The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 25, 1921, Image 1

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, Exhibits Made By Coquille
$ Men at Corn Show
Last Week
aide o f
the first booth w a s
F R ID A Y . N O V E M B E R 25.
th e
Snowbound Trains
Snow three feet deep and then coat­
ed with sleet played hob with the
triln s along the Columbia valley be­
tween the Dalles and Portland the
first o f the week. A t least five pas­
senger trains were marooned from
Saturday night until last Tuesday
night, with glides to the front and
slides to the rear. In one way or an-
•t the w est
other the passenger j were all fed} but
oR ^
trmjn at MaltnomssK Falls right
Lum ber Co. flan
1 'gfcby bunches o f sh }n g os
!kh a silo model in the center
f/model cottage surrou. led by
More Corn Exhibits—Apples in Great Va­
riety—Everything Indicates Fall Corn
Show Will Become a Permanency
O. W alk er and P. T. Ramsey.
Love philters, nursing and advertis-
ng, were all discussed as possible
l Holley and H aw th orn berries, did
means o f catching the much desired
work fo r that organization
man, but all else was forgotten when
Irtceived $36 in m em bership dur-
C R. Barrow, as Prof. Pinkerton, ap­
1 Iks two days o f the a ffa ir— also
peared on the scene with his elixir of
i s severe cold.
life, and a machine capable o f trans-
Partners ft M erchants Bank
— .
____ forming the most hideous, toothless
Mtrite s display w ith corn, corn
streamers and pumpkins, the old hag into a vision o f «beauty, grace
It emphasized the advice to
joor pennies and open a Sav-
and accomplishments.
M any o f the
sisters passed through this wonder
T he tw o ja r s filled working machine, each coming out a
P«Bies w as another attraction renovated woman— even the poor dog,
I»Pt everybody guessing.
Fido, returning as a string o f bologna
Mountain States P o w e r Com - Once too much brunette elixir produced
s colored lady, Mrs. Frank Schram,
~w«r wiwi coo King u e i.iu u .w -- . but that error w as quickly rectified by
W their dem onstrator, M rs. G a l- a fe w more drops o f elixir.
. .The performeis who emerged trans­
h*d a batch o f biscuit on
---------- *” '*
formed were L y ls Holloway, o f M yr­
•D the time.
T h e decorations
tle Point, who gave a fine exhibition o f
i yellow and green crepe paper.
dancing; Mrs. E ula Perrott, who ren­
> ft Johnson had a corner booth
dered a couple o f selections on the
9 framework in fro n t in the
piano, Mrs. F. C. M cNelly and Irma
• *f » mammoth ru b b e r tire. In-
who sang delightfully; and
,e * ' re8 si»nply a bran d n ew and Wilson, who ssng aeiiKuuuii/,
. «U debaker.
T h e booth w as D ens Ellingsen, who surprised anden-
’ —
tertained the large audience with an
exhibition o f contortion. She was ss
'W e s .
fairy and yet strong
Son cam e to th e fron t graceful as a
U - 1 5 * r i c M Redhrtor Com»- enough to enable Miss Holloway to
8rlor ^ rc°T *j which fu r - walk across her body as she lay sus-
18 Practically a. furnace pended with her head on one chair and
her feet on another.
’ room in the house. T h e ceil-
The last act was one which broke up
'their booth w a s the Star
the show when Mrs. Brandon demand-
to be changed into a man. Nothing
Coquille Hardware company emerged from the machine following
• walls o f th eir double booth
her entrance but a lot o f fem ale wear-
* large platform
fillin g ita
B apparel.
