..» v .-x : »••• • ■ ..... - i . . ■» •• 'Op' ■ FRIDAY, M AT 8, M i l l MENTION. = Events in tha City and County — I. W . M clntnrff was over from B ay yesterday. the high school play, “ Much Ado About Batty,“ at the Lib­ erty theatre tonight The high school students always give a i account o f theauehres in them noal affairs. Bay Jaub mada a trip up to M yr­ tle Point yesterday. M is. F . G- Bunch returned this morning tram her month’s visit at bar Jaa. E. Montgomery was another G oo. P . Laird was up hero from old home ia Oklahoma City. She soya speaker, who »poke in a happy vein, she thinks mors o f Coos county than declaring him self unwilling to avail Bandon Wednesday. ah* does o f Oklahoma. The doctor Nick Johnson sms over I mat bar in Marshfield With his car. Marshfield yesterday on busts« The Pythian Sister* are advertising Mrs. M. C. Tosier was over I a dance tom orrow evening, May 8, in the Bay W ednesday visiting friends. K. P. hall to which the public ia cor­ Hem stitching dona while you wait dially invited. Cards, pool and bfl- at M aybsll* Font’s Millinery, F lards will be provided fo r those biggest hit o f the St. do not dance. John Bose’ talk, T. M. Stover, from above Myrtle The Ladies A id o f the M. E. church picking his members Point, sms a Coquina visitor W ed- will meet with Mrs. Jaa. Richmond W day . t Thursday afternoon at 8 o’clock, Genuine Ford Parte .kept in stock sharp, May 11. Let all make a spec­ all the time at Gardner** Garage. ial effort to be present. Come pre­ pared to work. Phone 46J. Rev. A . W . Bell wiH hold sen next Sunday morning at St. Ja Episcopal Chnreh. M rs.' Fred Miaard and daughter, Geraldine, were over Sunday visiting at the A . E. Hows home. Tho». W ilson, o f M yrtle Point, who had been down at Bandon on business, wee a Coquill* visitor Tuesday m **• P roof o f the pudding is in the eat­ ing thereof. Thousands praise Tan- lac. So will you. Fuhrman’s Phar The Ladies Aid o f the M. E . church w ill hold their cooked fow l sale Sat­ urday morning, May 88th, at Gould A Gould’s store. Wo sail the genuine Ford Parte at tba genuine Ford Prices. Phone < Gardner’s Garage. - Mrs. J. A . Lamb le ft by the Wed­ nesday evening train fo r her old hi in Medford, where she w ill visit rela­ tives fo r a few weeks. Swiss Bracelet Watches and aR Watches skilfully they edn be built and funda are avail­ able, but fo r the next year or two woulc. confine activities on roads 46 a completion at those already started, and the careful maintenance o f what we have. By this he means the con­ stant attention to dirt roads which, if scraped and drained, can be made to serve as winter roads as well as summer. The great trouble with the dirt roads in Coos county is that they have never been properly drained, and if the water eras forced to run off into side ditehee ae it fell, the scraping and dragging every week or so would keep them in very good con­ dition until such time m they could Thousands o f logs, rushing, crush­ be rocked. Drainage is the secret at ing, with torrential violence down the good roads, whether they be dirt or ravine with s mere bit o f a girl rid- pavement, and H r. SJstasr is en­ it is “ CONFLICT,' thusiastically in favor o f good roads. which will ba at the Liberty Ttheatre The people o f Coos county will next Tuesday and Wednesday. ed to snap Mr. Bees’ thread o f make no mistake if they vote to place Mr. K istaer on the board o f eosnmis- Tanlac overcomes rheumatism by thought and he sa t down. Others whe w et« called on, and toning up and invigorating the vital organs, thereby enabling them to seme at whom were whistled down fo r time, were C. C. Farr, Dr. G. E. eliminate poisons from the eysi About sixty people attended the Low, J. P. B eyers, J. J. Stanley, R. card party given last night by the Fuhrman’s Pharmacy. The Norway baaeball team defeat- H. Mast, J- E. Quick, A . J. Sherwood, Woman’s A uxiliary o f the American the Arago team at Norway Sun- Dr. V. L. Hamilton, C. W. Perkins, Legion in the W- 0 . W . hall. Mrs. by a score o f 14 to 8. There was Dr. W. V. Glaisyer and f. Russell J. S. Barton and Geo. Leach were Morgan. A ll