The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 24, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    . y.. «•
tJAET 84,
Events in the City
fund at
day, is a veritable i
•aid to surpass any p
Money to Lean on CKy Pro
to the
ture loving public in many
Dealing with the love k
Boleyn, the second wife of King I The floral tribute« were beautiful
kind. by V. JL
Henry VUI of England, “ DBCEP- and numerous, and consisted of pil-
Coquille, Ore.
TION" has a dramatic and appealing loam, set pieces, wreath« and sprays
•f the | Gee. N. Battey has been quite se- story that will strike s human chord of choke cut flowers.
riouely ill the peat week with the of sympathy fai ovary American pie-
Rev. A. B. Pendleton delivered a
flu and although bettor new he is tu n nodknce. The mother love ex- touching end comforting address, sf-
-u . I still very weak.
hibited by this woman whose beauty Iter which toe funeral
Work and won h®r •
has ito direct ap-1 ed out to the Mssonk
. Every Job leaving P*®1
the heart and every women the body was laid to
be right oT vto wtil H 1 «•*>•«* * » cry. Henry Per
ton, a famous European screen play-
N ew
No Commistione. W. G. Wright.
movigg the cane«
There are a nu
“ flu" among the
Hill new. '• •
Prank Berry is
Mrs. H. N. Butter Cf
oaper Tueedey for S
P retty important eyent—those first
uncertain steps—the first thing you
think of is a
Mr. end Mrs. L. R. Byrne, mt 1
of the order for one hundrad of
. I Coquill, arrivals last Sat-
th T ^ t o d r a ia «
Ith« new “ P“ *®" do,Ur* of U ,t > * ’ *
T h . part
n ert o
n f f King
K in . Henry
H .n r v I is . portray-. |m int*r®
F ir s t National Bank
W-. . Mr.
— , Byrne
w r r - v , is
r a A tintberlapd
■ 1 | ) The
rjir . ,
snd is looking over Coos county ^
lirnal „ t t ,* — by Emil JM . here received ton, and they were
with a vkw to toeating hem.
U gs.
w h L cha£torirat,onof
Uk#n by 1U,0F WfortuMto
S*w “ 5 ! I PTI2 u J i r
W* A-
O’* Near East
a "b
° dt Tr#l- lUU«f, Who he. Just recently raturn-
Hafl, Monday, Petanmry 27.
L g * thta eounty, addressed the Ugh
with variMS ills is so I school sssmaMy yastardsy, telling
prevalent in Marshfield that 64 high thbm some o f the things he witnessed
Louis XV h, “ PASSION" made him h ° “j £
a .t o l l« «ram . celabrity throughout J iUT ^ e ^ rd, .u ^ “
^ d
Europe end America. The director is
^ e d .te .nd tL draigna*
[ Ernest Lubitoch, a Bohemian^ produc-1 nltiaU Qn ^ Averse side
« , who won international feme by
older coing
h il e
it is all
sim p le th e K o d a k w a y ,
the experts in o a r p h o to g ra p h ic departm ent
are m ore than ready to g iv e y o u th e b e n e fit
o f th eir ex p e rie n ce and to h e lp m ak e g o o d
e f the week.
| The B«wy Corner sustained a »60
five t h ^ ^ S ibtti U“ um’" “ 0n* Db,U r" ®n<1
p ictu re-m a k in g all th e easier.
Orders for shrubbed and trem ,o l. Monday when the cable, by
i ‘ orJucU on
baa reltof on the
from the Washington Nursery will be I mean» o f whkh bartey waa being con-1 p*r
e p od
| rock, upon srhich perches the Ameri
K odaks from $ 9.49 up— th ey a re a ll auto­
by W. O. W
T ltk I *«yed from the city dock to their
t r ...s o .v in.
_k n .
lean eagle with an olive branch in
Hemstitching done while you wait bU ul(m I gnd the gun>g rgy,
g ra p h ic— *'* ; ivaluable feature fo r p ictu res o f
Compare work with others. Satisfy j
| ing up from beyond the plain.
Dr. G. W. Leslie, ostoopethk jfc y -i> * k down °** incUn® ■»* du“ P®d
i curiosity. AH work guar-
th e you i.gsters w h ere th e date and title are
There were only a limited nu
S y f lA ;; ■ >
•idea, will be at CoquOla Tuesday, |
Prkes 10 snd 12 1-2 cants
h a lf th e interest.
«od Saturday. 1:46 to 4:00. |
~ —“
. . .
yard. Mrs. Msybeils Ford’s Mfl-
T hree Road
R oad Contracts
Contract« L et
Office over Robinson’s'¿tore.
