C O Q U IL L E ■ M M EAST KOBE NOTES Claude Wyland, ¡tod this week at the horn sister, Mrs. Bari'McDonald. The six year-old eon of Frank*— r end died in the Paakbertoa hot ta) this weak. The death of tho lit-1 tie led was caused by a fall from barn, which fractured Ms skull. Th*| body was taken Wednesday to Van­ couver, which wee their fo Mr. Osmond is e bridge contractor 1 sad wee working on tho railroad | bridge at Keedsport. Ora Carter entertained the girls I of the Junior class at her home last | Wodnoeday evening. Mr. Draper, of Marshfield, is tun­ ing pianos in town this week. The Royal Neighbors held an teresting meeting Monday embers from Marshfield and sad were over. Friday evening £be Junior choir of the M. E. church and their director, Mrs. O. H. Clarke, wiH give e pro­ gram end lunch at the Church. AI amen fee will be charged for the] lunch but the program la free. Ev- the 18th to t., a road me*tin* was held in road district No. Po— Your Automobile 15 at the Leatherman place. A tea mill tax was voted, 82 for, 5 against. need New Cylinder Od ? My rote was in the 82 class. A rock road all the way to Myrtle Point - then it will be a pleasure drive, win­ ter or summer. Much of the way to LeaUtenpsn'e there la plenty ef mu the mad hole oppeette the Mika grants* place (Jep Yoakum's) is The Best Cylinder OU on the Market. W e carry it deep end long. There is probably something like 10 or 12 miles of toad district to . 1» pet to rock. The We carry the faaio— Vietar Bearings for the tax waa voted far maintenance ef the rods and crank shaft«. n ek Med already built in the lower Mrs. T. G. Summerlin has roc sod of road district No. 1» as well ad sufficiently to leave the Per We hare the McQnay-Nerrle Wainwright Piste— * os' for m w work? as If the county ton hospital and be taken Saturday I fell down on He job of keeping up to tho horns of Mrs. *W. B. Lewellen, the rock road now built than would at Norway^ where she will remain | Our shop is one of the beet equipped in the be some money with which to do it. until aha has fully recovered. Ante re- to do all kinds of heavy A few months since at a road ‘asset- “Aunt Linie” Weaver is very ill | pairing. Q*y-J tag fai Brewster Valley Pearly Crow­ this week. " Cylinder Oik. ley said part of road district t o 16 Mrs. Albert Carver is would ho put into district t o . 14. om an infaction In one of her fin-1 The county court ger3. there m le no «tee Ith— " in 1 16 who went* to Mrs. Bell went to Marshfield Fri­ be put into 14. Commieeloner Yoak- day to visit her daughter, Minnie. am eeid the flret of the year ia wh W. K. Jeffries is here from Wyom-1 thoee thing« ere attended to. lag. Rs is the father of Mrs. C. O. Coquille, O ra , At the road meeting Saturday in ratings, of tills city, whom his wife I diatrict No. 16 Fred Moeier itato is been visiting for i | proportion to have road diatrict 16 Tho football teem is quite proud | end 14 united into one district a* of tho Winchester football ... r the two together make e market to them by Huling, Lundy end road. It waa stated by others that after the game played at North . r 111 to atari the bell rolling the county court would have to he petitioned tel „ T ^ Mm. c g. have Just I that effect la all probability a '»I«-1 returned to California after a very petition would go into the county I riait with the letter’s eia-1 court asking that Mad district No L *. Mrs. Thoa. Barklow, of this city. 16 absorb all of tom diatrict No. 14 Whitaker is aj Clear bright W heat and Oat Straw than that any part af road district I trom Alaska, where ha spent No. 16 should be eceopdd up by D i»-1 summer with e surveying crew, . 7$c to $1.10 per bale. trict No. 14. I R. C. Dement ia having e new Provide your hens with a good, deep A petition v u rireulated at the insUiUd in Us home, rood meeting asking the m w comi“ C. B. Barker's smell sen. Cecil, I litter.' ty court to appoint Jeff Creehy tite j BnderwMlt an op m tiou this week fari for District No. IS. lo ,, removal at Us tonsils. Mrs. Welle end this ' Mrs. Percy Peel Springfield Flour $6.50 pef barrel Calif ., were vieiting Mr«. Albina e n d lf,.