The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 04, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    PAGE n C H T
People \ and
Erente in the City and
Reduced prices ^in all line« a t V.
R. Wilson’« Jewelry A Optical Shop.
Acetylene welding, , blazinig and
maehtne work a t Graham’* Gang«.
Cm ! i VAff &r
lì ^ 41 I
il ! •4 M
| If i Filri I
if. í-¡
H} ^ r r
i V.
t ffjBl
H i
Mr. and MrsT W. C. Rose were in
from their Brewster valley ranch yes­
terday. ' ,
R. A. Wernich, receiver of the Co-
quille Lumber Mills, made a business
trip to Portland on Wednesday.
Zane, Grey’s “RIDERS OF THE
DAWN" at the Liberty Nov. 8 and 9.
See the program on page three.
Get acquainted with your neighbors
during Corn Show Week. Social hour
>* every day from 8:30 to 5:00 p. ra.
Fresh eider, at 50c a gallon, deliver­
ed every Saturday. Send orders early.
Phone 602x7. Wm. Keller, Coquille.
Mrs. Ida K. Owen reports the find­
ing of a fountain pen lost at the Wo
man’s Chib dance Saturday evening.
„ *
Another case of scarlet fever devel­
oped here Wednesday among the
children attending our public schools.
T. M. Stover came down here Tues­
day from his ranch up the South Fork
with some of his fine Spitzenberg ap-
Money to Loan on City Property.
No Commissions. W. G. Wright. 80tf
- Mrs. Adelia Prichard,
the Portland Business Club, is
speak in Marshfield today, Friday,
N ot . L — — ■■_____ A
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Butler, of Pros­
1 Suicide at Powers
per, spent Sunday here with friends,
A Powers pres i dispatch aayn that
Mrs. Butler remaining over until
Mrs. J. B. Hill was killed a t 7:30
| Tueeady.
’clock Wednesday evening when
That range we offered for sale last struck by a logging train a t the edge
[ week is new on exhibition a t the Sen­ of the city. Some who were witness
tinel office. It is a South Bend Mai- ee said*Mrs. Hill stepped in front of
I leable, absolutely the best range the train and put her hands over her
made, and provided with a water eyes. The engine blew the whistle
several times but she did not heed.
An attempt Was made to stop the
The Presbyterian Ladies Bazaar is
but it was coming down grade
to be held Saturday, December 8.
and could not be stopped in time.
Bring us your hemstitching.. New The locomotive* and tw o ’cars passed
tor. Or­ >ver the woman’s body. Her he:
ders promptly filled. We can please was crushed and a foot cut off.
Bonnie Walker’s Millinery
Coroner Wilson was called to look
into the case.
Mrs. Hill was about 86 years old
Harold Lloyd in “GET OUT A GET
UNDER,” a comedy special a t the She was related by marriage to the
Liberty Nov. 8 and 9. See the pro­ family of M. E. Price a t Powers. Her
husband is sahl to be an engineer who
gram on page three.
A suite of 8-rooms, to rent, stove is now in Nevada. She has been liv­
and adjoining bath room. Light house­ ing at Powers for several months.
keeping doesn’t go. See the Sentinel.
Hillstrom Bros., who are running a
line of freight trucks from Marshfield
to Coquille aftd Myrtle Point are
erecting a warehouse 60x80 feet at
the bay for their business. The build­
ing will contaifi a garage for their
four trucks.
The screen epic of the great North­
west “RIDERS OF THE DAWN’’’ by
Zane Grey a t the Liberty Nov. 8 and
9. See the program on page three.
October furnished plenty of rain
this year, though not quite so much as
the same month last year. Over at
the Ba^ there were 8.12 inches. The
temperature ranged from 89 dSgri
on the 7th down to 37 degrees on the
Id, averaging 56 degrees.
WANTED—To lease, a dairy ranch,
~ l F to 20 cows preferable. W. A.
Sloan, Bandon,
„ -
The screen epic of th e great North­
Zane Grey at the Liberty Nov. 8 and
9. See the program on page three.
Independents to Meet
For Armistice Day
For Armistice Day the Marshfield
American Legion post at Marshfield
has arranged a tentative program
The stores in both cities will close
at eleven in the morning and Robert
Dillard said there would probably be
some patricular surprise sprung at
that hour.
In the afternoon there will be
football game between All-Stars of
the Coquille valley, and those of Coos
Bay. At six in the evening the ladies
of Coos Bay will Serve a dinner for
all ex-service men, the charge to be
placed, at a nominal figure. _ After­
wards, the jitney dance will occur in
the Firemen’s hall, ip Marshfield.