I 1 Thrwe
when the face of the goddrn.
Jna E. Ross, o f the F arm «« ft
e o u ty
--------------- ----------
^ ^
iy bids n
Merchants Bank, tall U * Friday tl-\
8 itk “ “
t i l . re m o v £ there u V ^ e . U r ^
seven bid- I
toraoon for s week’s trip to^Portland.
The “Mayer o f Otkum,’’ W ^tor U n , * , o f the “ P e^ e” dollar than
i other snd
on the last, indicating that labor
No waiting for your hemstitching I _____ _______ _ ♦»..« u
«... a
I " 1 * « * * “ “ • w**n 1 *° *ooa * I
tl“ n ^
I ^ k n d *T f Chsa. Hall's he wouldn’t
Death o f Alaska Missionary
taken to Bonnie Walker’s M il-1
the war.
A prass dispatch in yesterday's I
in the bids on
h e W t o t o U « « n k w i t o g | The contract for the Haynes Slough
I dailies, brings news o f ths death on
awarded to McCulloch Broa t iT . mK.\ .... ,
V T . _
I February 2, of Rev, John H. Kilbuck,
‘This Tanlac is really the first
idne 1 have ever taken that does what IA Roberto at their bid at $>¿00.
-..nreaentatives from every I****1 ,lxty F“ ” » at Aniek, Alaska,
the Oregon Farm-
they say it will do," said J. F. Holly, I Thar# were two other bids between
« Indian
, hinuelf, he snd tds| Having purchased the CoquiUe |« eaa still be obtained for »8.U for
Fuhrman’s Plmrm- that flg sn and »8,000, and four lm-
wife had I been for thirty years labor- v .lle y Creamery from the trustees
Lexington, Ky.
W.0O0 and »4,000. The highest |
ing M missionaries (imuiij the J
of the Orefon Dairymen’s Lesfue and
M I was »3376.84, or about sixty
Indians. Mrs. Kilboek’s latita
put tt in first class condition, I have
I ùuni mort H n the
seph Rom i f , was one of the «
is to be done
already begun to rseehre cream and
old friends tat Southern Kansas.
am new prepared to handle all that
Ken tuck-Glasgow Job the
ntay be brought in. Mr. Henry Bdlleai
to A . B. Gidley at his bid
wtH be in charge o f the butter nuk­
at »11,280.
The bids ranged from I Traffic Oflker Williams stopped
ing and thoee who have known his
The son of Glenn CoUler, who Uva« I that op to »17480, also about sixty [H arry Kern, sea o f Commissioner B .
work fat that line for many years past
opposite the rock quarry on the Myr-1 p«r cent big lw -
IG. Kern, on the highway
will understand what that means as
tie Peint roed, is seriously ill with I The lest Job sras making a eonnec-1 North Bend end Marshfield
to tits care o f cream and the character
•cute Bright’s disease, following a nl t kn up along ths Simpson park be-
of the product. The beet market price
to report to Justks Msyboe the
attack at scarlet fever.
| twees flkmmsn avenue to North
will be paid for cream and we solicit
Mrs. Jennie Williams snd Mrs
$** ,#rry »Bp at the point. Here [next day. The call on the justice
the patronage o f the dairyman o f the
dresser scarfs
Ruth Woodford left Tueedey morning *• $$. Welder, who wss the high man |hig| »16 and costs ss ha eras a »
People are coming to me
home in Medford.
They I ■* « **•
$*• J
the speed “ limit
when stopped.
for their homo
• ot**®*‘ **•
e h e 'Ato
^ *b* * “ one ’ |inr
*“ -------------
“ “ ----------*------
every day jo it about half
the work ■$ $*-™9J8. The _____ _
____ In last Friday to attend 1 tk-
the and 1
* **»•
blind— some o f them would
funeral of their nephew, Irviag Lemh. I bigheet bid lmra was »4.78»J1 o , report to Jnetka Joriink ym tonU y. - DBC«PTIO N ," a
1 about >6 pm cant higher, the other Six Uor epawling on the same road and ha
^ i h
become ao i f they should
Ke. 88 A . F A A. M.
Chas. F. McKnight, the MarahfleU ranging from »KM » to »4,816.
contributed »16, including coats, to
. nd won.
a few more y ea n be­
attorney, who was so seriously Ul|
Jdrous heart appeal p ill be at the Ub-
am Monday
CoquiUe W in e T w u G u n
fore having eye attention.
lerty next Tueedey and Wednesday.
