The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 20, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    the county ja il now.
Mrs. W alter Sinclair returned Tues­
day from a visit to friends at the Bay.
Ray P. Miller, o f the Coquill« Hard­
Vulcanising and battery service at
ware Co., is confined to Ua bad with
Graham’s Garage.
a very serious attack o f tonsilitis.
Rooms fo r rent at' the Collier
The chlorination plant is now in
Apartments. Call 144L.
action disinfecting our city water and
Second hand fa s engines bought and
sold at Gardner's Garag% Coquille.
P . 8 . Robison, o f Norway, was do­
ing business in COquiile Tuesday
morning. “
been fo r a month or two while ho was
taking treatments in Portland. He
ret urns'very much improved in health.
He has much to say about the damage
done in the W illamette valley by the
extoywe cold weather throe years ago
and again this winter. Those fine
walnut trees o f improved variety on
U s place at Hillsboro wore nearly all
killed by the below aero weather o f
1919, and many other trees suffered
there and in the vicin ity-of Portland.
He observed the effects o f the recent
silver thaw on the highway between
Silver-ton and Portland, whore ears by
the score were left in the . ditch be­
cause they could not be navigated on
the ice-coated roads. The doctor says
there seems to be even m ore differ­
ence ' between the temperature hero
m a k e s dm p r o p e r
dnkgU Appo— 6-
1<J fla v o re d
They ’were all three Having a crying
spell up in ..the cell when Deputy
Sheriff Malehora, who had-previous­
ly telephoned Dtstricet Attorney
Fisher, walked In and toU her the
could stay th«r# too. He asked the
_ National Guard Profit«
Oregon derived a net profit o f 8119,- three about a diamond from an Elks’
077 in the operation o f it s ' National pin which was among tha articles
stolen, and also about a brown silk
Form er County Commissioner A r­
chie PU lip and Us w ife were visitoig
in Cequille Isst Sunday.
The Am y Turner, a four-m asted
barkentine is loading 800,000 feat o f
lumber at the bay fo r Australia.
They .^11 disclaimed knowledge o f the
two items, but when Malaborn told pf
— Tanlac is appetizing, invigorating
and strengthening. Try H and be eon-
time a club leader among the boys and
girls in Coos county, was over hare
z-lAi fri***» .Vrivrfcf. . .
Last Sunday ended the duck bunt­
ing season fo r 1928. A ll are agreed
that the game has been more abund­ twenty Oregon cities the sum o f $199,-
ant and savory than usual this winter. 068.60, the total cost to the stato o f
a ‘ administration and upkeep being $79,-
meet engrossing story and a technical 976. In addition to tbs $199,068 ro-
wonder will be at the Liberty next ceived In essh, the state secured the
Tuesday mad Wednesday. See the award o f federal property amounting
to $267,217.29.
program on page three.
• ' y
Towns receiving bundles o f U. S.
Hemstitching dens while you w a it Treasury cheeks fo r drill and camp
needay. evening.
Orders fo r shrubbery
trees Compare work with others. Satisfy pay o f citizens, include Ashland, Med­
your own curiosity. A ll work guar­ ford, Marshfield,* Newport, Toledo,
from the W ashington Nurssry w ill be
anteed. Priest 10 and 12 1-2 cents Roeeburg, Eugene, Alhany, Salem,
received by W . Q. W right, a t the Title
per yard. Mrs. MaybciU Ford’s MQ- Portland,
Guarantee A Trust Co. office.
inery. *
I)àlias, McMinnville, Siiverton, W ood-
Very* often people here in Coquille
Tanlac Vegetable Pills are sold on a
find it difficult to got dry wood at this
season. No trdubls now. Just phone positive guarantee to give perfect aat-
Cradle''RoU Sunday Morning
sfaction. Try theta tonight and you
60$x. $2.60 per tier d ativen d ,v, - f
s ill be delighted to find the results
The Cradle Roll Superintendent o f
The Daily and Sunday Oregonian you hays obtained. Fuhrman’s Phar­
the Methodist Church South, has ar­
at $6 fo r nine months and better is macy, Inc. - fa ?
ranged a program fo r the Cradle Roll
an attm etivea offer. A t the regular
Irving Lamb is still vary sick, the Department fo r. Sunday m orning at
Every mother who has a
doctor last Saturday pronouncing his 10:80.
