The Sentinel A tO a D PAPE N IN ‘TRUTH WILL O U T A GOOD TOWN H. W . YO U N G , E diter N ew Y o rk ," he told fed eral officiate, “ because I knew from newspaper re­ ports that Chicago was one o f the beat cities in the country to make money on boose. I am not a boot­ legger and I am not a th ief, but when a fello w can figu re out that there are enough fools in the w orld to give him a m illion dollars through being fooled, I believe he is entitled to the dough. “ H ere was my proposition: I knew that there w ere a number o f beer lovers among the w ealthy. 1 knew, too, that they would buy beer i f it was delivered s a fe ly to th eir homes. You know, a fter three years, the average man forgets the taste o f real beer. He can be fooled on the near bankrupt A t the request o f the bureau o f mines B. W . D yer, fed eral mins in­ spector, visited and examined the property end complimented August­ ino upon the thorough manner in which the developm ent was being ac­ complished and advised as to further 'work. The Augustino unit w ill be on the righ t-of-w ay o f tha B axter spur that w ill be bu ilt early this year as announced by the Associated Proas dispatch from W ashington recently appearing in the Tim es. W e hear o f aome dampers' today who are ao anxious to taka a helping settle the contest bate six republican candidates fo r govern­ or that they have adjourned politics end become protem pare republicans W e have beard o f people who could never open th eir mouth w ithout g et­ tin g their fo o t In it— m etaphorically speaking. Tha w orst thing in that line w e have seen in a lon g tim e was when Mike M aloney accused James W atson o f paying the proceed » o f that $9,000 fram e-up against Coca county to A . R. O’Brien fo r the gang. W hether it was w illfu l m endacity or sim ple stupidity on tha Tim es man’s part opinions w ill vary. A copy o f the Southern Pacific’s aaw booklet “ Oregon Outdoors” is at hand. It la chock fa ll o f ju st the sort o f inform ation the vaeantion- tet wants, g iv in g a good idea o f th a outing resorts and hew to ranch them, hotel and cottage ratos, w ith namaa and addresses o f m anagers or own­ ers. The articles are w ell illu strated with neatly groa pod halftones. Tha Coos B ay country is promin­ ently featured on page* 16 and 14 and splendidly set forth in pletora and story. The interesting trip from Rugane to Coos B ay is w all describid as are the assay nearby resarta. -V . Good Cool Prospects Bruno Augustino, who w ith associ­ ates control the coal leasing unit ad­ join in g the proven B axter property on Moose creek, is in Anchorage at­ tending to business m atters psrtain- Ing to the fu rth er developm ent o f the property. M r. Augustino and aaaoci- ates have been w orking the unit fo r the past six months and he states they are high ly elated over the pros­ pects. Recently a seven-foot vein Of present consists o f »in kin g a shaft and d rivin g on the tunnel. Straw votes ara o f no fu rth er in ­ terest now. W a are having the real thing today, and before m orning any one interested enough to set np end hear the reports ought to know aU about tt. ___ W H A T A IL * A M E R IC A N S Americana ara “ saving at tha spigot and wasting a t the bunghole,” a t a period when they should be discarding non-essentials and clin gin g to nacas- sities, John E. Edgerton, president o f the N ational Association o f Manu­ facturara, declarad a t tha annasi con­ vention o f the organisation. “ High-priced hotels, theatres, ball parks and other cam ping grounds o f en largin g their capacities to accom­ m odate tM ever-increasing arm y o f ogees from tM storm s n f U fa," M trance to the building. ' “ Jimmy give you an Invite to the abow fo r tornite r Peggy casually In­ quired, aa they were making Mow pr ogre pa towards a amali but respect­ able restaurant several blocfea away aged m inister who was present to pray that the hearts o f her men fo lk m ight be softened. H er little g irl hnd died not long before. She told her husband, a leader o f the moun­ tain group, that th eir lose was n w arning to deeist from his lawlnaa- tlonlngly at bar with one unsophisti­ cated blue eye—the other being ob- scured by the rakish tip o f her h at Peggy extracted a small hand-mirror (cloudy with powder) from her hand- bug and critically regarded herself la It after sbe bad wiped tt d e e r .w ith a slightly soiled handkerchief, from which exuded the plainly distinguish­ able odor o f violet perfume. Peggy had a passion fo r perfume—especially the highly pungent kind that can be purchased at the bargain mien at 61-d9 The m inister prayed— prayed with ich fe rv o r that tha man broke down moonshining. They have been only p artially successful. But an aged m inister’s prayer that that law less­ ness m ay cease in C lay county w ill apparently do m ore to brin g penco to that section o f Kentucky than, a ll uni­ form ad authority. It ia w ritten that tha p rayer n f a righteous man avafl- eth much.