The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 20, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    i t to
■ m ta m m w w m m m m m n m i
W. H.
- V V
V J. L
nm O n
C oen* Cm-ryl
Mra. B. W.
x & jt
* a L i Wl
In fa r a henee, «
his la te n t the eernur et P in t and rind n
Henry etraeta, and th b wank the car-
■ W W A
Aug. 27. M ayboU oJordb Millinery,
John ' Loughlin, an Ashland Job
printer, of the B ita, who «ail­ tag, K might ha a wins thing to
the Saga and decorations *
ed a t the Sentinel cAee b a t Friday.
man hanging an the street» for
V. R. Wilson returned last S tu ­ the pant week.
di* from his trip down to Oakland,
Mr. and Mra, M L Onlliferd are en­
Calif., with Pani WOnen aad fhmBp.
joying a visit from their daughter,
Mrs. C. C. Clash sad her daughter,
Ford’s Millinery in
Miss Norma 8holta, of Baedaport.
patent dreaamnker. Give w as trial. 'Hie latter is an operator in the tel»-
I exchange t h a n
Mrs, Y. B WOeea and children *nH
down to Banden yesterday te apead a
dew days a t the Barton bend* cabin. mtd lkSMhBy '
Optical repairs of all
/ Bed Trading Stamps given with all duplicated.
kinds dona white you wuB. Glasses
about them. Maybaib Ford’s Milita- fitted. By V. B. Wilson, “Optomet-
trte t* CoqaBle, Oregon. ,
A Suit Made to Yew Measure from
r stepping a t the $22 up, B d'V . Prise * Co., Beyul
Tailors; B. H. Churchill A C e, United
Tailors and Golden State
Tailors. Style, Quality and Values
begins knee year at City Cleaners * Tailors.
by Dr. Y. H. Cor-
nutt. Examinations fron. Kama 27. The party who took six dollars
Bledsoe Souse.
21 tl* from a purse fat the bathhouse Wed-
and an ivory
Baymead E. Bams earns dawn from a sa$ case, is known aad will
from Bacane Monday far a short vielt
by returning them fin-
a t heme. He sap míe te re ta n Mum med lately to their owner.
B a ta ra F n m V talt la Jmckaam
Mr.-«ad Mr*. J . H. Radabaugk «ad
family returned Sunday from a rW t
U Mr*. Radabsugh's par.nO , Mr.
aad M m . Gao. W. Wimer a t Central
Paint, Jackson county, Oregon. ab a
extending their trip to Ashland and
Madford. On their return they vieit-
ad a aia ta r , Mra. W . N . Campbell, and
family a t G reats Past, alaa a brother,
Charles Wimar, nans Bosehurg. They
made the trfc by ante. Mr. and Mra.
Wimar war* formerly enbatantlal elt-
iaana of tMa county, haring far a
t o C r a fh y
th e K o d ak w ay i t lena expnnarve th a n
th in lfA o u r p rice cards d e m o n stra te i t A n d an y
rifT s sim p le re w o rk —wc can read ily show yo u
easy it is,
* ,
Autographic Kodaks from $ 8 .0 0 mp
Brownies $2 .0 0 ip
Drug Store
Cosmopolitan's big f e t t a tore
story, “HELIOTBOPE," a second
H umoreeque win be a t the Liberty
August S6 and SI. Boa the pregram
W. L. Kedderly, of the estañaba
service a t Corvallis, was in Cequill^
M a ’l S T L d H r supposed
■ M M W ad e is
whipping the treat
Agm* Ftar.
A t least ha took out a fish­
J. 8. Lawrence and A, J. Sherwood ing license teat Saturday.
drove dawn to Banden y tal today to
A. B. Martin aad C.J). Bitter, who I
see B. H. Bees, who b In a very orit- have been i^ndeoHng the Cash Mar­
bal condition. '
ket to P in t struct, dissolved partner­
B. J . Galbraith left
ship Tuesday, Mr. B itter taking over |
amad by Urn improreaaante on the
following dea cribad lands V ¿, .
