The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 23, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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tVARY 2$.
G oing Traveling ?
We can fit you out from our excellent stock
Trunks. Suit Cases and Hand Bags
See the display in our show windows. Come in, Jet us point out the splendid
workmanshipv on these high grade goods.
Mr*. K. A. Leep spent se re n i days
visitine in Bandon last week.
Miss Mary Ganey, of Coquille, spent
the week end vbiting Miss Ora Car-
Will be here real soon, April 1st, and
I’D give you a hunch. Order your
new suit right away aad take no
chances on being disappointed.
An absolute guarantee as to perfect
fit, and satisfaction, and you get free
pressing service.
The very best and latest the market
affords, a t very reasonable prices.
Have -your rugs and carpets cleaned
* a
City Cleaners & Tailors
Phone 1Q3L
Stock Molasses
Sweeten it up, then they eat i t
A good flesh producer
Large barrel $12.00 ~
Earliest of AD and Beauty of Hebron
Seed Spuds
Place your seed oat order now, they
are scarce.
For the Best Bacon
Try th e
J. L. Stevens
is improving nicely.
The costumi recital of Mrs. O. H.
Mias L ob Austin, who recently un­
derwent an ope ratio« for appendicitis, Clarke will be given Friday night,
Feb. 28, a t the Unique Theatre.
is rapidly recovering.
A large number attended the S. 8.
Far S ab
social given a t Mrs. Chea. Beyers.
All report a good time.
White Leghorn Egg*( Tancred
Next Saturday soasa of the pupils strain, from a pen of 16 hern that
from Lae school plan to Journey to averaged IS eggs par day in Decem­
the McKinley school and meet an ber end January. $1.00 par 16 eggs.
equal number from that school in a
Phone SI or 14U, M. L. Daniels,
spelling match.
Coquille, Ore.
Tan members Joined the Girts Saw­
ing Clnb and elected the following of­
ficers: president. Avola Baker; vice
president, Wilma A fistia; secretary,
Oveda Lewie.
The fermerà ara taking advantage
of the fine w iather and are getting
in their spring crape.
Lee Items
Phone 521
Myrtle Point Items
Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Beck­
ett, on Feb. 19, aa 8 pound girl—
Virginia Evelyn—reports Dr. O. H.
Sunday George McOaaUn was kick­
ed by a horse ewer the left eye ead
Drags »J Stationery
Mr. Thos. Root and Miss Joaie
Brewer, of this city, were married in
Coquille laat Thursday by Bar. W. 8.
Smith. The young couple returned
from their brief honeymoon Monday
and will make their home at the
yroom’s residence in Weet Myrtle
Miss Teresa Clinton, of Coquille,
spent the week end visiting in this
Miss Mary*ret Corbin came down
from Sunshine Tuesday to do some
E. P. Adams is hariny an addition
built on the new house recently built
on his ranch on Catchiny Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Wagner, of Broad-
bent, were Myrtle Point visitors one
day this week.
Mrs. Thos. Guerin has been quite
seriously ill fhis week.
R. A. Annin was a Marshfield visitor
Carpenters are busy buildiny a new
bunyalow for E. J. Micheál.
L. M. Suplee has resiyned his pos­
ition as cashier of the Security Bark
and will leave shortly for IUahee,
where he hopes his health will im-
Dr. and Mrs. Temple, of Marshfield,
ware Monday visitors a t the home of
Mrs. L. D. Cook.
Mbs Margaret Shores, of Coquille,
visited over the week end with Miss
V erb Sumer 1 in.
Two very does and e x citing basket
ball games were played in the Oaks
hall last Friday with Coquille boys
and girls. Both games were tied aid
the boys played their tie off, Myrtle
Point winning M - ll The girls’ score
remained lfc-16. The outcome of the
game with North Bend on the second
of March will probably decide the
champion girls' team of the county.
The Myrtle Point boys’ team will
go to Marshfield Friday and it is
hoped that a large number of rooters
will accompany them.
r The death of Mrs. T. M. Hermann,
an old pioneer of Cooe county, occur­
red last Friday. .Mrs. Hermann has
been an invalid for a number of years.
The interment took place in the fam­
ily cemetery a t Broadbent
Mrs. T. G. Sumcriin was a Norway
visitor Wednesday.
Jack Adams, who has been ill with
rheumatism for some time, b now
much improved.
Carl Bushnell, of Catchiny Creek,
passed through town Wednesday en­
root* to Coquille . r
Dick West was a Wednesday vfeitof
in this city.
The first shipment of Star cars w -
rived in Myrtle Point recently. Mr.
Mann, of the electric shop, eras aAong
the first to purchase'one.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Giles and child
returned recently from Salem, where
they spent a week visiting Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Moon.
The Powers girls will play the
home girls her* Saturday evening. As
Powers defeated our girls when they
played in Powers the game promises
to be very exciting.
Mrs. Mary Campbell was a Powers
visitor this week.
The County Court has appointed
Jo* Albina road patrol for Diet. No.
Id . Everybody in that d btrict, e:
cept Mr. and Mrs. Roe*, live J
-•water Valley, if Joe has the pa­
trol Job on any part of Dtat. No. 16,
it is to be hoped he will make
soother Job thaa the Id man did
laat year. Mr. Brownaoa, ofjfridge,
lot out a yell because a road b a©
rough it shakaa the out* off a wagon.
