The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 04, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Guarding Against t]
of the Range-.RUst
E all know that, in addition to spoiling the
' appearance, rust is a bad thing for the
i It eats into the metals. The result is a
U and the average housekeeper “j ust can’t
(stand what did it.”
_ HE Monarch Duplex draft safeguards your
baking and-your cooking and insures uni­
form heating.
No half-burned coal or charred
wood with the Monarch Rangerv Any fuel burns
to a clean fine ash. - •
Monarch ranges are made of malleable iron,
,not cast iron, because malleable iron can be made
thinner and therefore gets to a heating point that
much quicker. Malleable iron permits the use
of riveting hammers. Neither bolts nor stove
putty are used in Monarchy That’s why they
stay tight. The Monarch features are ones which
we are desirous of demonstrating to you. There
are other “important quality and value points in
Monarchs which you should investigate in person.
i are lined with vitreoq^ enamel which cost
Monarch Company thousands of dollars to
eet Every inch of the flirt: walls has this
lent and lasting protection. The system of
eradiation made possible with Monarch con-
ction provides an equal temperature in all
I of the oven or a t any point on the range top.
See our 42 piece
Dinner Sets for
for Saturday only
One pattern of Dishes, 18 karat dull
^ Unsettled Everything
• Eugene Register prints the
taf Interesting interview with
Frederick G. Jennings, son-in-
i Ur. and Mrs. A:~3. Sherwood:
Igi George has betrayed his
kr in his failure to fulfill prom-
■sde. He waits to see which
li cat is going to jump and then
i the eat to it.
i far from having gained ‘the
t industrial conditions are worse
Wfwt the war.
certain restlessness among the
H people of 'th e agricultural
lb, hot more especially in the
astsrt of population, is all too
“It is a common sight to see crc
of willing workmen unable to find
ployment beseiging the doors of. the
‘poor relief’ offices for a miserable
(Continued from first page.)
dole insufficient to keep body and soul
together, or as an alternative, begs
ging in the streets. What an end of
thi3 will be no man can tell. The
population is in a state of anxious ex­
These are the high-lights of the im­
pressions gleaned by Mr. Jennings
j during his stay in his troubled home-
| land. The sentiment in regard to Ire­
lan d is briefly, he said, “that Ireland
I has had all offered to her that she
can expect.” ;
. •
Many experiences were crowded into
the Eugene rector’s two months of
travel which carried him many thou-1
sands of mile«.- From being at first
refused a passport because one Fred­
erick Jennings, a “.red,” ^was denied
one in pre-war days, to'christening
twp babes on the passage eastward on
the Empress of France his «exper­
iences run.
In Chicago he spoke to the Kiwanis
club and again on his return before
the New York Kiwanis. His stay in
Bngland where he was called early in
August by the illness of his mother,
who is now improved, was enlivened
by a visit at Beau Desert, Lord An­
glesey’s estate. During his absence
Mrs. Jennings and her infant son vis-
ited in Coquille with her- parents andI
in Portland with her sisters.
uiioes were snout tne worst we ever
L kaw served anywhere.. This was due
tortile fact that none of the new crop
. were yet available ih Canada at this
. time and so late in July the vintage of
t 1920 wouldn’t pass mruster anywhere.
The waiters on the steamer were,
g college students wnose vacation peri-
n od nearly coincided with the season
3 for steamer travel on th* lake—from |
t June until September. 'They were
f pretty good boys, too, and as accom­
modating as lively sense of tips to
, come could make them,
For some time we viewed the smil-
t ing scene along shore as we sailed up
> to Port Arthur, which is also a pretty I
little city, with more elevators and
. indications of busy traffic.'
i Turning our prow seaward at last
, we kept compsny for some time with
• Isle Roysle, whose great sise war-]
i rants that high sounding cognomen.
’ As the afternoon wore away on these
’ almost unruffled summer seas the I
’ shores began to grow dim and faded I
i to the vanishing point. Then, is the
sun sank slowly in the west we had
again, as on St. Georges Straits the
first of the week, the experience of
being out of eight of land—on a
shoreless sea.
The boats of this line sre like ocesn-
going steamers, in fact they were
built on the Clyde in Scotland and the
Kewatkin’s first voyage was a trans­
atlantic one. They are large and well
n are somewhere about one
Trespasa Notice
U f Billions registered as un­
gun club has
fed in England and an equal
all of
r who have from pride refrain-
the land previously owned by Russ
All Hunting and
i feeling of resentment is em- and Branstetter.
i when ex-service men remem- Trespassing is forbidden.
China Camp Gun Club
•yd George’s repeated promises 41t4
: the war that one of its effects
i aake Britain a land ‘fit for
Vulcanizing and battery service at
tottve in.’
