The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 05, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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Use It and Save Money
This is postal improvement weak
throughout the United States, and we
are all invited to suggest ways in
which we think the postal service can
ha improved. >■
Individually, the w riter has only
on« change to broach so far as Co-
qnile la concerned.
That ia that
whan the big eastern mail comas In
at throe o’clock the Portland dailies
be put up first. Possibly all will not
agree with us and some
may prefer that the latter «sail have
the right o f way. I f the m ajority o f
the patrons o f the office think the
way certainly the choice o f a single
individual should not be considered.
But d o they 7
To have to coal our heels in the
lobby while our box catches lots
ana cent letters, advertising and pro-
asotioa circular* which have no in­
terest whatever fo r us, is certainly
not the bast service fo r us. The days’
Vice-Chairman o f the Republican National
The Only W
news and not the latter m ail ia what
wa would like ftrst.
The local question attended to wo
other things to
The Republican National Committee consists o f one member from each
The Sentinel goes to Neligh, Ne­
state in the Union and is the political organisation o f the party.
braska— that is, one eopy does
revising our list recently the Neligh
In June, 1M1, at the Committee’s first m eeting after the inauguration
Una waa reset, add by a typography o f President Warren G. Harding, every state east its vote fo r Ralph E,
cal error the word was spelled “ Ne- W illiams e f Oregon fo r vice-chairm an o f the Committee, recognirinig by their
lig h t” Right away quick
unanimous vote his fitness and ability as a leader t o fill this responsible
OUTt notice from the postal division position.
headquarters at Omaha, “ No
A vote fo r Ralph E. W illiam s fo r Republican National Committeeman
postoffice in the state named.” O f will confirm the action o f the forty-eigh t states in electing him vice-chairm an
course, that was correct. Wa
o f tha Republican National Committee, a position never before held by a
unintentionally . varied
the W estern man,
spelling by adding a surplus latter.
Ralph E. W illiams o f Oregon, aa vice-chairm an o f the Republican
The head and fron t o f our offending
National Committee, ia directly in line to become National chairman, the
want no farther.
highest position attainable in tbs Republican organisation.
Some pin-headed young dark
A National Committeeman on the National Committee does not make
to have thought it smart to show how
the laws, but carries out the policies and platform o f the party
superior was his knowledge o f the
spillin g o f the name o f the Nebraska adopted by tbs delegates at each .previous National Convention. ,
Mr. W illiams ia senior member o f the National Committee. Seniority
eounty seat. Hare in the west they
in this comm ittee gives one (be same power aa seniority in tha U. S. Senate.
da not do thing* that way.
o f consigning a newspaper to
waste box it la always a matter o f
pride to deliver «vary possible latter
or parcel to the parson addressed (Paid Adv. kg Committee o f Republicans, C. L. Starr, Sec’y, 817 Board o f
Trade Bldg., Portland, O re.)
even if the “ backing” is hard to
eiphar. For instance,* w* have
than once received mail addressed to
His sufferings are described aa terri-
“ C oggsw sll,” Oregon, bar* ia Co*,
6 . . ‘
quill«. Once it waa an important
Mr. Ames was a resident o f M yrtle Republican Candidate fo r Re-Nom in­
business letter from a middle ww
ation to Congress
Point where his mother, Mr*. Sarah
state, and its author finding ha
Ames, lives. He also has a brother,
got the address w rong sent • wire to
Archie, living at Power*, .and two
correct i t There have perhaps bean
others, Horace and Roaeoe, at M yr­
a hundred wuya in which the name o f
tle P oin t A sister Hvas in Lane
our city baa been misspelled in
county and another at Baker., * Tha
dreeing letters sent Imre, but as there
interment ia to be at M yrtle Point to­
is no other postoffice named Coquille
morrow afternoon at 1:80. M
in the entire United 8 totes the letters
generally arrived no matter how reek
Notice to Public
te a the spatting— even N is in
I have severed m y connection with
erratic fashion as “ Coak Hall,” which
the Henderson Coal Company and
is tha exact way in which it
phonetically written on one envelope will not be responsible fo r any debts
contracted by that company after
that reached here.