No waiting fo r your HemetIti him mm typhoid. The fever is being con­ baby enrolled is earnestly requested
when taken to Bonnie W alker’s M il- trolled by Dr. Hamilton and it has to com# and bring the baby.
ltnary Store. Service and neat work not reached the danger point the past
is our m otto. Lot us convince you.
“ Welcome to Cradle Rqll”
few days.
Deioroua Lam son
W h o you are making up the Hat
E. J. Loney was down hare from
. Marvin Hawkins
o f periodicals fo r tha year, corns in Powers Wednesday attending court. Solo
Gwintoth Johnson
and saa how much you can save by Ho is receiver fo r the properties In­ Recitation
Instrumental Selection
combining them with tha Sentinel.
volved in the caso o f Gordon vs.
Sunday 8ebool Orchestra
h i Circuit cobrt “ Baby’s Security” - Marvin Shasta
See the second Charles Ray o f the Gant, which
Screen, Gareth Hughes, in “ SEN TI­ 'isre this w*
“ My M a st«”
W arden Ellis
MENTAL TOMMY” at the Liberty
P o n t miss seeing May MrAvoy, Presentation o f Certificates.
neat Tuesday and Wadnssday.
the now screen star as “G risei.” a
I have 26,000 pounds o f barley in character you will never forget. In
the warehouse in Coquille, which 1 ‘ SENTIMENTAL TOMMY,” one of
will sell fo r $86 a ton if sold in n the finest picture« o f the year. At
lump immediately. L. P. Branstetter. the Liberty next Tuesday and Wed
Bring your chickens to M igge’s
Moat Market.
Highest cash price
A petition ia being circulated in
paid. W o can use all you’ve got. Marshfield asking Mrs. Alamo Semple
Bring thorn ia sky day.
62M* McPherson, who Is now conducting a
M ayMcAvoy and Gareth Hughes, revival at Fresno to come up to Coos
the screen’s newest find, w ill appear Bay. She is reported to have wrought
at tha Liberty next Tuesday and Wed­ many miraculous care# som e o f Coos
nesday in "SENTIM KNTAL TOM- county people.
Gareth Hughes and May MeAvoy* a
picture that will keep you riveted to
A delegation o f A ft e » Masons
your seat from the start to the final
flash will bo at the Liberty next Tues­ wars over from the Bay Tuesday ev­
day and Wednesday. See the pro­ ening fo r th e. special meeting o f
Chadwick Lodge at which tim e Rev.
Traffic Officer W illiams found Dr. gram on page three.
W . E. Cooper and. Howard E. Couper
George E. DU, o f Mgrabfiald, burn­
Deputy Sheriff Malehora went out
ing up the streets in that city at the to Lee Wednesday to attach the auto
rats o f SO miles aa hour and Justice and, truck belonging to W alter Myers, the m ost largely attended m attin g o f
the local lodge ia yeafs and a special­
Joehnk taxed him $86.
bringing them in with him. The at­ ly prepared banquet helped to make
Hemstitching by Anna Morrison. tachments w en tied by the Coquille tha evening’s work enjoyable. s
Straight work, 10e; other work. Service Station, & M. Nosier and
12tte a yard, thread faribshod. Others and total over $400.
Makes Fine Picture
Prompt attention given to Mail Or­
'in the January issue o f the Win
ders. Machine hi Robinson’s 8tocu.
sistant general pam ewgm agent o f Chester Herald appears a picture o f
Spectacles sad eye glasses quickly the Southern Pacific, was calling on
the Coquille Hardware Company’s
and skillfully repaired. Broken lenses our business men Tuesday. He says
windows taken last August at the
Optical repairs o f all he spent a couple o f weeks back in
time o f the Elks’ convention at
kinds dune while you wait. Glasses
Marshfield. The cut shows up the
fitted. By V. R. W ilson, “Optomet-
Ety( decorations in one window, and
$ri«t." Coquille, Oregon.
the disp lay,of W inchester firearms in
' C. MeC. Johnson has bought the
the other, in very good shape.
$80,000 logging equipment o f tha Tab
ken itch Lumber company at KroO,
Roar Can AttadJb
shipped it up to Reeds port and then
Ellingsen hi the p u t few
dawn the Umpqua tb the Johnson S
four automobile« in
Anderson camp at Three-mila.
the Coqxftle valley and here on execu­
W. W. Elliott and faasily came ev­
tions obtained by creditors o f the own-
er from North Bead in their ear laat
Friday evening to attend the get-to­
gether banquet at the Presbyterian
church here. Hie mother from Ban-
don met them here and returned heme
with them fo r a visit.
