B u e Ball That Number of Offenw Against Which Answers Will Have to be Made sault with a dangerous weapon; Al­ fred Lea too for non-rapport; F. E Clausen twice for obtaining money by fa k e pretenses; Lloyd Zachary on four forgery chargee; R. E. Conley, Joe Vanganer and Melvin Manning for criminal syndicalism. Sam Gordon, of Powers, was in- dieted twice, once for groas fraud a t common tew end on another charge Dr. G. E. Low, president of the Co- cjuille B o m Bali Club, roquaaU the Sentinel to state that all those in­ to reated in seeing this eity repwsent- ad in the Cooe County League next year, ahould tarn out Sunday at the ball park and help In the w ort of grading the grounds. A few turned out last Sunday, but two or three can't be expected to do it all. The di­ amond is being levelled off. taking out the hump there was between secand third base, and the whole field is to be put in better shape. It’s a little early yet to talk baee- ball, but unless the preliminary work, and especially the financial end is at­ tended to this spring, the local club will be starting the season not fully prepared. Coquille is a good baMball town and Carl King has bean getting a line on seme goed men, who will be willing to come in for the summer, w ort during the week, and play ball on Sunday, at so much a game. Neither Coquille nor Bandor. can afford to pay a monthly salary to young follows to lie around six days and play four games a month, and Mr. King is trying to line up a bunch of players who can play ball and still not require all the gate receipts for salaries. . NOT SO BAD AS AT FIRST and took occasion to file a demurrer to the charge that he was grabbing county tax money for Marshfield. The bill paeeed by the legislature was one prepared by Senator Eddy, of Doug­ las. Mr. Brand said ha didn’t know what had happened to his bill but that it bad not boon introduced. However, bis bill provied for a more equitable division a t road funds—forty per sent to the district and sixty to the-county. In this same connection Judge Mast Warrants to Be Endorsed 18406380 Forty-two Mes and Women of CoqniDe Have Subscribed Stock to the Amount of $25,000 and Put the Project Ofer the Top C. J . K uhrm an A. O. Walker H. N. U re a s 8. M. Nosier Gee. A. Robinson Coquille Hardware Co. City Bakery J. D. Graham G. Earl Lew H. B. Shelley * Sen J. W. Laird T. A. Walker Kenneth Kistaer Mrs. K. E. Johnses E. W. Gragg Coast Ante I lass C. W. Gardner M. J. Harteea A. Ellin «son W. H. Mansell R. A. Jeub O. T. Nelson Mrs. J. E. Panteen H. W. Young J. H. McCloskey C. A. Gage Mrs. & J . Smith L. C. Newman GeuM A Gould Ì . L. Aasen Gem N. Batte? Wat. Richardsau A. L. Sitepson Rebt. Trala Ray Lang C. L. Willey M I I M I I I A I I I I 6 I excellent amendment Is one protect­ ing the market roads, funds for that purpose bring deducted before any di­ vision la mads. J- Aad still further, the original 60-60 division has been restored so that tha counties will he in much butter shape than they would have been had not the leeal Commercial Club and Judge Mast started the agitation they did. 8enator Hall informed Judge Mast that them was such a sentiment far a («ad fund division in practically all the cities of the state th at it would be Impossible to kill tha bill alto­ gether. Aa finally passed yesterday the bill is much more equitable. The senator also stated that there is a law new on tha statute books which permits a town or city to spend its share of road funds or roads out­ side the city limits, should the city's authorities deem it the best place to Special Order Next Week of $12,000. As several members of ths Com­ mercial Club «mated to gat away early, only a abort session ama held Wednesday evening. President Les­ lie stated that he wanted to make a special enter of business for next Wednesday evening and urged a large attendance. His idea was that evary- That the people of Coquille have to so considerable an extant decided to w ort together in n true community spirit to build a modern hotel on the Baxter Hotel site augurs wall for tha future of our city. For the past tee years a t least, since the w riter has been a resident of Coquille, and with­ out doubt considerably longer, tha bus in me men a t this city have been impressed with the need of a first- class hotel and have been talking about the possibility a t getting some one to come here and taka the heavy end of the job of financinig it. But all the talking waa a reminder of the “term er and tha lark” story in our Third readers one or two genera­ tions ago. The