g- 1 1 » ^ j» JfcrJbL. , L '1 m a 1 mm er of 8:37. No No .* « « J to the by the cou inspector to the county e This report oovers' in- Of the past year and gives >t U m Coquille facts end figures «S altali ing the fsett crop e f the Umpqua val­ ley. The drier capacity in the The season for politic»! vertically doubled. Mr. in the mjtropoliUn dailies reperta while progree ed; that for while good» end also being kept in keeping up and once e»lee ie cioee et hi a higher standard of dried fruit. Altogether the report “ go dry that a man will have to shows e very satisfactory prime himaelf to .pit," Billy Sunday says he wants to see it in this I f the republicans hi try; but Billy is in the habit o f goto* to discriminate to i that elected his week as Senator Stan­ Thanksgiving” will be ~h little be­ field threatened here recently, Ore­ lated this year. It is doe on the 30th, gon is going to find herself in l four weeks from yssterday. The did company hereafter. Preaident writer is old enough to remember a Harding's own state of Ohio end the December Thanksgiving, however. Empire state of New York, which The Tillamook Headlight quotes the received the lergeef) appropriations district attorney of Tillamook county this year, srifl be under the ■ ■ ■ ■ as seriously advising tha voters there Playing the polities! game, ae Stan­ that a vote for Andy Gump would in­ field say* they do at the national validate any ballot on which it is ital, is no doubt the rule; but i to disciplining such » because they kick over the I f Walter M. Pierce, as governor, tracoe, it just “can’t be did.' does a quarter what he promised in Many people are predicts U m way of reducing taxes we will all welly cold winter duriag the next rejoice that he has bean elected—end the writer will regret he did not vote four mouths. Not here in the O quille valley but In tha country et for him. large. Be fa r ae our ref the climate ef the Next Wedneeday John Bull will pay Uncle Sam fifty million dollars on Oregon coast is wanner thi the war debt. I f that were distri­ when there is unusually cool buted pro rate among the people of in tha rest of the country end cooler it ie m ild' U m United States, everyone would get four bits. _______ alee. The portents of odd wagthj r are already numerous. A t g ego this morning the tm London has MJMO Italian bora UU- sins—end Paris 34,000; while New l to 30 degrees end at ie morning it was down to » York has 390,900. There are not tbovt zero, a record bretker asany Italian cities only three in fact— which have as large a popula­ for a# early in November. The seme the first frost of the season tion as 390,000. wee observed et Astoria and snow fell We recall that W. W. Gage on the surrounding mountains. Now even a candidate in the ie the time to be thankful we can last spring and that is due to the fnet spend the winter in the Coquille val­ that dosane of Us political friends ley, no amtter how much rain stay on the wrote in his fell. _________________ ballot then that his oh the ballot this fall. A NEW IMMIGRATION ISSUE When two" Coquille men were nom­ inated for members of the county court of Coos county at the May pri­ mary we deemed it a bare impossi­ bility that both could be elected, and thought it a great mistake not to have concentrated on one. When the votes were counted though 1t looked as if the voters of the county would have been glad to make it a solid Co­ quille court. Former Sheriff Gage’s popularity with -4k people of Coes county was strikingly manifested this weak by tbs wondsrful vote ho received a* s candidate for county com But for the Herding Ism year* ago he woul^ still be Gao. E. Chamberlain would still he United States senator. The farther the. pendulum swinge th tain will be the rebound m Henry Cabot Ix>dge, blue-blooded patrician, got what Was doe him last Tuesday, when he defeted as a candidate far re-elec­ tion to the United States •tor, e f ter thirty years’ contini in that body. But for him our try would now he a member e f the league of nations and the outlook for universal peace end sanity would be e hundred fold better than it is—and Woodrow Wilson might be physically fit instead of a paralysed invalid. I a au he also reap.” fair th