T H E XVIII. P a p i 1 1 A T S L IK E A L E T T E R F R O M H O M E NO . 4*. COQC1LLE, COOS C O U N T Y . OREG O N. F R ID A Y . N O V E M B E R 4, 1 9 » . M .H T H E Y E A R . Court Appropriateci $250 ETHE DRYS’ FIGHT Another Children’s CUnic te" Show boosters before the County Court yester Another clinic fo r school children day morning asking for an a p p o r la , w ill be held at the City H all here next tbout the Sentinel Folks’ turn o f $250-to pay f or the premfums Tuesday, Nov. 8, at 2 p. m. I t is par­ and prizes offered at the Corn Show Trip Through Mr. Wade Tells o f Road Condi- Capt. B. F. Ebbert, o f the Anti- ticularly urged by Miss Campbell, w o weeks hence. Their request was county health nurse that mothers who Several New Roads A re To Be tions and Pros- Cenada , v . . granted. This sum will bemused t o ! Saloon League Spoke have previously had their children at Viewed This nay premiums on corn, apples, p o ta -I pects the clinic bring them again fo r re­ Hère Tuesday Month Banff in piid-afternoon it toes, carrots, beets, ipangels, etc., and examination, in order to ascertain • l y two hours to ride down on f o r prizes and taking .care. o f the whether they have been making In an interview with Judge Wade Capt, F. B. Ebbert, attorney fo r the tit plains to C algary, where we birds at the poultry show. The court this morning he expressed himself as A t its meeting Wednesday the coun­ normal gain in weight and height. anti-saloon League at Portland ad­ * bustling provincal capital o f was unanimously of the opinion that greatly disappointed over the refus- On Monday all the children et the ty court opened the bids fo r the sale dressed an audience that ought to people. H ere we w ere in the gradé school w ill be wrighed and o f the $160,000 road bonds recently have been larger at the M. E. Church aio ue assisted by the county to aeree tn i m n U . _______ _ . . growing section o f western- to agree to provide a concrete road be- South Tuesday evening. H aving been measured, and Dr. Bunch Mas kindly advertised, being h alf the amount o f The Organization, of a q 0 U i ¿how a n f « examine the $300,000 bond issue last summer with «Jittle to distinguish it tweer Coquille and M yrtle P o in t at Washington when the Volstead law consented to be present ang association, .distinct from -the' Com The highest our own prairie state at the Last j ear the commission went on was before Congress and having had their teeth. - Monday evening Miss authorized fo r , roads. AH the talk here was o f the mercial Club which has heretofore record in a Ititer nopr on file at the a share in fram ing it he is w ell quali­ Campbell hopes to have a m eeting of was a joint one fo r $160,946 or a pre­ room, as of the opinion that the Coos County Public Health Asso­ mium o f $946, made by the Lumber­ which were not as good as some 'Ocked the Corn Show, is the logical ■ court i fied to discuss “ The Unfinished Bat­ ‘ and yet not so bad as the pes- way to handle this annual affair and '-here was a sufficient amount o f tra v ­ tle” agtiinst booze which was his ciation at the city hall, which every men’s Trust company, the Ralph steps will be taken to that end as el < « this read to warrant hard sur­ one interested in health problems is Schneelock company and Freeman pictured them. theme. —* ;w i ; ■ soon as this year’s carnival is over.' Smith A Company, all e f Portland. invited to attend. facing it ; but meantime the personnel nid-July here w e had expected He believed niqety per cent o f the There were various other bids, m «n y c ( the commission U s changed, R. A. the weather uncomfortably officers whose duty it is to enforce the at par, fo r all- or a portion o f this is­ Takes 2,000 Sacks o f Spuds Hooth being-the only member remain­ dry laws art honest and actually in Oakland Loaded but were pleasantly disappoint- sue. These bonds are tw o to seven ing o f the board as it was then con­ The S. S. Begren tied! up ,at the tie nights not being at all op- E. E. Johnson this week had the tend to do what the law requires. A t year serial ones to draw 6 per cent in­ te, though the shortest w e had lock here last Saturday at 1:30 p. m., stituted. The present-board takes the the same tim e he evidently did not power schooner Oakland loaded with terest. The nearer one gets to laving on