The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 26, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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r. JANUARY 36,
The S en tin el
a 3 0 0 0 Panca
in a
Grounds fo r divorce e— Us
adultery physical and mental
•OOO T O S » ^ abandonment or failure to pro- jocting tho Lea
fide for a year or mo—, incurable in- we have got to
sanity, and commission of felony.
The bill provides thst application
On* Year .......... ........................... » 2 for marriage must be made two
week* before issuance o f license :
Six Month* ............ ••••*........... 'j j “
Three Months ...• •
Both parties muet submit health
No suUcrtpuon U km unlaaa paid
for in advance. This rule la
When it comm to Counting up
newspaper subscriptions in a wny to
make the lists conform , to tho re­
quirements of the state law in Mgard
to county official paper*, it make*
lota o f difference.
Th# Coo« Bay
Time«, which has boon claiming a
circulation from 2,800 to 1,000, only
find* 1676 names on its list that will
stand th* required test. The Sentin­
Office Cara—
el which has a circulation o f 026 only
ilnds 626 to conform to the condi­
tions; while thd Daily New» couldn’t
And names enough in its 1024 to out­
Gov. Pinehot, o f Pennsylvania, weigh the Sentinel’s 626.
•tarts out well as e tax —da*—. ^ * •. While war regulations were in
law provides a salary o f $18.000 for force the Seqtinel put its house In
hi* office and he will accept only order by going to a cash basis, and
its best judgment is that every news­
$10,000 oi
paper will profit by doing the same.
“ Believe me,”
Gladstone, We did net, however, in making a
“when I tell you that thrift o f time list o f subscribers confirming to the
will repay you in after y—a* pith a state law include those sold by the
profit beyond your moot sanguine
dreams, pad that waste o f time w ill
-.1 » . yon dwindle alike fn intellects TO ABOLISH VOTERS PAMPHLET
There is a biU in the senate at
el end mo—1 statu.-* beyond your
Salem that provide* for th* abolition
darkest reckoning.”
o f the voters’ pamphlet and the sub­
Not a solitary dyed-ln-tha-wool stitution o f newspaper announementa
fisherman or lover o f th* outdoor* as a vehicle o f public ty for „ the
is ever found behind, prison bars, ac­ measures and argum ent. the pamphlet
cording to the Rev. Pr—ton Bradley, carries. It Is claimed f ast the news­
pastor o f the P—ple’a pulpit to Chi­ paper advertising can ba done at leas
cago. “ Bad man have no lov# for expense and will reach as many peo­
the oat-of-doors!" he atatnd. “ Tbay ple aa the pamphlet does. If coarse,
can’t stand it to be alone with theirf- it has become evident that a large
selves. Statistics will show th # l.ot percentage o f the voters pay no at­
on* o f the m ajor criminals* o f today tention to the pamphlet, but whethe*
liked to fish or loved a dog."*
they would pay any more attention to
th* same matter in the newspapers
In deciding as to th* validity o f tha appears to us by no means certain.
proceedings in calling fo r an elecli­
O f course, if the publication will
on the question e f a consolidated coat no more—and it is obvious that
school in the Bandon section. A ttor­ th* postage would be automatically
ney General Van W inkle aay* that ag dispensed with—we should favor the
legal vote— a— to b# counted in the
requirements for petitioners fer a net claim to be disinterested.
special election. Also that any legal
It is said that C. E. Spence, master
voter can sign such a petition al­ o f the state grange, is opposing the
though he a—y not be able to vote In bill; aad that if it beouaes a law the
tha special school election under the referendum will be invoked against
property or tax requirement.
it. When th* Initiative aad Beferen
The Bay people a— rejoicing over
the adoption by the house o f repre­
sentatives at Washington of an
amendment to th* river and harbor
bill raising th* aaaount appropriated
for this year to $66,060,000. Tha­
is one mo— river to cross ia this case,
though. If tha senate adopts th*
amendment th* beginning o f work
this year on tha big Coos Bay jetty
project and a g n a t boost f — the twin
cities at th* bay, may be exp—ted.
Hon. 8. P. P ein e, th* — presents-
tive from the Coo*-Curry district in
th* legislature, has introduced a hill
perpetually barring any person who
wounds or kills another whom he mis­
takes for a deer or other
from receiving a hunter’s
That looks like a mighty smell pen­
alty. When carelessness is plainly
apparent, however, this license bar
wouldn’t be — y her to the recovery
o f heavy damages by th* relatives o i
th* man killed. And it is almost al­
ways a killing aad never a mere
wound when a man is shot for a
dum law waa being formulated the
asm* proposition fo r newspaper pub­
licity was advaceted but met defeat
at the hands o f Ha chief sponsors,
U’Ren and Eddy.
