COQUILLE, OREGON. FRID AY, OCTOBER SS, IMS. Health A sm . Meeting Never Shot Anybody The Coquille division o f the Coos Hark Dunham has many an inter-1 County Public Health Association eating story to tall o f the six years n * t at tha city hall at 7:80 Tumday during which ha waa chief o f police evening. M ors than forty people at Marshfield. He was a good deal I were present. o f an athlete at that time and quite | A talk waa made by Dr. A . J. War-1 strong and agile, so that ha waa s i­ ren, form erly assistant state health I ways «hie to handle the lawbreakers I officer o f North Carolina and also a there without using his gun; and be member o f the staff o f tha interna- is glad to be able to say that daring | tional health board, who is now act- tha tim e ha held that position he nev- ing as state director in Oregon fo r er killed a man. Ho boasts, however, I the full time health department. He that he could kick the hat off from stated that tha progress that had the head o f a man o f ordinary height | been mads in the schools here in so I at th a t1 short a time waa very encouraging. Thera were in those days nineteen | Most excellent work, he said, was be- saloons and four houses o f ill fa ing dons by the committee in plan-1 in the hay eity, and a police offi ning hot lunches fo r the school child- didn’t have many dull days. He re-1 ran, one means fo r the betterment I calls tha time when a couple o f "bed o f the health o f the community. mn from Bitter Creak” came in boast- The nurses committee were report- ing how they were going to run the od to be progressing very favorably town. They had made holy terrors o f in the dental clinic work. themselves at Roaeburg and on the A fter reports o f committees had I way over as a sort o f diversion had | been made the rest o f the evening shot up M yrtle Point, waa devoted to two very instructive I He met the pair in a saloon talks on the care o f tha teeth by Dr. 1 warned them that they must behave | Bunch and' Dr. Reitmmn. I themselves. In n Uttta while, how- Those who missed hearing these I ever they were making a rough house | talks are cordially in vite* to bo pros-1 there, and he found something ent at the November meeting. The than talk eras needeC. So bo went in I regular meeting o f the association I and seised one o f the two in his pow- are held on the third Tuesday even. I erful grip and started fo r the Jail ing o f each month. | with him. Immediately the captive’s | pel took a hand in the Total Is Not Known I Started fo r Hark ordering him to let I The only voters who are register-1 his prisoner go end threatening to| I ing in the county now are now votase, I »hoot him down in his tracks i f he who have ju st reached the voting I did not. age, those who have recently moved Evan that didn’t make tha marshal I into the county and those who havelpull his gun, but ha waited the onrush changed from one voting precinct to until the fellow waa Just near enough another. So any guaaa as to tho and thon lot out one with that power- present political line-up o f the voters I ful right foot o f his which broke the nttrely on the new registra- outlaw’s wrist. | tion are liable to bo misleading. | His prisoner g ot loose than but ha In an Hem about the registration «»cured the wounded man instead and | at the bay yesterday’s Times says: put him behind the bars. It took “ W. J. Rust who took the namos about two months fo r his broken I of those who wonted to register fee wrist to hast and then he got a sen- I the next election reported to the taoee te tan year* in the penitentiary, county «deck a total o f SID names. The man first arrested made a quick Justice E. H. Joehnk, who waa also *»taw ay and wi appointed to register voter* turned I Maiehfleld again, in about 160. It waa stated thatlagainst Hark in those days apaedily about half o f thorn who registered cam* to have a wholesome fear o f this time w en republicans and tbs I him. , | other h alf was made up o f dem ocrats,! —■ ■■■ I FOR belonging to Methodist Church, South other parti«*." Speaking with Mr. A go«, deputy | county clerk, thic morning about, the new registration here, he saya, he thinks it is running about two-thirds republicans and one-third democratic, the number o f the minor parties be-j ing practically negligible. , . Neat week wa hope to publish the full registration statistics fo r all parties. Oct. 22 to Oct 28 ‘ I SUNDAY AND MOND a T , OCTOBER 32 A S3 Kugone O’Brien in *C HANNING OF THE NORTHWEST Personally staged by Ralph Ince. It is a U le o f conflict betwoon_an English gentleman and the product o f the North W oods and is fu ll o f thrills, battles and romance. And Jimmy Adams in “ SUNLESS SU N DAY" A Mermaid Comedy baaed on the workings o f the 8unday Blue Laws. TUESDAY AND W EDNESDAY, OCTOBER S4 A SS Anna Q. Nilaaen and Norman K erry' in “ 3 LIVE G H O S T S ’* A tale o f three buddies who ____ : home from war when the riven them up for loat. ® . world - had -------------------- , — Holy o ly cats! what ehaegee, surprises, scandals and thing« hit that old burg then! Add a w ife, . a . baby, tw o interrupted loves and and 67 67 , ------- .