mm * m PAGE )N- FRIDAY, BART FORK of Saturday 'a t tha Dura Cemetary, the hejog conducted by Tom Barklew, of M yrtle Point. A number o f yearn ago in anfwor to the question o f how much o f a clearing was on the ranch The Monarch Range is one o f the best known stoves on the Pacific coast. ;It is depend­ when aha want with Mr. W eek * to able. durable and serves its purpose for years and years. It is our leader and one which their new home, she said Just a little always gives satisfaction. hole in the brush. Together they en­ The WEDGEWOOD is another good range you will find on our floor. , larged that h ole 'in the brush until they had a good ranch and always re­ We also have the MONT AG Range with white blue or grey enamel trimmings. Spec- membered to lend a hand te tha neigh­ bor in need. There was a large at- i t the funeral, for W eekly had tha faculty o f making friends and keeping them. -• Madge Harry, near Coquille, visiting relatives and friends in Brewster Valley and on the East Fork lfs t week. Aldan Bright, o f Gravel Ford, with his father’s team, is putting logs in- tp the river fo r William Culbertson. QUALITY FIRST AND PRICES REASONABLE Judging fr o « the report in the Oregonian o f his mouthinga that Knight o f Columbuser, Joa Scott, of Los Angeles, must bs a regular 1. W. W. Let ms tell that bleatherskite MYRTLE POINT ITEMS this: Ha may be real pretty but he talks like s fool. I voted against the Members o f the K. P. lodge put on law that set his mouth going end the play “Over the Ridge” at The when the Roman Catholic W elfare Unique Theatre Tuesday evening Society passes the collection box to A U N IT E D SUPPLY OF RED OAT The proceeds will go to help pay for raise |11)0,000 te take the case to the new playground apparatus. AND R»CLEAN ED W HITE * the United States Supreme Court, Mr. and Mrs. Cavanaugh and son«, OAT SEED ON HAND 1 have two bite ready to drop into the Claire and George, o f North Bend, box, so that we may know if a freak were Sunday visitors at the C. C. Car­ Beatuy o f Hebron and Earliest at All law o f that kind holds water. ter home. seed potatoes 2%c If tha case before the U. S. Su­ O. V. Anderson has sold his bakery preme court now is to determine Garden fertilisers should be applied to Mr. Russell, o f Coquille, who is whether the children e f the foreign ­ now operating it. Mr. Anderson left now. Consult us on proper com bica- ers in the United States must be with his fam ily fo r their old horn« v tions. taught tha English language, than ev-N in Denmark. _ wry United States o f Am enta Am eri­ The Women’s Club met Tuesday CALL 16 can is for the rule that the children afternoon and an interesting program o f this country must bs taught in the waa given. One o f the main features .English language. was the report o f Mrs. Bledsoe of To read the account o f John P. the Marshfield meeting held fo r Mrs. W olfs, of Richard county, North Da­ Sadis Dunbar, a state officer o f wo­ kota, saving his fa m ily 'from becom­ men's dubs. Belva A lias Stemmier I ing deed victim s o f the bliaaard gave a pleasing little rending - eno causes our abiding faith in tha great­ Mrs. Rose Nswmen, o f Coquille, a CHESTER C. PARR, Prop. ness and endurance o f man to strike short talk. The Women’s du b will roots into the depths o f soil that meet on the. first and third Tuesdays give growth to a faith which withers o f such month. They also intend to not. put on s membership drive shortly. Tha sled box with tha few wraps Geo. Bryant, manager o f the Coast and blankets was the shelter nest Auto Lines, drove to San Francisco for the mother, the baby girl o f two this week, leaving Isom Clinten to fill yean and the boy aged 7, while he, his place while he is absent. John P. W olfe, husband and father, M. T. Clinton, o f Coquille, was a stood sentinel against the storm for M yrtle Point visitor last Friday. 