ìli m Cui panca ti. 1 . j YOUNG, > 1 a » , or way i is 1 am suppos­ , April for every known need, desire, A N A TIO N ’S GREATNESS of all tha Human race, ana 1 will not sail all I hava ana Righteousness exalte th a nation; but and bag, borrow or steal sin to a reproach to any people.—Pro­ | r to give away, 1 hava bean verbs 14:24. Sunday, April IS OMNIPOTENT CARE:—The Lord Had m up, rubbed and nearly shall preserve thy going out and thy • only reason i am coming in from this time forth, and dinging te Ufo to to soe what in Hall even fo r evermore.— Psalm 121:2. y, April 16 IN HIM WE LIV E :— That they MIGHT H AVE BEEN WOULD KM should seek the Lard . . For in him we five, end move, end have our ' r* ' PRHOR j»*/r Acta 17:27, 28. Canid Mavo Boon World Emperor Tuesday, April 17 la a recent article Bamusi U. THE BE8T MEDICINE:— A marry Blythe says Uoyd-George has ‘ L heart doth good like a medicine; but "all things to all man“ — “ the .great- a broken spirit drtotb th g ift a politician can hava? Proverbs 17:22. Whether this nimble policy will again Wednesday, April 18 oriag him to tha top remains to An EV IL E Y E :— He that haatoth suae. It atay and probably will. Ha to be rich hath an aril aye, and con- certatatiy possesses marvelous adap­ sidereth not that poverty shall came tability. Mr. Byltha to right in say upon him.— Proverbs 28:22. mg of him: \ Thursday, April 19 "Volumes have b » n written, A 8AFE RETREAT:— Be thou my The* O. A. C. Extension Service librarian will he written, about hi» strong habitation, whereunto I may News says that butter storage stocks course in tha war, and his course m continually reaort; thou be— given are at tha lowaat point on reeord for the making and tha execution of the commandment to save me; far thou February I- On February 1, 1928, peace, and these discussions have no are my rock and my fortress.— Psa. there ware in storage 18422,000 piAQR Iii t brief eitim ito of the 71:8. such aa thia. In terms of tha human of creamery butter, as Friday. April 89 pared with 86,047.000 pdunda on Fob- aquation Lloyd George to by fpr the A 8AFE FORTRESS:— As the thrown into mountains are round about Jerusalem, I a year ago, and 26,667,000 pound» for the last flva-yaar average. nigh relief by the tremendous event* sa the Lord is round about bis people of tha war. The idealisms of W il­ from henceforth «van for aver.— Violation of the Eighteenth Amend son, tha cynicisms of Clemepeeqn, tile I pga] m 1 26:2. at cost a native of Finland the divagations of Orlando—ail have'their right to American citizenship in Fad certain concern, but Lloyd George This Was “Cruelty." eral District Court in Spokane, Wash tha one great human All of us who have aver lived in ington. When he admitted ha made human in his strength, human in hi* apartment bona— any length of tlma whiskey st one time the judge re in his motives fait a wave of sympathy sweep over plied, “ Application daniod, I will ad hums in his processes. Ua was ua the other day when wa saw In the mil no one to citis—iship in this court the super politician, and politics is paper that a woman Is suing bar hat­ who, by his own statements, has thus but humanity in terms of expediency, band for divorce because ha threat­ knowingly violated tha Constitution it is tha opinion of many man who ened to Join a band. This sympathy, needlem to say, was for the woman, which ha must swear to uphold." know tha pituatiow aa it existed at the no matter what was the spa of the close af the war that if Lloyd George —ad—. Tor all modern cliff dwellers Alice Robertson, retiring Congress know that there la no apartment had had, at tha asomant, tha woman, dosed her congressional id position bouse, boweoe’er defended, hut now rear by saying: " I want to go home that Woodrow Wilson had, this little and than harbors within Its wall* soma as soon as possible. I am going hack man who has that asms dream. Or have to my old arm chair. In tha garden mania—who some dark and stormy emperor af tha world. • * • night smuggles In under bis coat a where tha flowers will be blooming, to “ Aa E. T. Raymond put tt: “ Mr oomet — a IV-Bat clarinet and a thin listen to tha mofking birds and at Asquith could tell tha people why volume tailing how to becoaae a Lib­ dusk, out over the wide prairie, to they must fight as a duty. Mr. Law retti la ten lessons, and Immediately watch tha twinkling lights in the could tall them what they Would lose —arts In to provs the book a IUr.— southwestern oil fields— Just to by not fighting. Lord Lanadowne Los Angel«« Times. and think, for the twilight af life to could explain why they must fight a time for reverie and remembrance. until the pinch cams. But only the No, public life to not the highest te ­ Walsh orator could aay a simple rser o f a woman. Her thing in this simple but fa t enorm to in tha ________ oasly effective way: *Wa have bean living in n The Inter-State We thia weak started an in­ tered valley for generations. hava bean too comfortable and too quiry into tha reseoableneaa of the rates now charged far bertha in Pull- ■elf-indulgent, many perhaps too self­ sleepfng cars. Sometime after ish; and the stern hand of Fata hat wa began to auffer war prieea after 1 scourged ua to an elevation our country took a hand in tha Eu­ are can aaa tha everlasting things— ropean war Pullman rates were rais­ tha great peaks wa had forgotten, of ed fifty par cant to Benefit the rail­ Duty, Honor, Patriotism and, clad in road» and whan the war ended tha ad- glittaring white, tile towering pin fuads seamed to bo required node of Sacrifice pointing like a rug Tha inquiry which ged finger to heaven.’ say tha cynics; words, to to settle the phrases, sloppy sentimentality. Cer­ whether should still long— bs aaada the goats tainly. But look at tha affect of it. by paying $4 a berth Instead o f two Look at what such words and phrases and a half, which is all tha Pullman inspired tha British people to da dur lag the war. Think of the power of »pony gate out of H. them, as translated into tha way Britain want to war, and what Britain the product. Sometimes the word did in that war. And, as Raymond broad to used for food In general, as point» out, think of what might have in the old Trench proverb: “It to a if this power had bean | long day—a day without bread." The moot primitive way at making bread was by soaking whole grain In water, subjecting It to praasuiu and dnting tt In the son. Later the use of fermante was discovered, tbs grain waa ground oaay, to be applied to waste, hate and polities." W H AT 18 COMING NEXT? Tha following to tha true answer of a wealthy Portland man to his bank’s lattar calling for bis collateral This comas direct from tha "F ar the following " I have bean held up, held down and sandbagged, walked on, sat on, flat­ tened out and aquseasd. First by tha U. 8. Government far tha federal war tax, the excess tax and tha Liberty Lesa Bonds, thrift, capital stock tax, and by evpry society and organisation that tha inventiva mind sen Invent to The village of Bracks!, la Belgium. ••Joys the fame of having originate.) one of the mo— celebrated races o f dome—Ic fowls. The Bel glass do not heattata to aueert that the Brack- bans era uneqnaled tor the axe—lance and number of their eggs, while the roo—era have dev—oped, thanks to gap »rations of cultivation and Influ­ ence of “ crowing tournaments." a power and rhythm of voice equally unrivaled. The breeders hava a theory that the mn—cal coots—» In which the Brack- roo—era are trained serve to develop the peculiar qualities of Save and" Have wrarts C on nell I s th e re p e a te d e x h o rta tio n o f a ll th e of tfca g o o d a n d w is e w h o B e g in WHAT BOY SCOUTS HAVE DONE The Boy Scout» of Amarle» cele­ brated the weak of the thirteenth an- nlToreery— February 8-1B. In U» brief history 2.00U.000 American boy» bar» character building and citizenship train tag, and hate promised to follow the acout oath which 1» as follow»; “On my honor I will do my beat: ” L To do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the »coot law; “8. To help other people at all tlmee; “8. To keep myaelf physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight” The preseat membership of hoys and leaders la over on »-half s million. The boy scout program In providing wholesome work and play for the boy In bin Maura time, has prosed a re­ markable aid In the prevention of Ju­ venile delinquency. A large number of unlveraltiea. cot. leges, normal schools and theological aamlnartas have placed the study pf scout leadership In their curricuU. Grade schools are becoming Interested In placing the study of the. program In their work In connection with citi­ zenship1 training. The boy scout movement stress— out-of-door life because tt believes that to be the most helpful type of cittaen. a boy must become a strong and healthy man. Summer camping has been put on an organised basis, through the efforts of the movement Last summer 200,000 boy scouts went into catnp for two weeks or more. As an aid to the bay la keeping men­ tally alert, the program offer» merit badges for accomplishment In 61 va­ rious subjects. Scouts through the merit badge system have wonderful j opportunity to choose wisely and thoughtfully their future vocation. The whoteeotne activity,* -splendid courage and skill shown by boy scouts have furnished literature for boys with high and noble themes. The move­ ment also produces a magazine for boys that has set an excellent stand­ ard In boy reading. Many cities and tow »« have bean recipients of services from the boy S a v in g S a v in g s have ever Today Account w ith liv e d . b y s t a r t in g a D o lla r a or m o re. Si Farmers & Merchants Bank o f C o q u ille , O r e g o n taf—y Hist, clean-up. bettor health, fore— Ore prevention, wlld-llfe con­ servation, bird protection, and similar Important public laiart— a This tarr­ ies |s a direct outcome of the training W h ere you can get all kinds o f Machine W o rk . Autom obile repairing as w e Phone 46J - , - Coqi t or 3 Cans of Baking Pow der Are Net W orth the Prise at One kelp, have bean the mala factors to accomplishing this result Early la the summer. Louis, who had left hit unhappy home waa found by relief au­ thorities living alone. In a dug-out in the side of a hill on the outskirts of the city. The boy scouts than adopt­ ed him and taught him scoutcraft Louta occupied the eeout’s cabin, keep­ ing It neat and tidy and In perfect re­ pair. Ha baa made exceptional prog- rees. entering Into the spirit of the or gantoatlon So thoroughly that ha la 'considered one of the b e - members of the troop.. I f they are the “ big can and cheap” kind because they may mean baking failures. CALUMET Tlw Economy BAKING POWDER Don’t letaBIGCAN or a very low price mislead you. Experimenting with an uncertain brand is ex­ pensive — because it Wa»tes t i m e a n d One of the bast “ good turns” during the pari summer of scouts from In­ diana. Pa., waa tha part they played la a certain fi vs hours* hard work which resulted In the reame of two miners shut off by a cave-ln In ■ small mins near the —out camp —M l money. T h e s a le s o f C alu m e t a r e o v e r 150 % g re a te r than that o f a n y oth er b a k in g p o w d e r . THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWnFB When the town of Ooehactoa, Ohle, was recently In tha grip of an epi­ demic at a grave disease, local hoy scouts ware prepared to aid th—r com inanity. The Rotary and Klwante dubs put out printed precautionary measures and tha scoots cooperated by d—leering one copy o f these wam- Coquille Hotel CofniHe, Ore. FOR YOUR ROOMS D in in g Room in connection. Hom e cooked food, nerved* fam ily style. P rice 45c. M rs. W innie B ark er, Prop.