-------— loves com plications* Mix with constant surprises and fm * - laugh for a solid hour! h And Charles Chaplin in “THE VAGABOND" A Chaplin Classic And TOPICS OF THE DAY , And Aaaep’s Fabiee— “TH E BOY AND HIS DOG" THURSDAY AND FRID AY, OCTOBER M and 37 ■W ine Ham m enteta ia "EVIDEN CE" A story o f stage and Society; shows the shallowness o f aristocracy, and proves that a girl o f spirit and inventive­ ness can overcom e opposition and knavery that seems «in­ surmountable. A smashing clim ax. And GOLDWYN SPORT REVIEW Added attractien Friday night Charles Hutchiaou in “GO GET ’EM HUTCH" Action—Thrills— Stunts SATU RDAY, OCTOBER ,2 i Jana Novak ia "B ELLE OF A LA SK A " A heart and action drama o f the roaring Yukon depicting J t o o f 18*7. The BIGGEST shipwreck ever B eautiful scan meat for a king. And Snub Pollard in “ YEARS TO COMB” And PATE R NEWS Good Pictures and a varied program . No Better Anywhere in "REPORTED MISSING" PAGR Apple Apple Boxes! W e hare them in any Quantity. Call on ns when in need o f any boxes. W e will have our last lof o f PEAC H ES in soon. Leave orders with us if you want any m ore; they won’t last long. v • ' JR* ? /. • ■ ’*. Let ns figure on your winter supply o f GRO­ CERIES, FLOU R and FEED . Xjfi*r j T • ' . i - * \ ' ' w* ’ ;*/ i. \ i » , j v W e also have a complete stock o f SEEDS for fall sowing. Now is the time to do your NOSLER’S STORE SA V E M O N EY B Y P A YIN G CASH poor* and applea, good varieties; balance in pasture. Nice 6-room house, well on bock porch. Large chicken house. Good teaaa, ton e farm ing implements and ehtekona go with place. Price $7,800.00. L. D. Hardin, Dallas, Oregon, R. 3, 40t2* Williams Has Accident Traffic Officer Williams eras thrown from his m otorcycle near Delmar Tuesday afternoon when he was trailing a speeding auto 1st and almost got caught in a pocket be­ tween tiro passing cars. Mr. W il­ liams escaped injury but Tom Smith, county truck supervisor, who was riding the rear seat or W illiams’ mo- torcyde sustained an injured leg. J. A. Larson and E. O. Duncan were coming from Coquille in tbs Laraoa car and in the Sharp turn near Delmar met the Coast Auto I Line# stage bound fo r Coquille. Aa they nenrpd each other, another ma­ chine swung out from behind the Jit- | ney and passing it almost caught in| PUBLIC SCHOOL Vote 314 x Yes The purpose o f the compulsory publie school attendance bill ia to tnsi the instruction of all Oregon children o f grammar school ago to a oouun 1“ teu*ge, _a common history sad common ideals, to tha and that American 0 unity «h*n fea promoted, Am ericas ideals safeguarded sad American tntlons perpetuated. This Mil to proponed because Ha supporter* believe that only by universal o f our children on standard and uniform linos con those things bo WANTED— B eef hidee. ¿rem and salted, wool and mohair, Goo. ûee. T. Moulton, Coquille, Ora. FOE SALE OR TRADE— for some­ Sunday services, October >3: thing around Coquille or M yrtle Sunday School 10 a. m. "THREE LIVE GHOSTS," a Point, SO aerea 3-4 m lb from city Preaching Service H a m . lim ita o f Dallaa, south.; • aerea George Pltsmauriee production, with Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. Anna Q. Nilsson and Norman Kerry Prayer mooting Thursday 7:30 p. m. S years old, 1 1-S acres loganber­ is the feature at the Liberty next A ll are invited to moot with oa. ries, I acre good eherriee. Some Tuesday and Wednesday. Pastor in charge, H. B. Wilson. Church of God Anno Q. Nilsson, one o f n’s most beautiful women, was I bom in Sweden, and had a long and Mowing the speeding car closely. Ow- varied stage career ia her native This MU to purely a measure to htsar* i u i all children by attend Ing the in* 40 *he near collision, both the country and la America, some o f her **hUe'ojtoooto shall bo taaght alike dnrtag their grammar school years, eo »tag* and the Larsen ear stop;**! more recent appearance* hi screen outlook may grow to be a unified outlook for the common weal abruptly. Thto forced W illiams te l plays havo bean in “ W ithout Lim it," turn into the embankment to avoid I “ Kingdom o f Dreams,” “ Auction o f A Glorious Vacationland ■ Where dreams come true and cares o f yester­ day are soon forgotten. To moke aa all-Amarloan nation wo moat havo aU-Amorteaa Instruction * “ to* His ^ eeM S ou ls,” and “ Tha Fighting Chance” of our children along recognised standard Haas. Ignorance of American OTerturn*d but ha fell ftea and only will appear ia "THREE LIVE Koala end institution, and language t. the greatest mease* to them, became &nlth was h u rt GHOSTS” at tha Liberty next Tuea- thsm property do not support thorn. | _ _ _ _ _ _ I day One Flag— One School—One Language P. ft MALCOLM, S3', laapector-Q«aerai ia Oregon, Let Your Feet SMILE Sunny Southern California Sunlit skies— Flowers in blossom— Miles of sparkling ocean at your feet, are just a few of life’s advantages in this vacationland for every­ one. I Low Round Trip Fares to Son FrancUco - Santa Barbara - L ot Angela» San D iego and other C alifornia retort point» N ORTH B EN D REM EM BER THE PORTLAND^ Ilf That to certainly a fa r 408 and a half DANCING SA T U R D A Y N IG H T 10e each t fa r Mk T «ta IS fa r $LM "The California Expram " has through Pullm an. Seattle, Tacoma and Portland to Loo Angeles via Sacramento. Stay a day or ptag place. mm ;M .7 ir* in Saa Franciaco— a delightful atop- ^ v f p í '** ’* F or fares, train Barrico, sleeping ear reservations or beautiful agent, or write . • fold er., oak Œjjeh JOHN M . SCOTT, Agent, PortUad, Ora. ; » Alf ■