grain was ripening in the farmer's field, and tha lark ov­ erheard tha farmer tell hie boys the grain was nearly ripe enough to cut, and said ha would look about for seme Coos county warrants on the gener­ al fund will no longer be made out “to bearer’' so that they can bo pass­ ed from hand to hand as readily as green-backs or national bank notes. Will Improve Road to Grove The county court has, we think, acted —New Pool Hall wisely In having the new issee made Prohibitions payable to the person to whom H has a debt ting from for termed the “Joker” in this deck and where any positively sMored the stockholders any gravelling. The balance of $10,- that there was nothing of the sort 000 will have to came out of next in the deal, so that Idea no longer year's expenditures in sons districts. fogged any braina. Mr. Norton’s offer to the hotel stockholders waa squally definite and L ots on the Coquille River dean cut. The holding company would A public hearing will be held by sail so much of the old hotel site as Captain George Mayo, U. 8. District waa needed for the propoeed first Engineer, F irst District, Portland, McLain Resigns Office unit, 60x126 feet in area, on the basis Oregon, in Coquille, Oregon, in the His many friends in this section of the average cost per square foot council chamber of the City Hall, at of the entire tract a t ju st what they 1:80 p. m., on Monday, March 6, 1928, will be a Kttte surprised to learn that paid for it plus the $76 paid the a t­ to consider agreement upon satisfac­ Hugh McLain has resigned the posi­ torney who examined the abstract and tory rates and regulations for float­ tion of postmaster a t Marshfield to six par cent interest on the money ing logs or sack rafts of logs, and take effect tomorrow. Ho would have from the time they bought it until it safeguarding navigation for commer­ completed over 8 y e a n ’ service if is taken over by the new hotel com­ cial steamboats, aa the baste of a rec­ be' had continued to tha end of his pany. For the site of the second ommendation to tha Secretary of second fear years’ term in August. unit, on which it te not propoeed to War for the regulation of all naviga­ The reason Mr. McLain givas for re­ signing is that he wishes to engage build now, them were two more ele­ tion on Coquille River. in the contracting business. He built menta to enter into the price—the All parties interested, especially unpaid F irst street lento for those engaged in logging, milling and some of the first concrete work *n paring and the taxes that might have transportation, a r t invited to be pres­ this county, including that on tha tr be naid before this tract waa tak­ ent er to be represented nt the hear­ basement of the old court house hero en ova- by the present organization, ing, to sxpress their views orally or 26 y ean ago. if it later desired to go on and build submit them in writing. that second unit a t the hotel, or for a Electric Bell i t Bridge r«w organisation that might be call­ An electric alarm bell waa received ed the hotel annex company to build a t the local Southern Pacific depot that second unit. test Friday for installation a t the If rack a second company was form­ bridge crossing on Ferry street. W ort ed, it would be the privilege of all the was started yesterday, but it will taka sharehokteri in the present company a weak to get it connected up. The to take stock or not, just aa they alarm will begin sounding when an wished. approaching train is a half mile dis­ For the Coquille Investment com­ tant and continue until it has passed pany, or holding company, Mr. Nor­ the crossing. ton not only agreed that they would sell the site for the second unit on the terms outlined above when it was wanted, lyet th at they would keep the property for three y ean before dis­ posing of K in any way. In relation to this ho expressed the conviction that when the first unit of the hotel, with 42 rooms sms built, the vent ure would prove so su ccess ful Christian Science Lecture A free lecture on Christian Science that before another year had pasted it would be necessary to build the sec­ by John C. Lath rep, C. 8. B., of Brook­ ond unit on the ramaindeT of the site. line; Maas., member of the Board *of He added th at srith the new highways Lectureship of the Mother Church, John C. Lathrop, * of Brookline, reaching tide city from ths north, Massachuset ts, te to deliver a free tee south and east, if tha hotel business turc m Christian Science a t Urn Lib­ erty Theatre tonight a t S o’clock. LOOK OVER THE ROADS