The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 09, 1923, Image 1

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Will &end Exhibit to O. A. C.
four and five o'clock this morning
and' made away With 600 or 700 ci­
gar*. ‘ Mr. Uelycrosa could not tell
ju *i bow many were in the show
coca, not be estimatee that about
35 Robert Bums were taken, 100
Cnauccl.ors, 100 Roi Tans, and 150
Van Dycks. N ot all o f the cigars
were loot, however, fo r the th ief in
his hurry to get away dropped five
boxes just around the Busy Comer
when he saw Fred Evamden up the
street. The latter ran down to the
com er and heard another clatter
down back o f Geo. Moulton’s office,
but the th ief evidently stopped to
pick those up.
Entrance had bean gained at the
rear door o f the cigar store by puoh-
jn g the door in, after an attempt to
jim m y the window proved fruitless.
The thief also jimmied a rear win­
dow o f the Hudson Drug Store and
had raised it about a foot, but when
he knocked a bottle off the window
sill ho evidently became frightened
and l e f t Nothing has been mimed at
tha drug store.
About a quarter o f five Wm. Don­
aldson entered hie restaurant, next
A petition, asking fo r a recall elec­
tion fo r Carl Zimmerman, justice et
toe peace at Powers, sod signed by
128 residents o f that district was
filed with the county clerk yester­
day. A t the same’ time a nominating
certificate fo r W. H. Kirby to run
against Mr. Zimmennan at the elec­
tion was filed. Mr. Kirby's accept­
ance was endorsed on the certificate.
The reasons stated for asking fo r
Mr. Zimmerman’s recall are as fo l­
lo w »;
’ f*
"That said Carl Zimmerman in the
capacity o f Justice' o f the Peace o f
District No. I f , h ar not made a sat­
isfactory record fo r enforcement of
the law.
"Th at he has not administered jus­
tice impartially.
"T h at by reason o f his training and
disposition ha la not qualified to hold
this offioo as is shown by his record
fo r the pest four yenrt.
"T h at be has failed to co-operate
with the present constable at said
district in a satisfactory manner tor
The New Dam Gives Promise o f
Being Perfectly
eoquUle loat one o f her older d ti-
A . N. Could reports this morning
sens when Wm. Richardson, an octo­ - that he began to fill the big dam bn
genarian, pased iw a y at 2:05 P. M. Rink Creek this week and that it is
yesterday at his home near the Acad­ holding water just as well as he an-
emy at the age o f fit years, 7 months i ticipated. In fact the teat well* from
and SO days. He suffered a stroke of the top o f the dam to the bottom show
apoplexy' about a year ago and had leas water from seepage than they
been quite feeble since. For several 1 did befoie the gatea were closed.
weeks past he had bean an invalid,
In the 24 hours from Thursday to
his pulse growing gradually weaker. Friday morning the water in the re­
For the past seven days and nights servoir raised two feet, and was
standing at the 368 feet elevation.
The spillway elevation is 389 feet,
but Mr. Gould Intends holding the
water at the 380 foot level when that
is reached. O f course, the rains yes­
terday caused a more rapid rise than
w ill be maintained and aa a greatr
area is coveded the rise w ill be les-
The hotel directors have held three
sessions this week to receive and con­
sider plane fo r the new building. Mon­
day waning, A . C. Jenkins, o f A l­
bany, met with them to submit hie
plana, and T uesday evening J. 8
Tourtellotte, o f Portland, sat in the
account o f his first
w ife’s
N o work is to bo begun at ones, a l­
though tha excavation job w ill prob­ health he came out to Oregon four­
ably be let locally, fo r the reason teen years ago, settling at Fargo in
tha Portland neighborhood. She died
in 1916 and about a year later Mr.
Richardson came down hare and pur­
chased the home in which he has since
Three Frosts «ad Baia
Last Friday, Saturday and Sunday
last Friday
will ha the same one
itly put it on at M yrtb
proceeds are to be used
Fred .u W in er, the Coquilie Cum-
morcial Club’s representative at O.