—O regon Journal. M AM M O TH T M shock o f tM fa ll was fe lt toi several towns. A t Law raacoville, 100 m iles w est o f hero, windows worn rattled and houses w h ile a t Chase C ity, sim ilar effects w are not­ ed. Aatom obiNsta on the roadways ROYAL the prom oters are confidant o f »a c­ cess. H eavy sens dus to the p reva il­ in g northwest wind have delayed the expedition.— G old Bench Reporter. P o td try Panelera Here Speaking o f a couple o f CoquHle’s poultry fsaciara, the D aily Nsws baya: It la worth anyone’s tim e to go and sae the d ifferen t purebred chichona a t the hornea o f L. C. C ali and M. T . Smith. M r. C ali has about 600, o f a ll ateca- Both placas ha ve the Buckeye brooder. The all v e r and the told en spengied Campiñas ara the tw o kinds tk at attracted tha w iter’s attention. Th ey aro asid to be w onderful leyera. Both partías Baking Powder A bsolu tely Pure Contains No Akim Leaves No Bitter Taste J s a fA r N m J t v d C M i Bead - A ’eFREE. Royal ReUeg Pow- dorCe^US WHUemfit^New York H arry C arey’s big picture, “ The F ox,” was good, but he says that his la test U niversal-Jo well is his best one. It w ill be at the Liberty Theatre next Tuesday and Wednesday— «M A N TO M A N ." It ’a lik e picking up money in the street to gat the Oregon Fanner ev­ ery week .for a year at only 15 coats when subscribing fo r the Sentinel. Scud the Sentinel to eastern friends. The co-operation o f a strong bank ia a mighty Ann asset for any rising young man or Arm. There is peace-of-mind in knowing that you can consult any officer of this bank Whenever occasion requires— that they are always readily accessible— al­ ways able and willing to confer with you in the safe conduct o f your banking M ETEO R “ G o lf duba, cigar factories, jew elry establishments, w alking can# empo­ rium s, pet dog kennels, canary bird dispensaries and bootlaggin g jointe aro flourishing aa never before. E v­ The shock o f a tremendous m eteor ery street and highw ay throughout tM land is teem ing w ith automobiles which creaked to tM ground In an tM t are burning expensive gasoline isolated spot in N ottow ay eounty 12 in the presence at self-im posed idle- mites northwest o f Blacks tons late lest night waa fe lt within a radius at “ And all this tim e tM coasts o f 60 m iles, while tM b rillian t gla re o f north, south, east and w est ara team ­ tM incandescent body illum inated tM in g w ith tM multitudes o f tM w eary. heavens over southern V irgin ia and T M constructive forces o f society, sections o f N orth Carolina. w ith m arvelously increased demands T M tra il o f ligh t, as tM m eteor upon them, are at this moment suf­ fe ll in a alow curve 46 degrees, waa ferin g fo r tM lack at adequate nour­ visible in N orfolk , in Richmond, and ishment.” , at points along tM James river, cre­ M r. Edgerton asserted tM t tM atin g general excitem ent and even ch ief economic problem o f tM day is consternation am ong tM negroes. tM t there are too m any middlemen T M m eteor, composed o f m etallic in tM industrial fab ric, wth too suMtanee, crashed into a grava o f many persons engaged in distribut­ oak trees w ith an explosive roar in g tM products turned out b y tM farm er and tM m anufacturer. _____ in g a M is w ith aa area at 600 square When you add to this excess o f fast and burying several tram with distributors tM countless number o f it Flam es im m ediately shot up others whose ch ief activities ara to which worn visib le fo r many m ile, reform , regu late, .inspect, denounce, w hile trees caught fire. tax, plunder and otM rw tee liv e upon - A party at scientists and news­ those w M ara try in g to printers paper men im m ediately le ft Rich som ething, H w ill not M difficult to mood and N orfolk fo r tM scene, discover tM principal fa cto r in tM which ia 160 m iles w est o f N orfolk , continuing high cost o f livin g,” he bat the results o f tM ir tnvestgatlon w ere not known tonight, aa tM place la isolated and telephone communica­ TO MAKE A MILLION tion