» c e lined and covered with a
So great was the demand that the
««•p íe te
line o f W inchester
epenter’s tools, fish ing j show be repeated that the members o f
the csst were summond late Saturday
•Bd pocket cutlery.
evening and another performance pro­
*®*nPerson Coal rv»,,.
to the throng which
the month ! Company
1 W e o f hi
th eir coal » i n e «ented at 7 : 3 0 ---------
ack diam onds, show - I pocked Gould s’ H all again that n igh t
1 IBslity o f
1 Wound it.
their product acat-
ft Gould had a booth draped I
Clean-op Squad Tuesday
The Clean up Squad fo r all claims
ciated that the home talent play,
First prise, Beal Seal, Coquille;
“ Deacon Djubbs,” o f which the Sentin­ second, J. D. Breuer, M yrtle Point;
el told last week, ran fo r three nights, third, W m . Richardson, Coquille.
the house being packed again Friday
Lot 18 W inter Transparent
night, as it would also have been Sat­
F irst prise, Bert Seal, Coquille.
urday hut foi-^the failure o f the elec
Lot 17 Rubicon
trie lights that evening. Despite that
F irst prise, B ert Seal, Coquille;
handicap the Old Maids Convention
Lot 18 Fell Beauty
was also repeated that evening, to the
Second prise, L. A . Law hom , M c­
delight of a large audience.
With so successful a show as was
L et 18 W agners
staged here last week, the time for
Second prise, L. A . L aw h om , M c­
talk about a permanent building for Kinley.
the Corn Show has passed and the
~ L e t 88
time for action has arrived. W e feel
Second prize, J. L. Laird, Bridge.
-sure we shall have to tell during the
oming year things that have been
accomplished in this line tether then
give space to pipe dreams,
Lot 1 10 Ears Yellow Dent
First prize, L. J. Roberts, Bridge;
McKinley ;
third, Em ery Robbins, Broadbent.
Lot 2 10 E ars W hite Dent
First prize, J. T. Everaden, Bridge;
second, L.
M. A asen,. H a ll’*
third, T. F. Lane, Coquille.
Lot 3
10 E ars Flint
First prize, T. M. Stover, Myrtle
Lot 4 10 E ars Pop
First prize, Loise Marcy, McKinley;
second, S. K. Hatcher,' Fairview;
third, Gene Robbins.
Lot 5 10 E ars Sweet
First prize, Peterson Bros, A rago;
second, J. C. W iley;
W alter
' Lot 8 100 E ars Yelolw Dent
First prize, Arthur Brown, McKin­
Lot 21
F irst prise, H ard y Mast, Lee.
h ot 22 Delicious
F irst prise, S. D. Pulford, Coquille.
Lot 14
Second prize, C. C. Hatcher, F air-
view; second, C. W . Hohnatrom, M c­
C 3 S r f •
,ne° t
lander and E. D . W eb b w aa good, the
clog dancing by M r. M cAllister w as
exsellent and the banjo w ork o f Tom
Sumerlin, Herbert Lukens and John
M artin w as very enjoyable. The- U t ­
ter pUyed a duet all by himself, using
the banjo, and harmonica fo r instru
nejgs, and although the impression
prevails that one o f the other banjo
artiste assisted him, he waa playing
both instruments at on* and the asm *
Interesting bren ts of the Corn
Carnival Here Are Detailed
.In Full
v ‘
Am ong the »porta here last Satur­
day afternoon the team palling con­
test aroused by fa r the greatest inter­
est and kept a b ig crowd at M yrtle
The following were the owners o f
the ten teams entered fo r the test:
N ile Miller, J. L . Stevens, O. C.
H arry , W ill»'Peart, Campbell ft N o r ­
ton, A . N . Ames, J. A . Jackson, John
Hickham, Frank Zelio and A1 Martin.
The weight to be pulled w as a stout
sled ton or twelve feet long loaded
with scrap iron, an immense cog wheel
and enough more to make a pretty
stiff pull. In addition to this ten or
a dozen men climbed on and then~if. -
the team got away with that sort o f a
handicap there were more men at
hand to make all the w eight wanted, jm
The ground was soft from the re­
cent rains and in some plaqes muddy,
but not a team flinched. E very on*
pulled fo r every pound it was worth
men mote and I'll bet 826 they pull
The live weight load w as aasily v ar­
ied to proportion it to the weight and
muscle of the teams, and so great w m
thst the bystanders
crowded around in a small circle and
it waa with difficulty a space w m kept
Those in the rear ranks were all the
while lamenting their inability to aeq,
and regretting the lack o f a grand
stand— one that la felt here every
Coquille has no need to import com­
year, and often between while.
edians or tragedians, with such
The winning teem w m N ile M iller’s
arra y o f local talent as appeared at
roan anfi black and the second prise
the three entertainments last week.
went to J. L. Stephens’ bays, M H
will be noted from the table below
• The corn husking contests last Sat
giving the weight and load and load
[p er pound o f the four beet teems:
with net as many contestants as usual.
