.........._ • e:.'- ' ’ _ 7 - ’ VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, N O V R M £M 4, 1*21- READING her share at. trouble, came to FORMING GOOD see us first, but wa couldn’t see our ; HABITS Aad The CeauOle r m l l !*wd against murderers. “ Let justice way clear to sign a petition for his j M parents wish their children to a aeon r a r e n in a aooa town P * dooa thou» h the heavens fall.” If pardon. Then we began to get long foam good reading habits they must letters from Emmett himself, ajking | form auch habits themselves ■ T R W . YOUNG. otner lands, 1st ue see to it also that our intervention, and as our there is no hotter way to do ^ 4 the murderers pay the penalty o f their half was closely connected with one o f than to bring into the household g pe­ Subscript!#* Rates One Year ..................*.................|2.00 .................. ................|2.00crimes. America is unafraid and so the Dalton victim»— a first cousin, riodical that will be of interest to ev­ Six Months ........................... ............................. / . 1.001 arejtrue Americans at home or over­ . 1.00 fact, not only to Banker Ayres but ery member of it; that will supply the A r s e Months .................................. 00 seas' his wife also—it can easily he under­ best reading for old and young. No subscription taken unlaas paid stood why he was so anxious to secure Among the periodicals of this descrip­ for in advance. This rule is impera­ WHAT WILL ENGLAND DOT our kelp. tive. tion The Youth’s Companion is unique. We fit Ally went to Leavenworth Net nnlÿ-does it sim to entertain and - England is now in the fix o f the Advertising Rates swain who “ could be happy with either and spent the best o f an afternoon inform boys and girls in their teens, Display advertising, 20 cents were totber dear charmer away,” but talking to Emmett in the warden’s es it name suggests, but there is not per inch, less then 6 inches, 28 cents neither Japan nor the United States office at the prison. Of course, we felt a page in it that parents can pass ov­ per inch. No advertisement inserted - --*7*^ for lam than 80 cents. Reading no­ is willing to be satisfied with a divided there was no danger that he would er with indifférente. tices 8 cents per line; under Minor I allegiance on the part o f the dashing ever again become an outlaw, robbing The 52 issues of 1922 will be crowd­ Mention, 10 eents per line. Want fyoung John Bull. Each wants him to banks and trains, and i f ha had been ed with serial stdriea, short stories, advertisements one cent a word. No|pledge h{j ^ h her, ^ u onr sent to prison to be reformed, fifteen editorials, poetry, facto and fun. rending i notiee, or advertisement of I years ought to b f sufficient without reason why a world conference fo r Subscribe now and receive: then any kind, inserted for 1ms Wi limitation of armaments is to convene its requiring the whole ninety eents. 1. The Youth’s Companion—62 is­ And then he assured us at Washington a week from 'tomorrow. ntfie. sues in 1922. . • — Office Comer Second end- Taylor 84a. Great Britain is due to find that she earnestly and emphatically that if we 2. All the remaining issues o f 1921. must take her choice between having would aid him, he would sa conduct 8. The Companion Home Calendar Catered at the Çoqnille Postoffice as I Japan or the United States as in ally. himself that we should never regret for 1922. aa " Matter. Second CUeeM Close Mail | This country saved England from it, and seemed so anxious to retrieve All for 82.60. | ruin three years ago, and we don’ t like himself, that we ggve him the benefit 4. Or include McCall’s Magazine, Prince Sixtus, of the formerly royal | the idea of her tying up with the only of the doubt and went right over to the monthly authority on fs»h- hpuse of Bourbon and brother-in-law | nation that threatens onr peace. If Topeka to talk to Governor Hooh, who iona. Both publications, only o f the late Empreas of Russia, has E n g ir d and America stand together was a fellow toiler in tne oumalistic 88 . 00 . accepted a position in a fertiliser fac- wjth “ two hearts that beat as one; ranks, and see if we couldn’t persuade THE YOUTH’S COMPANION . tory. The royal family business is j two souls with but a single thought," him to make Emmett a free Commonwealth Ave. A St.-Paul St., at a very low ebb just now. | at the coming conference it will mean again. Boston, Mass. The governor soon paroled him and New Subscriptions Received at this that we con begin to tnrn our swords Ex-GoVernor Lowden will make the | into plowshares and our spears into in a little while made it a full pardon. Office * onjy formal address givdn during the | pruning hooks and let our navies be- He should, however, have been on pro­ entire period of the Pacific Interna- come junk; but if not there will 4>e bation a good deal longer. For he Putting One Over tional Live Stock Exposition at Port- rough seas and stormy weather ahead, soon fell into evil ways, though never The minister’s little daughter was as we knew, into criminal ones, and land next week. He will speak in and we will have to keep our armour the stadium at 2 o’clock Tuesday -of- bright. We are getting very n$ar the he went so far as-4o exploit his crim never forgetful of her formal prayers ternoon and it is expected that his ad- forks o f the road. God grant that inal career for profit and staged “ The and had been allowed the privilege of blood may prove thicker than water as Dalton Raid.” We have seen the film adding any original remarks that ¿he dress will be o f profound interest.' since we have been'in Oregon and it saw fit. One night in the very late we have so often heard. certainly wasn’t worth while as a fall, at the close of her prayer, she In this day we are learning a great picture, besides the bed lesson it teach- added: • THE ROAD HOG many new facts in American history. “ And, dear Lord, please send the Despite all the ecorm of biographies I wonder what the road hog thinks, We had lost track at him during the beautiful snow to keep the little o f our first president published, we ss he goes on his way, detested by have only just learned that George ail monied ginks, and cussed by niglyt past ten years, but have com4 to very flowers warm through the winter.” Washington was a millionaire. He and day. He surely hates the humAn seriously question whether it was foy Climbing into bed, she confided: 1 may have been the first millionaire on race, as down the road he swings, and the best interest of society to pardon “ That’s the time I fooled Him. this continent. Ho probably was not in his heart there is no place for kind­ him. It was a venture, of course, for want the enow so I ' can go sliding only the first but the only millionaire ly, friendly things. We have our lit­ he certainly lacked the “ morale” to with my new sled!”