The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 20, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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    k .
is having a big run
will be the fair pro<
T. T.
a t the Boxali ana- ■ In
yasterdavI •* *ha 1922 legislative session,
sale he advertised last weak. I R e p r e s e n ta tiv e T
“If the iash is to be cracked
my back because f have been tm 11
Mrs. F. C. Hudson started Saturday I county, who is a
much in the way of previous at­
in response to (election, teile of
tempts of Multnomah county to con­
that her sister was th at are being m
trol the house of representatives, I
I net expected to live.
legislative candidates for
!■ the City ami
would sooner receive it upon that
Mrs. A. W. Jones, voice instructor !UUv*
Kub)i- of PortUad- * ground than any other.’*
of North Bend, will be in the city each
oi **>• houae when the
from 9 to 4. Call Mrs. C. A. Utttr* “ •*U
next. This
w ,V. Gladsyer end family
Sermon by Radio
STtfd* mov* **• °f course, in the interest of
to Marshfield Wedneaday.
a p p ro p ria tio n s fo r the 1927
It was with a good deal of pleasure
s - m , „ . , , 1,1 Earl Graham, who ___
fair in Portland. In discussing ths the large audience a t the Presbyter­
♦ » Vt ii*
_ ris u n
teat Friday with A rthur El m atter of Mr. Kubli’s candidacy Mr ian church last Sunday evening lis­
lmgaon for a Chfamaa I W r a t hunt, Bennett says:
tened to the music aad a portion of
NEB'S GARAGE, Phone 4«J.
^ u{Met
„ tu r n until next
“In attem pting to make a choice the sermon preached a t Sacramento,
For Sale—Two 40 -fathom drift [ wsaL ffi
for speaker, I felt th at Coos eoun California, that evening. The text of
nets and a rowboat.
What kind of a shave can you get with a Poor
The baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. J . ty> interests ware absolutely
the sermon, which was vary distinct­
Brown A Brown Confectionery. 40t2
L. Smith has bean very sick this posed to its representative Joining ly heard was from PUlipiana IV :8, as
Lather Brush?
Lane Leneve went up to Albany I week, with a high fever, but M m la­ Multnomah’s organisation and f<
Tuesday morning to engage in the
this morning were ami« fa- warding ths candidacy of the m
“Whatsoever things àie lovely,
We Sell Shaving Brushes that
pastime of hunting china pheasants.
who had beep so powerful a fighter whatsoever things are of good re­
Will Positively Retain the Bristles
Money to loan on city property. W.
Dr. G. W. Leslie, Osteopathic Phy in trying to finance' the Portland port; if there ha any virtue and if
to C oquiuel1*26 f*ir
the «I*® “ of the up- there be any praise, think on these
tician, will be a t his o
We Also Sell AU Kinds of Shaving
0 . Wright.
^ Satur­
Including Powders and Pastes
Swiss Bracelet Watches and s i
Again it is a fact that
Although there were some inter­
grades of American Watchea skilfully day, 1:46 to » F. M. Office
ruptions apd some of the sermon was
Robinson's stara.
repaired. V. R. Wilson,
■ Best of All—a Cooling, Healing Lotion for use
hava their road
not distinctly heard, the general drift
maker.” Coquille,
The 8 . L. Currie family this week practically completed and now there pf the Sacramento talk was com­
after the shave.
Arthur Ellingaon returned Tues-1 moved over to North Bond, shipping J
many persons la those parts of
ici; and it certainly was an
day from a china pheasant hunt a t
foods over on Wednesday. Mrs. I the stats who would, under the cry epochal event in the lives of most of
n ,
in time to take bis place on | Hardy Mast has rented the house they 1 o{ retreochment, atop the state aid the people present to hear distinctly
the Jury panel Wednesday morning.
*rds spoken 700 mils* away.
Mr. Chas. Oerding has installed his
The Ladies Aid of the M. B. church firmly convinced th at it ia to Coos
Walnut Trocs, Nursery Stock for
apparatus a t this church and
sale. Sec W. G. Wright, F a rm e n A
Merchants Bank Building, CoquiUe. sale tomorrow (Saturday, O ct 21) at building program, now th at we have with ths amplifier loaned by Mr. Goo.
Gould * Gould’s store, beginning
a»«tet*d others to get their roads, A. Robinson it was possible to hear
12 o’clock. Everything good to cat *■ * * »tranglcd, until Coos county some part of the services a t Sacra-
Judge John F. Hall
in the sale.
has received her just share of state
ito vary distinctly, f t is proposed
a t the Smtsiberg sanitarium a t Marsh­
_____ , aid. Although Coos county is the to have a program a t the ehurcrh
field last Saturday for intestinal
your order. for
in rank in the amount of Uxm some week day evaning soon to raise
s t Hancock’s Grocery. F re sh 1 paid the state, twenty counties of
trouble and is reported to be doing
funds to continue the radio services
cut from our greenhouses.
w a ll./
t tida church.