Owner o f Teem
W t.
Load Load
E rnie Folsom w on first prise In the
in lbs.
per ft
men’s event, and a man from K a n ­
N ile M iller
7917 8.472
sas, whose name w e have not learned,
J. L. Stephen*
10048 8441
waa second.
H e said he has Just
Norton ft Campbell 8118
9186 2460
finished husking 1900 bushels back
A. N . Ames
7474 2421
It w ill he observed that the differ-
In the ladies’
ence in (a id par pound pullad b y fftb
Schroeder wea first, and Mrs. John
first two teams w m only .081 or thir­
Epperson, of Riverton, second.
ty-one thousandths o f a pound, or 1* m
The husking bee w a s not up to ad­
than h alf an ounce. It might looh m
vertised specifications, soms ona hav
If the first and second prises o f |50
ing m ad* aw ay with the sack o f red
and 110 ought to have been pooled end
ear*, and it was not until after the
divided between these teams; bat the
dance had begun that they were locat­
winning team pulled its load more
ed a t the foot o f the stairs at Goulds’
easily showing that H could readily
have done considerably more. W e ore
The old-fashioned barn dance w as
Informed that both these team* devel­
very keenly enjoyed b y a great many
oped their marvelous pulling power
o f tb * elder revelers and it w m not
by exercise In the cedar lumber camp
till after midnight that the fldT*
up thu river on the other side.
hushed end the hall deeerteri;
N o one eai) over that thie contest
w tsn ’? a dean and sportsmanlike one.
M ’l
Log Sawing Con tost
ley; second, Edward Casey, Bridge;
third, L . J. Roberts, M yrtle Point.
Lot 7 108 Ears W hite Dent
Straw berries;
First prise, J. T. Everaden. Bridge; A ra g o ,
second, L. M. Aasen, H a ll’s Creek; 8chroeder, Ripe Raspberries;
third, T. F. Lane, Caquflle.
L et 8 Smoky D e a l
ye a r
it 17118*1 B flW lblr to make
Old M aids’ Convention laat Baturday a start with a straight pull a sidswise
night w as a dandy. Jack Lam b per- one proved effective.
W h an ana team easily walked a w a y
ormed the duties o f intertocutor in a
yery creditable manner, the singing o f with its four ton load, the owner en­
J a y Smith, Russel M organ, A r t Se- thusiastically exclaimed: “ Put on five
Before the teem pulling contest wm
nearly done, the woodsmen began to
tackle the b ig fir le g about tw o feet
■ diameter that had been provided
fo r the sew in g contest. W illiam M a r­
tin made the first cut in three minutes
Kinley; second, C. W . Holmstrom, M c­ two anJ two tenths seconds; John
H ughes tried next and went through
it in three m inute« and thirty-seven
B E E T S A N D C A B B O T 8 D IY . D
hundredths seconds; than O. W . M c­
L e t 2 W hite Carrots
ill went into action and surprised
F irst prize, M rs. Tom 'Drane, P ark ­
ersburg; second, Clausen Bros., Co­ the timekeepers by doing his bit in
2 minutes, thlrty-nino and one-hun­
dredth seconds.
L et 4
M angel Beets
N o one seemed ambitious to try to
Second prize, T. P. Hanly, Coquille.
low er that record, more especially m
F o r L argest Yield per Square Red
R. H . Christensen, Bandon, carrots, they w ere w orking down the lo g and
It looked m if every cut waa e little
877 lbs. per sq. rod.
