* m or.. ■ Laa FRI DAY MAY = Ukr .a-i - y 7 to May 13 L '12 SUNDAY AND MONDAY. MAY 7M B Matinee Sunday 3*3 • ‘ . \ v‘ " ' . - ’il -I Rax Belaid and Rosemary Tkeby In ACROS8 THE DIVIDE" A Playgoer. Fosters and trescher- ous. He consecrated to a apian- did trust. between these two in it door, drama. N m And "MIRACLES OF THE JUNGLE" The Wonderful Animal Cluster Drama . No. 13 "Cheating. Death." This serial contains the greatest errs» o f trained wild animals in the world. And “SNOOKY'8 FRESH Festering Snook jr the Hu TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. MAY 3 * 10 Priscilla Deea with Herbert Rawlinaon in “CONFLICT" A Universal Jewell Attraction 8** the * big thrills never before shown In any picture: 1st. The greet dam explosion—the cataclysmic achieve­ ment that turns ths course of an Oregon river 1 2nd. Priscilla Dean in her .fast of desperate «¿ring— riding the logs at breakneck speed! 3rd. Her wild ride through the fen st to save the Ufa of the men aha loved. 4th. A hart Rawlinaon lying helpless on a whirling raft at ths tg m - - - 6th. - mercy of a raging of - logs! bs Ths great battle in the big thrill that thrills you through through! AM "SCREEN SNAPSHOTS" A peeping into the private end professional lives of famous movie stars And “TOPICS OF THE DAY" And Aesop's Fables Ta Maks Yae Laugh ■ ll111 I ■ ' - - — « 'S I ■■■ ........ THURSDAY, MAY 11 William Fsirbsaks ta- "HEARTS OF A picture with action, thrills and And Chris Rab in “THE LITTLE GREEN DEVIL" A Zip Comedy And “GOLDWYN SPORT REVIEW" FRIDAY. MAY 13 Thursday's program will be And Art Acoid in "WINNERS OF THE Chapter No. 13 "The Web of Fata" Buyuru’ Talk on T u n Doga and Other M atters The subject assigned to Assessor J. I Ths first matter considered at thef P. Beyers at the “Get Together" sup- regular council meeting Monday ev- par of the Commercial Club last Fri- entng, at which all members ware day night was "Texas," and here is I present, was the remonstrance oil what he would have said if the three- those citisens living just outside the minute rule hadn't cut him short; city on the highway against allow- I have compiled the following ate- tag the Coquille Rod A Gun Club to| tlstlca and information on taxes ot j use the Petar Johnson Coos County, which I trust will throw shooting grounds. Ths council did I light on this very important not feel that ths objections were wed subject: taken and laid the remonstrance on| Lowering of taxes, or some way I tbs table, to lower tax, la the paramount prob- Mrs. D. D. Pierce was next to claim I lam before the people of Cow Coun- the attention of the council, making ty and the 8tate of Oregon at the her plea for a dog license in Coquille. present time. Candidates far offlee She put forward in a very able assn-1 ore making this ths main issue. They n*r the reasons for licensing all ^laim to possess ths panacea that equal privileges on the part of Co-1 they will apply and give immediate quille citisens with those . of other relief to the sick and burdened tax- town* In owning property, and the in­ payer. It ia to be hoped that the humanity of keeping dogs tied up| successful ones do not lose their formula before they g«t their modi- Councilman Walker said ho «fused | cine Applied. I with Mrs. Pierce ia all The average taxpayer does not 4Bd Councilman Mansell declared the I give the subject of taxes the thought I pjw^nt pEdinsnce. which forbids dogs and investigation that ha should and running at large, aa a good one. Ms-1 lays the blame along the linos of yor Hamilton requested the least resistance, which is most always I ^ r#IM, ^ dog ordinance, which waa| the Assessor’s offlee. passed in 1013, and during its fceed- The fact of the matter is, that 'in |Dg Hr. Mansell to be out of tan, the people are , nd left the council So blame for the high