board forty-five tons o f position that no more concrete paving think that a great proportion o f that lumber at the old Lyons 8 Johnson County Roadmaster McCulloch, **"' pole the longer the sun is on the nerchandise for valley merchants. can be. done on secondary roads until 90 per cent were using the lew fo r I m*H oppoeite Bullards. The lumber Charles Webb and M. T. Clinton were the Pacific Highway and other pri­ ____. Her last trip she brought but one ton. all it is worth in bringing bootlegghrs WM taken down river from the mill is fly time. appointed viewers fo r the new roade ft is said that over the plains be-1 rw o thousand more sacks o f Camp- mary roads o f- th e state have been and moonshiners to justics. And then I here on scows. Mr. Johnson intends petitioned fo r aa follow s: - payed. And it classes the M yrtle the moilntains and the Great I 1e" * Norton’s spuds were put in the he "detailed the ways in which the law to leave fo r San Francisco tomorrow From Parkersburg to the Prosper He a train w ill make a thousand 10*t* *or shipment to San Francisco, Point Roseburg road as a secondary prescribed punishments fo r its viola­ to look over market conditions. Mill to connect with the old road road. tors. I f a man sold one pint o f intox­ says he will probably make shipments in the same tim e it takes to cov-1 a^ter w’hich the vessel dropped down Both State Highway Engineer H er­ icating liquor he could be fined heavi­ eveiV other trip o f the Oakland which south from Prosper at the weet end ti« 600 miles o f mountains next q. Riverton for a cargo o f cool. bert Nunn and Commissioner Booth ly— from $100 to $600 fo r violating is scheduled to operate between Frisco and the Bear Creek road at Farkera- As Pacific coast. I t required lit- f burg on the east end. Pending an assured Judge Wade that the road the law. Then under the internal rev­ and Coos county. agreement with the Prosper MUl aa to from Roseburg as far down the val enue laws he could be fined from $500 Winnipeg, and as w e a ere right o f way through their property ley as Coquille would be completed to $1,000 more fo r selling liquor with­ s region where the Bun rises it waa not possible to provide fo r the next June, so fa r as grading is con­ out a government license. ' it toolt_but 28 o f those hours i;est o f the way down the river to Bul­ cerned, and that the contract fo r the For these fines every dollar o f pro­ |d$it a day. lards Ferry. Considerable work haa remaining section from Bridge to perty the settler owned would be held of the natnes o f the towns Ex-senator C. L. Hawley, state already been done on thia 8-mile road Myrtle Point would be let at the De­ liable, and the fines fo r a fe w viola­ jthe main line o f the Canadian •airy and fooJ commissioner, will ap­ by the citizens who are putting up cember meeting of the commission tions woul6 g o a long way towards Judge John 8. Coke was a caller 50-60 with the county on K. curio ua to us, such pear on the program for dairy day o f Theh the work o f- putting rock or breaking most men up. Wednesday. H e eeys he lost his op Hat, S w ift Current, Moose he first annual Coos County Farmers’ From Randolph up the north bank gravel op this road will be immediate- Next there was the injunction fo r I portunRy for any vacation thia sum of the river to the Lux ranch a dis­ Qu Appelle and Portage La Week Wednesday, November 16. to cause much -obstruction to travel Mr. Hawley has just returned fram there during the summer and fa ll one who kept on violating the law and mer when he was called to Astoria to tance o f three miles, known as the , but the figsat o f these, at least, relatives in the United States i trip to St. Paul, Minnesota, where months next year, and a year hence that meant more fines o f hundreds o f try some cases arising out o f the fish, Seven-Mile-Randolph road. **■ dollars without any chance o f being lews recently’ enacted, and that he From the Gravel Ford bridge to the we find a Medicine Bow on the le went to represent the Northwest it is promised that the road shall be acquitted bv a jury. Every additional has to go up there again this month Gravel Ford postoffice, a distance e f 'Pacific and a Medicine Lodge on a committee appointed by £he ready fo r winter travel. offense would mean an additional fine, fo r further hearings