Tw o
C. M. Conner, North Bend, carrots, b ig g e r than the one before.
ms o f two men each entered for
871 lb s per sq. rod.
John Carl, A ra g o , carrots, 822 lbs. the double prise. T h t first team eon
•isted o f Charlaa W igan t and John
C. M. Conner, mangel yield, 821 lbs.
Stone; the tecond o f A lb ert Gulstrom
per sq. rod.
and - ■ - - Charlton. The latter went
through in one minute and 14 seconds
N o Frizes Given
T . H. Hanly, Tomatoes; M rs. Tom
T h e Stock Up Kid
Drane, Ground*Cherries; L. A . L ew -
a man ia more stuck up be­
horn, Quince; J. 8. Stem «cypher, C ab­
bage; 8. K. Hatcher, Onions; C. A . fore he is married than after. The
Pettingill, Chestnuts; Gas Schroeder, reverse seems to b e the ease with Bill
Tuesday m orning he w m
Gu» Zinner.
Fred daubing paste on the Liberty theatre
V a s t , Pumpkins ft Squaeh; P. A . L ax , bill board in front o f the Variety Shop
Pum pkins ft Squash; Geo. C l inker- in the rain, when suddenly his feat shot
heard. Pum pkin» ft 8quash; T . F . oat from under him an the slippery
First prize, R. Chrstensun, Parkers­
which ex-service men have against the
Lone, Pumpkins ft Squash; W . W .
government will be in Cdquilie next burg.
SflTldêffe '
Let 9 18« E ars Smoky D rat
own Tuesday, Nov. 29, and all such claims
F irst prize, R. Christensen, P ark ­ {C O R N C O O K E D F O O D P R O D U C T S
Variety Stm*. ,
should be presented to them a t the
1st, Ken tuck Inlet, M rs. A . W hite,
T N are, n o , j ! i
° W®? “ mpIe* city lu ll. They will lie there all day
Bend; 2nd, Coquille W om en’s
Chib, M rs. T . B. Carrie, Coquille;
interest the
F irst prise, L ot 9, Pride o f Multno­
The night train between Portland
* the ■; morning a ft e r Santa
mah, C. A . Pettingill, Coquille; —
and^Marshfield has been discontmued
P M »-)
and. Lot S, Netted Gem , “
account of weather conditions.
m third
w as a v e r * * «
Lam ps alone
1 Two Guessing Contests
The two glass jars, sealed together
and fu ll o f pennies, in the Farm ers
ft Merchants Bank booth at the C ora
Show w as the object o f considerable
speculation and some wild flights o f
imagination. A $5 prise w as offered
fo r the one guessing the nearest to
the actual number contained. /There
were 682 guesses registered, and
they ranged from 600 to 10,000,000.
W hen the pennies were counted Mon­
day it w a s found the jars contained
H. V. Holverstott w as the
Bros, B ridge; third, Lot 3, F ill B as­ 4427.
closest with a guess o f 4444, and Su­
ket, L. Aasen, A rago.
sie Halladay, o f Bandon, w as next
with 4469 guessed.
Lot 1. Summer Rose
In' the booth o f the City Cleaners
F irst prise, J. D. Benham, Fair-
ft Tailors, a cylindrical glass ja r
view; second, Mrs. M ary F. Hartley,
filled with kernels o f corn, likewise
Broadbent; third, Em ery Robbins,
drew several hundred guesses, ra n g ­
ing up to-12,000. There w ere b y ac­
Lot 2 Rhode la land Greenings
tual Count 1966 kernels. W . S. G ra ­
F irst prise, J. E . Breuer, M yrtle
Point; second, C. C. Hatcher, Fair- ham guessed the closest a t 1961; V .
N . Call, second, 1967; Z. C. Strang,
view; third, W . O. M atthew*, Fair»
third, 1976. They won prises o f 6
months, three months and one month
L o t 6 Spitsenbergs
cleaning and pressing service free.
F irst prise» S. D. Pulford, Coquille;
second, L. A . L a whom , McKinley;
third, S. D. Breuer, M yrtle Point.