at it al- the Lord, Qf<«ram»si V" w ith thw Nov. 13 I Herding is to grass for e constitutional I stopping the issus of tax curi tics The sete o f honda end stock bearing this privilage enables a tftude of wealthy people to taxation, simply by paying a mars for their security- Alee it an- folks te pot their ou municipal or state undertakings, whan tha samo is needed more to develop the todue- of the country, so effect an America ie quickly served by Sir George Pnirh. the l Hah financier now visiting this e try. He toetotfi q y q ta rt fftM ff' rime to they were pre- wHh the Wilson •5 for . . he hath'« lt ffil MoBiay, N ot . I t LET US GIVE* TH ANKS:—Bias­ ing, end glory, and wisdom, end 1 honor, and to oer God for over and ever* Revelation 7:12. Tuesday, Nov. 14 BEAUTY OF HOLINESS:— Give unto the Lord the glory due un to Us nemo; bring an offering, anc before him; worship th* Lord in th* beauty of ho line»*.— 1 Chroni­ cles 1«J». T* Wedneeday, Nev. IS WHO SH ALL ENTER:—Not ev ery one that aaith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom o f heovon; but he that doeth the will o f my Father, whieh to in heaven.— etthew 7:21. p f* ' Thamday, Nov. 1« LORD SEES A LL:— For the eyes o f th* fiord run to end fro throughout the whole earth, to shew him »«If in behalf of those whose heart to perfect toward him.—3 Chon. 16:9. Friday, Nev. IT SAYING GOODBYE: — Finally, uthron, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in ; and the God of love and pc. shall be with you.—3 Cor. 13:11. m m m m .; ■ Smoked H im self to Sleep Your Dimes and Nickels Farmers & Merchants Bank ntion; but had he not been recalled Watson’s term weald have lasted e f tha ut The lack ef [ucation until Jaaaary, 1921 babies ere' th* w en t sufferers and dittos of Oregon; nor to th* time e f tha el atoa o f 1177 and W* •■M » food there is for ROYAL It ¡a atada T arta room he had formerly sible to get; and that tha taffM of The occupants at the Umpqua Hotel night end upon entering the better times on account e f that nnex et Reedspert were given a fire again it was found that the change have bean very largely dia scare lest Sunday evening when the bed was afire, ap th* I appointed. 11 m men and women re­ bed of David Pike, one of the roomers been completely Water sponsible for this week’s earthquake in the hotel, caught fire from a light­ was quickly applied plied again and the 1 * voted tha democratic ticket, nnt be ed cigarette. Mr. Pike went tote hie bed was thrown jt t f f M window. No cause they laved the dsmserete room about nine o'clock to go to bod was done except the tor than two years ego but the d laid down with a lighted cigar­ burning o f th* bed.—Port - » 1cm. ette in hi* mouth. He fell asleep and Courrier. a vote o f unmet end dls- the cigarette dropped from his mouth r The voters wanted to on the bed and started a fire. The the republicans for failing I f you went to subscribe for e Port- loke awakened him a*d the flames fo'feilfiaa H —** end do nuuqr ether land daily Ih* dubbing re extinguish*! by sratcr. He took id been promii other room in the hotel for the ev- we offer with tits Sentinel or that they had expected, and the I ing end about 4 o’clock to the more- you money. % • | ticket afforded the only — —- — rnw to strike an effective It looks as if the I ripe for e sew alignment e f. parties, for the eld frequently mentioned in cor tiesliy tion with th* attempt to pot principles of “ Cronin“ to th* piece o f e dtoquall-| fia i republican elector here, Samuel J. Tilden to ns Pre*i-| BOW LONG A TERM? dent at the United State*. It is e mooted question wb< awn to more ree it newiy cttciwi county judge, wo have noted this fall that the op-1 suben H. Mast, will in January of Governor Ben W. Olcott gin n four-year term or e six-year to prove that he, too, weal The present judge, C. R. Wade, I ilected when Judge James Web et heart e democrat; and to proof of I submitted evidence that | sdh was recalled. Wktoon’s term be gen la January, 191K, end Wade filled he mad* a big contribution to the W ould soon prow into dollars by this novel plan mpeiga fund at one West, who ef- out that term and, was two years ego rward became hi* brother-in-law. o f saving. ^ Come in and