responded addreesing given handsome prises fo r making a big crowd in attendance and the interesting throughout Mr. Smith as Matador, Scrub Bull high score. M rs. W . G. W right and Both teams have much good su teria l. Exterm inator, Jokessnith, etc., but Keith Leslie drew the booby prises. with a never ending fiow o f storiee, Light refreshm ents were nerved at Mrs. A . J. Hoover announces that , oahas and personal quips that were the close o f the evening. A cake was she wiH ghre a recital at the high keenly appreciated by those at the raffled off, which was won by Lynn A . school auditorium next Friday even­ Parr, who kindly turned it hack to ing, May 18, at eight o’clock. About A t 10:80 the rest o f the speeches the Auxiliary and allowed it to be at her music pupils w ill pa were called off and adjournment tak­ auctioned off. F. F. Schram was the cipate and tbs public is invited to bs en to the lodge room , where Mrs. lucky man to carry home the cake'. «sent. Kose M. Newman gave a reading, Spectacles and eye glasses quickly “That Something,“ which held the in­ and skilfully repaired. Broken leu tents interest o f the crow d through­ “ Uncle Josh,“ which nude such a hit duplicated. Optical |r*pairs o f all out and brought many warm encom­ whan staged e month or so ago, la kinds dona while you w a it Glai iums to the reader, who appeared in to be repeated Friday, May 18, at the fitted. By V. R. W ilson, “ Optomet­ male costume. The monologue it r is t " Coquill*, Oregon. dedicated to R otary Chiba everywhere It didn’t rain the first Sunday fo l­ and ia the life story o f a man who low ing Easter here, nor the second piade a success o f his life, risiaig from but it did the third Wednee- a gutter bum to e position o f power day and tba third Thursday. P st this and influence through the discovery In your scrap book, and then o f “ thet something,“ which lies whether or not rainy Sundays dormant in every human being until follow the next r a W Easter. brought to Ufe by the owner’s will Saturday o f next week, the 18th ft. H. Mast, candidate fo r the i t , there will be s miscellaneous democratic nomination fo r county ndge, is receiving a groat deal o f eooked food sale by the ladies o f the Presbyterian church at Gould A encouragement in the campaign he Gould’s store. Thors sales will bs a ia making fo r that office. He was up regular feature hereafter at that at M yrtle Point last Saturday and place on tee second Saturday o f each this week was calling on démocrate at the Bay. He is making no claims himself, but hie friend* are convinced The soliciting team hare fo r base­ that ha w ill be returned a winner ball report this noon that they have when the votes are counted May 18. already secured 8800AO in this city t and that they arc not through y e t The team consisted o f Dr. G. E. Low, Mr. and Mrs. C. W . Gilman are re­ J. E. Page, J. L. Holyeross and Pete joicin g ovqr the birth o f am t 1-8 Mfllor. Mr. Holycroe* goes to Ban- pound hey Monday morning. This Is te s mother’s eighth child bet h first buy. ..... ' Mention ia mada alsewhar* in the obituary o f Mrs. Emily Schroador o f bar daughter Mrs. Mary Cribba, a t Her husband, southern California. Harry Cribba, was form erly propriet­ or o f the hardware store now run by the Coquill* Hardware company. His old friends her* will learn with re­ great that ha haa recently suffered a paralytic stroke and is in extrem ely poor health. O. L. H ogiis writes as that as an as he can ssii tes «n a il rooming house he ie new running at 887 M oat, goraery street in Portland, ha ia eoi ing back to Coquille. Sheriff Ellingsen left fo r Sale Wednesday m orning with Orvai An­ dar son, who w u convicted and se te need for rapa at the February tel o f the Circuit C ourt Mr. and Mr*. Lon Den io drove up from Gold Beach Tueaday fo r a ft days’ visit in Coquille. The toad is fins they say and they made the trip up in six hours running time. R. H. C reeger moved his reel es­ tate aad insurance odUe this wu from the W illey building to the old abstrait office building ju st north o f too Parmors A Marchants bank. A fter M arly a week's run tee Coast