Lot 4 Rome Beauties
First Prize, H. L. Hansen, M cKin­
ley; second, E. E. W eekly, B ridge;
>n tj,e wood8 with fuel plenty on all
gj(jes t^ e flreg were allowed to go out
.t ,
tit 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon, and
The Corn Show this year housed
th e. passengers went to bed as night in Graham A Sons concrete garage—
¿ ¿ w in g « « " b o r in * back*
fell to keep w a r m .' , - •
or the new west half of it— had thia
i« f firs * t the re ar. .
a good deal more of an aspect o f
w as th at o f the Coquille
£>,— fe i t a r in g the M on- line w as laid to furnish water for the permanency than it did a year ago
engine so that the steam fo r the radi- when the leaky tent in which it w as
Keileeble range. Linoleum on alorg couid he kept up and toe little
located gave one the impression that
t a Z w d checkerboard Unoleum
store furnished at least crackers and it was about “ the last run o f shad.”
( gidee gave this, booth a very , heege an<j co(fee to allay the pangs
It was not only in the building which
o f hunger.
gave the display so fine a setting,
Hudson D ru g store showed
Three days in the snow banks with­ however,'but in the largely increased
drug store items with
in an hour's ride of Portland was cer­ entries o f corn and other products
of holly running around the
tainly a remarkable experience and and the bigger prizes offered as well
i vhh a very p leasin g effect.
me that those who experienced it will as the psychology of this “seventh an
k*> Groceteria featured
nual” event that the feeling arose
------ ----------------- " vet be detailing to their grandchild-
■ mb in a pen
that the show had gone over the top,
I moth and samples o f groceries
and there need be no further queation
The bear proved a steady at-
as to its future being assured.
' •
here. . .
The entries of corn numbering 46
n’s “R ex a ir, d ru g
were banked two feet in width on the
| "Pureteet” products In white
sloping sides of a table fifty feet in.
third. E. E. Weekly, Bridge,
that emphasized the pur-
length, and on the high level between
L ot 5 Baldwins
Epsom salts occupied the
them were plates of apples represent­
First prise, J. W . Laird, Coquille;
A s quaint, old-fashioned and true to
of honor with boric acid, cas
ing nearly all the varities grown in
I, etc.— all cleansing p rep ara- life a bunch o f old maids as ever as­ the county. Below the corn on each second. H ardy M ast, L ee; third.
A. Lawhom , McKinley.
HoHy border w a s in evidence sembled anywhere was the one at side in troughs a foot wide and six
Lot 4 Northern Spy
Goulds’ H all last Friday evening,
inches.deep were the vegetable dis­
First prise, Roes Kistner, Coquille;
1 ^ F o lso m had a very prettily
plays, while at the front end a number
second, Fred M ast, M cKinley; third,
I booth featu rin g shoes, with staged. The makeup of each separate o f show cases were filled with thq^
J. M. W egner, Broadbent.
paper stream ers above and spinster w as a scream and the faith­ cooked food and corn producta exhi­
L ot 9 Jonathai
ful portrayal of some old maid char­
M i decorations below,
bits, testifying very impressively to
First prise, E. E . Weekly, Bridge.
C leaners ft T a ilo rs made acteristic made the show a most inter­ the culinary skill o f Coos county’s
■ L ot 8 V irg in s Beauty
Clothes their principal appeal esting one throughout.
The large variety o f
Second prize, Fred Mast, McKinley;
ilsd cornfed can ary birds in a
dessert viands here shown looked
Lot 12 Bine Pearm ain
li but so fa r from the g la s s j a r of business session o f the old maids’ club mighty appetising to any one w ith a
First prize, W .
another part o f the "hxB H t
normal appetite.
second, G. W . Halter.
qr couldn’t get together with- lesire to catch a man— with a single
A t the opposite end there was a b ig
Lot IS Gravensteins
rxcption. This was Mrs. Frank Dun- showing of cicken corn; and the corn
Second prise, L . A . L aw horn.