32 hours. The high school will put on an The faith in a mother’s levs is hour's entertainment before the show, quenchable, as we read how she Mfe- It Is Good “ Nsnook o f the North” at the theatre Ued and protected the children with next Tuesday and Wednesday even her body, s o th a t the beby girl was ings. Everyone should plan on at- unharmed and tha feet o f the boy only slightly frosen. When people The outcome o f the basket ball see that woman now without h**ds games at Marshfield lest Friday and with only one foot, she is a liv­ leaves both the boys and girls’ teams ing witness that she saved her child­ undefeated champions o f Coos coun­ ren. O f John P. W olfe it ie written ty, neither o f the teams having lost that he saved his fam ily, him self he a game this season. This fa ct en­ coaid not save. titles the boys’ team to a trip to Be­ It is not the mala and fasnale di- lem where they will play other teams voresM o f the movie# who thrill eoe o f the state. to catch the vision o f tha inspira­ Mrs. Elisa Clinton is quits ill this tions o f and the aspirations fo r the week. big things o f life. R. A. Easton. Mr. end Mrs. L. C. Newman, o f Co- “ Day by day we are selling lots o f hay quills, wars Myrtle Point visitors this Brondbnat N o t « and the demand is getting better and wssk. Rubo Summerlin spoke Thursday Mrs. Harold B argdt and Mrs. T. G better,” says P. E. Drane in speaking Summerlin were Coquille visitors on evening to a largo crowd at the aehoel o f the Willamette Valley product he is house. selling at the old mess room at the Mr. and Mrs. Clausen spent Sunday afternoon with his sister, Mrs. E is­ Sitka Mill. Phone 17. ner, who had an operation at tha Mercy hospital on# day last weak. Lloyd Lneky sold his loom-Win fanner on the bey. Tice W agner has been laid up March 9— Fred B. Hickok and Olive Lee Items with the fio fe r several weeks. They Dr. Glaisysr was a business Miss Lola Austin has returned from McDowell, both o f Coquille. is Broad bent Tuesday. the Ksfsar hospital at North Bend were married the sanse day by Bev. H. V. Moore at tha M. E. South par- Mrs. Tipa W agner spent the week is rapidly convalescing. nesdsy evening. end with her father hi Myrtle P oin t Sunday School conU st A party waa given at 8sidoa W ar­ Pnul Breuer, « member o f the hign elded Sunday la favor o f the Ford school Alumni, gave a “feed” to the ner’s Friday evening by tha Christian side. A program, basket dinner and basket bell girls sod coach last Tues­ Endeavor. The evening was spent in egg bunt are being planned for Eas­ day evening. The girls present were playing gamas. Refreshments ware ter. . Elds Assen, M arjorie McCulloch, Lil­ served and each one paid a cant an The girls sewing club met st the lian Le Branche, Lucile Harris, Iths inch in waist measurement for his home o f Mrs. Young Friday. Mrs. Everyone reports a very Clinton, Agnes Deyoa, Isabelle Bry »upper. Hetty Gant is the efficient leader. a n t Zaida and Dana Mast and Mr Several young folks motored to Me and Mrs. C. H. Nosier. Theresa Dement and Wanda W il­ Kinlsy for a picnic Sunday. All had Probate Coart Items The school election held last Toes cox spent the week end with Andre a fine time, Application for the appointment of day passed the measure th a t turns Wagner. t If the weather is favorable the Lee Mr. aad Mrs. Thorhaven spent school boys will play a game o f bas­ a guardian fo r Abraham Van Zill, the property o f the high school over ketball against the McKinley boys resident o f Long Baach, C alif., was t«*s Union high school d istrict This Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. mads in probate court by Fred Hollis­ is one mere step toward the new A. W. Hermann. next Saturday. W. A . McNair aad fam ily with 8. Avoid Baker, who has boon out of ter yesterday. He