m H O M E of Prod HAVE » $500 21 C oyotes i and 22 Wildcats Captured by the Paid Trapper* Was — f-------- Elmer Williams, Pradatory Animal Inspector, of Portland, waa a caller of her mother, Mrs. at the Sentinel offlce Tuesday evening, •dor, a t Norway, and and gave us soma interesting infonaa- ig word of his illness si lion regarding the results obtained by for Roaebury >but new [the abolishing of the bounty system earns bofcre she had for coyotes and wild eats killed. Two months and a half ago two hunter», .John E. i-amb and Prank Robeson, slstar of Mrs. Licagar, but she has were employed to trap and kill theaa not y e t received any wend as to the I varmint». la. th at time they have sx- caaae of Mr. U negar’s death or when terminated 21 coyotes, 22 bobcats and ths funeral was held. « bear, a t a coat to the county of ----------------------- j 1278.67. One hunter U paid by the To Sell $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 B onds county ami o u by the government. At the «melon of the county court I ‘J animals had been paid for by WodneaAsy the district attorney was ^ houaty •"■ ¡J «Ttt-uvtod to thka ths necessary stops wouW k*T' «*P«<**1 »7«*—«early for selling one-half of tho *300,000 T r—- worth of road authorised last bo*a t7 on coyotoe was *S oa ho diad 0 « Saturday. I I baa» op front Cali I tti, ¡too. H e s r y Frosts This Week the annual Corn fall ware considerably lea- * e first of tkfc wash by tho r which loft tho 4 • 1 A •P tho North Par« on of ton «*>.?** *> ASKING TAX REDUCTION y— *■* MILLER GOES saw M in is s i. lot a t th c Dotobor maoton of i I for tha Bridge My r So mash of this is ■ hat «a» ha d oaa.w wi ewdad that th# hoartUmTpurcha*- two additional typewriters for tho ■kJ*. e ■’ * the Bank* of Myrtle Point, wa« brought down hors last Friday even­ ing by M arti»! Redoli and tekan be­ fore Justice J. J. Stanley oa tha charge of larceny hy ombsorlomsnO preferred by Z. T. Johnson, of that bank. Ho gave bead for hia appoar- snes and waivod examination, Ms aasa going diroot to tha grand Jury which The Sisters of Mercy also present­ ed a petition th at the land recently purchased for a hospital site a t North Band ba exempted from taxation, th is was Signed by J. F. Hall, Pstsr loggia, P. W. Stevens, Jno. <1. Mul­ tan, Kruse * Banks, Gordt A King. Jno. H. Graves, C. t . Kibler, Sisters of Mercy, C. S. Wfamor, Simpson Es­ tate Co., Wlnsor A Falkorotin, L. J. Simpson and Dr. P . M. White. T h ese G oing to C oller* The itadoaCs, who will attend tha University of Oregon this year from Sot)utile sad vicinity, as fa r as can be learned, arc Ausila and Marjorie in ths Myrtlo Grove last Monday af- toraoon when all th s professional, ■ami-professional sad amateur pitch­ ers of the- d ty gathered to settle the horseehbo championship of Coquilb. Pinal honors went to two of the Oerd- ing brothers—George and -Will. Jay Smith and Bert Folsom pitched all afternoon, losing but one game, until they wont up against Bd Lorens and Barry Oordlng, who boat thorn two out of throe. Urn«« two pfumptly loot tho honors, though, to tho Oord- ings above mentioned, who can now be acclaimed as the champion horse­ shoe pitchers in doubles i f the Co- anffie valley—until some other es- Tha offense for which Mr. Annin pres arrested Is th at of taking two Canadian beads belonging to M. T. Thomas, o f California, and using thorn as a u n ty la securing a loan. They Ju d been loft with him whoa president of tha bank. Mr. Annin says the bonds are still R eleased to E trn H is F ine H. W. Duncan, w h o was arreatod last month and fined *200 and son- .encod to six months in jail for stor- > lag liquor In ths 8.' P. depot a t March- field during tho Elks’ convention, was released from Jail Wednesday. Ha had borrowed *200 to pay hia fine and *100 more to' pot up as cash bail for his return later to serve out the rest of his sentence, end h a is released now O ut Mb might get out and a n this amount. He had moved about twenty days of his sentence. He left yesterday for Newberg where he has a job waiting tor him. Shooting W ith A n E xpert A bunch of local revolver marks­ men were, out with B. H. Craddock, Portland police inspector, this aura» ing doing a littls target practising, but pone of them could approach the excellence of the Porilaad man’s wore put in the buDs’eye a t twenty yards, and he stated that ha was off on account of raeent sickness. — * i-tv -. .f.V.J