Treapeaa Notices
Neighbors of Woodcraft,
s «
ss an «
■ i muniw- III f I.IIII8 V
H wsaiiimir e
M l*
assistance than
We still desire to secure coj pie. of r V " WT * 1 T ’ bb? dMZ ’
■ All persons aro hereby warned not
Every member ia earnestly re­
the Sentinel of the date of September i ^ j
ia .^ k .e f bl Florist C o ,ln
. countl ■*» , twenty-four
Accident on H ighw iy
(to trespass on the grounds leased by quested to be present a t our regular
Wa shall be greatly obliged for |
*|«*» have received a larger proportion
Ira Gerber and Alexander Givano the China Camp Gun Club, ondar pen­ meeting Monday evening, O ct 22,
Maruhfield, Ora.
of state aid a* compared with the
if any of our readers still have
ai a narrow escape Friday night alty of the law. Trespasses will he —and com# early—as the meeting
The Pythian Sisters will give an-1 amount of taxes contributed. Again white driving over from Marshfield | prosecuted,
will begin 7:20 p. m. There will be
__ i
. other of their popular dance* in the I it was the representatives of
to Coquille. ft was real foggy and
initiative and drill work, alao election
____ . L . V/™ 7 1E. P. hall h e it next Wednesday * v -1 Oregon who stood with me in the
y were unable to see the road good. I 39t4
of officers. — Mary J,
county, while on a
*hotJ ) I sning, Oct. 26. f t will be an “Over-1 fight in the special asaaion to
Guardian Neighbor.
fine buck near Agncsa, which dresseo ^ ^ Calico Ball” and no one is vent Portland from putting over its A t the China camp bridge they missed
Salmon far Canning
128 pound, end claim, ths « a a* « ’» L p J t e d ^to d L . up f, i t T k k e ta |fa ir program, and I fait and still the approach, struck a poet and the
order at Dunham’s Gro-
I will ha mid for fl.OO.
foal th at Corn county's interests lie about twenty feet under the end of I ceteria aad it will be filled with fish
For Sate o r R
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Johnson and I ^
C om tr has Just received 11,01
« P I* * * 0* ***
the the bridge. Neither of the man were from the lower river. Chinook dress-
A 6-room cottage on Willard S t
daughter, of Tacoma, who had been L 4100 -pound Cary Safa to replace I ttir P™*™* ra d
organisation, injured.
ed 9 cents per pound; Silvoraktes «Vi. Inquire of L. Myrberg.
visiting ths Dr. W. V. Glaisyer faas- j. 7
h e re to fo re used but on the contrary, our interests lie
lly, left Monday for home in their u
. ^
Fran- with
“P-^*1* repreeentetivm and
Open Sample Office
1 W h t e r n t o k to
I cisco, and they had to gut
of three buddies who came home
L O. O. F.
. | support eastern Oregon’s candidate,
The Going A Harvey Co. kindly from the war when the world had
re- fa sten ed dray and team af
Friday Rvonteg
'M r. Burdick, for
draw your attention to their ad­ riven them up for deaih then the
ports the finding of an agate pin on (bring it ovar from the Bay.
a t • p. m.
. « o n ,
____A fter referring to the fight he and
vertisement in' this paper, " 'fit eon- excitement begins, a t the Liberty
ths highway there. She lives in ths
John Oerding, N. G.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Gallier came other
the unction with the main store they
next to the last house on the right
next Tuesday and Wednesday.
J. 4L Lawrence, Sec.
up from Bandon Monday to visit W r l . p ^ j ^
to prevent a big
have established an office and sales-
hand side of the road.
mother, Mrs. C. C. J>land. Mr. Gal- , u u appropriation for ths Portland
Visiting Members Cordially Invited
Calling Cards, 100 lo r $1.50.
Nc waiting for your
lier says th a t every residence and feir Mr. Bennett <
to Bonnie Walker’a MR-1 building in tsiytnii is occupied «mi I ,,,,
leery Store. Service and neat work that there will be considerable build-1 _ T*“
Is our motto. Lot us convince you. ing next spring, among the new
, 77.
’ " i..,
The J. S. Lawrence bungalow c n I b e i n g a new theatre.
(Eugene and Representative
Henry street, which is being built by
LOAN8—Applications received for of Coos county warn the principal op- Chapter to Have Dinner
A. C. Lukens, is naaring eomptetloa Joint Stock Load Bank, alao Truet I posiUon, and went on to a tats:
The members of Beulah chapter
and Mr. Lawrence hopes to get (ooespskay loans. Clone loans within a | « . y , Bennett took the positi
No. I O. I 8 , and their families
moved nto it by the fifth of next few days. W. G. Wright, Farmers h i n . . , u Portland wanted to hold
(M erchant. Bank R i d i n g , C o q u i l l e , it ghould not aak others to pay will have a six o'clock dinner next
Thursday evening, Oct. 26, and after
Ths Odd Fallows a t North Bawl a r e | ° rB6®n-
(for it. Mr. Beni
a short business session the rest of
advertising for proposals for wrack-1 Mr. aad Mrs. Harold E. Hedge in-1 moat determined opponent of the ax­ the evening will be occupied socially.
