The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 04, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered to All Parts
of the City
Beaver Hill Lump
Beaver Hill Nut
Phone 763
Room No. 9, First National Bank Building
the chill
W ith dean-burning Pearl
Oil in your oil heater you can
make the children's evening
play-hour warm and com­
fortable. And you can carry
this comfortable warmth
from play-room to bedroom
or wherever you want i t
There is no trouble—no dirt
or ashes.
Pearl Oil is most econom­
ical because it bum s with­
out waste. Every drop de­
livers comfortable warmth.
It is refined and re-refined by „
our special process. That i^
'Four guarantee that it gives I
best results always. ‘
Harvld Lloyd, the comedian who has
made more people laugh than any
other'Star, in “GET OUT à GET UN­
DER"* a t the Liberty Nov. 8 and 9.
See thè program on page three; -i
Sold in bulk by dealers
everywhere. Order by name
— Pearl Oil.
Crackers, 7 1-4, 71-2 lb
Potatoes, 100 lbs
Good Flour, 49 lbs
. (15c seller -
Cookies 110cseller
Toilet Paper, 6-oz rolls,
Pearl Oil, 5 gal, bulk
Delivered in ton lots where it
can be shoveled from wagon
still and made moonshine in. the cell­
ar, that he, the man, is boss of 1 his
house. Is it possible that the mem­
bers of the Supreme Court of Michi­
gan' are old bachelors ?
Good morning, Mr. Normalcy, when
you made*» separate peace with Ger­
many did you get peace? Can you
make peace with the stench of earth
by holding your nose?
Another thing, Mr. Normalcy, does
not that treaty ask for and claim all
the benefits of the Versailles treaty
and the Leagues of Nations for the
United States, and hits Below the belt
and says, “but will not accept or be
responsible for any of the responsi­
bility that .goes with the benefits?"
That is a funny way 'for the Unitea
States to do business, for the Huns
and the Turks and every other thief
does business just that way. What
are your sentiments now, Mr. Nor­
malcy about the United State scrap­
ping the canal tolls treaty? Why
don’t you make them known in capi­
tal-letters before your peace confer­
ence meets. For if you are in favor
of scrapping that treaty the delegates
to your “conference” coming into -New
York harbor could read above the
torch of Liberty Enlightening the
World, “For ways that are dark and
tricks that are vain the heathen
Chinee are not the only ones who are
R. A, Easton.
Monday Jess Cotton, who came in
a day or two ago from Corvallis to
visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Cotton, and to attend to some busi­
ness matters made a trip to Brew *
ster Valley, He and his wife came
up from the Imperial Valley, Califor­
nia, recently and if they do not attend
school this winter at Corvallis, Jess
thinks he may buy a small farm on
the Bantiam. The Imperial Valley is
so hot th at it heats the flesh off of
him. When he esme up to Coos for
s month last summer he gained 24
pounds—a month’s stay in that val­
ley on his return and he had melted
away 12 pounds of the gain. He Is
feeling first rate now and while he
would rather live in Brewster Valley
than any other place he has been, he
thinks the place on the Santiam is a
good thing. His longs which were
damaged by German gas a t the Ar-
gonne Forest are nearly healed but
he has to watch out that he does not
overwork. He returns to Corvallis
Last WeA Mr. and Mrs. Lett, of
Bridge, were visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Wilson, did husband, who are
on the Phoebe Harry place in Brew­
ster Valley.
A % • ago Madge Harry, of near
Coquille, was visiting her relatives in
Brewster Valley. She cut her visit
shert and went to help out the house-
hould of Vern Bennett, where there
, Portion of Beach Street
-Notice is hereby given that pur­
suant to the provisions of Ordinance
No. 213, passed by the Common Coun­
cil of the City of Coquille, Coos
County, Oregon, on the 31st day o 4
October, 1921, and entitled:
“AN ORDINANCE levying and
declaring an assessment against the
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land
benerftted by the improvement Of a
portjon of Beach Street, directing the
City Recorder to enter a statement
thereof in the docket of City Liens,
and declaring an emergency.”
an assessment was levied and de­
clared against the lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land benefitted by the
improvement of Beach street from the
south side of First street to the north
end of what is known as the Beach
Street RriHg«, within th e boundaries
of the assessment district, whch as­
sessment district and the boundaries
thereof are deserbed as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner
of, lot 1 in block 59 of ElHottVi addi-
tion to Coquille City, Coos County,
Oregon, and running thence west to
and across said Beach street and con­
tinuing in the same straight line to
the northwest corner of lot 12 in block
46 (n said Elliott’s addition; thence
A statement of said assessment
was entered in the Docket of City
Liens on the 31st day of October, A.
D„ 1921, and the same and said Or­
dinance with said assessment thereto
attached containing the names of the
owners, description of property as-
If your grocery bill is too higl
come-and seettarrr Don't forget tha
Duriham’s knocked .“high” out of th*
cost of “living.”
linquent and will bear interest
the 31st day of October, 1921, |
rate of six per cent per annuo
will be sold in the manner provid
law for the collection of delinqusi
Dated this 4th day of Novembi
D., 1921.
J.-S. Lawrem
City Rea
Call on us for Stationery,
Buy a pipe
and some P.
W e print it right here that if you don’t know the
“ feel” and the friendship of a joy’us j im m y pipe—'
GO GET ONE I And— get some P rince Albert and
bang a howdy-do on the big smoke-gongt
For, Prince Albert’s quality— flavor —* coolness—
fragrance is in a class of its own I Ton never tasted
such tobacco! W hy—-figure out what it alone means
to your tongue and temper when We tell you that
Prince Albert can’t bite, can’t parch! Our exclusive
patented process fixes that!
Prince Albert is a revelation Ixf a makln’s cigarette!
My but how that delightful flavor makes a dent!
And, how it does answer that hankering! Prince
Albert rolls easy and stays put because it is crimped
cut And, say— oh, go on and get the papers or a pipe!
No one know« what may be ahead
of him in this Kfe. Norman B. Willey,
who was governor of Idaho for two
years has just died at the Shawnee
county poor farm In Kansas.
Zane Grey’s “RIDERS OF THE
DAWN" a t the Liberty Nov. 8 and 9.
8ee tha program on page three.
ttm national jqy tmolm