A. C., kas notified the local club of
the opp< rtunity to advertise Coquilie
and the JoquiU« va<iey by making an
exhibit s t the 0. A . C. Business Show
which w 11 be held in Corvallis March
30 and U . Thousands o f people are
expected to be ¡«attendance at that
time, a n i the dub decided to g o to
£he exp. nae o f sending an exhibit.
The Oer ling Manufacturing Co. have
signified their willingness to furnish
a inyrt w o o d ' exhibit, and as the
space ul otteJ fo r each club is only
six by ai i fe e t it is expected to make
the inyr i e the principal display fo r
this chib.
Fred f-aya that Fred Harlocker,
Loria Sthrocder and Arthur Hooton
have expressed a willingness to aa-
sist in preparing the booth.
The letter brought forth consider­
able very favorable Comment at the
masting i f the Commercial Cliff» W ed­
nesday evening, where it was read.
Fred aah that he expected to he home
March 1 and taka the matter up at
greater 1 mgth. f
m it
No card playing on Sunday is per­
mitted; the prmence o f liquor is fo r ­
bidden, and altogether
It ie the
strongest piece o f legislation on thn
subject ever enacted in Coquille. A
printed card ie to be furnished each
pool mom whereon the ordinance ap­
pears in fu ll
grist o f bills, A. B. Gldlsy was pel
3228.69 on hie Rink creek dam ew
The old hook and ladder ttm
which has stood in tha city hall f<
lo, these many years, and has probi
County Court in Somion
The county coart in session this
week made a deal with J. M. W agner
fo r about 15 acres o f gravel bar in
the South Fork, a couple o f miles
above Broadband The consideration
was $7000 and tha deal includes a
perpetual right o f way fo r either a
railroad spur or a wagon »road, and
fo r tha aa# o f stand ng timber around
the bar fo r high lino purposes. Drag
buckets can be us: I in /attfcg the
gravel. This is as good a gravel for
road purpoaaa as there is in the coun­
ty and the court is fortunate in hav­
ing saeured i t
Bids were eailed fo r to be opened
March 27 fo r the construction of
bridges across South Slough on the
Empire-Sunset Bay road, and across
Catching Slough on the Eastside-
Ceos River road.
Permission was granted Edward M.
Paulsen and J. R. Hultin to construct
a standard guage logging railroad
through tha town plat of Lakeside.
The application o f Beaa A Martin
at Riverton, and Cart C. Wilson at
Coaledo fo r dance hall permits were
denied, but one was granted to the
McKinley Community Club.
Payment o f $21.60 fo r right o f way
i-in-law, Mr. Jessup, o f Boston,
o was killed by a street car a short pareel o f land on tha North Bank
to a fter his marriage to her daugh- road to Allan and Mary Randloman
, Locas Collamera.
The county surveyor and viewers
M. T. Clinton and T. P. Hanly—
Edaa M. Olson Han Goan
wars instructed to view and appraise
Her many friends h e n were shock­
the right o f way for tha section o f the
ed to learn that Edna M. Olson,
Roosevelt Highway between Fat Elk
daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Olson,
and Lamps, and the form er to lay
at the Fat Elk section, had passed out, surrey, mark and moroment it.
away at 7 A0 yesterday morning at
Delegations from Arago and Fish-
the ümedburg Sanitarium at Marsh-
trap asked fo r road improvement in
their sections, and the court will use
tion fo r appendicitis last Friday. 8he
what market money they have fo r
sms taken ill with influenza about
the Arago district in gravelling to­
three weeks ago; but the immediate ward M yrtle P oin t The court will
cause at her passing was pneumonia also endeavor to scrape money from
follow ing tha operation.
somewhere to gravel the road from
She waa 22 years, six months and Fiahtrap to the union high school at
fifteen days at age, and waa a grad­ Arago.
uate o f the Coquilie high school and
The McKinley delegation in Wed-
waa a member o f the Girls’ Honor
resday thought they had not reeaived
Guard daring the world war.
ail the money they were entitled to
The funeral service w ill take place
on the road in their section, and the
Saturday (tom orrow ) morning at the
court set next Tuesday aa the date
Undertaking parlor and tho ia torment
for the threshing this matter out. A t
still be in tha Masonic cemetery
that time the county’s auditor, W. H.
