ally all flyin g radio
E. Quick.
forn ia by Miss M ary Davenport, who perforata tw o principal functions;
Chaa. Harrison, th* International form erly lived in Coquille. She w ill one,
H arvester representative fo r this sec­ visit at Marmktfleld and Coquille until plane and ground, and the other in
tion o f Oregon, has been in th * coun­ th * weather gets a little cooler in the linking ground stations and control
Th ey came in Monday ev­ points.
Although organised cross­
ty this week, com ing to Coquille on south.
country flyin g is s till in its Infancy,
A card waa received here yesterday grea t program has boon made, auck
Mr. and M rs. Robert Anderson,
as the establishm ent and operation o f
who have been visitin g relatives in stating that C. B. D alton’s mother,
an aerial n u ll rout# from N ew York
Brewster fo r some tim e pest, le ft
to San Francisco by the Post Office
Tuesday morning fo r their home in mouth last 8unday and was buried at
th e value o f an ultim ate extension o f
Department, the success o f which ex­
M errill, Oregon.
thee* guides to cover the principal
pharm acist fo r Hudson’s D rug Store perim ent ia w ell known. In this ven­
M artin Steckel, head raftsm an fo r fo r about eighteen months, leaving ture radio stations have been estab­ airw ays o f th# country is obvious.
The radio telephone is another in­
the Coo* Bay Lumber Co., at San here last M ay on account o f his moth­ lished at a ll landing-field* and con­
o f peculiar value to airem ft,-
Diego, C alif., came in Wednesday ev­ er’s ilhtesa.
trol stop*, and are used in the dis­
ening and stopped her* fo r e viait
patch o f plane* flyin g along the route and is ju st com ing into its own. F or
M r. and M rs. Louis Hooker and her
with his sister, M r*. R. R. Watson.
and the dissemination o f m eterologi- various reasons the radio telegraph
daughter, G arnett Stew art, from Los
ha* been developed m ore w idely fo r
“ I saved the price o f a now tire Angeles, aad Mrs. Bessie Arm strong, eal date on conditions along the route. this purpose, although the telephone
this wek. I had the Coquille Service o f San Francisco, who are visitin g' the
pointed out that the average radio Is handier fo r the p ilot; but with cer­
Station fix that blow out and
S. M. N osier fam ily, w ent down with
and operator* ere not fu lly tain improvements now being made a
she’s jake.”
B etter take your old the m ayor and hia erif* to Bandon
responsibilities to avia­ more extensive use o f the phone to
tires to them and have them vutoaa- Tuesday fo r aa outing on th* beach.
Just as to any oth­ possible. Thus, the p ilo t eventually,
Geo. T . Moulton intends join in g them
er variety, to dependent on certain fac­ instead o f having the radio telepgraph
Sheriff Ellingsen and Deputy Bert there tom orrow.
tors fo r ite safety . Elim inate switches, to transm it and receive his messages,
Smith intend leaving tom orrow or Sun
W ebb M ast, Jr., son at Webb Mast, signals, and the telegraph from rail­ with the consequent difficulty o f pick­
day for Vancouver, B. C , to attend at Lra, had th * m isfortune to have roading and taka away from the navi ing op and decoding th* phrases a*
the annual meeting o f the Northwest hie hand caught between a hayrack gator hie charts, harbor buoys, and they come to him, perhaps under stress
Association of Sheriffs and Polio* O f­ and a gate Tuesday, w hile helping his other aids, and those two methods of w ill be enabled to turn to his phone,
father haul hay aad the
travel would be fa r m ore dubious than much as a man downtown would phone
his bran* and talk. This is e f muck
Clint Malehom, whose home to in quite badly crushed. He was brought i* flyin g today. And, conversely- give.
th e 'a v ia to r the same relative fsc ill
Anchorage, Alaska, came in yester
day fo r s visit w ith his brother, Depu dressed and he may lose one or more tie* those more established means o f
travel enjoy, and commercial a ir tra f­
ty Sheriff M alehom , and his mother, o f hia fingers.
to not such an epochal thing after
Mrs. S. J. M alehom , at Langlois. He
M r. aad M rs. N . N . Neim an drove
came down from Seattle by auto.
in Wednesday afternoon and w ill leave all. Thus i f th* p ilot can receive con­
fo r thoir homo in th* Yakim a valley, stant accurate reports as to the wea­
Henry Hermann, o f Bandon, who
m W ashington, tom orrow. They had ther just ahead o f him, can have Ms
suffered severe injury when he fe ll
boon on a trip to C rater Lake and the fligh t regulated aa a m ilw ay train to aviation.
