'i . ‘ ■ .:rym 1Y - "T r -- . W k I o f Pletore . ihre yon better all kinds o f picture-fram ing V.’ *4-'limit M during the! > ¿'A t- ***“ utiful Line of Mouldings to M: C O Q U IL L E F U R N IT U R E C O T Does Your Automobile need New Cj The Beet Cylinder Oil on the M arket We ca n y it Wo carry the f whom 'V ictor Bearings for the connecting rods and crank shafts. Wo hass the McQnay-Nonris Wainwright Pistons A Pins. Oar shop is one of the best equipped in the county. AMs to do all kinds of henry niachlne week besides Auto re* pairing. Oxy-Acetyleae Welding, Fords parts and C ylin der Oik. Gardner’s Garage Coquille, Ore. Phene OJ If You Ate Nothing but Celery HOW leug could you continue hard work! Yea It is refreshing, testae goad, and fills up. But it io mostly succulence. Cows producing 899 pounds of bnttorfat to a year mast work hard; and when yea work hard, yea have to eat digestible nu­ tritious food aad late of it Give them asare than a filler and give them feed. Than watch the scales aad tost aad yea will see. It pays. S trictly C ask T erm s * COLLIER WAREHOUSE : CHESTER C. PARR, Prop. 1 * m I* , ■ Æ fe > The Fall and Whiter Shopping I I ite I to Jori wflf com e th e ronh « f Christ- fr- Gut year share of the bori­ a i th e M cxt th re e ' 4. ■ *- V - ** * m om m i or fear M ea t! t> '£ With An Electric Sign Mountain States Power Co. « ¡ H H . Demrat. F. A. L. Weekly, J. U. A ntaftoh. twMwn The biggest football * ** season turned on« with a 6-0 score in Myrtle Point’s favor Inst Saturday when oar boys played North Bend. This makas four victories and no de­ feats for the local te a », leaving in the lead for the county aUp. Their next game will be on November 18, when North Bend re­ tome the game here. The team is oat for hard practice every night will heap 1« o p for the next two weeks. So every one should plan to attend the game that decides the A s we predicted Flour advanced twice last week at the mill—a total o f 40c per barrel. W e are stiU selling fo r a short time at the old price. toat to runewtog fee Sentinel that you can get toe Oregon to combination with it ut only 8816 for both. M odi reading for tittle money. I Phone 521 Drugs «i Stationery n ■ _____ Try Cupid _ I W e guarantee it to give you satisfaction. Lester Huetater, who has been de­ Thé following has been am t out by pot agent her* fo r the past two »oaths, toft Wednesday for his new Secretary ofH teto Sam A. Koser: Application blank» for 1 8 » . ItJ charge at Nod, which is on the sen canse» have beau »a iled by the Sec- Mrs. T. G. Humerlin was taken to retary o f State ta aU motor veh s fit Oregon, so ae to permit the Pemberton hospital tost Friday to apply far and receive such to receive medical treatment She is ■■ January 1, 1 » » . Mo- still vary IB. Percy Peel’s toaae »n Tha Kitchen tor vehicle owners will avoid much trouble, annoyance and unnsceaa has expired and Mrs. Train has taken delay by promptly applying fo r their ov€f thf Mies Helen Whitaker will entertain 1928 licensee upon receipt of the ap­ plication blanks. Deferring applying the high school faculty at bar home for licensee until about the first of Friday evening with a Rook party. the year only congest* the work ef| Ur. and M n. Karl Kaufman are go tag to Marshfield Sunday to spend the Seeratary of State’s office i ■say result In the arrest o f the ear a twe weeks’ vacation visiting rala- owners by trafile officers for failure tives there. Mrs. Percy Peel left last week for to have the 1928 license on their cars after January tot next Tácen*« Centralis, Washington, where she plates for 1928 will have a dark blue will visit her parents. ra. Barber, o f Mamhfield, has background and white figures and engaged to teach the sixth grade “ Up to October 27, 1988, there have in the place o f Mis* Clare Mater, who an registered and licensed in Ore­ resigned because o f.th e serious ill •s o f her father.... gon 686 motor vehicle dealers, 11,804 Many Myrtla Pointers attended the chauffeur*, 211,696 motor vehicle op­ erators, I J t t motorcycles ard 181,- gamy at North Bend last Saturday. >' e f the business man eloa 884 paaaaagar aad eommftrctel ears, from which the total license fees ag­ their shops to order to go over and gregate 88,307,07846. The fees, toes root for the team. Mrs. E. P. Adam* undarwent a administrative expense*, are distri­ buted one-fourth to the counties to o » major operation at the Pembert the registrations are received hospital several days ago. She is m able to reeeivt a few visitor*. and three-fourths to the State High Mrs. Jap Jarvis was taken- !