The newspaper men have been
working fo r this bill end have bean
asking fo r statistic* as to the cir­
culation o f tke papers o f th* state,
so we suppose as to be prepared to
show that to publish the sseaauree
and arguments in all the papers o f
the state will cost no more than th*
traffic and th* number o f accidents
is going up steadily as th* density of
suitor traffic increases. , California
lands the natimi with an aaausl mo­ SET:— A good name m rather to be
tor death rate s f 24.4 per 100,000 chosen then great riches, and loving
population; in« California, Lee ' A * - favor rather than silver and gold.—
e f 27 par 160,000. OwmecMcut and
NSW York State, «he next highest,
follow with only 16.6 and 16.4, re-
specthrely. O f'special eignificance to
automobile manufacturera and deal-
ers ia the fset thst in the lsrge Cal­
ifornia cantera the high ueeident and
death rute ia beginniug to sffect and
mtard the sal* o f automobile*.
ib* aaotor car basinese ia to grww at
1U prsssa t ruta, atreeta aad roada
■ u st be made leas uaeaf* not only
fer pedestriaus, hut fer aseteriaU aa
tencee on all reckless 'drivers and
speed Aends. Los Angeles judges in
one’ week sent nearly two hundred
speeders to jaiL Instead o f th* us­
ual long Ust o f dead aad injured, not
on* fatal accident occurred during
the follow ing week-end.
The courts are beginning to frown
on the speeder everywhere in the Far
W est. It is now up to th e legisla­
tures to keep the epileptic, insane, the
deaf and the irresponsible out of
tbs driver’s seat— February Sunset.
Visions o f a rev »rifted American
merchant marine have never included
in their scop* the possibility o f a
part to be played in the rebuilding
the North American Indian.
that unthought o f possibility may be-
tied, capitalized at 2 million dollars,
which wfl operate steamship# in * 4
Gulf, North and South Atlantic and
West India* route*. Th* enterprise
ia wholly in the hands o f mamba— o f
seven Indian tribes.
Tho seven tribes which have a part
in this new enterprise are the Oaages,
Cherokee*, Creeks, Choctaws, Kaws;
Seminoles aad Chickasaw*. Th* com ­
pany’s heed quarters era to ha at Tul­
sa, Oklahoma.
It is a long jum p from th* birch
bark canoe to tho steal plates o f a
modern freighter. There is nothing
in what wa know o f tho Indian’s U s­
SIN SEPARATES:— Your iniqui-
tiee have separated between you and
your God, sad your sins have hid hie
face from you, that, he will not hour.
— Isaiah 69:2.
Tuesday. Jan. 90 . w
W hosoever therefor snail humble
him self as this little child, the same
is greatest in the kingdom o f heav­
en.—Matthew 18:4.
Wednesday, Jsn. SI
thy way unto the Lord; trust also in
him; and he shall bring It to pass.
. . . Beet in the Lord, and emit
patiently for him.— Peslm 37:6, 7. ‘ .
Thursday, Feb. 1
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is
good; and what doth tne Lord require
o f thee, but to do justly, and to lews
mercy, and to walk humbly with thy
God— Micsh 6: 8.
Friday. Feb. t
For God so loved the world, that he
gave his only begotten Son, that who­
soever belleveth in him should npt
perish, but have everlasting life.—
John I ; 16.
economic conditions contributed to
their downfall. E gypt waa a fertile
land. It might easily enough have
sustained in security’* and ease a
greater population than it bail. The
oversow ing Nile and the H r, ly sun
and soil solved annually thq funda­
mental problem* o f existence. 'In *v
ery material senae Egypt in the time
e f Tutankhamen was rich.
It is as convenient a surmise as
any that this Ane old civilisation
Which once gave impetus to every art
and science, which fostered le a n -
ing, which contained th intellectual
center o f th* world, perished because
It became too well satisfic'd with whet
it bad accomplished.
Loot in con­
templation o f its own grandeur, ab­
sorbed in its collective egotism , re
yarding the present only and taking
MONEY in this bank drawing com ­
pound interest is Earning Money.
sure way to have money in the bank is
to save and deposit a portion o f your
salary or income.
One dollar or mòre starts a BANK AC­
Farmers & Merchants Bank
of Coquille, Oregon
J. E. NORTON— President
C. J. FUHBMAN— Vic* President
JNO. E. ROBS—Cashier
J. W. 'M ILLER—D irector
Gardner’s Garage
W h e r e y o u c a n g e t a ll
k in d s o f M a c h in e W o r k .