Let Us Introduce Y ou |o
The New North Bend Hotel
In our last issue we printed a pie
tuce of the Hotel North Bend, says
the Coos Bay Harbor. The contract
ors have completed the fifth story and
are now putting on the roof.
wanted to emphatically state th at all
rooms were outside rooms, as th at is
quite a drawing card for any hotel
and one seldom finds a hotel so
equipped. In our effort to make it
clear we stated exactly the opposite
One of our friends said, “Why, of
course, the rooms are op the inside
and no one will have to undress out
in the rain.”
)• will pi MM. 11 m product will
i wimtij Mad io* a «nadita^, «oft.
aalas loilal «M a.
Tw» Sam 00a - 30»
The Coquille Independent foot­
ball team is practicing every ev
ning now in preparation for their
game with the Marshfield Indepen­
dents over there next Friday, Armis­
tice Day,’ The two teams will meet
No Sweetbrier, Please
»**>" on the local field during the Corn
Approproe of what the Woman’s
Capt. Keith Leslie has been Club of Coquille has suggested in
putting the men through their paces beautifying the highway—planting
at a rapid clip and he is sure they will sweet brier on the banks of the cuts—
give a good account t f themselves. J. D. laird , of Sitkum, asks the Sen­
Besides “Brick,” those turning out for tinel to say that if the ladies will take
practice'Are Pete Miller, Ben Currie.
trip out to BreWSter and see how
Harry Oerding, Carl Johnson, Roy and the brier is taking the country out
Irvin Watson, Philip Johnson, IL.Arch­ there, he is sure they will use some
ibald, Wm. Hull, Ray Jeub, Happy
other vine for the purpose mentioned.
Smith, Wm. Howell, Harry Dement,
Over in Douglas county, between Sit­
“RIDERS OF THE DAWN,” an ex­ Mosier, Robinson and Porter.
rg, V iBVffl thft -¥tkr,
Jas. Hosldnson was released from citing and vivid story by Zane Grey
and the Tipton weed are the greatest
Harold Lloyd, king of laughter, in
Jail this week under bonds. He was
nuisances they have to contend with
indicted by the grand jury for non­ at the Liberty Nov. 8 and 9. See'the “GET OUT AND GET UNDER” at
program on page three.
the Liberty Nov. 8 and 9. See the
M- E. Church Sc^uth .
“The Truckery” is the ranch name program op page three.
Roy Stewart in “RIDERS OF THE
At 11 a. m. the pastor will discuss
which W. C. Bradley has adopted for
the“subject of “Peace—the False a n i
The Revival Meetings
S Nov.
4 ” ? 8 ”- and
1? 9.' See the program
^ | on
i r M
:i i ' S . T s T Ï ,
the True.” At 7:30 p. m. the sermon
in the house he recently built where
The interest in the revival meetings
peg» three.
the other one burned, and plans to | in the Methodist church is increasing. topic will be “Is Feeling a Safe
Dr. G. W. Leslie, oeteopathic phy­ raise all kinde of vegetables and pro-
Sunday nam ing services will be Guide?” Special music at both ser­
sician, will be a t Coquille Tuesday, duce, berries, etc., for the local and gin at 10:30. Mr. Cannady will con­ vices.
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Epworth
Thursday and Saturday 1:80 to 4:00. city market.
League devotional • service a t 6:30.
Office over Robinson’s store.
' Two divorcee were granted by young people from 10:30 tb 11. The Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening
The Marshfield and Coquille cream­ Judge Coke , in court here Tuesday. meetings will continue next week
at 7:30.
A. B. Pendleton, Pastor
eries of the Dairymen’s League are Flora E. Peters'was granted a divorce Rev. Mr. Bennett will preach tonight
now making 65,000 pounds of butter from Geo. H. Peters, and Dollie May on “Why I Believe in Preaching on
St. James Episcopal Church.
a month.
Brown was released from Henry Mack Hell.”
There will be services at 11 o’clock
Tanlac is manufactured in one of Brown and given the custody of the
Harold Lloyd in “GET OUT AND Sunday,morning in St., James Epis­
the largest and most modernly equip­ minor child for whose support h r is to
GET UNDER," a comedy special at copal Church, 100th Anniversary of
ped laboratoriec in this country. Fuhr- pay 320 a month.
the founding of the Domestic find For­
man’s Pharmacy.,
“RIDERS OF THE DAWN,” an ex­ the Liberty Nov. 8 and 9. See the
eign Missionary Society.
program on page three.
Harold Lloyd, king of laughter, in citing and vivid Story by Zane Grey
W. E. Cooper, Vicar.
"GET OUT A GET UNDER” at th e . with Roy Stewart in the stellar
LlLjrty Nov. 8 and 9. See the pro- “ the Llberty vNov ® *nd 9 See the
The screen epic of the great North­
The Bethel-Pomeroy troubles which
program on page three.
gram on page three.