© the way fund for nee in road construc­ tion and improvement throughout die Pemberton hospital for treat»* tort weak. J ■tot* generally. Jack Campbell is improving from “The distribution e f the regiatra tions up to September 16, X922, ahowi his recent illness but is still unable that in Coo* county there were reg to be on duty at his paeo of business Mr and Mrs. Jas. Endieott return ¡stored 16 motor vehicle dealer*, 326 chauffeurs, 941 motor vehicle opera ad from ' their trip to Bend on. They to n , 89 motorcycle«, 2216 paseeng« ffiport a very pleasant time. Mrs. Mark Shelley, of Coquille, was ca n , 8 ambulances and hearses, 80 a Myrtle Point visitor' Sunday. The eighteen month*’ old baby of care o f leas than one ton capacity, 861 trucks of from on* to five tons capac­ Mr. qnd Mrs. Sperry fell fro® a ted, ity and 17 trailer* of from one to five breaking his collar bon* one day last tons capacity, or a total of 2682 li week. He is getting along very nice- tr- The seventh and eighth grad tor gave a masked party Friday evening at tha White School house. Every Health Notes on* enjoyed themaelves very much. The contagious dies as* report for Lucito Humeri in* and Harry Clin Oregon far the week ending October ton gave a Hallowe’en party one ev­ 28, shows: ening last week. Thar* were twelve, Scarlet Fever—19 cases. tittle ghosts present. Diphtheria—19 eases. Marjorie HaseKon has been quit* 8maU pox—80 eases. 01 the part week. Typhoid—6 eases. Mr*. George Burr cam* up from The town of Hassids atone has 19 Coquille last weak to visit her sis­ eases o f smallpox, geaaida to an the ter, Mrs. Vera* Haaen, who to se­ coast. Sa are North Bend, Marsh­ riously ill- field aad Bsndoa. Older rseidente re­ Mrs. Sarah Houghton, of Norway, call that twenty yean ago smallpox visited at the home o f her daughter, had gotten into our cities end was so Mrs. Mabel Barklow, her* on* day serious that the federal government to week. threatened to cut off eli connections. i M r . Murry, o f Marshfield, has been Very efficient work by Dr. Mingue, demonstrating new use* for alumin­ who was toen Health Officer, saved um war* to several homes this week. the day. Isolation of business inter­ A. and Georg* Guerin went to ests is a very mach more serious mat­ toe Stock Show to Portland this ter today, and to entirely preventable week. by general vaccination. A new boy waa born to fir. and ■Itevem ber 12 to 19 is National Can­ Mrs. A . C. Chase Sunday morning. cer Week when all health workers will Mr. Chase will have a new foreman give spacial consideration to the sub­ In toe Cannery this summer. ject; He nature, cause and cur* Mrs. Raymond Endieott and son, prevention. Cancer is now killing BiRjr, spent last /week v o tin g to out of every ton pereoas ovar 40 years Marshfield. o f age. Tat it to usually enrabia' if Calvin Gant is quite ill this week. proper^, treated in ite early Mr. and Mrs. Walker returned are many NS Of tonsilliti* Tuesday from Portland where M n. about ha diphtheria, Walker underwent an operation. yaw physician M i» Lola Endieott, who has been iU for some time, underwent an op­ Henry W. Irwin, M. D. eration Tuesday. ..................... 1 * r v ‘;.J TTsey Corbin, who has teen to the “THE CRADLE BUSTER“ v hospital for asm* time, to Glean Hunter to the story o f a tw sow much improved, hut he is still ty-on« year old body whs cut to .................................. ____ You can save m oney by order­ ing now. and Licenses tunad out to be the fastest thing » —n regular fellow. Mm the comedy program at the Liberty n Tuesday aad I j u i E. A. Pod*«, re-elect- New Crop Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Raisins, Currants Figs Now in Stock* Quality the Best » * it •■.»,> ;'s>. i n - * Cranberries - BrJk Mince Meat - I preciate these dainties. Try some with your next order. The Busy Comer 2 Phones 69 Save Red Stamps and Get the Cash Discount ................... .................... 4 i i Fords Ford Prices are Now Lower than everJ^H Can you afford to be without one o f these new model#T R M . Ford Prices, F. O. B. Coquille Roadster, $478.00 Touring, 508.00 Tractor, Km Coupe, $651.00 Sedan, 719.00 496.00 f*. i Com plete Stock Part* Our stock o f parts is complete and We can fill your every need fo r your Ford. U-,"' — --------- ------------------- TIRE PRICES are again on the incline. W e expect a raise in price about the 15th o f the month. ~ Re- place that old tire before the jump. * uille Service Station AUTH ORIZED FORD am r receiving Coquille tost week. They will live there the coming winter. Mb*, C. C. Carter has moved her nstttehing machine up town Into tha room next to the Bexall Drag rr*. Mrs. Wm. Miller, the di ttyou IfTRTLK * Nov. 8—Huel L. 8h na Lee Zimmerman, both of field. They wer« married t! day by Justice J. J. Stanley office her*. -______ j Nov. 6—Ernest Guy Bornie* L odi* Taylor, both field. They were married J. J. Stanley at hi* Nov. 8—Charle* Franklin McCul rift Bessie Julia ■ forth Bead. ^ 7 m I The season is here when the fam ily will ap­ y Mm * / ■ R i a " i