m COQUILLE TALLET SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAY, Home K eepers P rogram SU NDAY AN D MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Home makers week means three big days for the women o f this ebunty. Farmers and Home Makers Week will be held in Coquille in connection with the Corn Show, November 16th to l?th inclusive. Splendid programs furnishing pleasurable, instruction will b e,given Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, while Saturday will be Krand -show day, without programs in drder that everyone m ay fully en- 1 Mae Marsh in “ TH E t LITTLE ’ FRAID LADY” A Robertson-Cole Super-Special A screen drama breathing love »and adventure usual type. Miss Marsh at her best in a chan iS whimsical, yet strong. A picture unlike »n 1 TUESDAY AN D WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 HE." . A Double Header Zane Grey’s story “ R iders o f the Dawn from the Novel “ The Desert o f Wheat ScenpProm ZANE GREY'S AUNJAMIN B.HAMPTON PRODUCTION) *RIDERS OF THE DAWN" fikCTRIBUTED BY M/.W-MOOKINSONCORR A powerful human drama o f the times [pulsating with heart interest and realism. A screen epic o f the grea t Northwest with action unlimited. £ And " o j f h e Great Harold Lloyd in “ GET OUT & GET ^fNDER” A Riot o f Mirth by the^King Laughter THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Clara Kimball Young in Thursday:- Poultry/ Friday: Home Improvement. The first morning will be o f great­ est interest to mothers o f little child­ ren. O regon's' nutrition specialist, Miss Margery Smith, will talk to the mothers on food for the school child, emphasizing particularly the eight- year cftj as here is the one found to be the greatest per cent under weight. Miss Esther B. Cooley, new cloth ing specialist in the Extension De­ partment, will have some splendid things to tell the women in regard to selecting and buying their clothing. She will emphasize not so much line, color, and texture but quality and ap­ propriateness in relation to price, wearing qualities and health, partic­ ularly as applied to certain articles of clothing as shoes, hose, corsets, e t c ., For Friday, home improvement day, a special program has been arranged in compliance with numerous requests from various communities. F or this program two instructors from Oregon Agricultural ^College have been ,se- cued, Miss McFaul, who will give most valuable assistance in problems of interior decoration and Miss John­ son, who will tell the women how to lighten their work and save steps and backache by having a well planned and' equipped kitchen. - Thursday is Poultry day. Every­ one who is interested in poultry will find this a most'profitable day. ‘ On each of these three days there will be a social get-acquainted hour from 3:30 to 5:00 P. M. whe^yhe wo­ men from one community may meet ‘ hose from other parts o f the county. Tea and cakes or cookies, made only from Corn Products will be served each day. ’ enabled her not only to conquer France but the whole world. If France continues for another 44 y ears to pract'.ie race suicide and Ger­ many continues to obey the primal commandment to increase and multi­ ply, it requires no prophet to foretell what the outcome of the next war be­ tween those nations will be. But the Oregpnisn article below raises the much larger question whether the white races o f the world can -long maintain the supremacy they have so long enjoyed, unless they fill up the countries and continents they h a w so long controlled with a popu­ lation sufficient to prevent the colored races, with a vastly greater percent­ age ■ o f increase, from submerging them. Those old lines o f Byron’s, “ First freedom, then glory; when that fails, wealth, vice, corruption; barbarism st last,’’ seem to Arthur Moon in “ FORK OVER” A Majestic Comedy And PARAM OUNT MAGAZINE fighting strength” and that is “ meas­ ured by,number*.” He tell* the Aus­ tralians: “ You must increase your slender garrison by the multiplication of your people. Only numbers will save you. The world will not toler­ ate an empty and idle Australia. This continent jou st, like other continents, carry its full quota o f people and do its full share of production. You must take immigrants, the right kind FRID AY , NOVEMBER 11 Thursday’» program will be repeated * And Eileen Sedgwick in ‘T H E DIAMOND QUEEN” Episode No- 10— ‘T h e Betrayal” SATU R D A Y, NOVEMBER 12 Louise Huff in “ W H A T WOMEN WANT” W ith an All-Star Cast en Women Dare, Let Men Beware! Manjs 1 Existence a Thing A part; T is Womans ' ®ce. Paradise