E., G. Opperman this week sold his
If you want the Oregon Farmer, a
below Bandon for years are not yet Zahe Grey at the Liberty Nov. 8 and
on Spurgeon Hill to Gene Nosier.
splendid weekly family farm paper
settled. C. F. McKni^ht has filed an 9. See the program on page three.
you can get It for only 16 cents a L. M. Daniels, who has been living
° ± Bome. * %
Hoover Case Falls __
year In connection with the Sentinel. there," h « ‘ moved" ‘totoT heT ou.e Mr. \ heirs against
the allowance of $7,500
Opperman has just built north of the
against Jack Hoover, in­
___W. L. Kadderly, state leader of old Capt. Butler place, and the latter
county agents came in Tuesday morn- intends now to build a bungalow out vices to the estate. The estate was dicted by the grand jury for non-sup­
valued at $26,000 and still affords port, was dismissed on demurrer Tues­
big and spent a couple of days looking there between those two plsoes.
day because two charges were con­
good picking for somebody.
after Farm Bureau business.
Spectacles and eye glasses quickly
tained in the one indictment—failure
Thursday afternoon has been re­ end skillfully repsirsd. Broken lenses
Harold Xloyd in “GET OUT AND tp support his wife and failure to sup­
served «t the Bowling alley as “Ladies duplicated.
Optical repairs o f all GET UNDER,’’ a comedy special at port his. child. In dismissing the de­
Day” for ladies and their escorts. You kinds dons while you wait. Glasses the Liberty Nov. 8 and 9. See the murrer Judge Coke re-referred the case
can be assured of the best of order.
Attsd. By V. R. Wilson, “Optomet- program on page three.
to the grand jury.
E. J. Page left for Albany Wednei- triat.” Coquille, Oregon.
Har5W Lloyd, king of laughter, in
day evening on Mountain States Pow-
Want to Be Citizens
Hemstitching by Anna Morrison.
ef Co. business and from there intend­ Straight work, lQc; other work,
Three Coos county men have re­ “GET OUT AND GET UNDER” at
ed to go to Portland for a week to 12 He s yard, thread furbished cently declared their intention of be­ the Liberty Nov. 8 and 9. See the
Prompt attention given to Mail Or­ coming U. S. citizens: Herman T. program on page three.
Detlefsen, of Norway, a native of Ger­
No waiting for your hemstitching ders. Machine in Robinson’s Store.
Call on us for Stationery.
when taken to Bonnie Walker’s Mil­
Alice Dement, daughter of Taylor many; Albert James Pickard, who
linery Store. Service and neat work Dement, who used to write the Myrtle last August came to Marshfield from
is our motto. Let us convince you.
Point .items for the Sentinel, is now England; and Menelo Lero Camila, of
The Dairymens’ Protective Associ­ attending Sanford University and ow­
Notice is hereby given that in ac-
oordance with a Resolution duly adop­
ation will hold aimeeting at Coquille ing to the aptitude for newspaper
Wimer Brothers
ted nnd entered of record by the Su­
Tuesday, Npv. 8r at the usual hour. work which she displays she has been
of Fat Elk Drainage Dist-ric.
The new firm who recently purchas­ pervisors
Business of importance is to be trans­ selected as one of fifteen among 66
on the 1st day of November, 1921, the
ed the Noah A Son blacksmith shop Board of Supervisors of said Ditsrict
versity’a daily paper.
just west of the city hall here, are not will Teceive at the City Ilall in Co-
- Thousands of weak, run-down men
Harold Lloyd, the comedian who has only doing general hlacksmithing, etc., H’HIe, Coos County, Oregon, at any
and women have reported astonishing
time before the hour of 11 o’clock A.
gains in weight from the use of Tan- made more people laugh than any but have added to the business anoth­ M on Monday, the 12th any of De­
other star, in “GET OUT A GET UN
lae. Fuhrm an’a Pharmacy.
r b e r , 1921, sealed proposal's for the
Those :>ui chase of $10,000 v.-u. th of negotia­
DER” at the Liberty Nov. 8 and 9. pair. of automobile springs.
Dont fail to hear Miss Cooley on
needing work in that line are invited te 6% semi-annual intereft coupon
See th4 program on page three.
Clothing selection in Buying at Co­
to call on them; and they also solicit bends of said Fat Elk Drainage Dis-
“Interior Decoration,” by Miss Hel­ a continuance of the public patronage tiict in the following deren-¡nations
quille during Home Makers’ Week on
the following m auriii js, to-wit:
Wednesday afternoon, November 16. en McFail and “Efficient Kitchens” this shop has heretofore received, and ami
Ten bonds of $100.00 each, due Jan ­
by Miss A. Grace Johnson are the hope to greet many new customers. uary 1, 1924.
