NOSLER’S C A S H STO! SAVE MONEY BY PAYING CASH ona registered and oae eligible to 110. B. A . 2*4* :¿ ffîwZL FOB SALE—2 acraa aad goad f - room modern *houas. Lota o f fruit. Oarage and ehlekan house. On Co- A THUBSDAY. t. A Bice Gr*?s aide, the Blue unaa Aristócrata, la that waa beat in their chivalry. À fighting folk of the moimtaina, led who flamed with pride in his peopi the Capitol halls and lonely UUa wl f eren cea by taking “an eye for an < tooth.“ ... Friday night, Coquille be a desarted village*** Ai» jiMui'lWlM . j iM », hells Sturdivant 4» 0 * Barg J; U ft o . b o n —Myrtle Potei 4, Co­ quille 4; Strode out—By Sturdivant t, by Bor» 11; Tw« base hit- Booth, S — lot T h m hOM hit—Keene; Home run— Keene, Doubl« utero—AMMIL WANTEb TO LEAAE-Ay te U d ì« te Binde. Rosella to Davi«; kibla dairymaa, small dairy farm A petition waa filed Aug. 24 nakin? Hit by pitcher—Sturdivant; Stolon with food buildings, close to mar- for the appointment of an admtois-, basai— Ringle, Abbott; Sacrifica bits hat. F. D. Hutch im o«,-.Dundee, trator of the «aiate of Rienpi J. W d- —Owrdteg, Smith, Abbott, Nystrowi. Orecon. 5U2* rath, dace a ted, which (a ectinmtad to ------------------------------------------ ----- ‘* "0*181 of $1420 of rad pi «party and OB BALE—1 1-4 acre» on Spurgeon *1820 personal. “KING OF T H I CIRCUS” Episode Na^.18. Don’t misa this last episode. WANTED TO RgNT— A ternishsll house with bath. A l rsferan x-s. P. O. Box A Coquille. SOtf SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 “TH I UNKNOWN WIFE” Marshfield CoquiileMyrtle Point-Roseburj AUTO STAGES A Universal Picture This is a fast moving melo­ drama ¿with just laughs enough to make It enjoy- ibie. The Star appears as a girl who leaves a church- Marshfield • Roseburg L n w » MsrehlaM at 7:0t a. m . Leaves Coquille at S:4M a. m. Leaves Gnerin Hotel, Myrtle Point at S:30 a. m Leaven Hotel U m « , Roeeburg at 7:00 a. m W l USB 7-PASSBNGKR CADILLAC 8 CARS Tickets far Rsaaknrg an «de at Coast Ants Lines oflet telephone 371. s a i at the Baxter Hotel Marshfield - Coquille ä Leave Coquille for Marshfield 7.8,0,10,11a.«. / " 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 p.m. Leave MsrahAeM for Constile 7, 8, 0, 10. 11 a. m. 1, 2, 3, A 6, 10 P- m. Saturday night only, leaves Marshfleld at 1 ÿ Instead of 1C Coquille :14 a.m . M « a .a lsM p. n . liM p -m . Ite p m . œ AST , AUTO LINES Ceargà W. Wyant. Manager , j , - > '■ < ,