SUNDAY M d M ONDAY. APRIL 23 A 24 issday 2:30 UNWILLING HUSBAND A Pare# Comedy. „ _ i pleasing feature—m irth and merriment— chuckle •mi “MIRACLES OF 2SLS5¡2 ^ Chap. No. 10 “ Midst RAGING TIGRRS” “ TORCHV S DOUBLE TRU MPH” A “Torch jr” Comedy TUESDAY and W EDNESDAY. APRIL 25 A 26 D. W . Griffith’s “THE LOVE FLOWER” From the C ollier's W eekly Story “ Black Beach" H ers is s production from the maater asn ea craftsman * * * * * >m em U »4 everywhere as a crpatien o f ex- qukite beauty; haunting charm and spirited dram s. C n t- ka have pronounced i t one o f the most remarkable pro­ ductions that has ever coma from the master producer and pistura lovers everywhere have revelad la its beauty end excitem ent and say It is a production comparable only with the most wonderful that has come to toe screen In the test few y ea n . And “SCREEN SNAPSHOTS” opened. There were three bidders— A . B GkUsy, o f MerehAeM; Peart Bro». aad Carl Ensele, o f Coquille. Mr. Enaele’s offer was the only one o f the three which complied with the specifications in naming a h u p sum bid. and he appeared to be slightly Job, but in order that the city en­ gineer m ight have tima to chock up oil throe and positively determine which was the lowest and bast bid. tbs letting o f the co n ta ct wes leid ever on til the next réguler moating. The application o f the C oqufik Bad à Can Club fo r permission to main­ tain a shooting ground fo r target three or four y e a n ago that the fam­ ily removed to Portland. She has been teaching in the Portland schools since then. Mias Janie is a graduate o f the Coquille high school, a charm­ ing lady and all her friends b s n unite in congratulating the lucky groom who has won ag fa ir a bride. They will bo at heme after May 1. at 964 Cast Twenty-fourth street North, Portland. The follow ing is the account o f the wedding published by the Portland city was that o f Misa Jana Lowe, daughter o f M m David J.*Lowe, aad Mr. Thomas James Webb, which took place Easter Monday at 1:80 o’clock at Grace Memorial church, the Rev. Oswald W. Taylor officiating. The brida, who k a graduato o f S t Balano hall, la a member o f s fam ily which from which Good Thiifg come ' The Best Fed Are th e Healthiest and Happiest No one lives bettor for U m money than our cus­ tomers. When you buy here you can depend upon our giving you just what you ask for, and you may rest assured that what you got here is good. , ~ ~— y* luality Groceries n. We ao not b -rW . Peeping into the private and profesional lives o f fam ous movie stars. And “TOPICS OF THE D A Y” And A chop ’ s Fables T H E OW L AND THE GRASSHOPPER” NOSLER’S CASH STO RE THURSDAY. APRIL 27 Catharine Calvert In “ MARRIAGE FOR CONVENIENCE” SAVE MONET BY PAYING CASH A Society Melodrama. It lays hare the inner work! m odern se cistf. It* shame, its sordid dishonesty beneath the cloak o f respectability. • And “GOLDWYN SPORT REVIEW ” o f money aad prises after school representing The Portland News. The first one to writ# us will be the luckiest in town. TH E PO R T­ LAND NEW S, PORTLAND, ORE­ GON. , *•- 12tS FRIDAY. APRIL 28 Thursday’s program will be repeated and A rt Acord In “W INNERS OF THE WEST” Chap. No. 11— T H E POISONED POOL” SATURDAY. APRIL 29 William Christy Cabanne’a vr “ AT THE STAGE DOOR” An R-C Picture Built to entertain, but a true, vivid picture o f the fascin­ ating, colorful lift o f the stage. Enacted by a hand pick ad cast o f Ziegfield Follies Beauties. And Snub Pollard with Little “Sanuny” in T H E BIKE BUG” A Rolin Comedy And “ PATHE NEWS” day, ,Apri1 17, 19*2. Mine Marvel Skoals has organised In 1919 the state legislature passed I a Girls Chorus in the high scfiool and a law providing that the city health will prepare music fo r the Com- officer should receive a salary maneement exercises. Commence- of not leas than »10 per U a n t will be held on May 26th this month, which law became e f - 1 factive m* May o f that year. March About two dosen fin# rose buahsc 1. 