Worthy Grand Matron’s Visit | A Thousand People From A ll Over the County Came to Help Us Celebrate That Anniversary on Wednesday Coquilla’a Golden Jubilee on Wed- needey began with a smart shearer, and the weather continued threaten- in ( through the day, sn Oregon mist rotting up from the river in the early afternoon that threatened to develop into a downright rain. Happily, bow- ever, the clouds rotted by and tha letter part of the day was fair. Nothing daunted by the morning shower or the clouds that dim m ed the landscape, the old settlers of the val­ ley and hay sections began to roll ta at an early hour and by the time tbs procession formed at 11:80 there wees prig>ably a thousand vjtfton here, the oldest settler registered being Russell Dement, of Myrtle Point, whd earns here in 1888, when sta years old, who hse sixty-nine yean in Goes county to his credit, and the young­ est the babe bora yesterday or (wd meek. TO B ED O N EB Y TH A N K S G IV IN G der by 8. M. Coquilln Com son, who wor nltion of the lucky enough birthday not The Girls were first cal , its birth, it is of historic internet to , know that Coos county was created by ' an act of the territorial legislature of i »Oregon on December 22, 1858, and was formed from Umpqua and Jack- son eoanties. It is the only county in which coal has been sueeeaafuHy min­ ed in Oregon and ranks today as sec­ ond in dairy and first in its cotmaer- elal timber resources. Its very -be­ ginning and practical discovery .was Marvel «reels, Adr Della Sherwood, Lucfll Hat Gould. They sang ‘Lovely Night,” from vanea its illimitable resources. Such was the spirit that inspired the crea­ tion of the county as an organisation sad such the spirit and patient energy that have made It what it is. The name o f Coos was given it by the legislative set creating it, and is not derived from aboriginal sources or the Indian language as our histories 'narrate but from s river of the seam name in the State o f Now Hampshire. A few of our Influential men in early SCHOOLS O PEN SEPTEM BER 11 Coquills public m week from Monday, roster of teachers white; K Flmt Borg ia Coon County The Sentinel enjoyed n short visit ^(dneaday morning with the lady who was the Ant white child ben as the yoara go by, being abasiately unique among all the eamping parks of the United «»te s , even “ Myrtle" .Point’s myrtle grove having only Km tty 0. Saunders, bora Noble, and bar home it rtfll ia Empire, where she was ben April 84, 1884. She said that her first bad was in fee mangas of a leg hut. Her brother, Geo. W. Jackson accompanied her to Ceqaille fo r' the Golden Jubilee. He is next to his sister the oldest resident of