A t ‘Chicago, too, at the postal di­ this date.
Dated May f , 1M8.
vision headquarters they have an ig­
C. A . Machon.
noramus, who sends *s a notice ar
a paper addressed to La Pierre.
Mich., that there la “ no sucl
office in the state named.“ Having
Bids will be' received b y the C onn-
inform ation direct from the subscrib­ ty Court o f Oooa County, at the coun­
ty court room In the court house at
er there that he is getting
tine! regularly at that poetoffiee we Coquille, O re , till the hour o f ten
(10) o’clock A. M , May 84th, IM S,
paid ao attention to that card and
for the crushing Xhd placing in the
shortly there comes along another In bunkers o f approxim ately 6,000 cub­
exactly the same tenor and effect.
ic yarda o f rock, at varioua points “ No Interests to Serve but the Pub­
along the county road between Dora
lic Interests.”— Hawley.
and Brewster, which points will bo
designated by the County Road me a- REPRESENTATIVE H A W L I T
ter. The rock and plant equipment s h o u l d b e R e n o m in a t e d b e ­
will be furnished by the eounty and
cau se —
will be moved from place to »lace aa
He ia a Hardworking, Capable, Suc­
cessful, Trustworthy and Faithful
Public Servant;
. A i l Result o f His E fforts tha Fad-
m i Government Now Stenda Ready
to Co-operate with Oregon in Con­
structing the Roosevelt Highway;
He is a N ative o f Oregon who ia
Delivered to A ll Parts
of the City
Beaver Hill Lump
$9.50 per to n ;
Beaver Hill Nut
$8.50 per ton
Delivered in ton lots where it
can be shoveled from wagon
W ednesdays
' / *• •»
First National Bank Bldg
Phone 76J
con v oien t «ad mudi appreciated by
New C— i ia Circuit Court
thoae visiting our National F orauta
April ST— The State Land Board
and reservation* wbarc the govem -
va. J. 0 . Stemmier, Katherine Stem­
mant prohibit« the building o f flraa
mier, Mary V. Luttrell and Olive F .
fo r the purpose o f preparar some­
thin* ta eat.
A p fil 27—Geo. R. Montgomery n .
Oregon E xport Lumber Ce.
A pril SS—Oeaan Dock Terminal A
Supply Co. vs. Oregoa E xport L im ­
ber Ce.
This unique invention w ill be vary
April 88— X. Omar and R. W . Mar­
row va. K .A Annin, Maude C. Annin,
J. L Jonas, J . W. Mackintoah. and
Reodaport Lumber Co.
A pril 88—Charieo Elton M oths n
Va. Janetta Metlin. Suit fo r divorce.
April 88—Cooe County va. Ore­
gon E xport Lumber Co.
May S— B. C. Shull va. John Fabry,
Bankart M ort. Corporation, Bank o f
M yrtle Point.
May S— H. D. Boom va. Oregon
E xport Lumber Co.
J. B. Z. F onie, raaliar o f the
Beaver Hill Coal C o , baa applied fo r
Letter Patent fo r an over attachment
fo r automobile« whereby hot coffee
and a warm lunch may be prepared
While m otoring along, on pleasure
trip«, piante, or an extended Journey,
«aya the Times.
T h e •nervy o f a storage battary ia gener­
ated »by the action o f th e solu tion on the
‘■paste” o f th e plates.
B y a special form ula a su perior “ pagta”
o f great« energy va lu « and ooh esivs
q u a litie s
been co m p o u n d e d fo r
to lu m m i
Standard size C olum bia Storage Batteries
easily generate 105b greater p ow er and
likew ise giva 105b m ore eervice. T h e typ e
fo r D od ge cara coa ts on ly $38.00, exchange
price. T h e sixe w h ich ftta 80 5b o f all cars
co sts on ly $14.65, exchange price.