1920, the city council enacted an w en sent out to the high school ordinance com plying with toe state s lid in g and more w en added to the statute regarding the salary o f city fine selection at the grade, building, health officers and it is Mr. Stanley’s The high pchool will give e party opinion that Dr. Richmond is entitled I Friday evening after the oratorical to a compensation o f »10 per month and declamation contests. ' from June 1, 1919, to the present I Miss WhitAsld’s Senior English Urns, a period o f 86 months, or »880 -t— had a picnic an the high way Ha has received »»0 in that tim s, I nMr Hayden Wednesday after school, leaving s balance due him o f »800. Mr. W illiam F. Oswald, W orld’s A # council took no action on the I Champion Typist in 1919, is touring report or any further action on the this p*rt 0f the country dem oostrat- claim other than that o f two weeks ¡ng before student bodies in a carn­ age when it was k id on the table. p*iga fo r better typing. Mr. Oswald In the seme report Mr. Stanley) « ill be at the Coquille high sihool in finds from the city records that Drs. the afternoon o f A pril 24th. This 0 . E. Low and V. L. Hamilton and demonstration is given under the di- C. R Barrow com prise the Board o f I r(ction of the Underwood Typewriter Health for the city. Company. FARM FOR BALE—161 acres, ton seres bottom lend, the rcet good hill land seeded to grass. Good mod­ em house. Good orchard; fine water. Price 64,000, terms on part. Henry Johnson, Riverton, Ora. Phone WANTED— B eef hides, green and saltad. Geo. T. Moulton. Coquille. K -V M l , * « Savings Fee ’ j The Thrifty Heaeewife Few homes Indeed do not feel the need o f economy. The necessity e f making every penny, eauat touches the purse e f every housewife. It is doubtful if there is a single article employed as a food or in the prepar­ ation o f food (hat demands m ors buy­ ing wisdom than Baking Dowds» . Upon its quality depetide the Mesas* end economy e f the baking them- OTwr store is the authorized resident detder / / jt T h b R o y a l T a i l o r s . i Royal Taifomi-to-Measure Suits and Overcoats at City Cleaners & Tailors Coquille DRESSES OF DISTINCTION by our Dressmakers techasen! Guaranteed to fit any A pril IT— Geo. Fitahenry and Eva sewing machine. P rice »* . ECON­ King, both o f Powers. They were OMY COMPANY, B illings, M ont married the rame day by Justice J. Christina Science Society J. Stanley at hie office hare. A pril IT— W . F. Foster and Agnes Sunday ffshf s l at 9:fi9 s. m. Burke, both o f Marshfield. Sunday Servira at 11 a. to. April IT —A- L Rankin and Rosile Subject fo r next Sunday, “Pr» Leyman, both o f Leaeve. They w en m after Death." married the same day b y Justice J. J. Stanley et bis office here. April IT— Erick V. Blomquist, o f North Bend, and Jesalyn Smith, o f Marshfield. Uiareh o f God FOR BALE— IT 1 4 sera farm Just April 19—Harvey J . W ilson, e f Sunday School, 10 a. m. Mrs. Ball, outride toe city lim its. Highly im­ Reedepori, and Ada F ig e r,'o f Marsh­ Supt proved. Eleven aeree bottom land, field. Preaching 11 a. m. Subject, "A remainder bench, m ostly level. April *0—ADen Druray, e f P ort­ Present Day Salvation." Splendid hearing orchard; 160 trees. land, and Ruth Dya, o f M yrtle P rin t Evening Servie# T:46. Subject, Good six-room house with hath. They were married yesterday b y Jus­ "The Millenium and What It W ill Large barn, chicken park, etc. tice J. J. Stanley at his oflke bara. Plenty o f good water piped to house Bring." Prayer meeting Thursday evsntng, aad barn. T ito cows, a team and 7:46 p. m. farm ing took go with placa. For 1 A ll ara invited; m eet with us and price aad tanas call on or address understand our position. W e will do Mrs. Anne M. Johnson, Coquille, Ora. Phesie 602x7. l*t* you good. H. B. W ilson, Pastor fas charge. Calumet Baking Powder enables the housewife to make three worth w hlk savings. She saves w hin she buys it—it is moderate in price. She raves when she uses it—she uses only half as mueh as is required of m ost pther powders. She saves ma­ terials it us user with— it nswhr per­ mits bake-day failure. Any w oken can use Calumet with absolute cer­ tainty e f beat results—delicious, tasty bakings that are p u n *and v Trae berne eeonomy o f Urne, ma­ terial aad affort k tom pietcly bandi­ sti la Reliable Reeipea, thè 74-pagt Cook Book and Household Hinta. A oepy la paura FREE—far thè ssking. Addroas Home Economica D opi. Calu­ m et Baking Puwder Co., 4100 Fin- m ore S t, CM eaco, DL— A dvt