— ilarperia Draw- cr. N president. tle pewter carts, and we would sing become ’a good citizen. and smile, if road hogs didn’t break I¥ju— JJ ^.T----------------- It is so « aaonly thought that good- ■ n o w A A D uiii . A Uuu N am es lute pendent is *n |onr i S r t s each quarter o f a mile. The aged army officer, on the retired list, road hog loafs along, alas! and when apples could not be grown close to/ You have such strange names for whose ego is not less than ninety-one. we honk oufi horn, beseeching room the ocean, but that it was necessary your towns,” an Englishman remark­ For some years his family has been enough to pass, he grins with maudlin to plant orchards back from the coast ed to one of his new Ameriean friends. worried about his habit o f traveling Krora. Around the. riskly who cUimed to haT, advj8ed tent towns and cities and offers to State Needs One More the watchword, and let us put tensible agalnit n ld but to have ^ led all who call on this trip consultation Officials at the State penitentiary and »anim ation free, except the ex­ on guari next fall. (Robert, was nearly killed but on are considering the erection of an pense of treatment when desired. , According to his method pf treat­ n_ _ v (his recovery, was tried for the crime additional scaffold in order to Accom­ ment he does not operate for chronic “ 1 l and sentence to ninety-nine years’ modate the numerous criminals to be appendicitis, «tones, ulcers of the Socialists, so called, who are really I confinement in Leavenworth peniten- hanged at that institution in the not stoanach, tonsils or adenoids. Ho ahs to his credit many wonder­ anarchists warring against orderly I tiary. Just think what a figure he distant future. Business is certainly ful results in diseases of the stomach government and civilisation, have could cut in the movies after the ex- on the boom at the state pen, and Uvsr, bowels, blood, skin, nerves! been attempting to assassinate United piration o f hie term. But Emmett accommodations fear those who are Heart, lndnevs, bed wetting, bladder, State# representatives in France, Por- wasn't willing to wait that long to scheduled for the hangman’s noose catarrh, weak lungs, iheumatism, sci­ tagal and Peru, in order in timidate get into the mqyies, and after he had will not be disappointed. None will atic. Ing ulcers and rectal'ailments. . have been ailing for any oar officials here at home, so that they been in charge h f the tailor shop at be turned away for lack o f adequate length o f time and do not get any will not dare enforce the law and put the pea for only fifteen years, began service.— Roseburg News-Review. better, do not fail to call, aa improper two condemned murderers to delth. to move heaven end earth to secure a ritwtfM eauzToMteg'ite^dlng? S a l Our nation is not e© weak and wobbly parole. His old mother, whose ble. as to deviate from Ha duty on ac- (maiden name was Adeline Yougnar, a Remember above date, that examin­ count oi threats like th en . If ooca- member o f another outlaw family ation on this trip will be free and that Mn treatment is diRersnt. sioa demends we can afford to have even mom notorious than the *«r cou n ts abrfcU become the victims Dahone, who certainly had Men - f f g ’ S i - ” « B» “ » Bl~ k- The S e n tin e l! afford to fail in t)m execution o f our Your Future jand OUR future and your saving*» are the same thing. If when old age hits you there’s no money to your credit you are indeed at the world’s mercy. I f yon haven’t already started,, start saving N O W . The money will stand you in good stead some day— sooner, perhaps than .you expect, And while you are saving— no matter how little— your savings give you confidence to go after the real things of life. A dollar opens a savings account at this bank. And you will be surprised to see h o # quickly small savings grpw when put aside rejgularly. Come and let us lay out a savings plan for you. Farmers & Merchants Bank o f Coquille, O regon a This New Electric Range also Bums Coal and Wood T gives you all the advantages o f electric cookery, while the coal section—built right into the range— heats the kitchen, heats water, and serves as an auxiliary to the electric cooking top. I E L E C T R IC R A N G E S . Coming to MARSHFIELD Dr. Mill^nthin T h is com p a ct, p ra ctica l combination ran ge has important features found in ho other nppHnrw on the market. The electric and coal sections are entirely independent They can be operated separately or simultaneously, as desired. There are three 6-inch and one 8-inch surface units in the electric «w iring top; two 8-inch cooking holes in the coal section. T he heating unit in the roof o f the big electric bake oven serves also as a broiler. Four Exclu«' Estate reatui 5 Styles to C hoose From Betat# Electric Rang«# are the product o f ooe c l tbe olden and large« moire factorise in the country. In them the experience of 73 jeers devoted to the building of high-grade Moves and ranges is dearly revteled. 3 styles from —ooe o f which will Mountain States Power Co. * ; Phone 7 $3.00 a Load White Cedar W ood, stove lengths, promptly delivered ‘ "* Phone Jr 16 or 24 R ELLBELW OOD