ing M m Simpson building a t the cor-1 tend tearing tomorrow in thair car for I position in the lower
All Eastern 8 ta r members and their
ner of Sherman and Virginia avenues, I southern California to Arisons to | “White I have no idea th at the ar- families are invited.
where they are about to erect a |76,-1 make their home. They era going for | tid e was ia any sens* intended as
000 building.
the benefit of Mr. Hodge’s health and a namplhn l
to ma, I am glad to
At M. E. Church Sunday
Bring us your
Now iBt* ,d
*hay find the acm pt the responsibUity and be eon-
Rev. C. C. Dix, of Gardiner, w ill|
maehine, experienced operator. Od- e,tauto
favor- sidored of the sixty members th e
oeeupy the pulpit of the M. E. church
ders promptly filled. W* can pleea# *“ « I V will camp along the way mote determined opponent of the
Bonnte W alker'.
MiUteery «"» V t p r o m t s to kmp their pmition.’. With thia brtef history, next Sunday evening in the interest |
1 * ' ‘ *-
3 ----------------- m *1 think th at Com oounty voters will of tho “Forward amvamont” of Wil­
mette University. Rev. M. Cool. I
agree with me that refusing to
Belvs Nelson, the five-months-old
will rendar the earns service a t Gar-1
aupport Mr.
babo of Mr. aad Mrs. E. E. Nelson,
put in hia I
of Broadbont, died Monday night of
anea which th at pm itiop would give
meningitis of ths brain from which
For the many kindnesses end lov-( him ia forming an organisation for
she had been a great sufferer for tho
of which ws have the Portland 1926 (1927) fair, ia
No. » A. F . A A. M.
previous ten day*.
I Men the
u s recipients since
sines our husband | I certainty
certainly not a stand against Com
Spectacles aad eye glasses quickly u r i father was stricken and passed county'»
Stated Communication
end skilfully repaired. Broken l m m away w* wish to extend to our neigh- ( “On numerane of my
Saturday, November 4
Optical repair* af all
rad friends our hoartfolt grati- ( to Portland, I have been
kinds dona white you w a it Glaseas I tods.
r a f t in’ on th s organisation
fitted. By V. K. Wile*», “Optomet-
Ellon D. Oddy,
I bava refused; I have been 1
r ia t” Coquina. Orearon
H. W. Oddy aad family. I understand th at I would have
Fuhrmans Pharmacy, Inc.
(or Quail is Here—Oct. 15 to 31
Are You Ready?
R. H. Mast, candidate for county
Judge, and W. W. Gage, candidate fm
county commissioner, have both
f t e t e l aa mMve cam prig, thte mmh
and will endeavor to aoe a i many of I
u . .o « ™ „
w « ,
£ ?
T f !T +
H D 0ddjr *n<l w,fe
7.T- . ' Jr' —
W# u *
. A.
I™ » * * * *
tb. t lf .
* * U 1
» __.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Popo and eon ra- ways, tai helping us gut ready to teavsjnot say, th at the iadependent
turned to
Coquille test Friday
from | for California, and making things ( didate far the legislature
Jacksonville, O n « , a, where they have I pleasant far our Journey. Wo mould ducod to run against me bai
been on a ranch for tho past two I have liked to thank each one in par-1 like Andy Gump, 1 As not wear Port-
ylara. They are expecting to again sen, but being unable to de th at we land’s collar, but if this infiuenec* is
make Coquille their home.
J extend »0 each our thanks in this way. | not usad, it i s __________________
The Times got its figuras tran s-1
Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Hodge. I coincidence. • • •
posed and credited Recorder Law-1
__ . ' “
‘ ___ | “I t hi not a question sa to
rance of this city with receiving the I Shadow Social Oct. 27
or not some other candida
munificent salary of 96100 a year.| The young people's society of th * |v®te «ffnlfigt n ahnila r resolution to
John says he wishes he mas a a rn ta ^ |N . E. church mill giva a “shadow I th at of Mr. Rubli a t ths 1 9 » ssa-
th at much but wffl gat along with soeUT in the parlors a t the church » on of the legislatura, but whether
the 91600 the city pays him.
on the evening of O ct 27 a t which or not th at representative will Join
time it te expected th at dategstkms | th at ergauixation, promote Port-
will ba present from Marshfield, '«mi's intarasts, or tasks tho aaam
and Myrtte P o in t
AI »tre»nous efforts that I have asada
tk . « « t o . . . A «w. a —« I P ro f'“ *
ks ghrsn and tho »had-1 to pravont Portland’s sto rta to aoaa-
« * county cient ine nret | ^
^ highoot bidder, after |a»it thia sta te to Ha now 1927
Select One of These Winchester Shotguns
about horse races and
elections is fun, hut it’s
seriously dangerous to
guess about your eyes.
Better have th en ex*
See B I R C H
Beautiful in II
traps as “the perfect repeater.'
The standard
Easy to bandii
l % a generation of hunters,
curate in shoottair.
Optometrist, Marshfield
Glasees nade to
while you w ait
Coquille Hardware Co.