Ranch C, M aerea, $U0 par nera.
Baneh D, 40 aerea, $170 per acre.
Bondi E, 40 aerea, $160 per aere.
Baneh F, 40 area, $200 pet aera.
Make year long, dark
ant by redding with’ good, weP fitted
glasees. See Bireh said See Better?
F Dr. G. W. Latito,
sieten, win be at Coqullle Taeaday,
1:20 to 4:60.
ib stern.
Mrs. L Myiharg returned to Co­
pulile Monday after a viale of several
weeks at Wood bun». Ore., aad wttk
relative« near White Bahnen, Weak.
Mrs. B. E. Johnson aad daughter.
Mary Esther, aad Mrs. Ida E. Owen
went up to Portland by Monday
night’s troia for :a visit of severs!
Mr. aad Mrs. Otto Devia returned
last Friday from a short
;v trip to Eugene. There was toe
work On toe ranch for him to I
sent long.
> . f } •*
D ft. V , H . C O R N U TT
General Hauling
and Delivery
To all p arts of the City.
Meet all T rains and Boats.
E. E. Johnson Mill Wood
and Shingles
Gee. McAdams was released
the county Jail
serving a sent«
for contempt of eour
Judge Coke.
Mr. and Mrs. Bari
have been . living on the El ret* Me
ranch up the river, left yesterday by
auto for MeKIttriek, C alif, to
the winter.
40 Acres, fine bottom land under
high state of cultivation, vary aecas-
sahle, good bouae sad bam, goad
’smily orchard, water to house aad
bam, with is ana mile of high school;
team and wagon, 16 hand of Grade
Jersey milk eowo, farm implements.
This k a vary fine place. Price right.
Terms. W rite or eaD an T. A. Walk­
er, Farm ers and Marckants Bank
Building, Coqaiiu, Ora.
Cosmopolitan's big father Jove
story, “HELIOTROPE,” e second Hu­
moresque will be at the Liberty An
guft 20 and $1. See the program en
page three.
to North B.
exhibition gt
ners. The |
Sunday and
Mra. W. Y. Glabyor and children
tamed last Meaday from their two
m ita’ visit in the north. That af-
tranem they and Dr. Glateyer
ih * O T ) Band on for month on tho
Naiisell Transfer
aal Delivery |
The Pythian Sister* are advertising
a Calleo Bali and card party In the
K. P. hall next Wednenday evening,
Aug. t l . A vary capable orchestra
Phone 10U
beside the card games there will ha
pool and billarda as entertainment
features. No fancy or silk dress will
be allowed in the hall except on the
payment at a heavy fine. Admission
Rogue R iver Steelhead
• ■ ■J Buck Flies
xFor your vacation—for the last big days of the fish*
ing season—ddn’t take a chance o f losing a big
one by not having the tackle. ' ^
delight to t
>e ef too dan
ed that the benefit dance for the”Ge-
quilie hern ball tiub will be held to
form, apposite t%> Liberty Theatre,
b~ k-
Hemstitching dono while yon w ait
Compare work with others. S
m your ewa curiosity. All work
i i i ’.
antead. Priées 10 aad 12 1-2
£*• ; •• > per yard. Mrs. Maybelle Ford’s Mil­
, •
figs ¿ i
The Mg father leve story, “HEU-
TROPE," win be a t toe Liberty
Theatre August 20 aad 21. Baa ton
tom orrow , (Saturday), evening.’ Came
out and help boost the club’s finances,
«ides having • goad time ymnraeM,^
tf Humoresque pleased you “HELI­
OTROPE” will please you eve* bat­
ten a t the Liberty August SO aad t l .
We have the rod, reel or bait th a t you have been
**^ lo o k in g for.
Coquille Hardware Co.
' a m
im r a a s m
UUy aad probably
•trrillty dne to the
m « »
' "i ■p* *
;s ■
K S L ¿T
'■LuA àîs'k
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