unavailable. Daniel W. Davie came from New York to Chicago to make a million dollars telling “near beer” under tM guise o f real bear to residents o f tM “ Gold Const,” tM borne at many of Chicago’s wealthiest el tiesas, says a Monday’s pram dispatch. Today M m l behind tM t e n h sha shrilled to one o f the girts who was manipulating bar machine with rapid accuracy. The young woman called prone, hurriedly crossed the room and took the receiver from Its “jjfcmffim . . . “ H ello ! Oh, hello, Jim ! What jew sa yf Oh. I get you. Not mawful sor­ ry, Jim, but I gotta ’uother engage­ ment fo r this evening—tbaaka, thanks, just the same, though. Jim. U h! hub I Whaxxat 7 . Oh I soambody you don’t know. No—I couldn’t 11 honest. 1 couldunt— he’d be aw ful sore, I know ; he’s that jealous. Why don’t you akk Mamie? She’d like ter go, I think. Tub— feelin g fine, thanks. How’ro you? Th at’s good alrlghtee. Goo* bye. Jimmy, bye." Peggy was as bright a s they make them—and then some. It was rumored among the other girls that she was la lino fo r the M ad o f the office force, which was soon to become vacant Eventually the rumor became a fa c t and Peggy was authoritatively in­ stalled In the position. The busy morning wore on until the sirens and whistles began to call and M r. Augustino is reputed as being Paw people ever watch the sky very long or very steadily w ithout seeing m ore or lorn “ shooting stars,” that is sm all asteroids o f planetary fr a g ­ ments, which have h it tha earth’s at­ mosphere and taken fire from fr ic ­ tion w ith it aa they fe ll. The ques­ tion that often bothers those who see them is why m ore at them don’t h it the earth, and why there Is no record o f anybody ever having boon struck by one o f them. Thursday b igh t at last week a b ig one did fa ll in southeast­ ern V irgin ia and boro ia tha story the atauriatnd press carried on F riday about the affair. Ia tim e wo m ay team m ore about it, at course: A n Expert Writes flash o f ligh tn in g and A It wouldn’t seB fo r enough to pay the b in . T M Gold Beach R eporter quotes I J. B rosier, it m ining engineer, as eey Ing that the black «and found all along the coast in Southwestern O re­ gon . is quite exten sively used as a paint pigm ent and th at he has assur­ ance th at a largo paint m anofactur in g ou tfit w ill pot in a plant an this coast providin g the sand is to be found in sufficient quantities and is o f the rig h t qu ality. M r. B rasier plans to conduct gold and platinum saving operations in connection with the plaint plant. We do not believe in red tape. Our idea of a bank’s function is SERVICE, given cheerfully and freely at all times. Drop in some time and have us tell you more about i t The senior tw o-year old Jersey row 1. St. Mawea P re tty Lady, not content w ith producing 864 pounds o f bu tterfat and thereby sam pling the title o f champion buU erfaU gow o f M r class in the w orld, teat W ed­ nesday dropped a fine bull ca lf which en titles M r to tM further distinction o f M in g the only cow o f M r clam ia tM w orld to carry a livin g c a lf during her bu tterfat teat, and then successfully drop i t No o tM r cow in tM w orld in M r dam bos ever squalled this fon t, and tM owner, Lester Daniels at tM Daniels Jersey Perm o f this county, is slated and ju stly ao. confidentially. "H a w s piece.“ T M next noon, ever their coffee and doughnuts, and above tM clatter o f dishes in their annal enttag-place. Peg­ gy. with explanatory gesture», nar­ tin g in tM ir crops. rowed eyes and righteous Indignation, Parties are view in g tM aw rket Informed Mamie tM cold and bitter road work to M le t by contract with troth about Mr. Gerard. “ An’ after his fanny-faced w ife Bo­ the calculation at bidding on saase. Monday, M ay 26, a ll are invited to work a t the Dora cem etery, our an­ tive, taktng o long drink o f M r luke- warm coffee to g ire tim e fb r Momia to nual day to w ork and elect offioer* fo r M eóme duly Im prem id, ” 1 mede my- tM com ing year. A lso M ay 80 at e elf eearce." one o’clock R ev. Elm er Shnmerd w ill “ Too poor thlng.” exrlalm ed Momio sympathetleaUy. ” 1 M dda ponk time, to o What yon ano te Jim I don*t know. Last nlght M waa tM deedlt- Farmers & Merchants Bank o f Coquille, Oregon quilla V a lley, it baa become necessary to increase tM voltage on oar transm ission line between M arshfield find Coquille. In or der to do this w ork It is necessary to M v e tM current shut off inch to cause our custom ers this in convenience