What Wbuld ha think of a road rough
enough to shake the heroes* off
horse? Mr. How* said-of a nu
of whom it waa reported he had bean
ooped in by the Mormons, “They
can’t wws him any.” That b Joe
Albina’* job, ha “can’t wus it any.”
On* each of the Jenkins and Moore
boys fall off a hors* Saturday and
each got a broken arm. Walter Laird
took Mrs. Jenkins and the boys to
Coquille. Dr. Richmond set the bones.
The talk about moving the rock
■usher to Panther Greek is frothy
stuff for the county. Is it possible
the county roadmaster does not know
that it costa money to haul rock two
miles further?
The pupils of the Dora school d b ­
trict gave their teacher a surprise
Valentine day. The first inkling the
teacher had of what waa going on
waa at the noon hour when, instead
of the usual lunches, the pupils pro-
edad to spread upon the table the
valentine feast of good things, and
she was asked to open a box nicely
decorated and labelled, “Valentine
Party” » to which each one of the
children had put a pretty valentine.
Then the invitation was given to the
teacher and all the pupils to eat in
honor of Cupid and his darts. _
Mrs. Cecil Dugger, who was at Q»e
North Bend hospital for a week on
account of a seriously sore throat,
is come home. Mrs. Dugger-Las-
weU, the mother of Cecil, has been
under the weather for a couple of
weeks. Mrs. Jap Yoakam was up
and took care of Mrs. Laswell p art of
the time that Mrs. Dugger was a t
the hospital.
Cecil Dugger b working a t a camp
on Cherry Creak.
The w ater coming over the dam
and the river above at the Lowborn
and Summerlin camp is a beautiful
Our wool shipped to the Western
Wool Warehouse Co., Portland, sold
according to grade for d$e, 46c, 44c,
Their charges for handling,
plus the freight from Coquille,
amounted to just about i f per pound,
and the wool netted us
cents per
pound for the lo t It b a Joy and
pleasure to do business with the men
of the Western Wool Warehouse Co.
The following b an extract from
ines’ letter written Dec. 31. I t gives
glimpse of one part of the ranch­
er’s Job in UmaUlla county:
“Two men cut tumble weeds in the
field adjoining this place last west
on a day whan a hard wind waa blow­
ing. They had two teeass, on* ot
each aids of the field,'Connected by i
length of barbed wire, weighted sc
it would stay on the ground. A t the
teams wsnt across thah field, the wire
broke off the weeds and the wind
rolled them all down to the fem
They looked like a bunch of brows
sheep hurtling by. When the we*
had piled up to the lo p of the fence
the later arrivals rolled right on over
and piled up in the road. So many
people are cutting weeds th at t
street in town has filled up and had
to be burnt out a couple of time*.
The fields, except along the fences,
look quite clean now.”
Wkat is the m atter wit^ Jaasas T.
Brand of Marshfield th at ha would
get up a miserable, rotten-road bill
like that width the paper* credit
him with fathering? What b the
m atter with the legislators a t Sab
tat they would nurse through both
houses a pin-featherly yap of th
If Governor Pierce waste to shi
ns a politician and do th* state a good
turn a t th* same time, he will veto
that bill.
If Pierce signs the bill, th* thing
for the county court to do b to put
all the county into on* road dbtrict.
And the thing to r the people living
in th* country to do would bo to buy
all their necessities and luxuries of
Montgomery, Ward * Co. and let
Uncle Sam be the freighter. It must
be th at Brand and th* legislators
when they were thinking , thought
A card from Paia Maui, Hawaiian
Islands, received from T. ML aad Ag­
nes Stover says, ”1 wonder if Judge
Coke could say th at this child doesn’t
look like his rasa.
“We are spending th* winter on the
Islands among flower«, sunshine,
tropical showers and the Jape, the
coming race of the Islands.”
The picture on th* card shows a lit­
tle Japanese aasong tropical plants.
We a n glad our friends are having
a delightful time tn the summer Ur
R. A. Easton.
New Seeds
Now in Stock
B u lk Garden Seeds:
Sweet Peas
Lawn Grass
Onion Seta s
Early Seed Potatoes
White Canadian Peas
More Crop Fertilized—All Sizes
Bee Supplies
Calf Meal
Order early while stocks are complete
The Busy Comer
2 Phones 69
Save Red Stamp$ and Get the Cash Discount
Fords - Fords - Fore
All Models
We can give You Immediate Delivery
4 D o o r S e d a n o n D isp lay >
When you consider buying a car, do you go iato dataib,
do you ask about the upkeep, do you find out if parta
are eaaily obtained, and what the price of the different
parte are, do you consider the possibility of making your
own repairs, do you consider the siauriieity of its difftr-
of d e p r e c ia t io n that there will the value?
Well, after you do a lot of serious thinking,'you will
Corns to one conclusion—a Ford. You will find that you
have the greatest dollar for dollar value in an automobile
that there b on the market today.
Buy a Ford and save the difference
Ask us about our easy payment plan
loads ter, $479.00
[taring, 509.00
Coupé, $660.00
2 Door Sedan, 719.00
4 Door Sedan, 864.00
1—1915 Touring $126.00
New Tires, Shock Absorber, Good
Engine, 1928 license, reedy to go.
Why walk? Pay us $66 cash, bai­
are* in 10 months.
1—1920 Touring, starter, etc. $240.00
One of the best engines ws have ta k ­
en in on trade. Car needs paint, but
otharwiae O. K. Pay $100 cask, bal-
Coquille Service Station