She leaves to mourn their loss be-
W arn, w ill have his figures com
plated, showing just what has been
two sisters: Elmer, Basil and M yrtle
spent in that district.
and Mrs. Larina Bogard.
A fte r her graduation she was em­
ployed in the office o f Dr. Geo. E.
Dix at Marshfield. .She then went to
San Francise©, where she had a posi­
tion for a year in tha office o f the
M i— chimttH
Bonding cooiptnyi
and then returned to Marshfield,
Mayor Nosier and, all ritwrllm aa
were present fo r the regular meeting
o f the city fathers Monday evening.
The principal business transacted w a i
the* adoption o f the pool hall ordin­
ance,, which while it permits the play­
ing o f pool on Sunday, has claws M
it which w ill operate against any pro­
prietor who disobey* the law.
One o f the provisions is regarding
the loitering o f any minor around a
pool hall and the /penalty fo r both
proprietor and minor is sufficiently
heavy to render one offense sufficient
More than that the council alen,
has power, under the new ordinance,
to. grant a license and aa It is discre­
tionary with them whether they
grant a licensy and aa they also have
possible liability and a f t * offering
>300 an i .ere fo r damages, where the
benefits will fa r exceed any damages
they are standing pat and w ill let
Mr. Devers file the suit.
Wm. Euss* attitude ia a little d if­
ficult to understand, fo r he stated be­
fore a n estin g o f the Commercial
Club har« a fe w years ago that there
would be no trouble over rights of
way if tae highway was built hack
from the river. The court agreed to
give him three approaches tom the
highway to his land, but he comes
back and aaks fo r andtbar one, that
they ail be grsvslled and the right
of way fenced. It makes at least
j 800 or M.000 more tkan the county
court is wilUng to pay and condam­
nation m it will also be started
against him, unless he accepts their
offer, or possibly the ditch might be
moved to his side o f the highway.
This would eliminate the building at
bridges cm the ranchers’ side o f the
highway and would probably make
the right of way coat Isas, ever. It
It was necessary to pay Mr. Russ fo r
the fu ll 150 feet needed.
There is an Oregon law which pre­
vents the court from figuring bene­
fits to the Russ tract, from tha lo­
cation there, in estimating the value
o f tho land, but the benefits can be
used to offset damages only. This
law works a hardship in the present
ease on the eourty, but notwithstand­
ing, the court w ill not yield and pay
Mrs. McAdams is the fourth owner
whose property w ill have to be eon-
A Peculiar Ruling
The latest inspector at the post-
office here warned Postmaster Len­
ovo aga nst accepting
checks fo r
stamps and newspaper postage, and
even went so fa r as to refuse to ac­
cept as erfsh those that were on hand.
It seem« a little strange fo r one
whose cl leeks go st their face valua
at Portland, San Francisco and New
York— as well aa in tha office o f the
U. S. collector o f internal revenue
fo r the Oregon district— to learn that
they won’t go at the local poetoAee.
That rule ia on a par with tho infinity
A ll the old papers you want far
kindling fin e, or any other porpora,
at 5 cants a hundís at tha Sentinel of-
fo r the amount ha off«
The city recorder \
to audit the claims o f
may then be paid without waitinig
fo r a regular council m eeting. Mr.
Faustman has found It d tteu K to
secure help when he needed it because
the laborers were unwilling to wait
a waek or two fo r their pay.
Another matter brought • ap by
W ater Superintendent Faustman was
the rotten condition a 4 some o f the
wooden pipe, laid in' 1911, bstwasa
the Rink creek dam and tha junction
o f tha Rink and W alker croak pipe
lines. The council docidod to take a
half holiday Sunday afternoon and
make a trip o f inspection over the
line to decide fo r themselves what
should ha dona toward repairing tha
city’s water conduit