opes a Savings A c­ for e full six-yoar term, be­ Politic*, indeed, makes strange ginning in 19*1. He resigned early count with One Dollar or more and see how bedfellows end th* time has passed this year and sms appointed to politicians and statesmen were tntil such time as Us much you can save during the next year or so. could be elected end qanli dways born Into n party and A. ■ ■ •trayod I We recall that when Jsince Web- AW FUL CONDITIONS n wee elected in 1M4, it wi Motion whetfst he oould qualify bo­ The fallowing dispatch recently re-1 use hie predecessor John Hall had feed from Dadaagntek, Thrace,] only served four years o f his fuD nws the sert of horror* the rofu-1 of six years; but that diffii ms Seeing from the ferocious | ' | at once solved by the rasi Turks ere suffering: lion o f Judge HaB. It would o f Coquille, Oregon have appeared that It oould have * * 1 « Watson | 9 \ * f--* * only the two uaexptred yours of crowd the country | J. R. NORTON—President Judge Ball's term to serve end ( ’. A F U n tM A N —Vtos Is J U should have been elect­ will perish to the] JNO. E. ed ih lltfi. J. W. | A ^ reference to the cenetitutfun of all the relief workers casi de. | BLACK EYE FOR UNIONS to no milk. Many Infante m brought tot* the world ■ bas L Without medical attention to the ne e me of thi* yeer’i greet strikae, David eempe pitched slang the roadsides. correspondent of e big A t Drama and Envele to* reeds nr* have developed k weary refugees who fee* o f nawaps the because they have no mill* e f only a upward swing in indastry. This has bave realised in edvanm the their wheat. ^ Outside e f served as s warning that labor ie not ological affect whieh the nO and to bo had in sufficient quantities.” ai strikes would hâve I to tents provided by th* The country today* does not gr Army. F ifty thousand per unskilled labor lflu farm crops. The hâve hesUeted te panait either ef lav* keen traveling, afoot for ye. Meet o f them have ae the big strikae te ge ae fer ae they did. . . . the free supply The eold has caused many food there h no native to draw upon. Within five years cardinal mlsteke U it attempt« ‘ te OREGON WAS DIFFERENT •¡destop the issue developed.hr the mû end mal strikes. tirely new m esatar"^- n on* respect, th* civilization of ( Mass.) Republican. “ Shell organisations o f labor end gon diffère from that e f any other capital wield powar greetar thés that ion of tho Union,— for tont mat- A MILLION SLACKERS of the govemment iteelf and be ablc f rom any other pert of th* world, to inflkrt injury on the publie The official» and agents of the » this to to* only country where mal revenue department et Waah- et willT It’* th* biggeet of the ua- gton estimate that more then n aettled problsms before the | **r*l**by ^mtoetenarice. In mil other million persona who should have be* today end one whoe followed th* flag, bmsu mare to the uttimut* prosperity followed the trad­ 000, h e^T d odisd'1" 1" 9 t V m n ’' of th* United States to this era of er, but to the “ Oregon Country” the ss who undertook tho werk > «* ■ coaling their assets. The amount in tha nuxt twe at mwrytog Christianity to the la ­ these slacken new owe the govern­ yuan. me declared that to* arty way tote ment far income taxas le pet et tMxi.ooo.oooo, or an average ef «600 IN GOOD COME A N Y » e f the*« who feel that Ore- to the »eil to build Orders have gone out to internal a become » perish by electing vmine collectors to make e round - eey need to it to not her »fir itiee. i These cities will be FEED FOR YOU MS COCKERELS e f e whirlwind smash et the •vaders in the next few weeks—New tore Martial I* York, Philadelphia, Boston, Ctoidn- to Fs nati, Cleveland, Detroit, St. Lotus. out as it S Ä to e « Is a K r, _ Takes the snap out of cold weather great feeling to know that your home w ill be warm this win ter, m atter bow eold it get*. Right here in town there arc a lo t o f people who can feel that way, too, because they have installed A kcola , that won- drrful, new, hot-water heating-system. You II thank ua later if you come in bow and look A rcola over. Save m oney on A R O O LA now 0 A fe ito w ith 3 1 Areata w ith I > «i i 5 i ot potting ■ •; ar có la « m «M r kn * C L WILLEY = s-*