Graham’s Garage.
number of pieces you want,
Take the
Scenic Shasta Route
Sunny Southern
Through Sleeping Car Service
Sacramento—San Francisco
Los Angeles
offers all the comforts of modern travel
Convenient schedules, observation cars, and excellei
other features of the Shasta Route.
Round Trip
W inter Excursion Tickets
Reduced Fare
For tickets and information ask Agents, or write
Many small tires are made on a lighter scale
than are the larger sizes—the purpose being
to tu rn out a product for factory equipment
or for the buyer who is gufted by price only.
Sm&l^size Michelins, on the . other hand, are
made proportionately-just as sturdy as the
tyg sizes. The 30 x 3 1-2 Michelin, for in­
stance, is over 8-4 of an inch thick through
tread and carcass.
The result is unequalled economy, for the
user. Try Michelins and prove it for your-
p. m. standard time. We had never
before seen the sun set so late, but we
had ju st turned our watchee forward
an hour at Ft. William.
Although it was still “berths" and
not beds in our stateroom, the quar­
ters were a good defl more Commodi­
ous than on the—Pullmans we were
about to saY, but that name doesn't
„pply to the Canadian sleepers on
which he had slept the three previous
Southern Pacific Lines
General Passenger Agent
surrounding«, combined with excel-
In the morning we found the lake
dotted with islands, where the sum­
mer visitors and fishermen were much
either side; and
centage of the wheat shipped from !ti evidence
the Soo,
Winnipeg requires much financing.
Having an hour to two to spare this
Jump), where Canada and the United
morning, we found the Carnegie Clt,
State* almost touch hands again. hi
library, was, as is so often the case,
these straits the drop from Lake Su­
a rest room where it could profitably
perior to the level of Lake Huron on
be spent. The last thing wy had to
the other side ia eighteen feet, and to
attend to in Fort William was mailing
get down through smooth water re­
some letters, and we went up to the
quires four canals, one in Ontario
railroad station .to do that-, crossing
and three in Michigan. The locks of
a maze of railroad tracks between the
these are one of the great engineer­
steamer and the post office box. The
ing feat* of the continent and proba­
bly rank second to the Panama canal
as an artificial waterway. The Cana­
dian lock is nine hundred feet long The present pay for the service ia $2,-
and sixty feet wide, and when built 090.60 per year and C. H. Woodward
about thirty years ago cost nearly has the contract. Bids are to be open-
ad in Washington Janaary f0, 1922,
four million dollars.
the contract t* to run five years.
Our experiences at the twin citiee
of Sault Ste. Marie hare been nar­ A bond of $SJi00 is required. *
The other ia between Marshfield
rated in a former travelogue; in the
next we hope to cover the remainder and Easts ids, six days per week. The
of our trip by lake, train and river to preeent contract ia held by Wilkes
New York City and the Atlantic Cavanaugh and the job now pays $6*6
per year. A * contract is for five
H. W. Y.
road yards to the other, seemed to re-
years and the bond required is $700.
! quite fifteen or twenty minutes to cov­
Bids on it will qlsti be opened Janu­
. Sitknm Contract Let
er the distance we could have walked
ary 10, In Washingtea.
Postmaster MeLain is in receipt of
in three, but it waa still “safety first,"
for the tunnel under the tracks reach­ notices that new contracts will be
Just received today a new lot of
swarded lo t carrying the mail on
ed only a part of the distance.
ladies' Blouses, Preesse, Skirts, Coats
About noon we east off and a little
and Bails. Yea will be delighted with
after enjoyed our first steamer meal
the chic appearance of these articles
in the spacious upper deck dining sa­
apparel. Mfa. Beanie Walker's
loon, of which all our recollections are
pleasant, except that the boiled po*
lont food well prepared, makes this
restaurant the rendezvous of the beet
people in town—people who under­
stand and appreciate what good eat­
ing is. In- service, too, we easel. N o -----
■mall par£ of the enjoyment of a meal
is the'way it ia served. You will be
satisfied with the way we serve yon.
Coquille, Oregon
Sink Sentenced
Edwin Sink, a young man, who has
been In trouble in this county on a
similar charge, waa found gnilty of
obtaining money under false pretence
in Judge Skipworth’s court at Eugene
and sentenced to two year# In the
Sink impersonated an army officer
at Cushman Some time ago and ob­
tained the uec of a hone and waa giv­
en a loan of a eum of money on the
strength of bis story. It as allegsd
that .he got away with both. He waa
triad on. this charge but thsN«ae waa
dismissed before it went to the jury
end his second trial was for the pass­
ing of worthlseo checks at Sprinfisid.