H gH p£ ■ T e *1 W iiC P W 4 i} e Q .* ' to made in writing rtwd to mc ta w q a k k ir i ■lar savings add up. aad a*k as about it. Wt’re rV ’ Fanners & Merchants Bank '* • ‘ , o f Coquille, Oregon hereby riven th at the mcil will receive sealed bide for the improv«MM Mi from the hard curface ioulton street “ Electricity Saved Me from Failure!” tcrUlly conflict with the completion of the remaining portion. Forme for bids aad contract and bond may to non accompanied by unit prices for w t i m t i i g additions or deductions. The Common Council reeorvbe the ¿ £ 5*3 H igher wages and snort­ er hours, together with keen competition on prices, had m e with my back to the wall just a year ago. Then I put in Electric Power with G -E M o to rs amount of the contract. > work to to completed within days from the date of award- to contract, time being of the co thereof. i any objections to the acid . specifications or octiamtac or to y do not conform to the peti- communicable disease; to educate ev­ ery chad te do the tiring* to is to st fitted for; to drain ovary «wamp; make the daeert bloeaonm as the rose by irrigation; make fruitful every acre; in short make this old earth an hundred times to tte r a place to live in than it is today. H. W. Y. Aa p art of a nation-wide campaign, I j a “clean-up” squad of the newly o r - jtr ganised veterans’ bureau, having headquarters a t 3settle, will visit several Oregon cities this weak and ala next, according to word received by | Cri American Legion head quarters in Portland. H j The squad, which te working an- lean der the recently passed Sweet bill’s » » provisions, is under direct control of lri*' the district manager for the boreau 31tj of war risk insurance a t Seattle and — proposes to help ex-service men who have unsettled claims against the j, government, and to advise them of Lar their rights under the Sweet b ill twe This “deen-np” squad is expected ^ in Coos county soon but the date has |c OB not yet been definitely determined. L y ilous furnishings; the choicest, the 'heaviest and moat beautifully woven linens the looms of the world pro- dace cover the tables; on them is'dis­ played aO th at la moat priceless to ceramic art, the m eat wonderful pet- and now competition doe* ^ not worry mc as my re- ¿j* duced operating costs leave a good margin of profit Yet, I get m y power, front Mountain States Power Company Phone 71 Coquille Have you seen our new stock of A gate R ings Lavalieres Charms and Loose Stones — MB W . H, Sthroeder & Sons LONG’S Machine and Repair Shop We specialize in Carbaretor, Philadelphia Batteries 1 ^ . w Witha Twa Year fiaraotee Phone. 611 ¿a teiiiiMm.fi WamESA Acetjleae Weldlar lichiae aad Alto Jte- pairing At Graham’s Garage