is Always Where Love Dwel a * is Strangled the Fires o f Hell Appear. U ► Is of Us All— Young and O ld , B ig and Lrttle lAT WOMEN W A N T ? That’s What We All h ’ b And -W E T BUT DRY” A Comedy Full o f Jazz and Ginger • And P A T H S NEWS tc morrow "RIDERS OF THE DAW N,” on ex­ citing and vivid story by Zane Grey with Roy Stewart in the stellar role at the Liberty Nov. 8 and t. Bae the program on page three, ^ Do you know DeLaval Separators have declined in price? They have, and now 'w ith the rains starting, it is time to get to skimming you milk and sending cream so you will not hawe the bother o f goirtgto the river or creamery every day with your milk, but just go twice a week with cream. The company has reduced the prices to the 1922 basis.. Bet­ ter give me an order for a De Laval Separator today- A b o remember we have in stock the following seeds: Gray Winter Oats, Fall Vetch, Rye Grass, Red Clover, Al- syke and White Clover mixed, Alsyke,. Timothy, Red Top, Orchard Grass, and Alfalfa occupy the land with a steadily growing population, laws against Asiatic immigration may soon prove to beY eeble dsms which a flood will burst. “ That is in substance the warning which Lord Northcliffe has given to Australia and it applies in equal measure to Canada and South Amer­ ica end in only less measure to the United States. Australia is s rich If you are one o f those who enjoy motion pictures of the finer sort, if you take pleasure in brilliant acting, lavish in­ vestitures, and finely directed cinema dramas, you will find expression fo r the fullest enjoyment in this De Luxe Pa­ risian Love Story. The cast includes Conway Tearle and Master Stanton Williams, the bright little fellow who ap- tfcared in T h e Eyes o f Youth Dairymen who practised race suicide would leave no descendants to continue its prac- I tice, we need not worry about them. But the world war opened our eyes to the perils o f race suicide when Germany came go near crushing France. A t the time o f the Franco- German war in 1870, France and Ger­ many were ebodt equal in population. In the 44 years from 1870 to 1914, Germany’s population increased from 40 millions to '65 millions, while else to expect but that the’ race which cannot or will not people the lands A holds must eventually rive way to some other which lives Aesrer the ground and has vW lity enough to in­ crease in numbers. - To Hang Friday, the 13th Here is the article we have referred In court at Roseburg last Monday to.- I f you have interest enough in morning Judge Bingham sentenced rhe questions it discusses to read it, Richard Melvin Brumfield to hang tell us what you think o f it: Friday, January 13, for the murder of Dennis Russell. “ A fter all, the question as to which Brumfield walked to court with race shall control the land on this heavy bandages about the wounds on side o f the Pacific ocean will be de­ his neck recently inflicted in a suicide cided in favor o f that race which fo l­ attempt. lows the scriptural injunction to “ be A crowd filled the court room for fruitful and multiply and replenish the drama. The prisoner was taken Although white settle­ the earth. to Salem that atfemoon. ment o f North America began with A motion to a fk aside -the verdict fugitives from religious and political and fo r a retrial was overruled. Brum­ persecution, that o f South America field stood alone to receive his sen- with men moved by greed for gold tence. and military conquest, it attained it# When asked if he had anything to /renteit proportions when hosts o f this, your hon- say, he replied: “ 'Only < people were crowded out o f Eurpe or, as God is my judge, I know noth­ in search o f new land to occupy, and ing of how Dennis Russell come to his by the same rule they crowded out death/’ the Indians, who had failed to multi­ He turned deathly pale when the ply and replenish the earth.- The sentence was pronounced. countries o f Asia are now over­ Mr*. Brumfield slumped down in a crowded, and unless the white na­ chair, but did not collapse. tions o f America and Australia fully “ TH E FORBIDDEN WOMAN” By Lenore J. Coffee Attention All new Stock at'th e lowest possible Prices - NOSLER’S | g CASH STORE SAVE MONEY B Y PAYING CASH The Aztec empire, t h f ruins o f an extinct race in Central America, the Inca empire and the legends o f our own Indians, indicates that Asiatics must have come in great numbers long before the discovery by Colum­ bus, but for more than two centuries after that event they left ihe field clear for the white race. Asia bad the same facility fo r crossing the ocean in days o f smiling ships os had ths whites, and during the last three- quarters o f a century the white race has placed steam transportation at the service o f Asia. But Asiatic mi- «ration across the Pacific has been insignificant in proportion to ths vast hordes thst barely subsist on ths other side o f the qesan. Chinese Im­ migration to Amarisa was instigated by Amsrieans and when exclusion wss enacted it practically stopped almost without protest. Though there is much agitation about Jap­ anese immigration and though- that agitation must have stimulated desiro mast hyp.