When Columbus, crossing
off a car down there s couple o f weeks
cave* and drove ia to gtvs Coquille guidad and guarded, his safety to in­ th* A tlan tic fo r the first tim e, found
ego, is rapidly recovering. It.
the once ever. “ Shorty” says things creased in exactly the same degree. him self shqt o ff from his w orld, he
thought at first that his ahull
Besides th* Poet Office m ail route
look as good in Coquille a * he thought
could not even roly on th* instruments
fractured, but such wee not the case
they would when he built the Coquille the A rm y operates a so-called “ Model
he had with Mm on his own sMp, aad
Mrs. Lloyd Wickersham, o f Port Service Station.
com paratively helpless. But not
ales are m aintained, and which indi­
land, to here visitin g Mr. and Mr*.
so long ago when that modem Colum­
Jack W im er, who are occupying the
can achieve when organised in th* bus o f the air, Commander Bead, flaw
Dr. Jas. Richmond residence during
same degree. This airw ay extend* across the same body o f w ater officers
their absence in the east. Mr. W im er
from W ashington to Mitchell in W ashington were able to trace him
is connected with th * State H ighway
g Island; south to Langley through the air, got his own report,
engineering departm ent
Field, V irgin ia ; and west through flash It to the rem ote corners o f the
Edward L. Knapp,
Cumberland, M aryland, Moundsvilie, world, and g et acknowledgements, all
im e, waa
a visitor
W ent V irgin ia, Dayton, Ohio, to De­ within the space o f five minute*.
That astounding experim ent, th * ra-
He cante to try
tro it, and Canute Field at Ban toni,
interest t
S m ith .Pow en people in n spark ar­
Illinois. A t p r ia n t the intercommu­ dio-guidod battleship and airplane, a l­
rector w
to m anu factsnd to 1
riod ■ *** about 80 years o f age, o f nication between ground and planes ready demonstrated to th * world, to
getta by thè Anderson D raft R ega­ good personal appastane*, capable o f along this route to lim ited, but to com­ now matched by the inform ation from
la ter Co. I t h ai p ro ve« thè me
mooting the public, who believes he p letely established between landing- Germ any that w ith radio currents o f
suceeseful d ra ft regolator and spark
a m aster or thè m arket, and when ap­
pi ¡ed to buildinge, warmed by fornace,
resulta to a sa rin g o f frani SO to 40
per cent to fu s i
hat ab ility to sell laundry servie*; fields and «en tra i stations along th*
must bo w illin g workar and able to route, so that planes ara dispatchad
furnish personal character references. and stoteoroigieal data sent out from
A pply in persea only. Coquille Laun­
dry Ço7 Coquille, Oregon.
a m
W fr-Y ?
Ï - f* * *
Bathing and the proper care, of the akin bear
directly on the question of health. Indeed, tne
supplies and accessories for your bathroom should
be selected With just as much thought and care
as those which go into the kitchen.
More and more people are learning this truth
every day, and are finding that it pays to have
the light soap or the right brush for each par­
ticular function in the daily duty of cleanliness.
Selecting the “right kind” is easy at T H E R E X -
A L L STORE because we are always glad to as­
sist you, and we carry an unusually varied and
complete line of soaps, brushes, talcums, sponges
and other bathing needs. Let us show them to you.
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, he.
who hesitete to predici thè futura
Fell From a Tree
achievements o f those modera m ira­
E. L. Smith, son at M r. and Mrs.
ci#*, thè airship and thè aerini voied? Thos. Smith, o f the Bandon H otel, was
quite badly injured yesterday fo re ­
On the Herald 35 Y e a n Ago
noon at the Hoskins cedar camp on
Fred C. Sefton, o f Salem, was a Floras creek when he fe lt out o f a
Coquille visitor last Monday. Hs is tree a distance o f about 27 fo o t H e
an old-tim e Coquille resident, having sustained a broken rig h t arm , a brok­
worked on the Herald her* fo r D. F. en nose and a number o f bad cuts and
Dean th irty-five years age. H e had bruises.
not been h er* fo r M years. H e ia
The young man had chopped a tree
now em ployed in the state printing and a donkey was hitched to it to pull
office at Salem. He was accompanied it down. The donkey was unable to
by his w ife and their son and w ife start the tree so the lad clim bed back
and daughter, who live on a home­ up to eut a few more notches. The
stead in Douglas county. Mr. Sefton toes gave w ay before he realised it
noted many improvements in Co- end he fe ll to the ground.— W orid.
quills, ns w ell as in the roads o f the
C yril McCurdy was sssrassd $2.60
county. The Camas mountain part
by Justice Stanley Monday fo r d riv­
o f the Coos Bay H ighw ay especially
ing a car last Sunday evening With­
appealed to him.
out the ligh ts burning.
Trailed Panther Two Days
Mr. and Mrs. Lana Leneve were in
from the Smith Basin country last
Monday fo r A p p lies. H o reports the
killin g o f eigh t w ild cate this month.
He would have had a panther, too,
had not “ Cap,” hi* varm int dog, been
in a position to bo torn to pieces by
th* b east A s it was “ Cap” follow ed
th* varm int and did not return fo r
two days, probably having the pan­
ther treed, but Lana could not locate
him and th * eat escaped.
M eets E very Friday Evening
. at 7:80 p. m.
Jack A . Leach, N . G.
J. 8. Lawrence, See.
Vtoiting Members C ordially Invited
N o. flfl A . F. A A M.
Stated Communication
Saturday, July 21
1_LSR 1
The Emergency Light
You can always depend upon a Winchester
flashlight in an emergency.
L O. O. F.
Its simple, stur­
flood of light when you need it.
For best results, us« Winchester Batteries.
Coquille Hardware Co.
T u n W IN C H £S T £k