frífíÍfrftT '^ ' I * -. ... FP&Pr&F- * 'J ¡w w ii . - Î S » .V • J . COQUILLE. OBM OM . I L. KISTNER r* u if you fail so ta .Lehnherr Mawdsiey; Mary B Mwah; on or before the •nd if any o f said person» hare died, 1922, the same bei w have, or hare had. husbands or In announcing my candidacy for hurt publication of wiroa not mentioned hernia, than all the Republican nomination f want thereof the ! thou- unknown heir* and aueh has- ty Commissioner o f C om n r. . ■ _____ _ (i . — the Court for the relief banda or wiveo; and aU other par- or order o f the Common Council of I la her said Complaint a Oregon, at the Primary Eh C it City of. CoqidUe and dated this ( statement of which is as follow» lie held May 19, 1922: 6th day o f May, 1922. •ona, and alao all other persona or I promise a fair, hones partiea unknown having, or cUiming J' ''C it y like administration o f county affairs, |l«a any right, titls, estate, lien or intar- devoting sufficient time to properly attend to th* same; I will use my every effort for the reduction of taxes by strict economy in the expenditure o f public funds; t of the above named plain- against you la the above en- Will use my best efforts in pro-1 Notice is hereby given that ■rt and cause, in the office o f serving what road, we hsvs, but is - nty Cierk of Coos .County, ••d by the Common Council vor »lowing up on new road program» ««thin six (« ) weeks from ity of CoquiUe, Coos County, for the present on the 2nd day of May, 1922, Coquille, Ore. W. L. KSetner. Ordinance levying and deelar- as»eeament against the loU, Far Ceaaty Cernì lots and paresis of land ben hareby announce m yself a* a I efltted b; 7 the improvement pf por- Spurseon and Fourth atrooU, candidate fo r the office o f County i ity of Coquille, Cooa County, Commissioner o f Coos county to suc­ directing the City Recorder ceed John Yoakam, on the Republican ticket, subject to tho decision at the rtimariea May 1». administrator of tho estate of B. B. W. Taylor Damant Teters, deceased, and that all per­ parcels o f land bensfitted by the im­ sona having claims against said es­ tate, are hereby notified that they are You’d bettor go on a diet if Pris­ provement i $10 to $16 each Spading Pork . Doable Silk Fiona Mattress Cotton Mattreea See QUICK First Professional Cards The outlook for prosperity la Cooa County is very good. This brings a feeling o f satisfaction to every one. ' 1 V St '^»l * * * •- *’ * We ruaran tee entire satisfaction on a0 o f our W ort W. H. Schroeder & Sens „ '. % ' fi ^ Apt • * 4 . . Watch auktoff — Engraving — Jewelry Manofaetoring W e Specialize in repairing auto springs. That’s our business. And wo do it well. For years we have C. R. BARROW Notice is hereby given that the City o f Coquille. C om County, Ore­ gon, a municipal corporation, pursu­ ant to the provisions o f Chapter V of Title XXVI o f Lord’« Oregon Laws, and th# provisions of Sections 70 to 76, both inclusive, o f an act enacted by tha. People o f ,th* Crt7 Coquille at th# General eteetton h#M on the 12th day of May, A. D** 1918, has three Improvement Bonds, Series D -l for tho improvement of a portion o f ’ Knowltf* Avon»» m Knowlton Heights, within the eorpor- ate limit# o f the said C ity efOoquUl*. bond number One o f Mid sertea being th* sum o f $200.00 each, and all of Mid bonds bearing interest at th# rate of Six par cent, par annum from th* 1st day o f May. 1922, Pftnm M to and subject to the provisions of Mid ChaptarV and the “ id Charter of tho City o f Coquille and the pro­ vision# In said bands contained. Said bond# will be sold for the highest price obtainable, but for not less than par and accrued interest and payable in lawful mcooy o f tho United State* o f America. . - Sealed written propomU for tho . . * . or * t United r .14^ Ot.taa offered, State# -, or lawful money o f tbs been issued to him by order of th* County Court o f the State of Oregon for C om County mad* ^ p ril m h . 1922; all parsons having claims against said ss tato ara required to present same to th* undersigned, with propar a vouchers within six mouths from 'tee date o f this notice, at the Office of Coos Coanty Abstract Company, Coquille, Oregon. Dated ApruEH h, 1922. John V. Shuck, Executor of said Estate. Date * f first Publication April 21, 1822. Date o f last Publication May 19, 1922. adjusted, replaced and repaired Attornay and Couneeler at Law Practice in 8tet* and Fedoral Courte, wffles old City Hall near Busy Comer and City Wharf. Hours and 1 to I p. 9 to 12 NOTICE OF SALE OF CITY IM­ PROVEMENT. BONDS auto springe on front and roar axis*. Our experience has taught us to do our work very efficiently and at a tively small cost. compara­ Let us re­ pair your Springs. H. S. Basimeli, Plaintiff, Vs. John M. Smith; I rinvi Smith and Oscar Whobrey, descendant* o f said John M. Smith; W. G. Whobrey, otherwise known as William Who- orsy, and ss William G. Whobrey, guardian of mid Oscar Whobrey; Long’s M achine & Repair Shop D R. C. A . REITM AN J. “f . STAIÍLET LAWYER Office fat First Nattonal Bank Building, Coquill#, Orege^ ' . Jk ëfc vffiig Mah» It a point to taka fo il advantage of j la »very way poosibl* by tha service which year company ia working hard to afford yea. Let as have say com plainte, erit- »-/nF .• i — ;— ¿i 1 . " O - J Coos & Curry Telephone Com pany