{AMprima A s k turn i
Coquille Service Station, Inc.
C oquille
O regon
Office open till 5:30 p. m.
Hon. W . C. Hawley
Mrs. Petsrs cam« to Coos county
about two yaars ago, from C alifor­
nia, where she was raised. She la
an ardent beoeter fo r North Bend.
Dr. Veee hes been in the county
for sheet the seme time. He waa
form erly located in Coquille, and is
«rail known in moat o f the county
towns. Previous to that, he waa lo­
cated in Portland, except fo r the time
he served with the arm y forces.
He only recently opened hie o f-
fleas in North Bend and established a
residence there.—Coos Bay Timas.
Thoy wäre married the aame day by
Bev. A. B. Psndleton at the M. E.
South paraonage her«.
May 1— Eimer Vineyard, o f East-
side, and V iolet Kuhn, o« Mer«h a .sj
May 8— A lbert Earl Panter and
Nina W ood, both o f Bandon. They
were married the aame day by Eider
Edward W . Nelson at the residenee
e f Mrs. Ora Timmons In Bandon.
M ay 3— Geo. A . Siaamons and
L ou te Diedrickaon, both e f Marsh
May 8—James W illiam Klbbey «nd
Martha Stevens, both e f North Bend.
C. W. Upton was over bare from
May 8—W . W illiam s and Joeephine Camp One at Sumner yesterday and
Norton, both e f Marahfleld.
told o f the fatal accident which hap­
pened there W ednesday whan Jacob
Amas, 88 year« o f age, waa so badly
injnred that ha died at M ercy Hospi­
last Friday appointed administrator tal at fou r o’clock the next morning.
The unfortunate man wea buck­
•f the estate e f Antoni Gruber, who
<Mad in Alameda C o , C alif., Nov. 88, ing logs, and aa he sawed through
1M0, leaving an estate o f $1850 ia the one ha was working on, the upper
end slid quickly, pinioning hie left
leg between the eliding log end the
butt o f the one he had sawed. As
the upper log slid past it took practi-
Bids will be received by the County
Court o f Coos County, at the eounty
court room in the court house at
Coquille, O re- till the hour o f ten
(1 0 ) o’clock A. M , May 84tk, IM S,
for the anmhing and placftig in the
bunkers o f approxim ately 1,800 cub­
ic yards o f rock at the Gravel Ford
quarry. The plant and equipment to
be furnished by the eounty.
o f the State o f O regon;
H« ia Right on the Great Questions
o f th e.D a y and is E ver Randy to
Serve Rich and Poor, Groat and Small
in Every W orthy Cause;
His Record is one o f Increasing In­
fluence in National Councils, Steady
Achievement and Successful Service.
Read hi« Record o f Service in the
Candidates’ Pamphlet Issued b y the
Secretary o f State.
(Inform ation furnished by R. C.
Glover et a l.)
(P d. A dv.)
It's like picking up money in tha
« tr e * te get the Oregoa Farmer ev­
ery week fo r a year at only I I cants
when subscribing fo r the Sentinel.
Bids will b e received by tha County
Court o f Coos County, at the county
court room in the court house at
Coquille, Oregon, till (he hour o f ton
10) o’clock A . M., May 84th, 1021,
fo r the clearing and grading o f the
section o f the M yrtle. Point-Sitkum
Market Ri>sd between’ stations 448
plus 00 ft 646 pins 47.7, according to
is and specification* on file hi the
• o f the County Roadmaster, ap­
proximately 7,028 cubic yards.
Specifications .and bidding blanks
may be ohtafatpd at-the office o f the
County Roadmaster.
Bids must be
accompanied by certified check for
6 per cent at the amount hid
County Court reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
C. 1 . McCulloch,
General Hauling
and Delivery
to all part* o f the d ty
M eet all Trains and Boats
Agents lor
Mansell Drayage &
Delivery Co.
Phone 101J