A u t o m o b ile re p a ir in g a s 'w e ll
P h on e 4 6 J
• -
C o q u ille
Now Is the Time to Buy
I have fourteen carloads o f
That France ia playing with A— in
bar invasion of the Ruhr district and
attempt to take forcible control o f
th* coal o f that region seemi t> he
th* general opinion o f outsiders. It
will, o f course, give Germany a new
grievance, which her people will
nurse until they become whit* hot.
Judge Ben R. Lindsey, head o f tke
Th* provocation o f France waa
Juvenile Court o f Denver, —ye: “ Mr| great,
greet, it must be admitted, but
experience, study aad investigation whether It will secure the results
of juvsnils lif* has convinced me intended in forcing Germany to pqy
that parents need to be taught th* more on reparation account assy well
fundamentals o f child rearing,
be doubted. Aad if it throws Ger-
firmly believe that not mo— th— 30
* per cent of parents a— relatively, and
com ps—tively competent to n
children.” The judge ia directly and
indirectly responsible fo r the enact­
ment e f 62 Colorado laws for the pro
tection e f women and child—n, not
on* o f which has beta —pealed and sign the treaty o f Versailles. And
42 o f which ha— been espied ia other Germany has deliberately depreciated
We should have te give the pro­
posed marriage sad divorce amsi
ment to the national constitution,
sponsored by our friend Senator Cap-
par, o f Kansas, a good deal m o -
thought th— we have, before we
would be willing to line up in its fa ­
vor. Uniform marriage and divorce
laws a— much to be desired in the
United States, but when it comes to
putting a whole statute about m a tte -
now under state jurisdiction tato the
form o f the XXth amendment to our
national charter, we would advi— ex­
treme caution.
The dispatches —y that the Sena­
tor has introduced a new national
marriage and divorce law with —
enacting —solution proposing a cop-
stitutional amendment. It Ax— the
Money Earning Money
her cur— SKy until a paper mark sella
It about 20,000 fe r a dollar, ia order
to beggar be—elf sad render it im­
possible fo r ber to pay anything.
Of course, th* trouble waa due to
fallu— to decide at on— the amount
she waa to pay the allies. That n u t­
ter should ha— been quickly settled
instead o f jockeying with it. A t th*
asma Mm* Gann say’s evident dataa-
mination ta ovada all payments as
long aad aa fa r aa aha possibly could,
is ell e f a pie— with her mothovk
during th e war.
But ia working fo r such a —suit
she seems — tin ly willing to play th*
part o f Samson aad drap down Eu­
ropean civili— Mon with bar. Had not
Harding bom — easy-going a presi­
dent ha weald ha— lad ia blocking
Willamette Valley Hay
The Herald doesn’t attempt to ex­
plain how “ La, the poor Indian” be­
came a-capitalist with means to cap­
Cut and stored before and rain
italize a two-m illion dollar steamahlp
corporation. But it la easy enough to
Clover, Cheat, Oat
Vetch mixed
understand whan ws learn that some
Indians have been gutting as much of th* Southwest ia the Indian T er­
Come and See it if you want Hay -
— a thousand dollars a day royal- ritory long bofo— it became the state
o f Oklahoma, was talking to some o f
W ill sell in any quantity from
her colleagues in the house. She told
them ah* ia glad aow that ah* was
defeated for re-election last Novem­
ber, and that she is going home when
Portland Oregonian
her term expires March 4.
This is the biggest and best shipment
aaaa who poaaeesee the .ligh t­
“ Look at this old hat o f mine,” the
o f Hay ever brought to Coos County.
ens# o f th* continuity e f hu- said to Representative John N. Gar­
existance can —ad without a ner, o f Texaa, dem ocrat
“ It has
th* news accounts e f th* dls- been sat upon by colleagues. They
f o f the tomb o f Tutankha- have been ju st splendid, to ms b a n ,
the Pharaoh who may have but I cannot go into th* Republican
Phone Sitka Mill No. 17
cloakroom , where they a— lounging,
and hang up my hat and coa t I must
thruw them ea a chair or a —at In
th* corridor, and then they a— aasd
aa cushions. Thor* is not even a
place her* fo r me to wash my hands.
slapping you on the shoulder.”
The house waa not built fo r women.
"W all,” «aid this silver haired,
“ I am not complaining o f the way
motherly woman, with a twinkle in
I have been treated by the men in
her aye, “ that hat been dona.”
tionally kind and thoughtful, *but
somehow or other I just feel as
though a woman do— not bokmg horn.
I noticed it so ju st after election.
T).#— was a —ma—darle among all
th* men that impressed me. They
»lapped each other on th* boek and
ahooted: ‘How a— you. old m a n f
Olga Lad. SC Maw—
For Sale
M yrtle Pefart, Ore.
t. •