The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 11, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    PA ^t
ASPIRIN is a useful chemical, being prescribed con­
stantly by skilled physicians for treatment o f rheu-*
matic affections, neuralgia, colds and certain types o f
ASPIRIN U. D. Co. Tablets are made by the Unit­
ed Drug Co., Boston, whose agents are the Rexall
Stores everywhere. The chemical us&Tis always of
the very highest grade and the tablets may, therefore,
be depended upon with confidence to yield the maxi­
mum beneficial results thg£ may be expert.<vi from the
use of Aspirin. .
Fraudulently made Aspirin Tablets were put on
the market by a Brooklyn concern. This has been ex­
ploited by one concern for the purpose o f discrediting
all tablets o f Aspirin made . by others.
The public
should know that w6, as reputable druggists, have
never handled any but Aspirin o f the highest grade.
The Aspirin patent expired in 1917 and any one
can now make .Aspirin and-sell it under that name.
Our customers may depend upon it that Aspirin
U. D. Co.— sold at Rexall Stores only—is everything,
that the most careful, most discriminating and skillful
physician could demand.
,. -
In Packages o f 12*8, 24’s and 100’s
its from f u h r m a n s
it ï r / c , h t
Don’t Miss It
Seventh Annual Com Show
Nov. Y8-19 is the Time
Coquille is the Place
Visit our store while in Town
and get acquainted
We are always glad to see you
The Stove Store
We are here to serve you with Guaranteed Goods of^Quality at prices that
are unquestionably right. The cost o f each item in this store is carefully
figured and a reasonable profit i^ded- We. are not operating a charitable
institution or a lottery—Just a good well-stocked, live grocery store—
where you pay for What you get and GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.
I peets to move there soon.
I Rev. Mr. Nolen, evangelist from
Idaho, and Rev. Mr. Shumard, singer,
I from Long Beach, California, a n
here holding revival meetings at the
I U i, E. church South, this week. ^
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Jennings mo­
tored over to Marshfield Inst Monday.
M m Albert Bridge and aon, Alden,
Mrs. Wpi. Brady and son, Elton, left
| the latter part o f last week fo r Grants
[Pass fo r a short visit with relatives
Mrs. Johnson cams down' from B.•»
croft last Thursday to take her lit­
tle daughter, Edna, who is deaf to
the Institute fo r Unfortunate Child­
ren at Salem.
Little Margaret Chase, who has
been ill with.typhoid fever, is suffer­
ing & relapse.
The W. C. T. U. hefd a very inter-
I eating meeting last Tuesday at the
[home o f Mrs. Harry Guerin. The sub­
je ct under discussion was Child W el­
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Dement are at­
tending tbs Stock Show in Portland
this week.
F. E. McKenna was-here last Tues­
day on business fo r the Mountain
I States Power Off.
Msr. John Carver and Mrs. A . A.
Sc briefer made a trip to Marshfield
Tuesday to do some shopping.
Engineer D. L. Buckingham is here
doing some surveying along the city
water „ystem.
Mrs. Bridge Young, o f this place, is
running the cook house fo r the Shin­
gle Mill on Catching Creek.
The grammar school gave an Arm­
istice day program iiuAhe Woodman
hall Thursday afternoon. Each grade
furnished part o f the entertainment.
Mrs. J. H. Roberts fell lost week,
spraining her wrist quite seerelyv and
braising her face.
Our hligh school boys will meet
Bsndon on their gridiron Armistice
Service Is Given You
To the fullest extent that economy and good business will ju stify and when
you are temporarily short o f cash we extend to you credit fo r a reasonable
time to the amount that your past record for fair dealing in the commun­
ity in our opinion entitles you. In this way you r own good reputation is
an asset to you and the community.
We are Interested in You and Your Affairs
and take an active part in the upbuilding o f the community. Help pave
yonr streets and build your churches, schools and roads.
In short it is
our endeavor to be just the kind o f an institution you are proud to have
as a part o f your community.
And Last but not Least your children can get the same bargain here, that yoif
yourself can.
------ — ■
--------- ——— ——>■------
3 Phones— Call 69
all the w ay
line o f Quality.
Red Crown gasoline ia al­
w ays dependable because H
supplies a continuous stream
o f power from the beginning of
the trip to the end. Reedy start-
ing, a rapid pick-up and greater
mileage— these are the results
you get when you use “ Red
V» You will find “ Red Crown*
throughout the Pacific Coast,
at you r neighborhood and other
Standard Oil Service Stations,
•t garages and at other dealers.