Broken Lenses replaced a t once.
talks for Horae Improvement Day They guarantee satisfaction.
Ten bonds of $100.00 each, due Jan­
Ju st send a piece of the broken one
uary 1, F925.
during Corn Show week, November
if I did not make your glasses.' See
- ei
Ten bonds of $100.00 each, due Jan­
18th. You can’t afford to miss these.
Marriage Licenses.
uary 1, 1926.
BIRCH and See Better. Optometrist,
Ten bonds of $100.00 each, due Jan­
Hemstitching dona whils you wait.
Oct. 28—Ivan Munson, of W;nches
Compare work with others. Satisfy ter Bay, and Pearle Wilson, of Marsh­ uary 1, 1927.
Tanlac has been an unfailing source
- Ten bonds of $100.00 each, due Jan­
your own curiosity. A1I work guar field. •
uary 1, 1928.
of comfort to millions throughout the
antesd. Prices 10 and 12 1-2 cents
Two bonds of $600.00 each, due Jan­
Oct. 31—Lloyd T. Jarvis and Lulu
length and breadth of this continent.
uary 1, 1929. ‘
Have you tried it for your troubles T per jrard. Mrs. Maybdle Ford’s Mil­ Ray, both of Myrtle Point.
Two bonds of $5^0.00 each, due Jan­
Nov. 1—Mark W. Grant and Lillian uary
1, 1930.
Wednesday Aasen A Kelley shipped
DetWiler, both of Gravel Ford. They
Two bonds of $500.00-eoch, due Jan- j
two young colts up to Allegany to do
were married the same day by ’Jus­ uary 1, 1931.
the freighting to their new lumber er both for $2.15 a year.
tice J. J. Stanley at his office here.
Four bonds of $500.00 each, due Jan­
camp near that place. The animals
uary 1, 1932.
Cooked Food Premiums
weigh about 1200 pounds each.
Dated this 3rd day of November,
New Supply of Silverware
- Substantial premiums' will be of­
„ Harold Lloyd, the comedian who has fered for the two best collections of
Reduced, prices. Buy your silver­
L. P. Branstettor.
made more people laugh than any cooked foods made from corn pro­
E. H. Hamden, 1
ware of V. R. Wilson and save money.
otAer Star, in "GET OUT A GET UN­ ducts. The displays must consist of
W. E. Cross,
DER’” at the Liberty Nor. 8 and 9. a t least ten dishes and should con­
It only costa 15 cents n o r* to gat
See the program on page three.
tain as great a variety of dishes as the Oregon Fenner when
A new shipment of ladiea’ Suits, possible made wholly or in part of for the Sentinel, and everyone
Coats, Blouses, Dresses and Skirts | corn in some form. The exhibit will it is the biggest IK cents' worth
just received today a t Bonnie Walk* be judged on variety, quality, origin- reading they ever saw. The F e n
sr’s Millinery Store.
New designs, altty. The contest is open to indhrid- is issued weekly.
aa fitted by me give perfect far and
pretty patterns and axesQent work* i uals and to women’s clubs or other
near, vision all the time. See BIRCH
«■wenupjtwl w sua wwjw S jo
First: It is sold at a mod­
erate price. You save when
you buy i t ...
Second: It has more than the
ordinary leavening strength,
therefore, you use less.
Thirdr There are no fail­
ures—-it always makes the
sw eetest most palatable of
Fourni: ■ It is used by mil­
lions çf housewives—leading
.domestic science teachers
and'cooking experts.
JMn tap Bmrnr-m»«» astiv
Fifth: It is the best Baking
Powder that can be produced. Was
given highest swards at World’s
Pure Food Exposition, Chicago;Paris
Exposition, Paris, France.
Sixth It contains only such
ingredients as have been officially
approved by the United States Food
The finest
Powder—at the" most
cost “The Biggest Bargain That
Goes into the Kitchen Today."
Pound can of Calumet contains foil
16 os. Some baking powders come in
12 oz. instead of 16 oz, cans.~Bc sure
you get s pound when you want it.
_ Nut Cootts
—4 cup
Vi cup sugar,
V4 cup
nuts, I t
lem on juics
Then mix inf
regular way*
Coquille Hardware Co
If ;; BÍIÍfjj* Î
’I f í í l y W . i
«5 I M I S f
l ì
481 ?
v i i M 'ï r l ii i
B .T i
i II'. ‘<t
A \\H '
A h f t
I ¡1:1:
Loaded. 5 hells
Winchester shot patterns are famoi
for their even spread and their hard]
hitting delivery. > No target can g<
thru the Winchester perfect pattei
r i i
Call on us for
mad Set Bettor.
r.i- •.
Marshfield, Ore.
7 n X C H £ S ttJt
sto r e