---------------------------- to, migrate to this continent, also though the militarists have exploited that sentiment, the numbers which have come are insighifleant. Con­ quest and military occupation have opened Mancharla, Corea, Formosa, and Shantung to the Japenese, but they are mere handfuls in those countries. Hindus have gone to East and South Agries, provoking op­ position, but not in sach numbers that whites could not control the movement. The whitie race has had the oppor­ tunity to occupy the vacant spocee o f America, Australia, and Africa, through the neglect o f the Asiatics to make use of their opportunity. I f the latter had moved bodily by en­ tire nation* in such vast hordes as wrecked* the Roman empire, they would either have made the Atlantic ocean a permanent barrier to the ad­ vance o f the Caucasians or sach rocs would havs occupied half o f this hemisphert and the two races would have warred fo r supremacy ip the whole o f it. for unrestricted immigration are no­ tice that the long respite from Asiat­ ic competition fo r the undeveloped the bond o f self-interest added to that hereditary custom and institutions would fs r surpass the artificial dams o f laws and treaties as a safeguard again-1 the yellow peril.” New C ues la Circuit Court Oct 28— Dennis McCarthy v». M. T. Aasen. Oct. 29— Daisy. B. Eagan vs. Wm. E. Eagan. Suit fo r divorce. Oct. 81— Bank o f Band on vs. A. Crutchfield and J. G. Leneve. Nov. 3— John G. Mullen vs. Jaek Hoover.1 , ' v Nov. 8— Anna Johnson vs. Jafl>. R. Johnston. Suit for divorce. Roy Stewart In “ R ID E R « O r THE DAWN” b y Z a n e fr e y a tth e Liberty Nbv. 8 and 9. See ths program on pago three. * LOST—One yearling Jersey heifer, light color. Frank Zollo, Norway, Oregon. , m . OST— st the City Library a lady’s brown silk umbrella. Finder will please return to this office. Reward.' LOST— neat the Liberty, a *20 bill. Reward will be paid the finder on its return to this office. WE ere reedy to do all kinds o f dressmaking. On# block west from the north end o f the Henry St. bridge. Seckett A Staninger. W ANTED— Beef hides, green and - salted. G so. T. Moulton, Coquille. LOTS FOR SALE st a sacrifice— « Coquille lot# near the old Acade­ my which ere choice residence lots for only *500, being *160 less thA*, we have ever offered them before just to make quick sale. Inquire o f Mary Pendleton, next door to Chris­ tian church. • * « 1 * R ew ard, $1M The readers o f this paper win bo pleased to learn that there te at least one dreaded disease tbst sclenco has been able to cure In sit Its stagse and th st Is rstsrrh. Catarrh betas Srsatlr rapidly increasing numbers. They Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s cannot do this with families which Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally and sets thru the Blood on tbs Mucous Sur­ have shrunk from sight or ten to 4.3 tees* o f ths System thereby destroying persons, nor with couples which make the foundation o f the disease. «Win* the strength by bulldln« up the ron- a mockery o f marriage by being child- patient stltutlon and aaelstln« nature tn dolus Its 4css. While establishing their claim work. The proprietors bare so much faith In the curative powers ct HsJTs to the land they hold by producing all Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any rase that tt All# its wealth for the service o f all man­ to euro, le n d for Hit nr testimonials. Address 7. J. CHENEY * CO.. Toledo, kind, they must help the Asiatics to develop their own continent to the point whew Its hugs population can live in comfort, free from the ever­ present menace o f famine. The trou­ ble with Asia is as much under-de­ velopment as over-population. T h s far eastern' problems really i* form a plan by which the whole race can help the Asiatics in starting this work o f development, that ad may live well and thrive on their own contin­ ent, retaining fo il poavesnion and eoa- trol. Btadbg them W their own soQ by ROUX