Walker featured an almost
exhibits overflowed into the troughs
Lot 7 Bell Flow er
-e. The vegetable entriep included
i baby in s cradle and the mod- would “not marry at «11, at all,” much
First prise, L . A . Law hom , M cKin-
jmpkins, cabbage, squash, sweet po-
fsitsamboat w ith some m illinery
. . .
ley; second, J. M. W agner, Broadbent;
who ostracized her as a consequence.
rthar goods.
tatoes, onions, carrots, and beets, t h « | third, W m . Richardson, CoquUla.
The membership roll included the two latter species in stock feeding
I . Schroeder ft Sons showed
L ot 18 Roxbury Russets
on s revovling stand, clock hairman, Mrs. Rose Newman, whose samples of mammoth proportion.
First prise, Fred Mast, M cKinley;
. The growing interest in poutlry was
a manicure set, ate., ju st s •triking beauty should have attracted
iond, H ard y M ast, L o t; third, L . M.
tome attention from the men to whom | manifest in the space given, to
i s jew elry store.
A rago.
-Busy C om er -w ent stron g on 'he*sang so pointedly; Mrs. C. A. Boy- department at the front o f the build
L ot 11 K in g
is, secretary; Mrs. Susie Folsom ing, where there were 26 coops of
I what is m ade o f It— a full
First prise, C. H . W illoughby, Re­
birds and much could be learned about mote; second, L . J. Cary, Coquill*;
the contents o f another in a Measurer; and Mesdames Jas. Rich
the w ay to make them moet profitable, third, W . O. Matthews, Fairviow.
shite heap on th e flour, and mond, A . N . Gould, Abbie Kelley, El
wood, Harvey, Viola Collier, E va Cur­
The carnival, entertainment and
i of broad,
Lot 14 Cooo River Beauties
ie, A , T . Morrison, W . C. Chase, Chas sports features o f the show are treat­
booth o f the Independence
"■'F irst prise, C. C. Hatchet, Fair-
f, which came next is the sub- Crouch, Frank Dungey, Wilson, Hal ed elsewhere, and it speaks strongly view.
Tiers«, W . G. Brandon, Ed. Lorenz, A {-of 4 b « way in which, they were appre­
. Ma K. Owen a t the Red Cross
, s very artistic affair, decorated
T he sports at the Cora Show last
week attracted a groat deal o f atten­
tion end the larger purses hung up
for each event brought out a goodly
number o f contestants.
F rid ay afternoon the corn fodder
race fo r farm ers was Won by W . P.
W oodward, o f M yrtle Ponit, with E l­
mer N eely second, out o f an entrance
o f ten.
W oodward a lio won the free fo r ell
hundred yard dash, against four
others In 12 seconds. Ennis W eekly
ran second.
Miss Alete Ahlson won the Needle
and Thread race fo r school teachers
and its |3 prise in 21 second*. Mrs.
R. E. McCormick w as sseond. Both
teach in the Coquille schools.
Jimmy Auguatino won the 76 yard
fo r boys under 12 years, with E a rl
Hamilton second.
Eight men eraaysd to climb the
86-foot rope dropped from the top
of the Farm ers ft Merchants beak
building, but only one, A rt Selander,
made a go of It.
He touched the
beam at the top in 26 seconds frooi
sitting « t a r t
He came back to
•urth like a shot and burned one at
his finger« quite badly in the des­
cent. jD th e r* who tried K were W i l ­
bur Alter, who climbed over 20 feet,
Gene Nbklcr, Ray Long, Elm er M e-
Cue, W P. Woodward, L. J. Smith and
walk, the paste pet he held in his hand Ernest Hatcher.
The novelty boxing contort prize
started skyward and than came down
snftgly and protectingfy over W il­ w m split between Ray L on g and
| Che». Oerding. Seated on a lo g six
liam ’s head, from which bis bat bad
feet above the ground, the contest­
Jampirtg to his feet the
“«tuck-up-ldd* m ade e wild dash fo r ants in this event
the seclasion and privacy o f e nearby
•«. oozing paete a t every jaasp.
(Continued on third yoga.)
Ï ‘' X