Yesterday Otto Johnson, a shoe­
maker, o f North Bend, filed with the
eesmty clerk hie declai-rtioa o f In­
tention to buefime n fit tain o f the
United States. He ta 40 y m n o f eg*,
came to thfr country fan 1908 and ta
found it wonderfully mild here cffin-
pared with the W illamette valley. He
had not abandoned the walnut busi­
ness on account o f U s bad luck fa r­
ther north but says U s ton is com ­
ing down her» to set out 40 aeree o f
that Improved variety on his pisce
near this city. '
Or. W . H. Voee was here from Eu­
gene Wednesday on his regular month­
ly trip to Cooa county.
John D. Gosa and J. - C. Kendall
were over h er. from XU B a V 'I W -
oese o f d m teetk a
W o do cylinder reboring and guar­
antee our work. Gardner’s Garage.
(Joqilllle Pone 4«J.
"~ * 1- v..,™ ** o « ™ « . 1«.
United Brethren A ttention
' Owing to the fact that tha Pas
is engaged in Revival Mratings
North Bend there will bo no preach
service at Gravel Ford on guad
Jan. 22. IMS.
No. M A . F. |i A . M.
Spadai, Turn., Jan. 24
W ork in
V Stated Communication
Harry B. T osier surprised hie
friends in Coquille last Saturday by
com ing up from California accompan­
ied by a bride. She was Dalla MiSlrod
Strdhg, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. E. Strang, who loft Coquille a
couple o f years ago to make thair
homo on a ranch near Montague, Cal­
ifornia. . The young people were mar­
ried at Yraka on the eleventh inpt.,
and came north on their wedding trip,
•topping a couple o f days to visit the
groom ’s sister at Harrisburg, Ora.
They w ill visit hare fo r a few weeks
and than return to Montague, Mr.
Toator being associated with 'Hr.
Strang in the ranch there.
Both these young people have a boat
o f friends in and around Cocjuille who
are heartily congratulating them and
Hxtcndiag best wishes and tha Ban-
tine! join t in wishing a long and proa-
parous life together fo r these popular
young people.
0 - . ------ 1___ S A
Own Your H on*
Coquille City ia a good place to
build M. Sengstacken can furnish
you the sites at a low pries and upon
your own ton es.
T Ö V ffiR S M S H E R A
kn ocks mirar dey çlo<m —
v\ÄTSk\— lr3o « cocked hat
A J.70W «cag V
Pomona County Granfe
County Pomona Grange win bold
its annual masting at tim W Adm an
ball in Coquille Thursday, January
26 at 10 o’clock a. m. fo r the por­
pora o f sleeting und installing at-
Hears. A ll Fourth degree member«
are invited to be present. P. 8. Robi-
the Bomaiv writer, however, mentions
nue Gabo re as “the tallest man that
hath been seen In our ago." Be
measured nine feet nine Inches la
height. Patrick Cotter, who died In
MOO, eras probably the tallest Irish­
man; he measured eight feet seven
inches, beating his coaatrymsn Charles
O'Brien, whose skeleton In the mu­
seum o f the Royal College of Bur
geoos. London, measure* eight foot
four Inches only.
“So Well-shaped for Paring
Your hands don’t tirs using a kuifa Jbhat’a correctly shap
Keen, lasting edged make m k faster and easier.
For pairing and cutting u ^ u i t and,vegetables get a W
cheater knife. It wiU nave time and labor.
Woman Slavery In Chins.
Two Popular W inchester
Until recent rears slavery, roalnri
amongst girls, was firmly estab­
lished In China. In 1913 a law was
passed that no glri need remain a
slave who desired her freedem
While very many girls availed them
selves at their legal freedom, many
others remained In bondage, probably
willing slaves. Inasmuch aa their
liberty would have left them stranded
and without any mesne of earning a
Although the law atill
stands. It Is a dead letter. Women
•fid girts are more or Ism openly sold
•very day, .some aa wives or conce
Cut-off Blade—Slotted
A handy all­
purpose knife for the
A fine vege­
table knife
O ther W in ch ester K nives fo r Every Use
• 1W ~~
Coquille Hardware Co