is an incompetent Union high school, Mrs. Bledsoe was a Marshfield vie- Brener spent Sunday with the E. L. school on account o f illness is getting with property in C o m county. John Robbin fam ily. H. Graves wea named ds guardian, iWr one day last weak. better. The Broedbent grammar grade bos­ A potato club was organissd this and A. E. Morten, Clarence KiMer ket bell teem played with the fresh- and Fred 8. Byron as appraisers. week. The follow ing boys are * ta Myrtle Point here bers: Clifford Summerlin, Herman Thursday evening and wen I t -11. Summerlin, Claude Stout, Oliver Loe- Miss Mabel W ilcox spent the weak baugh. Norland Gant, Louis Datwiler, end st her b o a « in McKinley. and Elwin Baker. L. H. Mbrier is Forde are all the go in Broad- club leader. h ert." Mr. aad Mrs Ernest Band W ilds Clark and Lonm Pinkston are now riding in a new one. ■pent Mse weak end at thai Mr. Wldby has been working fo r hoiBus Mrs. M ary Hartley, plowing and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, o f Mc­ pruning the orchards. Kinley, visited at the & D. Clark Billie Bell has been quite sick with borne Sunday. a cold fo r several days. Seed Tune - Feed Time Why not play safe and provide yaur re­ quirements early—avoid delay and disap­ pointment . - -*■ ;. M C O Q U IL L E F U R N IT U R E CO El Dorado Cocoanut Meal One carload i n — another coming—ou r price is rig h t See us first We Have BUSY CORNER QUALITY BUSY CORNER PRICES BUSY CORNER SERVICE Make a combination hard to beat ,Y o u know it Tell your neighbor. Always the same every day id the year. COLLIER WAREHOUSE The Busy C om er 2 Phones 69 Save Red Stam ps and Get the Cash Discount Have You Tried Our Sausage PEOPLES MARKET The Improved Ford J. L. Stevens Phone 521 Immediate Delivery on AD Models ■ . * - - i •> i i * t . The late Farid models embody *6 new mechanical changes and improvements in eons traction which make the new Ford cor 100 % better than it uma n year age. 1 F or the past year, HenrY' Ford and his ablest assistants have devoted practically a ll their time aad energies te improving the Ford •ar. A . a result w . are today offering the bast Ford ear that has ever bus* mads hi the hiutery e f the Ford M eter Company. FORD CABS have «ever been as U gh in quality ar as lew in price Here are a few o f the improvements / Lighter pistons and connecting rods— resulting in smoother run­ ning, reduced vibration, snappier pick up, decreased wear. Elimination o f oil pumping by now piston aad ring construction. Improved roar end parte reducing roar and trouble. W iring system has base com pletely redesigned, making it prac­ tically proof against short circuits and fire. Pressed steal muffler. One man top, gypsy curtains, slanting wind shield, Improved sapto. No advance in price. One piece running board brackets insuring exceptional rigidity with light weight and freedom from vibration. Crankshaft, perfectly balanced, made e f as good material and aa finely finished as those used on cars ten times the pries o f s Ford. Dash weather trough preventing trouble due te rein and moisture. Motor—higher cylinder hand more water circulation. Larger oomprassion chamber last carbon knock lease ns strain on crank and bearing— less overheating. “ New Ford Carburetor—more pep—more m ileage. DeaammtabW rim lege fastened on rim, preventing slipping. t ^ F r o n t .spring—new design and new suspension making it psec- iMraiiy u n iirp iK 8 D 1 6 , r*. . Buy a Ford and save the difference Ask us about our easy payment plan Ford Prices, F. 0 . B. Coquille EASY TERMS V' Roadster, $479.00 Coupe, $650.00 Touring. 609.00 2 D ow Sedan, 719.0C Tractor, 496.00 4 D oor Sedan, 864.0C USED CARS EASY TERMS 1015 Touring $126 and 1920 Touring $26f> Coquille Service AUTHORIZED F O R D and L IN C O L N Calling Cerda, 100 far 9140. ______________ • ____ DEALERS