tsxoo as they I After hearing the provisions o f __ pither vote ths ta* on them,elves, o r L K J S S L M ^W slker moved make « .demand that the money be ^ ^ #|ty |ttorn^ * - >taed for some specMc purpose. drew up a new ordinance, The total amount of money raised m#,# ¿of* at $2.60 and at I 36.00. Mr. Battey said if he would U0.600fi00.00, of which M.000,000 HI ^ it to «6 s»d «10 hs would see- ta pay the interest on bonded indebt-1 the motion, and Mr. Daria was *•**• O _ I opposed to licensing females at any Forty-two an3 four tenths par esnt flfure No belnf mau]e * Mr of all money raised bmtaxatioa in the W a W g motioD> Hr. Battey substi- county ia for EducatBnel purposes. tuUd hu flgurm for Mr. Walker’s and Fifty-five and eight tenth, par e o n t l j , ^ iwn. motion, ^ it prsvail- of ths state tax paid by Coos County ^ councilman present did not is for Educational parpoasa. I vote irfPlhe Svanty-nina par eant of the et«* L tia n will ba taken whan the tax paid by Ceos County is for td * . ordtemnc, come, up for cstionsl purposes, Market Roods, sad waln, * u ¡ ¡ ¡ J b„ t dof Soldier Bonus. * is again a live issue in Coquille as R Twenty-one par eant of the state hai been periodically for a number of tax paid by Coos County ia for gen­ year*. eral state purposes. . It wia reported that John Shielda, Sixty-three end eight tenths o f Bancroft, desire* to rent from the £ £ AjjRiSr SATURDAY, MAY 13 1 1 All-Star Cast in “SILENT YEARS" An R-C Picture (the 8tamp of Quality) { The dramatisation of Harriet T. Comstock's powerful novel, “Mam’selle Jo.” The human naval of the fit. Law- lance River Country in Canada! tense, thrilling drama; a brilliant cast—Rasa Diana, Tally Marshall, Paulina Stark and others. A Story of Outdoors. And A Rolls Comedy “WHAT A ' WHOPPER" PATHE NEWS g I the hatcheriea. have heretofore pro- John ' doced about sixteen million, this year ae o ftit will run nearer twenty-lire nfiDion there ! tr7- Probably the Cutthroat will do K all better in the local streams, as very t fry ftw Rainbow trout have ever been tie caught since the thousands ware lib- rhere crated three orfbur years ace. Once Used | Always Used Another Shipment o f these well known £ — - I ” - financier In a certain home there was » 10c One fo r eeoh spot made on the table linen. Around Chrfetmas time Johnnie wee m ysteriously rubbing the table d oth with his fingers. His s is t e r s « « him. "W hat are you doing?” she «sited. “ I’m making these tw o «pots into one;” said the financier. ■ % ....f k w o as * * We don’t claim you can make your money go twice twioe aa fa r by trading with us but w « do claim your dollar will do its full duty. Our prices are marked down to a strictly cash basis, « o one can sell and ha ve anything le ft fo r themselves, is marked to show a small p rofit w e quality good« add give you the bast o f service. Try à sack o f W hite Down Flour at $2.10 per sk., absolutely guaranteed. NOSLER’S CASH S T O R E SAVE MONEY BY PAYING CASH - — » Twenty-six and nine tenths of all money raised by taxation ta the ty ia for road parpoasa. Sixty-nine and three tenth cent of ell ths money raised by tax-14il th* Commercial Club’s wish that 1 Wednesday stion in the county is for Education something be done toward making that the ■ 1 and Road purposes. Fifth street passable as a rood to opportunity Thirty end seven tenths per cent! Phttarson’s Grove, and that that city I assigned them at the banquet laat of all the money raised by taxation in P«rk be cleaned up for use by( tourists Friday should be notified to bo pces- the county ia for general county Pur-1 "ben the Myrtle Grove becomes too L t at the regular meeting o f the slab to accommodate the travelling next Wednesday and relieve their public. It was Mr. Sanford’s state-1 cheats roent that $100 weuld cut ths Fifth Light street approach to the highway, re- end every club move the high point at the Henry to bring e street bridge and smooth up «he up- cuse for failue to ner end of the street near ths grove, will bo accepted He thought if the city ¿odld make a L. 