^ , « p Ceutrelia. Washing- I From Springfield Mills family of Brew«tor VaBey t o t w o * . ton w(W e ^ rieitod e short Mrs. William Oalbartooa - Valley Hard W heat Charlie, have been off on a vaeatioaj MUtoo Morphy, at North Bend.| for the past weak. was a Myrtle Paint visitor Saturday. Mm. Lie yd Leatherman’» brother, | Florence Knight risitod in| Everott Howe, who has been in Can­ ada fer e number ot year*, is fat the I Mr. and Mm. Jee Harry returned I of Washington m w . Sha think. 18und. y ^ Kouaymoon to| CH ESTER C . P A R R , Prop. - that ha may come back to Ceos ia the Brewster VaBey. They am now I and go on to the old home|tof th-ir home to Coquille. S Everyone should plan on going to I Barn Nov. 17th to Mr. end Mr«. I Marshfield Saturday to aee the foet- Tom Krowsen e • pound boy, Dr ^ fam, p U ^ there. This will he| at Myrtle Paint, end a|MyrUe Point's u .t ot the _,n unless Another gsme is pUiyed I Tuesday Supt Mulkey end D is t r ic t !^ Nwtfc ^ So each one o ff ■ Fisher attended the school I _ou go 4nd the to District No. 82 to elect Women’» Club met Tuesday I directors. Blyn Bobbins, K x r a l^ Mrs. Tom Guerin. Watooo aed Ed Abernethy wero elect-1 ^ „ E Ladies held a sho d- B. A. Easton Wednesday afternoon at the home e fl ‘ . I Mrs. A A. Schriefsr fer the coming Gravel Ford Not— besear sale, which win be held De | Frank Moser spent Sunday nlghtjcemb*r ** **** Goodman halt. | with his father, Fred Moser, ef this Henry Burr, who recently purehae-1 place. ed the Wm. Hansen house, is Crosby 0 Iverson took eat a drive I modeling the tame, ef logs last week. I Mr. end Mm. J. G. Clinton warn Wm. Jackson, of Klamath county, Marshfield business visitors Wednea- Never accept ‘W a s Good” Brands: it spent to t weak visiting Us brother, day. Cal Jackson end family. ' Miss Emily McLeod has gone to will only mean disappointments and fail­ Mm. Nettle Crosby end children teach the Floras Creek school, ures on bake-day, wnich are expensive. visited with Ifti. Cole Tuesday. I Lewis EeweBen, son of tf. X. Lew- Mr. end Mm. Charlie Snyder were alien, of Norway, arrived home Mon Sunday visitors at the Tom Hail day. He la just home from Franc«, 1 | having served seven yearn to the Try Hyvis Call for many items listed below. Look the list over and place your order early. W e can supply you with Fresh stock of best quality. V 0* ■ “■'}' ’i* C E L E R Y , H E A D LE T TU C E , C A U L - IFL O W E R , S W E E T PO TATO ES, RAN BERRIES. .. _ _ . ORANGES G R APES, B A N A N A S , R A ISIN S, C U R R A N TS, C LU STE R R A ISIN S, W H IT E FIGS, B LA C K FIGS, D A T E S, C A N D IE D C IT­ RO N, O R AN G E ft LEM O N P E E L M » M IN CE M E A T, S W E E T A N D B O IL­ E D C ID ER . W A LN U TS, A L- M ONDS, P E C A N S, B R A Z IL N U T S A N D P E A N U T S. 1 B U LK PICKLES — S W E E T , SO U R A N D DILLS. R IPE O LIV E S, G R EE N O LIV E S, ST U F F E D O LIV ES. ■ M B P S Prie— Right and Service with a Smile fm & a r , 1 G ardner’s G arage g ¡sä The Busy Corner H b 2 Phones 69 ¿ J Save Red Stamps and Get the Cash Discount STR AW Fords The** rainy d a y , yon can ride in com­ fort in a Ford Sedan or Coupe Ask any owner. I f you have never had this pleasant experience COLLIER W AREH OU SE Don’t Be Fooled Low Price and High Quality Don’t Go Together, Stick to A LtJMET Bn K IN 0P O WDER When you use it you never spoil any o f the expensive in­ gredients used — such asflour, sugar, eggs and milk. i»2H times aa THE W O RL& S G R E A T E ST BAKIN G vicinity t o t week with hie hey baler. I Mr. Larons, at Coquille, wm a vis­ iting hey fer Uge Cublerteon. ttor here Saturday ■ Mr. end Mrs. Jos Gibson are visit- Mr. end Mm. Harold BergeH ar- ing at the Charlie Snyder home. Mis* Flossie Radabaugh spent the sek end to Myrtle Point. Frank McCracken end Fred Moser attended the road meeting held at Lloyd Loethermen> t o t Saturday. It was for the purpose of voting e tax which carried by a ity. • Ask for Demonstration : It will not place you under any obligation whatsoever. Ford Prices, F. 0. B. C oquille E A S Y XE R M S Roadster, $478.00 Touring, 508.00 Tractor, ■■■' Coupe, $651.00 Sedan, 719.00 496.00 ■ A W O R D TO T H E W ISE . W e are expecting a jump in tire prices be­ fore long. You had better retire early and get the benefit. W e have a complete stock I