A uto lin e o , had to eus pond asrvl between Coquille and Bandon on i count a t too rain yesterday, but south o f Bandon it ia still running cars. Frank Snow, who form erly lived at M cKinley but ia now a resident o f Newborg in this state, cam# in Are tears lu t Friday on business, I tending to ren ate about ten days. I f yon f u l tirad, worm out, nervo and all unstrung, take Tantee. It will straighten you o u t Fuhrman'e Phai -~ y . lit _ ■ % j| A mod ru es'w ith the flood—dare­ devil leaping tram teg to log. 8 Priscilla Dana hi her bru te-takin g reacua in “ CONFLICT“ at the Liberty Theatre next Tueaday and Wadne day. It haa been suggested that all Co­ quille citisene interested gatear « t tea Mandale cem etery on tenda M ay 14, to clean np tea granada m g e t it ia good shape before Dan» Maa Day- NOTICE A Foot Womfotjg Dem onstrator from Chicago Coming to our Store Monday, May 8 T lik man is specially trained by The Scholl M fg. C o. in the method o f extending foot com fort originated by the eminent authority Dr. W m . M . Scholl, and will ■iake a special demonstration o f d?Scholls W e in v ite y ou t o m ake a apecial e ffo r t t o ca ll d u rin g hia v isit a n a learn fro m h im h o w th ou san ds o f p e o p le w h o have su ffered fro m co rn s, ca llou ses, b u n ion s, tired w h liw feet, fa llen arch es o r cram p ed toes h ave been ben efited by th ese rem ark able in v en tion s, fo r rem em ber, t h e n is u Dr. Scholl Foot Com fort Appliance or Remedy fo r every fo o t trou b le. Have a Pedo-graph Print made . bf your foot W kh this new device, perfected by Dr. W u . M. Scholls a fo o d Pedo-graph Foot Prints A w Come in Anytime Hudson s Drug Store Coquille, Oregon What About Irritated Nerves? Nerves are irritated long before the body may appear to bo siek. Sleeplessness, to u o f appetite, lack o f vitality, and many other con­ ditions are Indications o f this. And they arc danger signals. Remember that the purpose o f Osteopathic manipulation ia to fro# the^channels that carry the energy and food upon which life ia da- DR. G. W. LESLIE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Coquille, T u cid tr, T h y n d iji Saturday 1:11 to I P . M. Office over Rob ’s Stero C H AD W ICK LODGE N o. «8 A . F . A A . M. Coquille City ia a good place to build ft. ten ge te ile n can furnish you the sites at a low price and upon your own te n u . M . E. Charch To the 1800 Cam County Policy Sunday School 10 a. as. holders o f THE OREGON FIRE RE­ Chose, ra p t LIEF ASSOCIATION at McMinn­ Preaching 11 a. m. Subject o f ville, Oregon. Thar* is a state law on, “ Jesus’ Idea o f God.“ •gainst over insurance and this earn- Epworth League 7 p. m. pany will appreciate R if any e f our Evangelistic service ■! p. m. Sub­ policy holders will report to ns any ject, “The Devil, W ho? W hat? W here?“ Mid-week prayof m eeting Wednes­ day evening 8 o ’clock. Subject o f study, “ Divine Revelation.“ Epworth League, Sub-district Con­ vention at Marshfield on M ay 18, 18 and 14. I f you plan on going pleaao afford to insurs houses with mossy phono 120M. roofs W rite us and we w ill tell you M. W esley Gone, Faster. how to keep the moss off your roofs. This company now insures more property in Oregon than any other Mrs. Newman w ill accept a few company, and it ia by the co-opcrm- more pupils in dancing. Phong 108-L. tion o f our policy holder that we arc able to write insurance cheaper than other companies. W# ask, therefore, that you do not hesitate to report to ue any ease o f over insurance, mossy roofs, or neglect in the ears o f pro­ perty insured ia this, your own eem- pany. x GEO. C. HUGGINS, AGENT, Box 808, Marshfield, Oregon. FOB SALE— F irst clam varmint dog. two year* old. Dear proof. Has a record. Address Box 187, CoquiH*, Oregon. 18tl* Stated Communication - Saturday, May 6 Chat. W ilson, Mrs. Chea. W ilson, Lydia W ilson. John Deere Implements 6-ft Pulverizer $75.00 Spring Tooth Harrows - 28.00 1-horse Corn Planters - 20.00 Metal Wheel Trucks - 50.00 Mowing Machines* 75.00 9 and 10-ft Rakes - - 45.00 2-horse Riding Cultivator $55.00 Coquille Hardware Co. v the WmCBSSTMJt