The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 09, 1921, Image 2

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it store you
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o f this discount it’s
you’ll be surprised how
trehases will en-
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M. Olson and
fa t Elk. A
*8:30s.m .
7:86 a. m.
at Coaat Aato I law «Bee,
t the Baxter Hal
Mr H enM ill
L 2, . 3, 4, 5, 7 p. m.
for CoaaiOa
1 , 2 , 3 * t í 10 p. M.
12 Matead of 10
Myrtle Point - Coquille
Laar« Myrtle Petal far Catadle
T :U t a l M p a «
. Leere Coquille for Myrtle Point
vet a. m. SMt p. a «Mtpcpu TMt p. au
Bandon - Coquille
Learea He eine fer CetMfc
5:38 8:88 1.-88 2:80 5:88
Lea vea Coq ailla for Baade*
8:88 16*6 2 *6 4*0 3:88
5' M
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' “ W^pryaat,
City Cleaners Clean Clothes Clean
ad da Sewtag of hO Made.
City Cleaners & Tailors
nm ol a t
Coquille» Oragoa
Under now management
Fresh Bread, Cakes aid
ËÊ ,
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is ,!.,.—
George Black, M raB laek aad the
little Blacks, s f MsrsMsld, Ffed
Weaver, Mrs. Weaver add the little
Weavers, o f Ceos Btv«r, same up fgr
a camping trip on U s East Forte Sat­
urday night aad ntunmd Monday .
Mr. Langwurtoy aad son, of Marsh­
field, wars aba enjoying with Lloyd
Tea therm on and too Howe boys the
sesnory of the Mast Fork and the Ash­
ing gams.
Keith Leslie sad Hugh Harioeker
camped at toe chib grtmnde and
fished. v
1 mm EAftodf who ittin d il M m
Benkie-Walker businssa college la
Portland fo r a few weeks this sum­
mer, is teaching in the Ugh school at
Pilot Rock.
May, a little girl in
whom Ines becanu
in Portland, has s homo at
Glade ranch. Shp got here Saturday.
pened Tuesday, Bept.
Watsoa tram O. A . C. has
up bar duties la toe High
with M ia Agee as principal.
Seven at the w wnkwi o f the Wo­
man’s foreign missionary society of
Johnson’s MU held their annual mast­
ing at Mrs. M. L Todd’s Met Friday
Fat KDc school had hot ono pupil
in too Sth grade this year, Warren
Fish, who took the examination last
week aad pas
Helen Cluster
Mr. and Mrs. Hex. Root end family,
[o f California, are here visiting rela­
day night to aaeet thorn at Eugene
tives sad friends.
The Myrtle Point tele­
Arngo oehosl hoard will receive bids
graph operator mailed too dispatch
far healing the pupils to and from
and it cuau in too awQ Saturday.
school this winter.
Ines had to come oa to Coquflk, toe
Mary and Minnie Root,
Friday morning to
daughters of Mr. aad Mrs. J. S. Soot,
coma to Coqullle. She caught a stags,
of Granada, CaML, have corns to at-
Arpgo high oehooi this winter. net lass aad May at the Coquilie
They will make their hoase with their cst room. Ines took too night train
for Portland and had to be at Pilot
iter, Mrs. Robert Mumford.
Hr. and Mrs. C. E. Carl, formerly Rock, Bastem Oregon, by Monday
of Myrtle Point, but lately of the
Lanier University mast be soars
eastern states, made a short visit with
Mr. Carl’s brother, J. D. Carl, and university whan the “colonel,” who Is
toe Mg Ike of the Ku Kluxers, can ha
family Thursday evening on their
to ha Its president. The bol-
San Francisco, where they
sad the Kn Klavas* are
had attended the national convention
for pretenses of the more holy
of the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Carl, who
was formerly Mias Linnie Gamut, of then thou kind; their holiness la all
drawn from toe depths of the pit and
Myrtle Point, has travelled
fer the past five years their ability as "educators” is that of
lecturing for the W. C. T. U. through- a slugger arid murderer. I f Lanier
m states, having lectured University would import some bebfce-
in 88 different states. Sin*, last Jan- vikists from Russia far prof essors,
ury and ap to July tat toe has given they sad .the Ku Khu president would
a great (warn fa r gelling
a n addresses. Mr. Carl for the last
four yean has boon connected with their inapirafien from the depths ad
the government survey, in which he the pit.
Good morning Mr. Normalcy, a
covered the otatso from Florida to too
Canadian boundary. Thoy drove from question if you plans«. Why do you
Iowa in their car having driven 6,000 crawfish? If U is all right to meko
a “scrap of paper” of too treaty at
miles in the last ninety days.
the Panama Canal with England, why
you ask emigres« to delay the
worth haring, the pria« M a * a see- scrapping; is it because you am do­
st the forks of ton road where
ondary konsidlrutio«. A t tha Liber-
the sign boards toad to honor and
B. A. Easton.
■ -i
Party Fa’
Place Cards» Invitations» Light
.Shad fit | Birth Announcem enU,
CoafNtuhtim l Cards, Birthday Cards • See
Our Window.
J ablat«, Blanks, Erasers, Pencils, Pen Holders
Fruit Jar Sale
1 qt Economy
$135 doz
1 qt
¿ $ 1 0 doz
2 qt Economy
1.75 doz
The Stove Store
North Bead Hotel
L. N. Hub, od The Dalles, renerai
piote Ih«
ad toa Mar ftra «tory hotel bttbn to got
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