Look for the Red Crown sign
before-you fill.
Potato digging is being rushed fn
Hallowe’en at McKinley
Brewster Valley these days. J. D.
On the last evening o f October a
Laird has from 8 to 9 acn e. N eedy
every place in the valley ia in the po­ long line of cars was parked in front
tato business more or less, the small­ of the McKinley hall. Inside, the
er patches running from an s e n to
an acre and a half, and from the dig­ porch was lit with grinning jack*
ging that has been done it is probable oTantems and guarded by two husky
that a safe estimate would be not far ghosts with big shoes peeping out
from under their scary white robe«.
from 100 sacks to the acre.
The inside o f the hall was as weird
Mr. Flitcrcrft, -o f Coquille, went up
the outside, with jack-o’lanterns
Monday evening for a Mad.
That Salem preacher, who found everywhere, and the rosiest of old
hhneetf caught in the c o ls o f the witches bobbing around to greet all
white slave law, did not get caught comers, with her black cat and the
in the nooae by accident, ft was a broomstick she prefers to a car.
Booths had been arranged along
studied and premeditated game he
played and'W hile he had saved his the end of the halL In one o f these
reputation up bo that time his char­ a mysterious gypsy woman—no one
acter was rotten, for It h reported knows where she came from , unless
be told the girl 'she would have to. it was a house down the road a ways
take the blame.” The judge handed —told the moat blood-curdling fo r­
tunes for only three cents, and «worth
it to him good and proper.
The strikers concluded it Is not tw ice the price. In another a light­
wise to strike. How long oro men ning artist took likenesses for two
going to be controlled by men whose cents, as good as some crayon por­
chief interests in them are the col­ traits I have seen.
In other booths, in charge of Hen­
lected dues on which they fatten as
ry Hansen and Mrs. Lawhom, a cafe­
labor union “ officiaJeA
When nations get over toting guns teria lunch of coffee, wienie sand­
to do the other fellow, the great per­ wiches, apple and pumpkin pie and
centage o f taxes for war that we hear fresh cider was served.
The ghosts walked just before sup­
so much about may be reduced. These
folks, who are shouting so much per and the old Hallowe’en Stunts of.
about the money cost of war forget jumping over candles, bobbing for
the credit ride that is not figured m apples, and other tricks kept the par­
money, only by the Germans. On ty merry till a late hour.
The proceeds from supper and
the credit side of the Revolution is a
birth o f a new nation. On the credit other booths, which go to benefit the
side of the war o f 1812 the right o f Grange, amounted to about $20 above
American critisens was established. expenses.
On the credit side o f the Civil war ia
the Emancipation Proclamation, a liv­
' Interesting Subjects
ing fact and a united country. On
Evangelist Nolen ia holding a serin
the credit shio. o f the great war, a o f meetings at,'the U. B. church St
beast has been destroyed in the shop* Myrtle Point. Among the subjetes
o f Germany.
which he announce« are:
Peace and righteousness more
“ What to d o te be n v ed .” -— -
firmly established, with a look ahead
“ Jesus in Pilate’s judgment hall.”
to the time “ whew men shall learn
“ He was a good man BUT” — ~ -
v*r nir\ mAMM
That Coos River Road
“ A Pair o f Twins.”
“ Belshazsar’s F east”
“ Paul, a pastor at C orinth/
“ Did man spring from a monkey?
And If so, how fa r did he spring T”
“ A little man up a tree.”
“ Jonah and the Whale.”
“ The Second Coming.’
“ What- I would do if I were the
“ Stopped on Second.”
“ The Henpecked Husband.”
A delegation composed o f A. E.
Adelsperger, Anson Sogers, W. J.
Canned, E. W. Sulhran and John C,
Kendall came to Coquflle Monday to
appear before the county court and
confer with the roedmaster and
check the records in regard to the
Cooa River - road work, That road
district, which is No, 11, has $12,-
000 1a special tax which has not yet
been expended and the people are
anxious that the county cw nt let the
contract eo that dredging work on the
stretch from Catching Inlet to the
forks of the river can atari at once, -
Have you seen
our new stock of
Agate ¡Rings
Charms and
Loose Stones
W . H. Schroeder & Sons
Watchmaking — Engraving — ‘Jewelry Manufacturing
General Hauling
and Delivery
to all parts o f the city
M eet all Trains and Boats
Agents lor
Mansell Drayage &
Delivery Co.
Phone 101 J'
Notice is hereby given that the
dersigned, executor of the lest