'C . Newman reported for >msl< donation toward Ota work that banquet committee that 118 enough contributions could be sacur- were sold and bills amounting ed from the Commercial Club and I were allowed ordered paid. ' 4 citizens to do the necessary I Whether to At up the Myrtle Grove work. I aa a camping ground, the purpose for HEMSTITCHING and Pteotia» At­ tachment. Guaranteed to At any To clean up that grove he suggest- which it was purchased, or to put se wine machine. Pitee fS. ECON­ ed a half holiday whan everyone I PstUrson Grove in shape for the ac- OMY COMPANY, Milliner, Moat. should turn out and do their bit. ’ commodation of auto tourists, was • •' l i t e * ■ »«o» ■ < a been talk for two or subject on which much talk, wit three years of improving Fifth street satire was expended. Some sdvo- ta|snd the property owners there may | cates of ths Patterson Grove es decide to aak «or it this year. I camp site desire the Myrtle Grove to Eneineer Gould stated that Ray- be reserved for family picnics, out- mond Archibald, brides eneineer, had door meetings, etc., while the down spoken to him about euttinc off the town park proponents point oat that joint at the southwest corner of the I if campers are directed off ep the hill hieh school rrounds, ths dirt being lo the outlyine perk they will keep Retired to use In making ths approach going right out the hieh way +nd TRANSFER—Reasonable retee, uniform charges on eombiaod time end mileage basis. Stop the blue truck end oidor yôur hauling from the driver or phone 116L. R. H. Archard. « 14t4* J R A N G E S FOR SALE—6 room modera house, * conve ient for Ugh school. Torem to responsible parties. E. G. Oppor­ tun, Phone MM lOtf « iS. iJ Want to B oild Auditorium The local American Legion poet are seriously considering the matter of erecting a community building on the lower Boor of which can bo held the annual corn show and with a large dance Boor above. No one questions the crying need of sodh a building and with as thra. a bunch as the La- ULD & GOULD The S tov 9 Store - Sunday School session at 10 a .‘m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and at f p. A. B. Gidler had offered to do! *** PM itt, the work for f8.0fi6.4S; Carl Ensels I *P"wrth League devotional .ar­ far |7,760; and Peart Bros, for fTr * F- 612.43. Mr. Enaste had nudo a m is-1 ™ I W Masting Wadaaaday even- take in figuring his bid, bet ths deter- mt * °’*lock- ’ ’ mining factor ta the rejecting o f sill ^ A B- Pendleton, Fester, bid* was ths possibility that gravel might be purchased at s lower figure after the state >ss 1st ths eontrtetl Susdsy School at 1:3« a. m. fdr rucking the highway from Rose- Sunday Smrlea at 11 a. m. berg to Coqullla. - Subject for next Sunday, "Ever- Tbe coumHl than adjourned until lasting Punlahmaut.” the next evening whan the recorder Wednesday evening meeting, at I vas tea treated to advertise for bids loVieck. for the bonds iaauad to pay for both | The public la the north and and the Knowlton street You’d hotter go on a diet If Pris- Tbe objection of J. F. Meeeer to ths! cilia Dana doesn’t lift you out of ta “CONFLICT"—you’re too sad the ioamameat | heavy. At ths Liberty Theatre next h j tim eaas- Tuesday and PACIFIC FARM JERSEYS MBLIA ANN’S REX His sire, the gold medal bull— Rinds Lnd of S. B.; full brother of Lad’s Little Paaline—worM’s record 4-year-old (M l lbs. fat); also full brother of Lad’s Lady Ann, dam of St. Mawos Lad’s Lady—the world champion sen­ ior yearling of all broads. T R I l i n r ^ ^ W R f T LAD YOUNG BULLS FOR SALS Sired by Malia Ann’s Rex