on the same cas- a mile and a half on the west side a t Vmerican Farm Bureau Federation to the'Santa Fe. Judge Wade asked the Commission Then the state law could l»e invoked M . The question at iasue there is the the North Fork, which w ill accommo­ nake a study o f the marketing o f Ike ¿nature o f the country m ay be to declare its intention as to making •Pd that would involve not c nly anoth- validity o f a law enacted by the Ore- date Six or eight families. as a ro llin g prairie all lairy products-in the United States, i concrete road from Coquille to M yr er set o f fines but a ja il sentence o f jo n legislature at Its session last win- A new railroad crossing at Hayden western Canada, but even in rhis committee has not yet made a tie Point, he said he knew they didn’t six months. . * r . ter'w h ich forbids a fter this year, the Station on the S. P. where the old one, ser weather it makes one "ormal report o f its work but Mr. have the money now but wanted to It must be remembered, though, marketing o f salmon In October which which crossed the track obliquely is to think how cold .it w ill get Hawley w ill have interesting informa- '-ake the proper steps fo r the county’s that bootleggers and^moonshiners are áre caught during certain months o f ordered abandoned. The new one is ion to convey to his audience in this six months later. There are not participation on the 50-50 basis agreed the most desperate criminals in Am er- the year on the Pacific ocean outs hi« aa agreed upon by the railroad and windbreaks or groves o f any county. if they proposed to do it in the future. lea, and that they ore tryin g ten times the three-mile lim it over which the the State Public Service commission. The Farmers’ W eek program is be- either and fuel must be scarce The Commission answered that i* haj-d to w a d e penishmemt as the state has jurisdiction. O f course the The M yrtle Point-Bridge road, e i ' •!g held In connection with the annual they would hare only motley enough H i­ officer* are to punish them. These state can’t hinder kny fishermen from which some alight changss In location ¡oos County Corn Show. Wednes king this trip a cro s» the por- for rock surfacing and they would •. iminals always g< armed and don’t I catching a ll the fish he Is afile to out are to be made to meet the require­ ef Canada w e uesd to think* of iav is dairy day and clothing and nu make no declaration as to future poli­ icsitate, but shoot to kill. As there. It is the question of »rilin g ments o f the State Highway Commis­ as the riding c irfilit o f the riiion day; Thursday will be poultry cy- ull more officer* ere being shot dow n!them that is at issue. Probably the sion. lay; on Friday the subjects o f farm Commission Booth also refused to Mounted police, and en try ng to enforce the dry than we I United States m ight impose a tariff Most o f the heavy work on the la t­ beyond the bounds o f settlement rops and home improvement will lbe •omrnit the commission in any way Irrt in the great world war. duty on such fish, the same as i f they ter road in the Sugar L o a f section ebilization, we n o w io d e through Hscussed.. The Corn'Show will hole is-to the work on down the river from The speaker next «trove to Impress were imported from a foreign country will be completed -this week a fter , provinces, A lb erta, Saskatche- Virth on Friday and Saturday in the Coquille to Bandon, saying they would i) him h:s hearer* the duty incumbent hut we imagine the sort o f howl that which little obstruction wiD take and Manitoba, riv a llin g in size 'few Graham garage in Coquille. The have no money fo r this part of the every man who knew o f violations would go up on the eastern coest if place op this road, but it w ill be ia of our larger states and find v armers Week sessions w ill be held project until after the 1923 session of if the dry lew to inform the officers the cod fishermen .there were hot pei'- bad condition during the wipter. he legislature. well settled w ith flourishing in the Liberty theatre. who are charged w ltlTits enforcement, niitted to sell any o f their catch taken The court also decided to authorlae No mors 6-inch concrete roads are if they did not dare to take the risk more than three miles offshore. uuT all the adjuncts o f a high the building o f a new bridge over < to be built by the commission- About the Poultry Show ion. N ot only that, they have >f doing this he asked them to send O f course the restriction on the Halls Creek on the M yrtle Point- tfcs past decade done their part in There is to be a poultry show in will be 7-inch or better, and sevsn- ‘.fie facts to the Anti-Saloon League purse net fishermen which is to be im- Fishtrap road, the old one being no 5g some of the gamest onnection with the Corn Show this nch now costs $27,000 a mile. i»t Portland, and their names would | po»ed here is claimed to be in the in longer safe. The nsw bridge w ill hav# Judge Wade also informed us thal. to meet the onset o f the ear and the birds w ill not be judged never be divulged. N o such complaint terest o f the fish business on the coast to be built according to the stats’* s Guards, but a t the same time in fancy points, but on points that here is a possibility o f gettin g gov­ tver goes to the waste basket; every j of our state, the claim being that such market road specifications as that is fishing at certain seaaona of the year a market road. up a production o f breadstuff» how production, says County Agent ernment money fo r rood work in this thing is investigated.’ [tends to exterminate th e salmon. Still bed an almost starvin g world Farr. The bird that has the deep rec eounty. There is a pending bill for The pricnipal aim o f the wets now certainly w ent through the tangular, long-keeled body, deep, in appropriation o f federal money for is to secure an amendment to the Vol- no act the Oregon legislature has or "Deacon Dubba” - V . f of affliction in those awful road head, close-fitting wattels and both post roads and forests reserve stead law which w ill permit the sale c» n P *** prevent Wash Steady practice is being indulged in . from 1914 to 1918 and came out ear lobes, clean cut face, full, prom- roads, and that will change the old of beer and wine containing as m u c h 1" * 0" « Brl* » h Columbian fishermen by the cast which w ill present the c 'h nent eye, stout beak, wide pelvic law so that roads near forest roads as 2.76 per cent o f alcohol. In their coming down here and catching all the play, “ Deacon Dubbs” at the Liberty may get government money, while un­ fish they please outside the three-mile At Winnipeg w e cam e to a city of >ones free from fat, open and pliable Theatre tw o evenings daring Corn propaganda fo r this change they are der. the cld law only roads In such re- limit. inhabitants, which has been hin, soft, pliable skin, bat smooth all harping on one string and assert­ Show week. There are ten people is erves could get-such aid. Ik m a p * long tim e, but which we 3 hanks indicating very little yellow ing that there is more liquor sold now the cast, betides supernumeraries, and Mr. Purcell, the U. S. district en­ Seven More Ordinance« :olor, healthy, vigorous and active thought of as a little more than the production promises to be a win­ and more drunkenness than there was gineer fo r Oregon, says that i f the Hudson's Bay Fur Company’s v;ll take the prize in this contest for The council put in four hours at ner. The first presentation will be eQ before the 18th amendment new bill passes, as it is expected, point. H ere ra il meets river, she is the one that w ill Jay the eggs adopted. One hears that Inesom riy | the adjourned seaaion last Monday ev­ Thursday, Nov. 17, and that evening Oregon will get' $2,000,000 o f U. S. ening when eeven ordinances were an admission will be charged. It ia Had and the Assiniborne being 3ach bird w ill be scored by Prof reiterated everywhere. funds for roads. In providing for its able fo r steamboats, Ce made join tly by the United States in a leading N ew York hospital (BeH- on H olly and Bush streets because the day evening ¿a al! the compensation * one of the grea t grain mar 5; Condition o f maturity, 15. and the State Highway Commission. evue as we remember it.) TTiis ward | work had not been completed w as OV the theatre madagement w ill receive rf the world and the greatest In The people o f Coos county in vity erruled. The intersection o f the two for the use o f the theatre fo r the throe G a m e is C a n celled fetish Empire. T o furnish fa - of the possibilities of federal nid that has 6,000 beds he said, and before the for the great steams o f