Saturday, March 11
I See the
Myrtle Point’s high school basket
still P**«7|han team waa beaten by CoquiBa tor
Lari Tuesday evening n
Have your eyes
the seeend
this year when they 3i the friends at Mr. and Mrs. Clar­
ed now, yea aave (
ice Boyrie mat at their home to per-1
New I The stirs was 87 to 26.
had I take o f a six o’clock dinner. The af-
“ DE-1 the strongest team she has bean able
was gives as a surprise for Mr. j
Wed-1 to put an U m fleer this season Tues- Beyle, who will go to Bandon when
day night, Don Pierce being back In
veneer plant is moved to that]
_f? - '! *■?1 •.;« jly*'-
■ ;-V ^ %'
Billiard Parlor on Taylor
“ l" f«riod finger,
Paper H en g« and Decorator
losed yesterday while th el**“ *«* • food game and
given. Work guar-
S. L .,
in there the M r # " Aa tt
ia often advfaaMo to
^ 1-----------‘— i o f B00, having won throe I rie Boyrie, Mrs. Cera
ginaoos, not to fljko clearer vi-J
I «ad tori three games. T hen Is yril®*“ 1 Misses Vests Boyrie and
■ion, bat to n
which can ««
_j*1 ’ 7!"L’TT
V ' / r r 7«l*Uy IBaadon snd Marshfield, hut it is not
and skillfully repaired. Broken Masse [«rnectad that these tore games wfll
A n oth er A n uiteu r N igh t
other nervous troubles.
tilrir percentage figure..
Nsgt Thursday sad Friday nights
The Myrtle Point Ugh school girls the Liberty Theatre will present an- I r*i_____
eeurateiy fitted with-|
*$* OoqulDe girls 27 to >6; other of thoee delightful amateur per-
out the UM of Drngfl
^ local b oyi' KnnuBtr grmde I foimssoas antirely difToront froU VM
J. E. Norton returned Wednesday I team won from a similar Myrtle Poiat arst—sn act featuring each individual
from a business trip to I tram, 21 to 7.
^-.nd wUl sward a first and second
ím SSE l & í
Ha went eat Sunday morn-
------------- *------- U , to the two presenting the most
He says he found considerable I Coon Pr— bjrtgr y M et M onday
satisfying numbers; the audience to
nt to Portland favorable to the I The Coos Bay Presbytery met here |09 the judge. The method o f voting
Hudson’s Drug Store
~ 5 r ^ r r ^ . H
and See Better
Optometrist ■
- Winchester Double Bitt Axes
Coquille Grange No. 896 will meet
on the 6 rot Saturday o f every month
at 1 P. M. at W. 0 . W. Hall, beginning
March 4th, 1922. Roeina P. Jacob-
Take Notice
W ill pay you
present were Rev. W.
I of Marshfield, Moderator; Rev. L. M. I__ ...
„ M
will be Anderson, o f Myrtle Print; Rev.
^ “ 1 *
found the ndvertiaemwit of the Hen- 8. flmMh, e f OoquiUe; Rev. Mr. W il- !"**"*• GiI* ‘eK*’ dracript.on d »J
derson Coti C o, offering f « sale a tea, o f Bando« , and one lay member.I**0*’ Prte*’
° 0<lnllW-
strictly Coquille product C. A. Ma- [
«ora Attention 1 „
chon says thri next week they w ll / M rs. B rig g s o f th e P ou ltry
March 2, is election ef|
¡ ü j S S l ü S ? * t0“ * d,T' •**
The young people of McKinley will
being employes. V V , '
Igtod e play at ths McKinley Hall
By order o f Dictator.
The County Court was short hand- Saturday evening, March 4, entitled..
•d at last Tueeday's adjourned Vession I “ Mrs. Brigg« o f the Poultry Yard."
you have watched th
at lari took time I it is under ths auspices o f the Grange, growth o f the
ion picture. Noi
to go to the Ibepitsl and he operated I All are cordially invited to attend, see the suprt
He ti meWngjhsnr» a good time snd perhaps learn a TEPTION," next 1tedny~ niä
o f coarse |few « « y . a ri to raira chickens.
! nP.d .y *t the Liberty. The pr
I is on peg« three.
22c far light
25c for haavy hens.
Also paying highest prices
for Veal and Pork.
your poultry to
Meat Market
Keen edges o f special steel; heads
perfectly balanced; handles o f sec­
ond growth hickory; tw o doul
interlocking wedges.
popular with woodsmen.
Coquille Hardware Co.
sH1 i? , 'y?