wheat dry law went into effect every one o f streets is not as w ide as it should be Fenners’ W eek program* In the after­ The football game with Marshfield Mie naiSage~ o f this bill w ill provide them was occupied every night; since | e* n rsctify thst noon ■ and the two evening shows. flow through its borders there ght to be on the alert and to it here tomorrow has been cancelled on Ordinances were adopted approving that lew began to be enforced the av HO miles o f trackage in one o f account o f the diphtheria case which, that Coos c eju ty state roads shall be > N ew » Revived the proposed assessments on Hotly erage pef night* is 49. yards and 183 in another, developed in high school Wednesday/ nrluded in that 2,800 miles as far as Again the withdrawals o f alcoholic Bush, on Beech, on Henry and on The Southwestern Oregon D rily •eventy 'separate tracks. I t also Laet Saturday the-local $1 even^re- nossible. News is eoming to hand again tb k liquor from U. S. bonded warehouses H all and Third y miles the entire Dominion. It A t Marshfield, where Myrtle Point next year. W. C. Cutler and Mrs. M yer and Stanley Mycr, all o f Three to A id on Budget Al»250,000 when built and has Under the saloon license system the played the game ended in a tie, 0 to 0, Clarence Schroeder w ere appointed to Multnomah county. I t k stated that consumption a t alcoholic liquor hi the j The new law requ in e that the coun doubled in sis« although Coquille spectators are em- present the m atter to the county court the purpose o f the corporation k to do United States amounted on the av- ty court name three ritizens o f the Winnipeg w ere the first I t ,V io » ■ — ■ * papers r - - irv their assertion that Myrtle snd yesterday morning they m et with publishing business. The capital Papers w e had found in Can- ^ ^ eontrover9y came that body and requested the ' seme erage to 28 gallons fa r every man, I county to meet with R in preparing stock is $20,000 and R is divided Into woman and child in oar population— the budget. Judge W ade this morn that when readin g them we in the last quarter when Odis Beck­ county appropriation as Whs made last 800 shafeo a t a par value o f $26 a to get in touch w ith things in ham carried t i e hall over the Marsh- Voar— $2fi00 fo r the county agent's and 96 per cent o f that was beer— so L , g informs us ttart the meeting o f ■hare. that it can easily bee seen what would the court to act on the budgri w ill bo States again! f t w ill ln- fflee and $1800 fo r the home demon- , .field line, only to lose the score when tration agent's office. The eourt ad% happen i f the national lew was j held ths latter part o f this month, pro- u 7‘J o _ f our readers to ’ / learn e Referee Fisher declared he had rpn -.E x hi bit« Mr. Smith, w ho is in charge | ^ f Those on the side lines vised them to be present to make their amended and 2.76 beer made allowable bnbly on the 29th and 80lh and that out o f bounds. . H Everyone who has anything saitabk aa a beverage. | i f they can serve, th e citizens to act desiare he did not. M yrtle Point has arguments In fa v o r o f including that wRh them a t that tim e will be A . H. for exhfiikion at thè Cora Show ia amount in the county's budget at their the strongest team in the comity this leeted to get R in bere Ih# trae Another scrub bull round-up k to I Powers, T. P. H an k y and Henry county’s own J. L., who is no year and outplayed Marshfield all the meeting early in December. pari of that week. It k a big | be held soon after the Coti) C<*n Show, nays | Sengstacken. s newspaper man himself, way. get thè exhibit* gathered and •toy here was all too Ir ie f, Roy Stewart in “ R ID E R S O F TH E J . L l Smith, date to be announced hit- Zane G rey’s “ R ID E R S OF THE and thè eoaamittee wiD approdate Anyone having a scrub bull o r any ride across to F o rt W illiam There will be a danee Saturday eve- D A W N ” by Zane Grey a* the Liber­ other stock they want to ship out DAW N” at the Liberty Nov. Sand 9. earty arrivai ef < Northwestern shore o f Lake ping, Nov. 6, at Goulds’ Hall. M u s k ty Nov. 8 and 8. See the program on should notify Mr. Imhh. ! ■ * the program «■ pago thr page three. ; > by Eula P s t n » « ’» orehestra. on seventh pago.) v i» \ ^ t r s r r lhiinature t1 of t!* C..L. hawley WILL SPEAK FISHING OUT A T SEA